HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 215, December 1, 1916..✓ay?f ;e..r14.. :;?;?...,1�n•:I"r'r31'T't�.. r.�...w7�5',"1 'C,.:r Y"''?�'.i�✓;:j� �t ln
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah November 20th 191_AL
At s,.epeoiel meeting
of the Board of Oommissioners,held in the Council
Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Nov. EB, 1916, upon call of the
roll the" following answered their names: Burne, Gardner, Graves, Llarton and .
i 4 Washington- 6.. .
I On motion .by Hember Graves, that the rules be suspended ae':to Bending
j out.00pies of a Resolution dismissing oertain.persons now serving in the Police'"`
I� Dept. and
nil mIng "and appointing certain persona as patrolmen and patrol wagon"
drivers of the City of Paducah - same carried upon call"o f the roll b the follow! i
iI Y nB,
vote: Yeaa, Burne, Gardner. -Graves, Lorton and Wushington- 6. �.
} On motion by the, above, a Resolution providing for the appointment of i
certain persons ae patrolmen and patrol wagon drivers of the Oity of Paducah, and
dismissing certain persons from the Department,* nue given rtepa pg ee p'up on cell of
� II.
the roll by the following vote. Yeas. Burne, Gardner and Graves- S. Nay,, Morton ,
and Washington- E.
il. ilember Uarton stated that in asmuohae there were certain parties
I '
•� .buy named in the above Resolution to be .a;polnted as patrolmen to whom he'objeoted, and
no said Resolution was presented as a whole,,he therefore oast his vote against some:
ilsmber Waahington stated that he had no objections to the men named.for appointment'
in.enld Resolntion,abut he voted against .Bums as he thought the fbroe should'be,'.
On mAt"ion by Mamber Graves. that. T. N. Haaelip and 0. L. Van L:eter. "
together with the ;Fidelity k Deposit Co. of Maryland. their bondsmen, be- released, i
from their bonds as. Commissioners of. the City "of. Paducah- sane carried upon call
C� b roll
of. the "
u Y the following vote: Yeas, Burne,. Gardner, Graves. Marton and , " ," •
j Washington- 6.
p On motion by the, above, that the communication of the Paducah Light and
Power Co: regarding their intentions of re -arranging the it rate eohedule, be re
solved and filed, same carried upon call of the roll tW the following vote: Yene,
Burne, Gardner, Graves, Lurton and Washington- 6.
On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following
vote: Yens. Burne. Gardner, Groves, Marton and Washington- 6.
Ade/led 191L15
I+c4ty awb
p DECELIBER let. 1916. {; ,
At a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners held' in the Oounoil Chamber
of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky. on December let, 1916, upon call of the roll the 1}
lfollowing answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton k Washington- S.
On motion by Member Gruver, that the rules be suspended as to'sending out
Ecopies of the following Resolutions: a Resolution re -appointing Frank Dunn no City F
Weigbos of the City of Paducah; a Resolution relieving .Samuel Simon of his duties as !(
City Jailer and appointing Fred Swenter to fill the vauanoy caused thereby; a
Re relieving E. Richard Hiller of his duties as Cit Clerk, and
{ r, n8 Y appointing "
fHarry Hendricks as Clerk of the City of Paducah and License Inspector; and a ReeolutloA,
i k relieving Sem Abell of his duties as License and Weighte d Lteasuree Inspector, and
appointing Tom Orr to the position of Inspector of Weighte, ileaeuree and Bulanoee. and
yy kDog Catcher, in the,01ty of Paducah- same carried upon call of the roll by the fbllowing
vote: Yeas. Burne' -Gardner, Graves. Ltarton and Washington- 6.
1' 'On motion by the above. a Resolution relieving' Sam. Abell of his duties as
a -
.- �' .... .. _ ... .. iI�•. ^T. ".. a.. _.•� ... .. »..z'$7a�✓�9i. T�1C4'�Cr"'.r�.. - .. .., '
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Df, oAmber-lot 191
_L continued
License and. -Weights & Measures Inepeotor..and appointing Tom Orr to the position of '
Inspector of Weighte, Measures and.Balanoee, and Dog Catcher, inthe city of Baduoah- l
was given its passage upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Burns, 4
Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- '6.
ddff On motion.by Member Graves, a -Resolution relieving E. Richard Miller of his 1
y ob )r"t, duties.as Olerk of the City of Paducah, and appointing Harry Hendrioks to the position .
^1 of Olerk of the City of Paducah and Liaenee.Inayeotor, was givonrite passage upon cell
iuof the m]1 by the .following vote; Yeas. Bane, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washingtfbn 6e Y
AOn motion by Member Marton; a Resolution relieving Samuel Simon of his duties as[
u� s,-City'Jailer, and appointing. Fred Sweater to fill the vacancy caused thereby, was given)
its paseeFe upon call of the roll'by the ibllowing votes
Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Greveei•
Marton and Washington- 6.
On 'motion by Member Gardner, a Resolution. re -appointing Frank Dunn as City
Weigher of the Oity of Paduoah was given its.paseage upon call of, the roll by the
M following votes lose, Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6..
i. On motion the Board adjourned upon 0011 of the roll by the following votes Yeas,
Burns,. Gardner. Graves, Marton and Washington- 6.'
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DECEMBER 4th. 1916'.
%r At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the* Council Chamber
of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky.. on December 4, 1916, upon call of the roll "a
following answered their names: Burne, Gardner, Graves; Marton and Washington -6.
i On motion of Member Graves, the minutes of a regular meeting bold on Nov. 27,
were adopted as read upon call of the ' roll by the following voter Yeas,. Burns; . 0ardn re
MGraves, Marton and Washington- 6. - 1
On motion of Member Marton, ,the minutes of a special meeting hold.
on Nov.
were adopted as readupon call of the roll by,the lb1lowing. vote: Yens. Burne,
Gardner, Graves, liarton and Washington -,6. J
I ..
rOn motion of Member Graves, .the minutes of a special meeting held on Dec. -lot !,
n were adopted no .read upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne,
p Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington -.6.
9 On motion of Member )tartan, that the.Report,of the.Com'r of Finance of the
�a.�•e '�
Collections. &. Disbursements duringthe month of November 1916 be received filed,
published, and accepted- some carried upon call of the roll by the following votes. .
Yens, Burns , 'Gardner, Graves. 11urton and Waehington- ,6 r .
On motion of the above, that the Report'of the Com'r of Finance of. socount e
due December- let, 1916, ,be received, filed and published, and. warrants drawn on
. 00.1to-••.r—-- Treasury fbr same oarried upon call of the roll. by the ' lb.11owiag votes Yehe, Burns,
Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washing. -ton- 6. '
On motion of..the above; that the amount of J2474.22 be paid to contractor 0. W, Y
d iCatterjohn for work done on Broadway from first. to Fourth street, the remainder to bei
held up until.the required.bond le made; as per contract same ourried.upon call of, t
ri._.the roll by the following vote:: Yese, Burns, Gardner.' Graves. Marton and Washington -.;6.'
On motion -by*, the above. that the National Surety go.. be released from the bonds
k�" I of He Richard Miller ad Cit .' Olerk"" Sam Ab
elli no License Ins ebtoi and from the bond
\_ ?Juba .6""=�•.^.:l ,F,..:-ai:4i •siLlu?�v':.`' ad._•: w.>v .. c:, - •-nuJ.s..r.�:..� r.
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