HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 19, February 15, 1915' Y_'T)'::.1• �:4JSJ:AL':d�iNM-,�-�'t..f�::/^Q'_'WTi`.6:E!.i.:�.^. •rfrt•Y47f9.Hlc.T�3:£r"1"i:•T; �YNe'.i•, :iRz�.�♦ }':L.' Ir'�;. ...t .'i /w ri �'.�f'�f5`f`'�.•'�;•
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Commissioner's Procee'ding's, Ci of Paducah February 1611L • 191•
At a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners,"hell in the Oouuoll
h OuMber. in the City Hall, in the Olty of Paducah, Kentucky, on February 16, 1916,
upon call of the roll the following answered their namoss Burns, Basally, Marton, '
Wallace and Washington 6.
On motion by Member Washington, that the meeting of the Oommissioaers at
ten o'clock today, February 16. 1916, for the purpose of hearing the proposition of
the, West Kentucky Mausoleum Co., and set four o'clock P. M. February 16, 1916 to
hear said remarks. carriod upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Burns
Haselip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6
On motion by Member Wallace, that the Leake Printing Co., being the lowest
and beat bidder as per specifications on printing of Construction Bonds, sto..were
i"awarded the contract, at a price of $34.76, carried upon Gall of the roll by the foll-
vote; Yeds. Burns, Basally, Marton. Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion by the above. that 0. Tandy Smith be employed as superintendent
over the"repairing of the Market House at e% of cost, carried gpon call of the roll.
by the following vote; Yeas, Burns, Basally, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6,
on motion by Member Burns, that the communication of Mr. Jamieson"be
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•0,�J;, received and filed, and that on account of Sherrill-Auesell's failure to secure the.
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rn� h lumber.ocatraot,•and for the reason the Mr.. Jamiesonand his firm reoeived no conald.
oration for the work done, that Mr. Jamieson be tendered, a vote of thanks and check,
, � ."ki .} f 4( Y. }
for $10.36 covering amount -heretofore allowed him for supervising the work. carried
`.upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Burne, Haselip, Marton, Wallace ,
and Washington - 6.
On motion by Membsr.Weehington, the Oommlesloner of Public Works was em-
powered .to purchase .two hundred loads of gravel at the beet prices he can, and later
advertise for bide for.what gravel that -will be needed during tho.year 1916, carried
upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burne,.Haselip, Marton., Wallace
and Washington - 6.
/ On motion by Member Burne, the Oommissioner of Public Safety was empowered
to purchase tarpaulins and certain other equipment in order that Paducah may be placed
* in a more favorable class with respect to insurance rates carried upon call of the
roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns. Haselip, Marton, Wnllaoe and Washington =,6.
On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following '
„ vote: Yeas. Burne, Haselip, Marton. Wallace and Washington - 6.
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Pnhrun "16th 191
At a regular meeting,of the Board.of Oommissionera, held in the Oounoil Chamber
in the Oity Hall.,Paduoah, Kentucky, on Pebruary 16th, 1916, upon call of the roll the
F.. following answered their names: Haselip, Burne. Marton; Wallace and Washington - 6.'
On motion the minutes of .the previous meetings were adopted as read upon call
of th9 roll by.the following votes Yeas. Burne, Haselip. Marton, Wallace and Wash-.
ington - 6. r" ,
'-. On motion by Mayor Haselip, a.Resolution firom.the Ministerial Association in
'regard "to Sunday closing was received and .filed, upon call of-the roll by the follow-. .
iµ� s. Burne, Haseli Marton. Wullaoe and Washington r 6. ".
•� lag vote:- Yeas • P. - . .
On motion by the above, that.the Oommissioner of Publio Safety be instructed
J�""r�(�.�✓' to enforce the Sunday "closing law to .the "letter, carried upon coal of the, roll by
the-following vote: Yeas; Burns, Haielip,. Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion by Member Marton. the Commissioner: of Public Works was instructed to1,;"
employ at least fifty men in hie department to clean all streets and alleys, and
remove from all groes plots all 'unsightly trees, eto., these men to be employed for
.: �•
two.daye, then fifty more mea. Lo be given employment for two days this to be con-
tinued until the Oity is. cleaned of all rubbish end dirt - these mea.to'be paid the
usual amount as is.now paid in the Street Department, and charged to the OontiagenL r
Pond; carried upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeas. Burne, Haselip.
Marton, Wallace and Washington. 6.
