HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 237, January 29, 1917. , sy �t'a�%•H'r9 �,•�� "/ `r.t+�. �,� -» t.• , .y � `C <y `'1'•C fiYr' iT1Mi-. r 7 q4� t": \ T -r o) 1.r.fP.� ..
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Jananav EPA i9%_9•
e On Motion of Member Washington, A RESOLUTION.TKUINATING THE SERYICE.3 i
4 ' TO FILL THE YnCnNOY CAUSED 'REMY, was given its passage upon call of the roll by.,,
the following vote: Yeoe Burne Graves L'arton & Wushi ton- 4. N
. ng � n8 eY. Gardner, -I.
Member Gardner offerred as substitution for the name of -R, r. Oourieu: r
the name of J. 0. Maret- but said motion was ruled out of order by the Mayor. ;r''i ,,•
C On motion of Mayor. Burns, that the police authority of J. E. Taylor es .
}_ special .offioer of the City of Paducah be hereby oonoelled-. carried upon call of j
v' the roll by 6 yens.'''.
! y it On motion of Member Washington, that the Mayor's action in signing'oontraot
..jwith S. M. Smith for rent of Pest House and•Oity:Farm be ratified.carried .upon
call of the roll by the following votes 6 yeas.
On motion of Member Darton. that T. H. Trios be granted a deed to Lot 78
i •','4'`. in Block One, Oak Grove Cemetery, treasurer's receipt for $40.00 being hereto
attnohed- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
On motion the Hoard ndjournad,upon cull of the roll by the following vote t.:...,
Yana, Burne, Gardner, Gsaves, Darton L• Washington- 6.
# . '• t ." f' Adopted - r i' „t-7- AFPRO�%811] f ..
Cal Claro
January E9th,1919 i.
At a regular moeting.of the Board of Oommieelonere held in the Council
Chamber of the City Hall. Paducah. Sy. on January'E9, 1919, ,upon cell of the roil
j the following answered their gamest Burns, Gardner. Graves. Marton and Washington. 6
' On motion of Member Yarton.the minutes of a regular meeting held on Jan. }
88. •1917 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 ysae.
(.' On motion of Member Gardner, that deed be executed and delivered to Frank
`r D. Clark fo,s Lot 44 Block One Oak Grove Cemetery. ~
ry. Treasurer's receipt tot $80.00
being attached hereto- carried upon cell of the roll by 6 Pees,
i• j;
On motion of the above, that the Supt. of the Light Plant, Mr.' Force. 'be
Instructed to place alight at the corner of 6th and Harrison Ste., 1n a000rdanoe
• .•, !!with recommendation of Com'r of Property and Supt. of Light Plant herewith filed.
carried upon cell of the roil by 6 yeae.
On motion of Member Washington, that the pay roll for the street department I( y
I�for the 'week ending Jan. 27. 1917, amounting to $184.06, not covered by.ordinanas, .
I."r}r:lY be allowed, carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
„-. On motion of the above, that the Oom'r of Pub Property invesikigate na to
i' the advisability of putting a street light on Monroe street where 18th etseet world
be if.extended, ea per request of citizens on this street, and if found needed, that
he give necessary instructions to have light ereoted- carried upon call of the roll by.I
f. 6 . yeaa.
On motion of Member Marton, that the report of Jan. D. Smith, expert
accountant P'
. for the.year 1916. showing the audit and examination of the books and �,•;•;,•,,; ,;
records of the City of Psduoeh 'tor a period of twelve months; from Jan. Is to Dec. '
I; 81st. 1916. Inclusive, be received, filed and.publiahed In the official newspaper,
and that the Com's of Finanoe be authorized.
to, have at least E60 copies of same
`r printed In pamphlet form- carried upon call of the loll by 6 yeas.
_ c�s,�va�vs�e, .. snarr�rsa�a�•�vcs�r•�;-�rr..+arwc�, .< ,, -..
- •r'• �ti.7 `�^_ .;.x_ r. ,� MC 'tl '.7 _ti � ti-% ;wi {I.r,'� 1''. +•v-� `� tw;.-- :'C " 'r'z� ti �"; i2+•r ��•r�Z,. �T �, .
.r .r.:• ,,<. µii: y. ki .. ..
' - n:r� •s T. 11 .. y. .} �Jr�. ..
Commissioner's Proceedings, 'City of Paducah Janaars E9th /91 * oontinued
on motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll,by the following Totes leas. .'
Burns, Gardner. Crazes. Yatton, and Washington -.6.
e+C J p, Ado d
;•�'�. ! �• Cly 4M J .. . •, �•��UIY I _ ., ,.
e February E. 1817.
`At a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners held 4n the Council Oh amber of,
the City Hall, Paducah, gar. on February E. 1917, upon call of the roll the following
�..i answered their names: Burne, Gardner, Grazes. Marton and Washington- 6.
E'. On motion of Member Marton. that the report of the auditor and�Com'r of..Finanoe
be received and filed. for the month of January. and that the amount of $13.419.69
be allowed and checks issued for same- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
wodr, OULIPA, OUROn motion of Member Grazes, that the recommendation of the Com'r of Pubalo works
with reference to the scoeptanoe of the work and improvement on Monroe street oom-
r` menoing on.the East line of Lots $4 and ¢13 in.what is known as the Fountain Park
11 g: Addition to the City of Paducah, be concurred in- and tlat said work be and the same is
hereby accepted in accordance with the .contract with Harry Rose, and that an assedeaent
ordinance be drem.and presented to the Board of Commissioners at their nest meeting J' _
y ,• apportioning the cost of same among the property owners, carried upon call of .the roil
by 6 yese.
4 On motion of Member Marton. that the expensed of P. H. Burns. Mayor. to Louiszilli
Eti 1p.Ma,� i' on Jan. E9th, to investigate the industrial plant proposed by a certain engineer of ?
Louisville. to be located is the oily of Paducah- said expenses ®ounting to iE1.76
be allowed- carried upon dell of the roll by 6 ye". j
On motion the. Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votei Teas.!
;`i ( �• Burns. Gardner, Graves. Marton end Washington- 6. i
A do
iii �' cwr l FEBRUARY 6th. 1917.
;..'. f.
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council Chamber
• ` ;• ."of.the Oity Hall. Paduoah; Xy., on February. 6. 1917, upon call of the roll the follow-
'�' ": -• *Ing answered their names:, Burne. Gardner, Marton and Washington- 4.
On motion -of Member Gardner, the.minutas of a regular meeting held on. Jon U&27
29th, 1917 and'Of'a special meeting held on P9brnary,E. were'adopted ea read upon
ball of the .roll- bq•the:• following, Tote':'.Yoga ;•Burne, Gardner.: -Merton and Washington- 4.
On motion of the above..that a dead be executed and delivered to �.. R. Trios
for lot 74 in Block One.oa Baker 9t., Oak Grove Cemetery, treasurer's receipt for
:f $40.00 being attached hereto- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. .
On motion of the above, that the Northeast quarter of Lot No. 61, Block No. 4 i:b
I }
In Oak Grove Cemetery be transferred from J. D. Eubank, deceased, to Geo. R.1. Wallis; �.
es per. written authority of Yrs. J. D. Eubank hereto attached- carried upon call
of the roll by.4 gene.
On motion of the above,,that the petition of oitiaens requesting the letting -I +`
75eg J yy;q.,, of:oontraot to Tboo. H.'*Torian to clear. and remove all standing timber from 25th -St.; .
be referred -to the Com'r of Public Works and City 8olioit6r- carried upon call of
the"roll by 4 yeas. I.
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