HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 227, December 26, 1916- i11'Y,:�<as�LSSt•- _R::U:Yx�YT _
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9.f "uTCl.thr`}-jafi W� ,.(•,Ryre^+.�.. by LL •�''�•,'.s ifi, c. 7Al �' •�'• �f f= L`�r
Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky. on Dec. 16. 1916, upon cell of the,. roll the
1 } , No.
Commissioner' P d' f P C't d {
8 rOCCe lugs, 1 y o a uCah December 16th lyj 6
At an adjourned dating of Lba Board of Commissioners, held in the.'Oounoil
Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky. on Dec. 16. 1916, upon cell of the,. roll the
following answered their names: .Burns. Gardner. Oravee and Washington- 4"
kOn notion of Member Graves. the minutes of a regular meeting held on Do*. 16,
;•a special meeting on Dec. 19, and a regular meeting on Deo..26th were ad optsd as
upon call of the roll by the following'vote: 4 yeas.
Ij On notion by Member Washington, that the pay roll for the street department
h for the'wsek ending Dec. 11. 1916, amounting to $94.60. not covered by.ordiaanoe. bs
allowed. carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: 4 yoga.
On motion of Mayor Bnrae, that the resignation of Rev. 0. 11. Quin and Mrs.
nN Margaret 'Ford ee members of the Morals Commission, heretofore tendered thin Board, be
C. d• 4
,,.. ; accepted- as= carried upon call of the roll by the b1lowing vote: 4 *sea.
On motion of the above. that the resignation of H. G. Johnston as a momDsr.of
�• ca_.��-�v`--'' t' the Board of Health be accepted, to tate effect Dec. M. 1916- carried neon call of
she roll by the following vote: 4
�� h p On motion of the above. that the amount of $19.40 be paid Oommieeloner W. 1.
U. 0.•. � Gardner to reimburse hiai for actual expenses Incurred on his trip to Louisville to
! attend the Tax Conference," per attached etatame:t. Said meeting being held at the .
O how—,X&Board of Trade'Rooms. Louisville. Ky.- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yens.
On motion of the above, that .the City Solicitor be requested to famish a
wrtten opinion, as to "requiremer:t of publishing ordinances passed by the Board .of
-"i commissioners- Game carried upon call of .the roll by the following vote:. 4 you. .
On motion the -Board adjourned upon oall.of the roll Dy 4 yeas.
Adopted lsxrr..n,,7T-0
4.•; ;' DECEMBER 27th. 1916.
•• is
At a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oounoll Chamber
y. -!
�! of the City Hall. Paducah. Ky,.'on Deo.27.th. 1916, upon call of the roll the follow-
Ing answered their names: Burns. Gardner. Graves. Marton and Washington- 6.
On motion. of Member Merton, that the Report of Wynn Tully, ex -Auditor be
MST^^^ received and filed and he be granted hie quietus as Auditor and Treasurer of the City
of Paducah- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.'
Ob motion of Mayor Burns. that rules be suspended as to bending out copies of.
Resolutions &o; so, that any member of the Board may be permitted to offer any motion
r or Resolution deeired.at this meeting- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
n ,__ "a motion of Member Marton, that the United States Fidelity.b Uuaranty Company'
be released from the bond of
,, Wynn Telly. ex -Auditor and Treasurer of'ttie City.of
44 'T�
Paducah- .'same oarried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
id P a* "On motion of.ths.above$ that the Hew England & Equitable Surety Co. be released
a1'£' 1S.�v�aJGG from the bonds of Dr. Ed P. ,Farley. ax -Meet 6 Milk Inspector. L. E. Durrett. ex-01ty
8. :�.+.�=++� Weigher. Was Plowere, former Street Inspector. J. 0. KesDler. former Superintendent
CYU:� Ck j-t-4.✓of.the.Light Plant, 011ie Childress, A. C. Stewart, J. M. Dunaway, Casper Jones, Ed '
C. •Celatt. T. C. Culver, and M. P. Dowell, ex -patrolmen- carried upon call of the roll
by the following vote:.6 yeas.
Oa'motlon of the above,.theL the 8ationel;snrety..0o. be released from the.boade'
9, C . C.1 vow' •
,�,df-ths following ex -patrolmen: R. W. Vick."Hoyos Haye. James, Loft in. Clerk Fortson
Kelly Prenklin. and from the bond' of Dr. W. J. Base, ex -City Physeoliii.�• carried'
upon call of the roll by the' following vote: ,6 ye se.