HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 21, February 16, 1915.q.l.tiP.%Sl:R.A(i:ifiMYj:•liM"IS:.Cff'eU`.'JtLr `.+h'tf4i'nSill SYS•. .«fi3j4R•4'-::I•h•t: ri,1^•1"' vH- f FF1Y,.:1,`. ,, ::i" -fi"' :+i''�C .� J
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'Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ` February 16th 191 a ..Ooatinned
that I ...
4. On motion by Mayor Haselip,/the Board of Commissioners .ocneiler.the'
building of sewer without the execution of contract and that Paducah material'be
a i• used as far as possible as well as Paducah labor. carried upon sell of the roll by the
following votes Yeea. Barna. Haselip. Marton. Wallace and Washington - 6.. "��t '•
On motion by Member Marton, the semi-monthly'.peyroll,' amounting to
$3E1T.82. was allowed upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas. Burne'
Haselip. Marton. Wallace and Washington - b. •?.�;��
On motion by Member Washington, that the petition to remove the gym.-
O°^,ae:naelum apparatus from Kolb park be referred to the Civic Department of Woman's Olub.
and the Park Commissioners. carried upon call of the roll by the following votes
f 4 Burns. Haselip, Marton. Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion by the above. the payroll for the Street Department for the
week ending Ysbruaryl3th. 1916. amounting to $131.96, paid by cash order, same was s
1. resolved and filed upon oall of the roll by tho following votes Yeae, Burne, Haselip. a
Marton. Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion by Member Marton. a petition fYom 8. J. Paxton. in regard to
1 �j►�Mover assessment, was referred to the Commissioner of Finance,
City Solicitor and
!'Assessors. carried upon call of the.roll by the following votes Yeas. Burne.
V t.Hazellp. ..., ---, Wallace and Washington - 4. Hays Marton, 1.
On motion by Member Washington, an Invitation from the Home of the
Friendless for the Commiseloners and Mayor to attend an inspection of the Home of
!; Is :the Friendless on February 16th. 1915. Sam was received and filed,, upon call of the
r��... `.
{ roll by the following vote. Yeae. Burne, Haselip. Marton, Wallace and Washington -6..
y On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following r .
i A �vote:YessBurne, Haselip, Marton. Wallace and Washington - 6.
k I. } y
Pebruary 16th, 1916.
At s palled meed
�'`•' ng of the Board of Oommiesloners of the City of
1Paducah. in the Council Chamber. in the City Hall of the City of Paducah. Ky. on
February 16th, 1916. upon.call of the roll the following anewered'their names Hssras, 4i
�' ,' ,Haselip, Marton.'Wallaoe and Waahingtoa - 6.
On .motion by Member Wallace • A RESOLUTION FOR THE CUTTING OF AN "
:OF THE ,WEST KENTUOKY.MAUBOLEUM COMPANY " was given its passage, upon call of the roll
LD.. by the following vote:' Yens. Burns. Haselip. Marton, Wallace and Washington..6;,
i '
' On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following
votes. Yeae; Burne, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and Washington -6.'
. .71
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At a called meeting of. the Board of Oommieaionere, held in the Council
Chamber, in the City Hall of the City of Paducah. Ky.'BebruarIT 18th, 1916. upon call
of a roll the following answered their ssasoees Berne, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and
Washington - 6f
r. On motion by Member Burne, that theATobacco Co. Incorporated
1�ttl'Y'� be exempted from tazation for five years upon compliance with, the usual oonditions,
and that they be placed upon the ezempted.list, carried upon call of the roll by the
following vote: Yeae, Burne,.Haselip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.
F On motion by Member Wallace, tbat the plane dor driveway from Oak Grove
,r/7%"'y0emetery to West Kentucky Mausoleum property be approved when such plane show said
driveway as lE ft. wide and.ehow gates at opening in'hedge that shall be approved by
the Commissioners. carried upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns. .
Haselip, Marton. Wallace and Washington - 6.:
On motion the Board adjourned upon cell of the roll by the following votes
�eas, Burns, Haselip, Marton.. Wallace and Washington - B.
�, 6 2"u-4,
Pebruarp EE, 1916.
et.e regular meeting of the Board of Commiesioners, held in the council obamber;
in the City Hall of the city of Paducah, Pebrdary EC. 1916. upon call of the roll the!
following answered their namses Burne. Haselip, Marton and Washington - 4.
On motion by Member Burns the Board, adjourned. on account of Legal .Holiday. 'to,i'
meet at four o'olook.P. M. February E3, 1916, upon gall of the roll by the following
votes Yeas, Burns. Haselip, Marton and. Washington - 4.
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