HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 202, October 25, 1916rs� >r » , ,:,.
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Cofnmissioner's Proceedings, City of Padticah Onto bar Pad 191-jk -continued
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On,motion by Member Washington, that the recommendations of the City
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Bo3loitor to eettls.alaim.:of Nre;'Wlll.Wright for damages to her automobile caused
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by ronning.into the excavation at -17th and Broadway which was not properly.lighted-
be concurred in and said claim all
said olaim being for $40.00- / carried upon call of the roll by the following votes
Yeas, Lackey, Clay;.Wallaoe and Washington, 4.
On motion.ths Board adjourned upon call of the roll by -the following votes.
Yeas; Lackey, Clay, Wallace and Waahington..4..
OCTOBER.EGth. 1916.
At a epeoial meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oonnoil..�,•
Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, I
Kentucky, on October 25th, 1916, upon cull o! I'
the roll the following ewewered their names: Lackey,' Clay, Corbett and Waohington-4
On motion by Member Washington, that the.00ntraot for grading. and
graveling the alley between Tennessee and Jones.strest be awarded to Yancey mit
OIA"t 4zra(,.,+
Johnson, as per report of the Commissioner of Public Works of October 24th, 1916-'
same carried upon oull. of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey. Clay,
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Oorbett'and Washington -4.
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Oa motion by Member Clay, that the Commiseionerjof Public Works be..
instruoted to ropair Bridge street. in. front of or.near Wells Distillery, in such.a
as to make said street safe and passable= same oakiied upon oall of the roil
N Pam.
by the. following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Clay;.C6rbett and -Washington -'4.
On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following
vote: Yeas, Lnokey, Clay, Oorbett and Washington -4.. ..
OCTOBER 30th..1916.
'• At axe ular meeting
g ng of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council
Chamber of. the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on October 30_. 1916, upon call of the
roll the following answered their names: Lackey, Clay and Washington -3.-
On motion by Member Cla tlis minutes of a regular Wiest! held n�'
onClay. gu ng . o Oot.. E3.
•.ire re adopted se read upon sell, of. the roll by the following vote: Teas, Lackey,
Olay and Washington -3.
OH motion by the above, the minutes of a special. meeting held on Oct.'26th
were adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following votes Teas. Lackey.
Olay and'Washington -3.
On motion D the above. that 0
y D s, the City Solicitor bs Instructed to'esosrid the.'
Reteatl6a Ordinance raising the salary of the Chief of the Pira Department from one',
hundred to 126.00, en month- sams.lost upon call.of the roll b the followi.
voter. Yeas. Olay, 1.. .Bays . Lackey and Washington -B.
On'motion by Yayor_.Laoksy. thpt Riverside Hospital Annex be closed and
1L+ cl-:M •i.
furnishings be removed to Riverside Hospital- earrled. uposs o0lI of the moll by the
following votes Yeas. Lackey. Clay, and Washington ->3.
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