HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 223, December 14, 1916.. �, ...« p[� vrra ruwt>r.. �a)2••i;'e'� arucr_�ry-tv*�"Tr'aa'e.w�'..tf9rwe.' i� at YvdiY'a`,l rtii't a'T:•aY• ::4; A l � .. ���,1}.rer >}'f' ryt,l r+ w �tnY -"' ,G�!"'.' •S,'7: �!i!°t � �L tJ irj rl�'tF ao w[ry y 'fit 'q _. � : 4 jlq. - ' r -77777'' J _ :ST f •-..L �. •-:.< x�. b' ,:.,:-i: ra;; ,,..0-..:, r , ...w� . r ... , �. .1 .,•..��_ J.�.:�::�u.�wl?�:.-:^-Pie�P3^,t:.vty+y {4i'iViM'�tY'JL:...ciYW •"� 1. t N0.22-3 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah td*h 191 .:t a oalled meeting of the Board of Oommisaionera held in L11e Counoll Chamber of .the City ]call, Paduoah, icy., on Deo. 14, 1916, at twelve o'olook M., upon.oall of the roll the following answered their numee: Burne, Gardner, Gravee, Barton and Washington- 6. On motion of Membor Gravee, that the rules be suspended as to sending out Old oopiee, of an ordinanoe assessing the abutting property on both aides of 4th street '} from Monroe to Clay street, Bane oarried upon oull of the roll by thefollowing vote: Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Graves. Llarton and•aushington- 6.' ) .. On motion,of Mayor Burne, that the improvement on Doth aides of 4th street from the North property line of Monroe St. to the South curb line of Olay street, ..� be aooepted and approved in a000rdanoe with reoommendatione of the.Com'r of Publio '• Ery' ' worke- sane oarried upon call of the roll by the followingvote: Yeas; Burne,, Gardner, Cruvee, Lorton and Waahington- 6. 11 On mot inn of L;ember Washington, aN ORDIIIANOE ,!SSESan!G THE ABUTTING PROPERTY. a jCL�i �. 011 BOTH SIDES OF FOURTH STREET FROLI NE 11011711 11ROPERTY.LINE OF LIUIIROE 3TR1M, TO THE cut90Ua^H CURD LAZE OF CL.,YST1'=, use given its passage upon call of tie roll by the following vote: Yeue, Burns, Gardner, Craves, Lurton and Washington- b: ' On motion of Lla or Burne that the Cit y Y Y Purchase fifty dollars worth of Red. .'._ Cross stumps to aid in the looal fight against tuberaulosie, and that said amount be charged to the contingent fund- some ourried upon call of the roll by the follow - Ing vote: Yeas, Burne. Gardner, Graves, Llurton Lind Waahington, b. On motion of Member Graves, that the petition of Mike Dowell for reinetutement �- t `rnAu 4 -n the polios foroe of the City of Paducah be received and filed and that eame,be . }r ri referred to the Chief of Folios- Bonn oarried upon null of the roll by the following vote: Yeue; Burne, Gardner, Gruvee, Liarton and iluehington- 6. : On motion of Liember Groves, that the aommunioution of L. A. Graham, Chief of FoliQe, relative to the operation of Dnrdy houses be reoeivod and filed- awns carried Jl"`�" upon oull of the roll by. the folloving vote. Yeue, Burne, Gurdnor, Gravee,'1larton N and Washington- B. on motion of L[embor Wnahinpton,:thut the Com'r of Public Safety be hereby i ;r• 1 empowered to employ suoh apeolal doteotivee us he doems neoeaoary in order to get •�;_ eutfioiant evidence to oonviot the operators of bawdy hoi:.aee, and any extra expense i inourred thereby be paid from the oontingent fund- ouue carried upon oall of the roll 1 �•• i` . �e"'d'OD� -by the following vote: Yess, Burne, Gardner. llurton &,, Washington- 4. L`ember Graves Ij L ,_• voted nuy, stating he did not ouro to instruot himself. '.• '.• On motion of Ltayor Burna, that the rulee be auependod as -to sending out copies' i� of an ordinanoe amending sub-eeotion 3 of Seotion'2 of the Retention Ordinanoe- same wla + oarried upon oull of the =11 by the following vote; Yeaa, Burne, Gardner,'Gruvos, Murton and e:ashingtmi- b. j ! On motion of Liember Lartoa, .,U uRDIJaGE ;UMIDI110 SUB-SEOTIO11 3 OF SEO TION 2 �"" 08 All ORDI11alICE ENTITLED, "„II URDI1td11CL•' 1'RUVIDIi1G FOR i'UE :iPPUIi;TLIEUT OR iU:TEIITIUU, 0C.0• �^`""^' BY VIE BOuRD OF CUMIS3I01IERS OF HE CITY OF PADUOdH, OF O1MTt:IH OITY UFFIOERS, A MIT3 .IIID ELIPLOYFE3 OF TaE OI^aY OF PnDUO,jl, 12:1ITUOY.Y, iJID FIXI110 -,IIEIR SALARIES, POL•ER3 XID DUTIES. i=PTED BY THE BOARD OF CULILIISSIUNERS JAIL. 3, 1916, MID RECORDED JAII. 3, 1916, was given its paeauga upon oull of the roll by the following vote=' (' Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Gruvee. Marton and Voehington- 6. i On motion the Board adjourned, upon oull of the roll by the following woe: '. �'•� �!. '+i`• Yeas, Burne, Gurdner, Gravee, Llarton and WanhirLpton- 6. :. .. Adeeleedd� 'J 191r t1q u..