HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 231, January 4, 1917r 1*l�y+J'•'J�'g Yf}'• �*�-t� 7yF'r, t !"!•'h �." _'t"�}1'"r''i� 1F'`SAT-,+.fi�.d�r'(�tu•S.'�"rnx^ ti ,t S )'_{')'S:' i ,4,Y' .".
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• .y„, I:L„•.•,�"�.+, •79re.^,�lAsan;; t...q-m.r-'r-t. -,; sir �,a•:ar;:�'C1,
. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah January Sd 191 oobtlnned s
17lo-1 �j� appointed for the year 1917 the matter be referred to the 0om0r of Finanos, and; that
t he be empowered to appoint such Board of Supervisors to act in that capacity for the +
n F'year 1917. carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
On motion of Mayor Burns, that the matter of erroneous assessment against the.
Citizens Savings Bank, Bank of Benton, and J. D. iloognot, Traatee, be referred to the {•,
Oom'r of Finance, Board of Supervisors and City Solicitor to report back to this Board
' oarried n on'oall of. the roll b 3b lowi vote Yeae Burne Oa a Mart W
P y 1 ng a , , rdn s, on i aehingtpn ..
"Nay; Graves.
n On motion of Member Washington, that the contract for the printing of five t..
P L hundred copies of the License ordinance be awarded to Billings Printing Co., same ..
oarried upon call of the roll by 5'. yoga.
On motion of Mayor,Burns. that the matter of double assessment of property of
W. H. Warren be referred to the Oom'r of Finance and the Board of Supervisors and City
. ,5 •1
SoloiLor. curried upon mall of the roll by b yeas. u
On motion of the above, a communication from W. J. Hills giving hie reasons
why he oeanot serve as a member of the Board of Education, was. t6oeived and filed upon
A14'1 liecall of the roll by 6 yoga.
eC iry' on motion of Member Washington. the oath of 0. i[. Riker as a member of the
} 4 .. �.
4 �' j.•Board of Education was received and tiled upon sail of the roll by the following votes'
Yeas. Burne, Gardner, Marton 6 Washington. 4. Nay; Oraves- 1. .
on motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 gene. i
Adc;.;cd 19'1.7.
JANUARY 4th. 1917.
T3. At a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council Yhamberf
of the City Hall, Paducah, Ey.,. on January 4, 1917, upon call of the roll the following,:°
.answered their names: Burne, Gardner, Marton,and 9laehington=
y 4:
on motion -of Mayor Burne, that Mies Boike be appointed Assistant or deputy
Clerk to taloa the. minutes of all meetings in the absence of the olerk- carried upon
I� call of the roll by 4 yeas. (' $
on motion of the above, that the rules be suspended as to Bending out copies
so that any member of the Board may be permitted to offer any motion or resolution
without earvice of copies of name- oarried upon call of the roll by the following .
vote: 4 yoga.
on motion of ilember Marton, a Resolution requesting and inviting the &entuolgj
State Federation of Labor to hold its next annual meeting, which will be in 1.918, in
our city, was given its passage upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.:.
I' On motion of Mayor Burne, a Resolution appointing 0. A..Welle a member of the!
y Board of Health was given its passage upon oall of the roll by 4 yoga.
�"'� `f on motion of Member Marton, that the Com'r of Finance and the City Depoettory!
be instructed to borrow enough money to tide the City over until the collection of }-
taxes 6n June 30. 1917- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
on motion of Member Washington, that the Com'r of Finance be instructed to
issue to Prosser h Halliday oy improvement warrant for $410.89, for work done during the
month of Dec. 1916. on contract for constructing sidewulke 6o in territory bounded by
Seoond, Hinth. Washington and Monroe streets, as per report hereto ottaohed.of Oom'r� '
�`t"W�tC°I �• of Public 6orim- oarried.upon mall of. the roll by the-ibllowing vote} 4 yeea.
