HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 203, November 3, 1916Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paduoah natabor so T9i odtinu n ' On motion by Member Clay. that the qu4stion as to the liability of ib*:City J. to the County for its proportionate part of expense of Juvenile Court be referred to the City Solicitor for his recommendations, same to. be reported to this Board at its - i next regular meeting- oarried.n on call of the roll b the 1 Bn ng D Y • fo lowing vote: Yeas. ..� .; Lackey, Clay and Washington, 3. Oh motion by Member Washington,.that the ;!.pay roll for the street department N for week ending Oct.. 29, 1916, amounting to $140.36, not covered by ordinance, be allowed_ same carried upon call of the roll by the lbllowing vote: Yeas. Lackey. Olay and Washington. 3. ? ! On motion by the above. that the claim of Mr. Harry Jamieson for repairs ii to automobile. which was.demaged by running into filled ditch at 16th and Broadway G on Aug. 27, 1916. amounting -to $9.10. be received. filed and refused- .carried upon t h - ii call of the roll by the following vote: Yese, Lackey. Olay and Washington. 3. On motion by Mayor Lackey, that the matter of personal assessment of 0. E. Gridley be referred to the Board of.Supervisore- carried upon call of the.roil by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Clay and Washington. 3. h On motion by the above, .that the Superintendent of the Light Plant be in- � etruoted to plaoe'an aro light at.the corner of Eighth and Clark street. same carried {. a on oall•of the roll by the following vote: I Yeas.Lackey. Clay and Washington, 3. i I- On motion by Member Clay, that the Dill of W. 0. Seaton for $11.40, ooate in `A F. the action of Jan. R. Scott ho. ve City Commissioners, be allowed and paid out of the contingent fund- came carried upon call of the roll b the follows vote: Use P Y ng . , i •, r i Lackey`. Olay and 'Washington -3. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vo.te:. i. Yeas. Lackey. Olay and Gaehington NOVIMBEa a. 1916.. At a special meeting of the Board of Oommiselonere hold -in the Council F Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky. on November 3. 1916. upon ball of the �• iq roll -the following answered their names: Lackey. Olay. Corbett. Wallace and Washington, -3. K On motion by Member Washington; that the Oom'r of Finance be instructed to issue Improvement Warrant to 0. W. Katterjohn for $2116.64 for work done on Broadway a during the month .of October 1916.. as per attached statement- carried upon Udall of the t roll Dy thefollowlug vote: Yeas. Lackey. Olay''. Corbett, Wallace 6 Wachi18to4. b. `. On motion by the above. that the Com'r of Finnnos be Instructed to Seeu• . G' Improvement Warrant to Prosser b,Halliday for $1392.41 for work done on contract for oonstruoting oonorst• sidewalks b o in territory embraced by Second. Ninth, Washington B Monroe street*. during the mouth of October 1916. as per attaahed statement- carried upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea. Lackey, Clay, Corbett; Walloon • , G. Washington, 6. On motion by'Member Oorbstt. that an -Ara light be placed at the intersection 0 of Rat street cad Kentucky Ave. -'the request of oitisens living adjacent thereto being filed herewith- same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Lackey, Clay. Corbett, Wallace and Washington. 6. ..••:° - 'L r,+; , "'*''.` 4::•, . ., X� „t.•r..-t,,•ap•- ..",^r rr•G M.s,.rfite•"}-'+c^"iY•'i�is�•'�^N'i1...•!,:1 Rr�I � r`+µh, l�rr•�yYy'�+'i l'e .^� \ , 4 . Y� . . J' by `G. > � -.�- Jhr ¢t..•C�: ti•Nl.r' k ��5� I M1 . ± 1 �' "'�'K�i-t q`�e�J •v vas+-.-sfir �w.� : : No. 2r 0 ►i .. 6 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of. Paducah 8ovemb.r 6' 191-& cont inued On motion by'Membor Corbett, that.s. deed be executed and delivered to Mrs. i f K;....