HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 187, August 28, 1916ice. u�ic>~ky:43. . i.fi �1 ' itr '�''''r [� r`'�1..r r' i`• i �,1�' - n7 �'�,4 dD1�°.'.".4 ' v,¢a . :1uTei #' �c�,+qy4�n-� �r r, s,.c`S•rt .4'�. Sf sj ♦ 'Cc,. r ^y�.r'" yp Yr4 r r r. _ i "2 f"r "}...,,� - I".._.-4F..-.:::•:+J.1+:c:i__.L.._n�:.i.yr.� i .r.{ -. r ¢- l. -LY -. 1 - .1 Commissioner's Proceedings, CiLy of Paducah AL a special meeting of the Board of Oommiesioners o! the City of Paducah, held in the Council Ohamber of the City Hall; Pnduouh, Rant* -on -on August 24, 1918 " .1 upon call of the rollthe following answered their names: Clay, Oorbett, Lackey. Wallace and Washington .6, On motion bY Member Washington, that Richard Hell be'awarded the contract • ..'( � 1 a:. - --� for grading sad gravelling the alley between 10th and 11th street and Tennessee " I� streets. Jon s o in oocordcnoe with his bid, and that the City Solicitor be requested la i r to draw up the neoeseary contract therefor,- acme carried upon cull of the roll bq " !i the following voted Yens, Clay, Corbett, Lackey', Wallace and Washington -6. On motion by the above, that J. u Bradshaw be awarded the contract for ?•," grading end gravelling the alley between 6th and 7th street end Monroe and Gladiaon !<<•' streets, in 0000rdcaroe with his bid, and that the Oity 9olioitor be requested to + draw up the naaaaeury contract therefor,- sane carried upon oull of the roll by the " r following votes Y01118, Olay, Corbett, Loola y, Wallace cad Washington .6. II t.. On, mot Lou the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the :bllowing { f "'votes Yens, Clay, Corbett, Laolosy, Wallace and Washington .6. ie mAY0_ kL it r ' AUGUST 280. 1916. I -J At a regular meating of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oounoil` Ohambdr•.oi the Oity Hall, Paducah,Kentucky, on August 28, 1916,. upon call of the . 'roll the ibllowing answered their names: Olay, Lackey, Wallace sad Wsahington "-1. '1 " f ° - On motion by ManDer Olay, the minutes of the regular meeting hold August 21, 1916 were adopted as read, upon call of the roll by the JbIlowing vote: .Yeas', . Olay, Luokey, Wallace and Washington -4. On motion by Li®Der Washington, the pay roll for the street "department .for the week ending august 27th, 1916. amounting to 4208.10. not covered by ordinance," X u was allowed, upon call of the roll.by the Jbllowing votes Yeae, Olay. ;pokey. x ,5y Wallace and Washington .4. On motion by Member Wullaoe. that the petition of various property owners" .�'�. for Culvert and fill on Voeseur street be received and "filed, and that. the matter.be referred to the Commissioner of Public Works and Oity Solicitor for report as to cost and the willingness of county to join with the city 1n the coat of said improve. S ment- eame oarried upon call of the roll by the ibllowing vote: Yeae, 01' Y Laokey. Wallace and Washington .4." �. On motion by L'amber Washington, A RESOLUTION PROV?DINO FOR THE IMMOVELIENT ;y ;;;'• jl OF 24th STREET, 77014 TLF NORTH SIDE OF BROAD17AY TO TILE SOUTH SIDE OF JEFFERSON STREET, IN TO CITY OF PADUCZ, KENTUCKY, BY GRAZZIG :1:D GRAVELING S..Li:, was givan It " U YYY ppeeage upon call of the still tF the following voter Yens, .Olay, Lackey, Wallace ^, 1 NA Wash ington...4. t On, motion byMsyor Lackey,. that the resignation oi.Hari. 0. 0. Gross ham True.tee of the Onrnegie Libraryy be accepted. some carried upon call of the roll " l •�,' �� by the ib'llowing vote] ,Yeae. Olay. Lao 3a y, Wallace and Washington -4. r t . �Wa.b - if L+r►+ifw'•.0.i: ...+fir'. r � .�.. _�.. .. -' ,1.' 1 _i ��. 3i A. f"'A"'I'Mn—t9jftrf`fS L'�='L11CAv. `LOS.'mC4.'A'�t41a.t1.'r,7aW.+rlv:fXJGdTA 6'¢:0,'•"."'r.'':',Z^'-18�f4ML70pr3'�^.