HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 206, November 10, 1916on ,.Pv FT.,�1� ! ;-e•{ntrr+a � i T ^ r „l. ykks-'?,*^'+ ry f "?+. .p,,. ?0.?,�ra. .. y')'•'.,,'7\;n. " .:r ,.�. \ .,i... { . j, 1.t °i .r •.. c...l�" L [.y b`ci' .L lA'� .. +- .li.- t t .�yar•gq+ ♦.' •. r ... • c.y-�.+,......�_..`.L..........c..n _. 1... ... ..... try xA.I Commissioner's Proceedings, City.. of Paducah November 10th 1916 At a special meeting ,of the Board of Oommiealonere'held in the Council i Chamber of the City Rall, Paducah. Kentucky, on November 10th, .1916. upon call of 4 " the'ro1T the following enswered.their namesi Lackey, Olay, Corbett. Wallace ane Washington -6. 1 On motion,by Lembpr.Clay.'the minutes of.a regular -meeting held on Nov. 6th were adopted as read upon.oall of the roll by the lbllowing'vote: Yead. Leaky. I '� Olay, Corbett, Wallaos.and, Washington -6.. On motion by Member Corbett, that &-deed be execrated and delivered to Anna LouCur for Lot in Block Three Oak. Grove"Comets " Curry iy. Treasurer a receipt for I. IJ +IVw+ rorty dollars being riled herewith- same oarriad upon call. of the roll by the following. A F' vote:" " Yeas. Lackey, Clay. Corbett, Wallace and Washington" -6. On motion by the above."that the rules be suspended as to sends ng:OIIt ! . 1!46 .00pie.e," for the purpose ofacting upon an.ordinanos granting to Chas. Rieke end Mabel'. ." Rieke Kidd a franchise to conduct a private cemetery in the city limits, and the P c A famishing of copies of sold ordinance after am@ has been read at a meeting of the �••� Board -of Commissioners be waived and "dispensed with -:same carried upon call of the f roll by. the. following vote: Yeae. Lackey. "Clay. Corbett. Wallace and Washington =8. " 1 On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE OPENING AND OPERATION,+ OF A: PRIVATE CEMETERY I61 Tilt OITY .OF' PADUOAH, XWTuC6Y.. was" given its passage upon call of the roll by the"following.vote: Yeas. Lackey, Olay, Corbett and Valle a -6. .Nay."washington -1. On motion by Mayor. Lackey."that the xoport"and. estimate of the Commissioner; C A')' of Public Works on the cost per front foot. and the apportionste property assessment.' r of the alley recently oonetraoted between Tenth.and Eleventh streets and Tennessee .and Jones streets, be reosived. filed and sooepted- . sure carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Lackey,. Clay, Corbett, Wallace sad Washington -6. " on, motion by Member Washington, AN"ORDINANOB ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BDT\H SIDES OF THE ALLEY. 32TWEEN TENTH AND ELEVEN TH STREE T9 AND TENNESSEE AND JONES .� """•,x 'STREET IN PADUCAH. EENTUOKY,:TRE SUM OP"THIRTY-OUR (31V) CENTS PER FRONT FOOT ON THAT �„.�•'T,''� PORTION OF SAID ALLEY TWENTY {20) FEET WIDE AND TWEHTY-;THBFR-- V). CENTS PER FRONT Pool �• FOR THE PURTION OF SAID ALLEY FIFTEEN 016) FEET WIDE- was given Ito passage -upon i " call of the roll.by 6 � y the following wte= Yens. Lackey, -Clay, 0orbett. Wallace and 9." Washington -6. s On motion by Mayor Lackey, that the license of J. H. Patter 6 Co. be traasferred'to D..F. Temple, as requested, same to be granted and take its usual j a Rru...-+ C. y course- carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey. Clay. �•:31. jk_-tL Corbett. Wallace and Washington -6. Ou motion by"Member Wallace, that a contract by and between, the City of ..'* Paducah and the Cumberland Telephone d, .Telegraph Company, containing seven pages, n �a:,..t, �•o.:.