S :"
,.a v, .! ..w+• µ. ' t.s •�fyv K�v +i. t +!� t t -T*•e —•,. a47..n+Mh7izg ,,.y wr -
*!;« �r4 s . 7!,:+rr.rr L T:t r>7* 7 ;. ;f• i, + S;-'� * - t A e
No i J ,
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah January 4th
On motion of Member Washington, that the.Com'r of Finance be instructed to loose .
to Prosser &;Halliday improvement warrent amounting. to $674.60 1br work done during the
month of Dec. 1916 on contract for oonstruction of oldevelke.&o. on Sixth St. from e
Washington street to Tenn. St.. as per report of Com'r of Public 'Works hereto attached, •• I• +
We:J A, 4-� carried upon oall of the roll by 4 .yoga.
•:.r. Y.
• a
on motion the Board adjourned upon cell of the roll by. the following valet
T," E Ysae, Burns, Gardner, Barton and Washington- 4.
Ado tcd /—fr iSl_Z. .►_
—citycwr +
r: JANUARY 8th. 1917.
` At .a regular meeting of the Board of. Commieelonere, held in the Council Chamber.
of the City Hall, P9duoah, ilantucky, on Jan. 8, 1917. upon call of the _roll the
following answered their names: Burns. Gardner, bnd,Waehington- 3.
�• On motion ofMember Gardner, the minutes of a special meeting. held on Jen. t:. .i
and of a special meeting of Janusi 4, 1917 were adopted as read upon.oall of the roll
by 3 yeas. �...
On motion of Mayor Burne, that the amount of $660.00, heretofore spent by the
nnh � n
oe Board of Trade,- as per. attaohed itemized statement, in connection with the Armor Plate
- a plant oampalgn, be paid by the City, and that said amount be considered in connection
�°�'� �n ,.i►. with the annual donation to the Board of Trade- carried upon oall' of the roll by 3 you.
a On motion of Member Gardner, that the communication of Mr. WV. Marble, regard- 't
Ing the establishment of a municipal Dnployment Bureau, be received and referred to
' the. commissioners as a whole for aotion- oerried upon oall of the loll by 3 yeas.
On motion of the above, that a deed be executed and delivered to Almeda'Howell
for Lot Twenty, Block Throe, Oak Grove Cemetery. treasurer's receipt for $30.00 being '
' hereto attsohed- eame oerried upon call of the roll by 3 yeas..
lC u�►rw� tiYa d/
On motion of the above, that the.Com'r of Public Safety use the entire.foroe
of plain clothes men and policemen in seouring evidence with which to oonriot the
✓d .. gambling houses alleged to be in operation in the down town dietri.ct. if it is true
that such gambling houses are, being operated- and that.he report the facts in these `
; matters to this bo . on next Monde
dy y- carried upon cell of the roll by 3 yeas. -
On motion of the above, that, whereas, it.ie reported that bawdy houses are
. eU> being operated in .Paducah, and whereas, a bawdy hones in a public nnieance, that the
Com'r of Public Safety employ the entire police force in investigating the matter, and
If evidence is secured sufficient to oonviot that he have warrants issued for all
s persona participating in such violation of law- carried upon cell of the roll by 3 yens.' "
t `
on motion of Member Washington. that the,emouni of $964.41 be allowed and
�' '•'. check issued to Prosser & Halliday, as per,00ntraot,with the City for the. oobstruotion
�u�of oonosete sidewalks. driveways. gutters, eta., this amount to be paid from the: Special,
^,A '•: Street'Fund,- carried upon call of the' roll by.3 yeas.
on motion of the above. that the finanoial.etatement: for the month of December .. r'
1916. be reosived- filed and published in the official newspaper- oarried upon call
of the roll by 3.yese.
on 'motion of the above.,thet the Mayor and. commissioners ratify the appointment
a,z of Alexander Kirkland, J. Wes Troutman and Y: W. Clark as members of the Board of = t
r 8npervieore. aa. eubmitted.by the Cowlr'of Finance. for the year 1917-.oerried upon call
of the roll.by S yeae. r
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