+T~v'lMl1 vP�IT�'1aa'ii�' f. IVO t a3 ;� r. •• ' ati Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah �u Ust 28th jQJ6 continued . On motion by Mayor Lackey, that Dr. Vernon Blythe be appointed to fill x . U 9�%4- out the unexpi8ed term of 0.• 0. Graesham as trustee of Carnegie Library- some carried ;f ' K ��✓ T upon aall of the roll. by the following vote: Yeae, Olay, Laakey, Wallace and d Washington -4. 4sc' On motion by the above, that the City of Paducah turn over to the County. ,3 4eO-d for the Anti-tuberoulosie hospital the old patrol wagon or ambulance. for the purpose of conveying patients to .the said hospital- same carried upon call of the roll by q +. the following vote: Yeas,'Clay, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -4. 1 'On motion by Member: Rashington. that the City retain the old paving briak ; `.' to be removed from Broadway, which Is to .be repaved. as per contract of 0. W.. 1' /I Katterjohn- acne carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: %Yase, Clay, lackey, Wallace and Washington -4. L.- On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll tV the allowing 3 vote: Yeas, Clay, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -4. ' ry p�•r:�� VIa7DS AUGUST.29th, 1916.. :q At a special meeting of the Board of commissioners, held in the Council' • � Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on August E9, 1916, upon call of the roll • •' :. :t the following answered their names: . Clay, Corbett, Lackey, iYallaoe and Washington- B. r y ay, that the Commissionor of Public Works be On motion b Member. O1 pp P• �C , ,, .: . } authorised to sward n .contraot for ounnreting the floor of the patrol .house and LQN.✓ repairing the driveway into said patrol house - some carried upon call of the roll by t' the following vote:. "!one, Clay, Corbett,"'Laokey, Wallaoe'di:d Washington -G., a On motion by the abovo,'that 'Z.. T. Harelip be relieved of hie duties. as (� Inspootor of Lloeneee, Weighte and Measures, and that Sam Abell be rppointed as each ////```` �►{►�+..e- Inepeotos- Dame carried upon call of the roll tb the following vote: Yens, 'Olay; Oorbott. Lackey and Washington -4. Troy, Wallace, A. ". On motion by Member Corbett, that the services of Hubert Hazdlip as City Clerk be, and they are hereby. discontinued from and after this date, and 'hat B. t , Iy Aiohord Miller be selected and appointed as City Clerk, and. upon the execution of , : .;.. .-� p i G the bond required by law the said Miller will take .charge of said office and enter I (. upon the discharge. of the duties of eame-. same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote:, Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Lackey and Washington -4. Hay, Wallace- 1. On motion by Member' Wallaoe,, that WHEREAS, ,it is necessary by reason of � � the work to be done in making assouenents on property which is soon to begin, to f 4q �` ` employ 'an experienced assistant, that the Com'r of Finance be authorized to employ. r T. T. Ueely as such extra aeeietont, at a salary of 4lEb.00'par. month, and for a i period of four months from September 1. 1916; Daae. to be charged to. the contingent'. fund- carried upon call of the roll the follows vote:. Yeas Cla Corbett; P by following .. Y. • Lookey, Wullnoe and Washington -b. cr` On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by .the following. + ' vote: Your,. Clay, Oorbetti, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -B. i �._ �i h.:t t n ^ .•,I» -S: f _ _ C .: �•i. ,-�.. .- / .f, .... _ f ' Yid • . ..w•-r :•rat,.,..:,�y.•Spy_:_ar:«v^,.:;it,,:car.�,>tiva i.:+r• y+w•,.c..«o-.t.::" _ ., •. �_ ...,.x:•.,.. .:,.:._ .. .rk•,:.s:�.:u-its- ';�•..:•, ^