HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 185, August 18, 19161.x^+s �c.+.t+ p M�R7, ♦ / :xY`.r + Ktrr a r .,r� J�'u c ( y r No. ; Commissioner'& Proceedings,. City of. Paducah. August l8th1.9JL.6_ h .At a epeoiml meeting of the Board of Oommiselonera. held in the Couaoil " [Chamber of the City Rall, Paduoah, Kentuo ky, on August 18th, 1916, upon Goll of ,the moll the following answered their names: Olay, Oorbstt;.Laokey, Wallaae and.,.... I; (. Washington -6. h On motion by Member Washington, that the oontraot for the reoonstruotion of Broadway from First to Fourth Street be awarded to G. W. Katterjohn, so per his bid Yxt X 1 : of August 17th, 1916- same oarried upon oall of the roll by the following. ng vote' z sae, Clay, Corbett, Laokey, Wallaoe and Washington -6. : I On motion by Member Olay, that notion be deferred for a period of not longer ;? ;than two weeke on the bide submitted August 17, 1916 for street oonatruotion work , I on the"blanketo sidewalk ordinanoa from Seoond Street to Uinth street and Monroe to :Washington- Dorth side of Olay street from 17th to 19th- North Fourth street from •Monroe to Clay street- , I •� b✓ Y South Sixth street from Kentucky Ave. to Tennessee street= � �- ,same oarried upon oall of the roll by the following votes Yens, Olay, Corbett, { I ,a Laokey and Wallnoe -4. . Nny, Washington, 1. On motion the Board adjourned, upon Gall of the roll by the following Jh;. 6vota: Yens, Clay, Corbett, Laakey, Wallaoe and Washington -6. t {y AUGUST Elat, 1916 =s Iy' At a regular meeting of the Bosrd of Oommisaignere, held in the Oounoll Chamber of the City Hall Paduoah, Kentuoky, on August 21 1916 upon Gall of the roll f, the following answered their names: Olay, Corbett, Laakey and Washington -4. T f On motion by Member Corbett, the minutes of the meeting held August 140 i 1916 were adopted as read upon oall of the roll by the following veto: Yoae, Clay, ,v =•t '. Corbett, Laokey end Washington -4. lOn motion by the above, the minutes of a opeoial meeting held August 17, 1916 wore adopted as read upon oull of the roll by the following yo to; Yoae, Oluy, Corbett, Laokey and Washington'-4. On motion by the above, the minutes of the epeoial meeting held August 18'. 1916 were adopted no read upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yoae, Clay., Corbett, Laokey and Washington -4. On motion by Member Washington, that the pay roll for the Street Department' not oovered by ordinanoe for the week ending August P.O, 19x6 amounting to 0206.2D, + be allowed some carried upon Gall of the roll b the follow p . P Y lag vote: Yene,.Oley,. 1 -.4. 1. ;Corbett, Laokeq and Washington On motion by the above, All ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROYEIMT OF MONRON STREET,COLMMUOLIG ON THE EAST LIRE OF LOTS NUMBERS FOUR (4). AND THIRTEEII (13), IIL WHAT I I IS YSIOWN AS FOU:TAIII PARK ADDITI0II TO THE CITY OF PADUOAh, KENTUCKY, TIMICE 17ESTTIARDLY (. J""'~'TTHREE RUIIDRED (300) FEET, Ill THE CITY OF PADUCAH. MiTLUCKY, BY r,RADu10 ldiD GRAYFLIUG S=. was given its passage upon Gall of the roll by the lbllow)ng veto: Yeae, Olay, ; I' Corbett, Laokey and Wachington -4.