► �" MAYOR. -77777'' J _ :ST f •-..L �. •-:.< x�. b' ,:.,:-i: ra;; ,,..0-..:, r , ...w� . r ... , �. .1 .,•..��_ .� +,.+n_�i�.:.-:.�-_r�.._-.•-: .. ,: - ......n.Nvu.-r., :.. .A.. •1'.•e a:"��•.t.i::L�V.AHU•.:i?l\•Je.iiS.SQA `+I 1..'tCV,^],'.r-. .. . Tom•. �,i� .. . '"No. ` Commissioner's Proceedings,' City of Paducah December 14th s . 191_ At a called meeting of the Board of Commissioner© held inthe'Counoil Chamber of the City Hall. City of Paducah, KY., on Dec. 14, 1916, at five o'clock P. )d...npon j call of the roll the following ""anorored thedr names: Burne, Gardner, "Graves, Liarton' I !' and Washington- b. ` On motion by Mayor Burne, thuL the rules be suspended as to sending out copies �y" of,a Resolution terminating the services of Tom Gholston as Janitor'., and of a Resolution •appointing Martin Louth to fill the vacancy caused thereby- same carried upon call of� the ,roll by the following vote':All yeas. $ on motion of Member Gardner, A RESOLUTION TERUNATI2IG THE SERVICES OF THOMAS Jb."J. "9.reae>^l.' ."GHOLSTON AS JANITOR OF TILE CITY HALL, was "given its passage upon call of the roll by r:• N �`�'`d the .following vote: All yeae. Un motion of tho.above,. A RESOLUTION appointing Nurtin Loath to the position y i . of Janitor, at the City Hall was given its passage upon call of the.roll by the follow- ing vote: All yeae.' n .e j On motion of Member Morton, that 3189.60 be paid to Contractor Riohard Bell " ►��"�"*�'� '6�qq`^' for construction of an alley between '10 & 11th &, Tenn.. and Jones Ste. as per contraotj said amount having been paid into the Special Street Fund— same carried upon call of l� the roll by the ,following votes All yeas. On notion of the above, that the petition .of citizens requesting a light; w .et 16th and Harrison etroeto be received and -filed, and that the natter:.be referred to the Oom'r of"Pub. Property -and light ordered placed at said oornor- carried upon" call of the roll by the following vote: All your. On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the' -roll by the'following votes' ' .{ All yeae. ''" � . • �� OST sFTD � � . •" k 1,_191 Deoember 16, 1916. .11:00 a: U. "= g AL a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council Chamber, . .of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky., on Dec. 16, 1916, at, 11:00' A. ll., upon call of the ''tt� ��' s`• roll the following onewarod their names: Burne, Lardner, Gruvee, Murton &Washington. 5 , k On motion by Uember Graves, that rules be suspended as to sending out copies !. . .•of o R000lution terminating the services of 11r..W. J. Base au City Physioian.und ; appointing L. W. Juokeon in his stead- and of an Ordinance referring to junk dealers :buying brue a, oto. from minors, - ammo carried upon call of the roll by the following, f' vote:. All youo.. On"motion of the above,. A RESOLUTION TERLIIIIATIaIG THE SERVICES "OF DR. W. J. BASS AS CITY PHYSIOLlll OF THE. CITY OF PADUGAS, "UD APPOINTIUG E. W."JACKWN III HIS STEAD,'; was offered.. for passage- ., , Mayor Burns offered as a substitute for the above resolution ,the followings i..' Be it Resolved"that Dr. Harkey be eleoLed City.,Physioinn- same lout upon call. of the roll by the following votes ,Yeas.,Burna'and Gardner. 2. Nay:" Graves, Marton .& Washington, S. ' .?.,. The original motion. ae offered. by Member Grovea,"onrried upon call of the roll by the foll'oiving votesYeas, Graves, Marton & Washington - 3. Nay: ' Burns & Gardner- 8. Mr.* Burns stated that he voted"noy on the original mottos as.offered by Ur. r• Grayse,. to' be consistent e+iLis' his stand taken !n 'the :oouous. lir. Lorton stated that he agreed. to oast his vote for the man receiving the highest number 'of votes in the i osucue, and therefore caste his vote for. the original motion as offered by Member Groves. UL .:=ia.tak r:" �.r:sl '}r•" .%.,.�, iw..' —ranw... ,._v..t,., .:.a+•n:.� ..;••r. -..7F_777777