�j and ,specifications attached thereto. and which is made a part thereof, contain - ing rilteeII ' pages-, for the"purpoes of joint use of poise bolo 1 p aging to esoh. as therein defined, " L for a period of five years. and according to lxa prorleioto be now agreed to and C. ,J•( Q-4 ratified. and the Mayos.of the City of Paducah be and is directed to s me n sigh saw OII behalf ,ci the City, when.properly signed and executed by said Telephone b Telegraph Company- some oarried upon call of .the roll by the lbnowi F n8 wo14 Yeas', Lasker y, Olay ' Corbett. Wallsoe and Washington -6. �.;. <S=+7.lbbi4fi>,t4Y..w�..:J.�,..L: 1). .yr. "` t' . '� '+.+.r.•.�. .r.,ca ;.ur:r,a..e.R .L•�F�',:_. 77777-7— ' .. r ,�a5%,'�d �'�'_"' Y ",•(-.�fiT,T ('. r r`y i"r�:i5 AyM1_.�.'Ktf '.'�.T "P 'N' � ��kq� �„_ y�.�-: fit- �-i.-�:.,,� ��y,. � 1 •. - '•'°ia��T�fZeir.�,.�..,.y `.f:• •;--,x.,t•y1•;F7=b �.., �,Yq f 1 ' No. Commissioner's Proceedings,fCity. ofPaduoah" x-v.mbar iota j9l�oonttnned On motion by Member Wallace, that. the Report of. the Auditor a Treasurer affi : Qommissloner of Pinanoe 0 ,` , showing amount due special never itiffi from general . �. fund for $664.18, on account of sundry credits due said special ,ewer fund which ' were passed to the general thud- be received and filed. and warrants drawn on • 1i Osrisral iuffi for nems- carried upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeas,.. ! Lackey, Olay, Corbett, Wallace and Washington, 6. '> On motion by the above, that the Report'of Auditor m Treasurer and Commie- , { stoner of Plaame on apeoial sewer fund from January let to November lOtb, 1916, be received, riled and published. carried upon call of the roll by the following voted %•. YoeS, Lackey. Olay, Corbett. Wallace and Washington, 6, q... On motion by Member Olay, that the report of John Slaughter, Chief of the S' Pira Department. for the month of October 1916 be received and filed.same' carried upon call of the, roll by the following vote, Yeaa. Laokey. Cl Gorbett Wallace s and Washington -6...0.9. ' On motion by Member Wallace, that.ths Report of the Auditor b Treasures j and Com'r of Pinanoe fbr accounts due November 10th be received and filed, and, .warrants drawn on*for same- oarrie6 upon call of the roll by the following," !; 'vote, Yeas,, Laokoy, Olay; Corbett, Wallace and Washington. 6. !� On motion by the above, that the report of J. D. Smith, opeotal a000nntant, 9r j Showing statement of accounts of Paducah from January let, 1916 to November let, 1916, and supplemental.rsport for November let to November 10th inclusive, be received, filed and published. Sane carried upon call of the.roll by the followingvotev Yeas, , I Lackey, Olay; Corbett, Wallace and Washington -6.. On motion by the above, that the Report.of the Auditor & Treasurer and t " Com'r of Pinanoe, showing disbursements and receipts from November let to 10th j inclusive. be received, filed and publieho& same carried upon call of the roll by, the following vote: Yeas, Laokmy, Olay. Corbett. Wallace and Washington -6. I on motion the Board adjourned. upon call of the roll by the tollowing voted Yeae. Lackey. Olay, Corbett, Wallace and Washington -6. . ....................._........ • e � Kew _-,;-� �--�-�G.•.�- h NOVEMBER 10TH. 1916. At a called meeting of the Board of Oommiselonere, held in the Council Chamber , t` lof the City Hall, Paducah. Kentucky. at three -thirty P. M.. November 10th, 1916, the.. , following answered their names upon Call of the ,loll: Lackey, Clay. Corbett. Wallace 1 land Washington -6. Oa motion by Mambar. Wallace, the mtnutea of a special meeting held :on this ` rdate, November 10th. 1916. at one -thirty o'clock P. M.. were adopted as read upon call s of the, - roll by the following vote:. Yeae. Lao key. Clay. Corbett. Vallaoe and f . Washington -6. i, • j On' motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following vote, �Yeae. Lackey. Clay, Corbett, Wallace and'Washington -6. �T,-l�-r.