HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 202, October 30, 1916r �. say. • rr, �, m�+r ^. ...r - r' Y j .
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No. a, U L
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah oetabar Rad 191-6-oontinuee t
,.. '
±. on;motlon by Member Washington, that the reoommendatione of the City e>
ihns,W + •..Solicitor to eettle.alaim%of Mre;'Will.Wright for damages to her automobile ceased ,•' '+
n.9�. by running:into the excavation at 17th and Broadway whioh was not properly lighted -
Ube concurred in and said claim allowed
Pilo. said claim being for $40.00- / 'carried upon call of the roll by the following votes'
Yeas, Lackey, Clay; -Wallace and Washington, 4.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes
•r _
Ysae;-Lackey, Clay,. Wallace and Washington, 4.• �{
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OOTOBLR.26th. 1916.
Ata special meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council._
Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on October 26th, 1916, upon call of
: the roll the following anewered their names: Lackey, Clay, Corbett and Washington4:
, g
On motion by Member Washintonthat theoontraot for
. and
graveling the alley between Tennessee and Jonee.etreet be awarded to Yenoey m b•)
MIL„,t,., Johnson, as per report of the Commieeloner of Public Works of October 24th, 1916-'
same carried upon oall. of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Lackey, Clay,
Corbett 'and Washington -4.
On motion by 'Member Clay, that the Commissioner/of Public Works be
��h.a�q� p(naix instructed to repair Bridge street. in. front of or near Wells Distillery.. in -such .e } ”
N wows. manner as to make said street safe and peeeable= same oar=led upon call of the roll is r
" by the. following vote: Yeae; Lackey, C1ay;.Corbett and Washington- '4.
On motion the Board adjou=ned, upon call of the roll by the following
»•.' vote: Use, Lackey, Clgq, Corbett and Washington -4.,
66 D _D_ p9 nn
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OCTOBER 30th..1916.
At a.re ular meets
g ng of the Board of Commissioners held is the Council �
h. Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on October 30,. 1916, upon call of .the '
1 i
1 r roll the following answered their names: Lackey, Clay and Washington -3.''
On motion b Member Cls the minutesY y. of a regular meet! held a �.
e Oct.Oet. E3.1:
I ' .were adopted as read upon oall.of,the roll by the following votes Ysas. Lackey.
k•_. Clay and Washington -3. I 4
OH motion by the above, the minutes of a special most held on Oat. 26th' 7
were adopted as reed upon call of the roil b the -follows
. D D y ng votes Yeas. Lackey. -
k Clay and Washington -3.
On motion by the above, that the Olt y 9olioitor bs inetsnoted to'emend the
- Astenti9n Ordinance raising the
..salary of the Chief of the Fire Department from ons',
hundred to $128.00, per month- same. lost upon oall. of the roll by the following.. :
' votes. Ysae. Olay, 1.. .Nays .Lackey and Washington -S.
On -motion by Yayorc,Laokey, that Riverside Hospital Annex be closed and. ) r
furnishings be removed to Riverside Hospital- carried. upon oil IL of' the Poli by the
follow votes Yeas,'Lac
lag, .key. Clay and Washington -3.
1 .i, i {"� '9:' r t g_ to �' s, r" rs4� , vii ^rec • ''i
•—•F -_ 5.. �Ac � '+u+yi�:uLb!' t � �•,,,.,�,,. G..,-_.rr f� ,
No. �CQo
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paduomh notaher 30 -T9� nos tine Q
+ On motion by Member Olay, that the qulstion as to the liability of ths:01ty
to the County for its proportionate part of expense of Juvenile Court be referred to
the City Solicitor for his reoommendations, so"" to, be reported to this Board, at its
Lnext regular meeting- oarried.npoa call of the roll by the following votes Yeaa, .
Lackey, Olay and Washington. 3.
Oh motion by Member Washington..that the pay roll for the street department
for week ending Oat.. E9. 1916. amounting.to $140.36, not covered by ordinanoe, be
i I allowed- same carried upon call of the toll by the Jbllowing votes Yeas, Lackey,
j Olay and Washington, 3. , •,, :'.
�►+ On motion by the above, that the claim of Mr. Harry Jamieson for repairs
to satomobile.,whioh was.domagsd by running into filled ditoh at 16th and Broadway
• �i on d E7 1916 amount I •',.
� ug. . amounting -to $7.10, be received. filed and refused- ,. carried upon
t n call of the 'roll by the following vote: 'Yeas, Lackey. Olay and Washington, S.
On motion by Mayor Lackey, that the matter of personal assessment of 0.. E.
4 ��•�E, Fr �* V r Gridley be referred to the Beard of Bupervisore- 'carried upon call of the.roil by
the following vote: Yeas. Lackey. Clap and Washington. S.
4 ti On motion by the above, that the Superintendent of the Light Plant be in-
structed to place an aro light at the corner of Eighth and Clark street. same carried'.,,
upon call'of the roll by the following vote: , Yess. Lackey, Clay and Washington 3.`I.
On motion by Member Clay, that the bill.of W. 0. Beaton for $11.40, costs In
OO ! the action of Juo. R. Scott &o. va `i �•F• � I City Commissioners be allowed and
paid out of the
contingent fund- same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas.
Y Lackey'. Clay and Washington -3.
n On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes,
Yeas. Looks . Clay and Washington -3.
t AZA V_ ,
t s N0VWBE& 3. 191m..
4t a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council
Chamber of the City Hall. Padnoah, Kentucky. on November 8, 1916, upon cell of the
3c roll the following answered their names: Lackey, Clay. Corbett. Wallace and
f Washington. -3. .
On motion by Member Washington; that the Com'r of Pinnae be Instructed to
J+ w �G j issue Improvement Warrant to G. W. Satterjohn for $Etl6.64 for work done on Broadway
Ae i
(�j,,U.l•., '"� during the mouth of October 1916,, se per attached statement- carried upon,call of the
' roll .by thefollowinsg votes Yeas. Lackey, Oleg'', Corbett, Wallace & Waehingtoss, b.
j On motion by the above, that the Com'r of Finance be instructed to issue
( s
Improvement Warrant to Prosser &,Halliday for $1392.41 for work done on contract for
-4 constructing, concrete sidewalks b o in territory embraced by Second. Ninth, Washington
& Monroe streets. during the mouth of October 1916. as per attached statement- carried h
{' upon Gall of the toll by the following votes Yeas, Lackey, Clay, Corbett. Wallace As
Washington, 6.
p, a On motion by Member Corbett, that an Aro light be plaosd at the intersection
of 21st street and Kentucky Ave.- the request of citisene living adjaoant thereto ! .
4 being filed herewith- same oarried upon call of the roll by the following votes
,. Yeas Laok R9.
,. ey, Cl Corbett Wallace and Washington 6. I ...,,..
I r