On motion by"Member Burns, }:
the Oommieaioner of Public Works was"inetrnoted to
hire such teams from men in the.oity owning teams not employed as shall be necessary
to facilitate the..oleaning.up of the City by using men who are now unemployed, oarriai
upon call of the.roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns. Haselip, Marton, Wallace. 1,
and Washington
On motion by Member Marton, the Oommissioner.of Public Works be instructed to
.�'•. advertise for bite for construction of Sewer. District J3, amount .to be.00nstruoted .
not to exceed $76,000.00. and Paducah labor to be given the preference in the con-
struotion of eame, same to be Stated when advertising for bida. this. to .be done as
soon as practicable, Oommiseioners reserve-the right to reject any and all bide,. "
.carried upon call of the roll by the following.vote: Use, Burns. Haselip, Marton,
Wallace and Washington - 6.
�3 Oa"motion"by Member Burns. that by way of amendment•in taking bide for the
06u�' ..
eeotiou of the Third District Bower-that bide for the whole trunk line of the sewer.
be taken in bonjunotion with bide.and addition to, on the first section tbereof, so
that the whole eewer.may be built immediately is the event a bond isene is submitted
and carried, Paducah labor to be used in the said construction thereof. .carried upon
call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Burns, Haselip. Marton. Wallace and
P Washington - B.
On motion by Member Wallace. the report--of the Oommiseioner of Public Works r
was received and filed and. concurred in, and the Oity Solicitor was instructed to:
p� P� take proper steps to carry out suggestion, carried upon call of "Lhe roll by the..
following vote: Yeae, Burns; Haselip, Marton. Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion by Member Washington, that action on pairing the driveway at Riverside
� . Hospital be leferred until after our apportionment ordinance is made, carried upon .
call of the roll by the following votes Yeas. Burns, Haselip, Marton. Wallace and
Washington - 6.'.
On motion by Member Wallace, a transfer of a lot in Oak Grote OemeLery from
Carrie Ounningham to Oallie McDonald be granted. carried upon call of the roll by th*I"
Gfollowing rote: Yese, Burne, Haselip, Marton, Wallace sad Washington - 6.
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah February 16th
a Oontiaued
OR motion by Mayor Haseiip,/Lbe Board of Commissioners oonsidsr the �.
building of sewer without the ezeouLion of contract and that Paducah material be
y /�3 used ss far as possible as well u Paducah labor, carried upon call of the roll by they
following vote: Yeas, Barns, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion by Member Marton, the semi-monthly payroll, mouueing to
O$3811.82. was allowed upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns,
!� Hassllp. Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.
61 _,r441 On motion by Member Washington, that the petition to remove the gym.
nasium apparatus from Kolb park be referred to the Civic Department of Wotman's Club j
and the Park Commissioners. carried upon call of the roll by the following votes
Barns. Haselip, Marton. Wallace and Washington - 6.
/ On motion by the above, the payroll for the Street Dopartment for the
0AA„/ week ending YebraarylSth. 1916. amounting to $131.96. paid by cash order, same was j
Ir received and !ilea upon call Of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Haselip,
Marton, Wallace and Washington
On motion by Member Marton, a petition f 4mZ- J. Paxton. in rig and to
over assessment. was referred to the Commissioner of Pinanoe, City Solicitor and
Assessors. carried upon call of the.roll by the following votes Yeas. Burns.
Harelip. ••----. Wallace and Washington - 4. Bay: Marton, 1.
On motion by Member Washington. an invitation from the Home of the
Friendless for the Commissioners and Mayor to attend an inspection of the Home of
��..s the Friendless on February 16th, 191b, same was received and filed. upon call of the
roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns. Haselip. Marton, Wallace and Washington -6. i
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following j
vote:YeatBurns. Harelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington 6. j
vary v. _ A,.LlrYUti.
February 16th. 1916. J,
At a called meeting of the Board of Oosimissioners of the City of
Paducah, in the Council Chamber. in the City Hall of the City of Paducah. Ky. on
February 16th, 1916, upon call of the roll the following answered their namest Barns,
Haselip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion by Member Wallace ” A RE80LUTION FCR THE CUTTING OF AN
OF THE WEST EENTUOKY MAUSOLEUM COMPANY " was given its passage, upon call of the roll
(�.• by the following vote:. Yeas. Bursa. Haselip. Marton. Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roil by the following
vote: Yeas. Burns. Haselip, Marton. Wallace and Washington -6.