•-y-� tv�• �'a� ��'i;, M: �J'�"- �<t+ `':j "'y'.yeti ^i. ry,r• +-uFle--•,r.• r ...c.•�t �^v'nr..� t,.rz'p� '•irk � �rJ�r-^n.. rt^�i errs w + r� r c J• I �� ✓ , �No 208 � Commissioner's Proceedings; City. &Paducah ox—i-or ioth 191 �••. �.' aL,a'e soul meeting. of •the .Board ot'Commieelonere of the City of Yadnoah p ng Y • (. .' "Kentucky. held in. the City. Hall. at flue=thirty o'clock Y. M.; on November 10th, 1916'. a '. upon call of the roll, the following answered their names: Burns. Gardner. Grans ' and Marton -4: -' - On motion by Member Gravee.-that the Certificates of election of F. N.. Burn .. as Mayor; and W;'e. Gardner, Don.Y.•Marton cad F. B. Graves as Commissioners. be reosivel " r• and filed, and each of LhsiF bonds be attested by the clerk, and each o . f them be approved- came oarried. upon call of:ths roll by thefbllowing votes Yeas, Burne. .�, Gardner, Graves and Marlon -4. Y On motion the Board adjourned, upon call at. the roll by the fallowing voter ? Yeas, Burne. Gardner. Graves and Marton -4. r' ��depla / D 191 (t .. b NOVEMBER 11th, 1916. At a special meeting of 'the Boord.af Qommieeione re hold -in the City Hall, Paducah; Kentucky, on November 11th, 1916..upon call of the roll the, tbllowing answered . $ their namsef. .Burne, Gardner. Graves,.Marton-and Washington -6. On motion by Member Marton, that.,the requirement to have copy: of resolution ! g, tigiven to each member of the Board.of Commissioners three Go" befbre offered. be sun. ' It pendod as applying to the resolution offered by Member Graves, known as the Assignment Fit Aoeolntioa- same carried upon call of the roll by the fbllowing votes. Yeas, Bnrnn.. I t..Gardner. Graves; Marton and Washington -6. ,. On motion by Member Ora vea A RE SOLUTION .DESIGNATING THE DEPARTMENT EACH 1 COMMISSIONER OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH MAIL HAVE CHARGE OF FOR THE. BALANCE OF THE YEAR 1916 AND UP TO AND INCLUDING THS BALANCE OF THE. TERM FOR WHICH THE COMMISSIONERS NOW IN OFFICE ARE TO SERVE UNDER THE LAVj wae.glvea Its. passage upon call of the roll by I 4. the following vole: Yeas, Burris, Gardner. Graves, Marton and Waahlig+,on -6. i . On .mot ion by Member Washington. A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DON P. MARTON As , �e+'TkO�'•.MAYOR PRO TEM OF THE CITY OF YADUOAH,. KEdTUCKY, was given its passage upon cell.®t &•P ry�_�-�' the roll.bythe fbllowing vote:Yeae, Burne. Gardner. Graves. Marton and. Washington 6. On motion by Member.Washington. a Resolution releasing thebond of'Sandere.B.` ' Y M•.� ,tt Clay.ae Com'r of Safety, and the. U. .s. .Fidelity b Guaranty Co. as surely thereon., l 4 �_ J /from further liability. was given its piseage upon call of the roll by the fbllowing!. voter Yeas, Burne. Gardner, graves, Marton and Washington -6. On motion by Member Gardner; that deed be.executed and delivered to A. P.. (. Blake to Lot 07 in Block #8 In Oak Grove Cemetery, Treasurer's receipt for $40.00, _ a.r� �! being hereto attached- came carried upon sell of the roll by the following votes Yens. .. , $urns; Gardner. Orayse. Merlon and Washington 4. } i P On motion Lhs Board adjourned. upon call. of. the roll by the follows ng votes 1! I, s Yeas. Burne. Gardner, Graves, Marton.'and Washington -6: Adepled 7�,' �® 1916 P r•: Civ Chat T.w,•J, ,.,r fix, 'i y.w. ,rl:ayey,rJ: .q.Ys. �aG.a Y uw..s.:....}.•..Y'.JI.:+L.:JIN.fLf/:u-l:.^,...]••: IY'L(�I<.. . r. j� . ?�. ..... nnwtY�',''%ijL.:fu:'41Y5],..':•N:4Y:li1ldJSt!y's.�+.