HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 232, January 8, 1917�, ^� .�7 u. � Y.�.� `�.'fF� •M:.V +4' l �t ,,e �yC'•f - �. r u-•`. ��•r rfwr.c•C4^ er--+su { - r7 tfi
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah January 4th
on motion of Member Washington. that the.Com'r of Pinanoe be instructed to leans
Ate• � • '•.;:.
Lo Prosser &.Halliday improvement warrant amounting to 074.60 ibr work done during the
month of Dec. 1816 on contract for oonetruation of aide*elke,80. on 91xth Sto from
9. Washington street to Tenn. St., as per report of Com'r of Public Works hereto attnohed, "..
carried upon oall of the roll by 4.yeas.
,. I
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll bythe following vote:.
''Yeas,'Burne. Gardner,.Marton and Washington- 4.
j, Ado tcd Z— i i91�.
--cu; cwt i i • ... i
'• JANUARY 8th. 1917.
_ At.a'regular meeting of the Board of. Commissioners, held in the Council Chamber;.
>' of the City Hall, Psduoah, Ientuoky, on Jan. 8. 1917, upon call of the roll the
following answered their names: Burne, Gardner, and.Washington- 3. '
�. On motion of Member Gardner, the minutes of a special meeting held on Jan. E.
and of a special meeting of January 4, 1917 were adopted as read Don call of'the roll
by 3 yeas.
On motion of Mayor Burne, that the amount of $660.00, heretofore spent by the
0 oe .�i Board of Trade,- as per attached itemized statement, in connection with the Armor Plate
plant on
1n� ,i'gn, be paid by the City, and that said amount be considered In connection
with the annual donation to the Board of Trade- carried upon call of the roll by 3 yeas.
On motion of -Member Gardner, that the oomttAwioatlon of Mr. Wip. Marble, regard -
Ing the establishment of a municipal Employment Bureau, be received and referred to
the. commissioners as a whole for action- carried upon call of the roll by 3 yeas.
u On motion of the above, that a deed be executed and delivered to Almada Howell
!10 ►_.I, for Lot Twenty, Block ahree, Oak Grove Cemetery, treasurer's receipt for 430.00 being
hereto attoohed- same carried upon call of .the roll by 3 yeas.. '
On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Public Safety use the entire. force
{ of plain clothes men and policemen in eeouring evidence with which to oonviot the
....�...Q cc gbmbling houses alleged,to be in operation in the down town district, if it Is true
that such gambling houses are being operated- and that -he report the facts in these '
;matters to this body.on next Monday- carried upon cell of the roll by 3 gees.
i. On motion of the above,'that. whereas, it. ie reported that bawdy honaas are
.dt�4sV' being operated in.Paduoah, and whereae. a bawdy house Is a public nuisance. that the .
Com'r'of Public Safety employ the entire police force in investigating the matter, and
If evidence is secured sufficient to oonviot that he have warrants leaned for all
«.>•' persona partiodpating in such violation of law- carried upon call of the roll by 3 yeas..
On motion of Member Washington, that the:amount of $964.41 be allowed end
Q check issued to Prosser & Halliday, as par oontraoL_with the City for the. oobstruotion
.+ of oonosete sidewalks, driveways. gutters, etc., this amount to be paid from the: Special
Street 'Fund
,- carried upon cell of the roll by.3 yeas.,
on motion of the above, that the financial ,stntemenL for the month of December.,.. r'
1916, be reoelved';.filed and published in the official newspaper- oerried upon call
,.= -ot the. roll by. 3. yens.
On motion of the eDove,.that the Mayor and, Commieeionere ratify the.appolntmen11
of Alexander. Kirkland, J. Wee Troutman and Y: W. Clark as members of the Board of =
Supervisors, as submitted.by the Com'r of Finance. for'the year 1917 -.carried upon call
i. of the roll.by 3 yeas.'
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah— Tannery Sth jgj7 oonLinued
: On motion of Member Washington, that =2749.81 be paid from the speolal etreet
fund to the Cit National Bank to take,xn street i
' F p mprovement Donde and interest
coupons on same- now held by said bank, carried upon call of the roll by the.following�';
• i. vote: Yeae, Burne, Gardner and Washirigton- 3.
On motion of the above, that the pay roll for the Street Department for the
:°- week ending Jan. 6, 1917, amounting to $146.40, not covered by ordinanos, be allowed,
I1 same oarrial upon o{11'of the roll by 3 yeas. "• °''_
I; On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Finance pay into the Special Sewer
13 I Fund, for the improvement of Jones Street from 12th to 13th streets, $48.00, and
. 4
s charge acme to the contingent fund, as per attached report-. same carried upon oall
!'• d of the roll by 3 yeas.
On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Finance be authorised to pay to
bis ii Richard Bell'4112.00 out of the 'special Street Fund, belft amount of cash oolleoted
16Wfor the improvement of Jones street from 12th to 13th streets- as per attached report,
carried ypon cell of the roll by 3 yeas.
�s9! On motion of.the above, that the City 3oliaitor be instructed to draw the
t�N Improvement Bond for the grading and graveling of Jones street from 12th to 13th al_
street, amounting to $308.00- this being the amount of those taking advantage of the
" N'Len year payment plop- said bonds to be turned over to contractor Richard Sell, carried
upon call. of .the roll by 3 yeas.
on motion of the above, that T. J. Smith be refunded $1.60 poll taxes assessed
r•� him I '
erroneously, as he is a oitiaen of LaSalle, Ky.. sass having been paid by him
Into the city treusury- carried upon call of the roll by three yeee.
On motion of Mayor Burne, that the matter of erroneous assessment on automobile
, y of Eula Garrott be referred to the-Com'r of Finance and the Board of Supervisors-
carried upon call of the roll by 3 yeas.
On motion of the above, that the matter of lensing the city form and the matter'.'
' •' of employing a keeper.of the Peet House be taken up immediately by the Board of =;
Cosswissionere as a whole- curried upon oull.of the roll by 3 yeee. :.
[ Member Graves enters the meeting.
„r AA) ;. on motion of Member Gardner, that the Report made by the City Solicitor, Jno. t.
X. Hendrioke, be referred back to him and also to the Assistant City Solicitor fo;
further Investigation as to the tan d charter
B day provisions of the oily of Paducah in
reference to'sleotion of 1884, carried upon call of the roll bY Lhe following vote:
�-Yeee, Burns, Gardner,.Graves and Washington. 4.
� On motion of Member Graves, that the communication of the Library Board requeet.j'.,•.``.'%•.
a644 Ing the reappointment of kr. 7m. Hummel as a member of said Board, be received and
�wvexiwwr� carried upon oall of the roll by 4 yeas.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes : ~-`•
Yeas. Burne, Gardner, Graves and Washington- 4. l
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