HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 199, October 16, 1916see Nom Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah October 9th 1916 oontinued MAYUlt. 1 � 4.1�+.Tin'.'r-Xrs!..Ir-.�.✓r.A.!R.w4�'0."!` � On motion by Ember Olay, that the report of the City Solicitor concerning the official bonds of city officers, be received and filed- and that he be directed to file a supplemental report as soon as farther Information is secured by him. carried. ,may'-• " upon call of the roll by the following votes Yews, Lackey, Olay, Wallace and T Washington .4. On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following votes Yens, Lackey, Clay, Gullaoe and Wushington .4. 400,:u4Y 00TO41M bath. 1916. At a special meeting of the Board of Commlaeioners hall in the Council Chumber of the City Ball. Padlouh, Kentucky, on Oat. 12th, 1916, upon call of the roll the following answered their namest Lackey, Clay, Wallace and Washington -4. On motion by ].;mbar Clay, that the communication and report of the Commiseloner of ?insncs be received, filed and published- sure carried upon call of the roll n by the following vote: Yens, Lackey, Clay, Wallace and Washington -4, D On motion by the above, that the petition of certain citizens requesting the f' r 1nsLa13aLion of a street light at 16th and Jones streets be received and filed, and If �o-w the Superintendent of the Light Plant be instructed to install a street light at said point- carried upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yens, Lackey, Olf. Wallace and Wssahington, 4. On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following votet Yens, Lackey, Clay, Wallace and 'Washington -4. _ "yUlt OCTUBER 16th, 1916. At a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the council chamber of the City Ball, Paducah, Kentucky, at eleven owolook A. Y., October 16, 1916, upon call of the roll for following answered their mars; Lackey, Clay, Wallace and Washington -4. On motion by linyor Lackey, a Resolution ordering and directing the Chief of Police of the city of Paducah to close all saloons 1n the 01 ty . on account of the gathering of men asombled at the county jail with the ostensible purpose of attempting to bang one certain prisoner therein. until farther orders of this Board, was given Its passage upon call of the roll by the following votes Yvan, Lackey, Qlay, Wallace and Washington .4. Onmotion the Boned adjourned upon cell of Lis to 11 by the following voter Yews, Lackey, Clay, Wallace an4 Washington .4. MAYUlt. 1 � 4.1�+.Tin'.'r-Xrs!..Ir-.�.✓r.A.!R.w4�'0."!` � � t H "s:i.•F'• 'p:"�t,' n; •^•�t T 4 i- �'C _sY Tt +sr -•'.j. r, , Oir�,"'h. >; +'vwr•t �. r•e �I b?rM1�M•++.a =n. r< . _,�„ .. . ... '.r, .'t;'l:..i,• :c.. .x ... .. .R. �. �w �.;.r. f�t 'nr�;Y':•.7..qrr.-c.i'-.TP'.::r.;.-..,r-.ro. _.;.,t,. _... _ No: 100. r Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ontnbar 16 I9I-6- " At a regular meeting of the. Board of Oommiseioners.held in the Council Chamber of. y' I ; i the City Hall, Paducah., Kentucky on October 16, 1916, upon cell of the roll -the following ' < answered their names: Lackey, Clay, Wallace and Washington -4: u On motion.by Member Clay, the minutes of a regular meeting held on October 9th ! were adopted as read upon call of the roll. by the following. vote: 'Yeas, Lookey, Ole ' xy Wallace and WaehSngton -4. I?' • On motion by-Uember Wallace, the minutes of a special meeting held on October 12th sry.r � r, r ' I • .�. . huh were adopted as read.upon Gall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas.' Lackey. Cley. _ T•,,:? Walleoe- and Washington -4: on motion by Uember Washington, the pay roll for.the street department for 'tbs- .. I,. week,ending.October 16th, 1916, amounting to $146.16,.not covered by ordinance, was I r qe d allowed upon call of, the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Clay. Wallaoe end " 1j f Was -4: x;*: On motion the Board n ourns&, r s• , � upon nail of the roll by the following Yeas, r I. Leakey, Olay, Wallace and Washington -4. , OCTOBER 17th, 1916 At a Special meeting of the Board of Commiesionere held in the Council Chamber of s. d the city Hall, Paduoah.,'Ky:,'on October 17th,.1916, upon call of the. roll the followings, . answered their names: Yeae, Lackey, Clay, Wallace and Washington -4. . r On motion of itember Wallace, that the report of the.Co" r of Finance and Auditor: •v ': : .. for the semi-monthly pay roll of October be.receive.d, filed', and warrants drawn on { . treasury for eilme- carried upon call of the roll by the following vote:'. Yeas, Lackey;. ' Clnq, Wsllnoo and Rachington -4. A. I Y sport of the Commissioner of re.ardi ti On motion b the above, that the rSafety, e n6 the.re-opening of saloons be received, filed and concurred in-. some �. carried upon Gull = P of the roll by the follow! vote: Yeas, Lao following y, Clay, Wallaceand Wash irig ton -4. on motion the Board adjourned. upon Gall of the roll by the following vote.. Yeas Laosy, Cloy, ng �. , We1lea.e and Washington -4.. I f� • t lJ���CI`i`:GIX7 � I �" f MAYO f