�1 Ruby Skinner, innie T;'Sall and R. B.'Hook.for Lot No. 4 in Block 43, Oak Orove a, .J• 31" Cemetery, the ,request of J. T. Roddick,. former ovray. of said lot, being attached hereto- same oariled•n on call of the roll b the follows votet Yeas Lacks Cls P F n8 . F. Y. Corbett, Wallace-and,Washington -6. Aft . 'On..motion'by the above, that a deed be executed and delivered to Mrs. Lnln ' Bush tor Lot 79 Block One,,Oak Orove Csmetery..Tressurer's receipt for Forty Dollars l being attached hereto. same.oarried.upon call of the :ull by the follosing vote.: Yeas.) Lackey, Oley. Ootbett, Wallace and Washington. -6. On motion by the above. that the ordimnoe to slTcw.ths inoorporatioa and 'i establishing of a private.cemetery in.the,oity limits by Chas. Rieke. at al. be I }' referred to the City Solicitor for investigation and report- sear carried upon call � y of the roll by the following vote►. Yeas. Lackey, Olay, Corbett, Wallace and �.. x. Washington :6. i On motion by Member Washington, that the Com'r'of 'Finanoe.be instructed to... W issue Improvement Warrant to Prosser & Halliday for $1039.08. for work done 4n contract Pne.•��a for constructing concrete sidewalks,b'c on. .Fourth street from Monsoo,to Olay St. during ClAw the month of October 1916, as per attached etatemsit - carried upon'oall of the roll .by the following votet Yeah, Lackey. Cleq,.Oorbstt;'Wallboe and Washington. 6. On motion by Member Wallace. the teport`,of the Oom'r of Finance and Auditor:•. G -Treasurer for a000unte due November 1. 1916 was reosived,.filed and published and warrants ordered drawn for same, upon call of the toll by the following vote: Lackey, Clay. Corbett, Wallace and Washington, 6..., On motion by the above, that the Report of the 0om'r of Finance mid. Auditor- Treasurer uditor Treasurer for receipts and disbursements for October 1916 be received, filed and G' published- so= arried upon call. of the toll. by the'.Eblloining vote s'Yeas.' Lackey. y, Clay. Corbett. Wallaos and Washington, 6 q31,3J. o On motion by the above. that the letter from W. J. Hills..Supt.,of Board } A. s u'^•^'d 4 '.of Bduoation, regarding agreement of membere of Board of Commissioners in the Spring of .1916, to pay to said Board of Education a plumbing bill not exceeding Two Thousand �1`�� � dollars, and showing an expenditure of said Board of $1931.36 for fluid plumbing at. � d _` Washington High school. be received and.fi'led,. end that the eum of $931.36 be allowed; }} : and paid to the .Board of Education on. eeld bill- and that .the incoming Board of .'r. Commissioners be requested to apportion the balance of one thousand dollars in the apportionment ordinance of 1917- said -$931.36 to be ohs d to the Conti i PDcharged agent Fund= � oarried upon *all of the roll by the'following voter Yeas. Lackey. Olay. Corbett. ; C Wallace and Washington, 6. i �JOn motion by Mayor Lackey, that the City Solicitor be instructed to take such steps is are necessary to open an alley from Broadway to Jefferson etreet.West of -L: a..� the Illinois Central Hospital also from the I. 0. R. H. property ' eP p party to 8lxtsanth .street .' between Broadway b Jefferson streets, carried upon call of the roll by the .following a votes Yeas, Lackey. Olay. Corbett. Wallace *4., Bey; Washington -1. On motion by the above. that Yr. John Brooke be appointed a member of the Bark �i Board to succeed Mr. Jag. Householder. whose term expired May 7th; 1916. carried upon!.• call of the. roll by the following vote t Yeas,' Laolry. Clay, Corbett. Wallace snl ' Washington -6. C On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following votes .Yens, Looks*. Olay, Corbett, Wallace and Washington -6. Z; :'liW4­,,...r:•1,:}.�iyQ%,,;5,j;.r„u:.d:5.... .<J!...+..V.11a- ',+:sae ew., 'n::,►. ....-,..,....in .o t: a✓.•.e.l••_.r• i ....-.