HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 183, August 14, 1916. - .T fl. � .G.M VjY r YO�a'CYfy'L`a.. It „f\ 1 y'N�JwS Y'`F.,'YYF. �,'W' :.Z'�ff. Y'J:^ "1 fir. i. (.� \ y •,fir-��� - ; r r No ?3 `r Commissioner's City, PAduosh .Proceedings, of Angast 14th .-191-A At a regular me sting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Council it i! chamber -of the City Hall, PAduoah, Kentucky, on August 14th, 1918, upon call of ` :. 1 fi the roll the following answered their names: Olay, Corbett, Lsoksy, Wallace _and Washington • -b. On motion by Member Corbett, the minutes of the meeting g held'. August 7th, ;f 1916 were adopted as read, upon call of the roll by the followingvote; ate; Yeae, Olay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -6. OI" On motion by Member Clay, it appearing that V. F. ltaeohmeyer has been* o ff employed as Merohant Policeman by the merchants of the city, said V. F. that id i ...- o . Masohmayer be. and he is hereby given police power upon execution of the proper ±+ !bond -.carried upon call of the roll the following votes Yeas, Cloy. Corbett,.. Laolay, Wallace and Washington -b t On motion by Member Washington, that the pay roll for the Street Dept. by ordinance; amounting to $184.90, be allowed- same carried upon call " + C1ft0t.00vered of the roll by the following votes. Yeae, Clay. ay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and �1 Washington .8. `: r QQ1 ' �r On motion by L'ember-Oorbett, that a deed be executed and delivered to Mike ` r „� Mettler to Lot 31x. Block for ty-five in Oak Grove cemetery, Treasurer's reooipt for ' . ;� -►■r4 ` ... $126.00 being filed herewith-. acme carried upon call of the roll by the following - �,; s.• ' vote: Yeaa, Olay, Oorbett, Looks y. Wal Is' and Washington -6. ;=.:k •". On motion by the above, that a.dead be executed and delivered to W., V. 1, ., f- t Eaon for Lot Eight block fort T , iB forty-seven in Oak Grove cemetery, roaeurer a reooipt for 'V f' w125.00 being filed herewith -same carried upon call of the roll by .the following, i G vote: Yeas. Clay,. Corbett, Laolxy, Wallace and Washington -B. Y' On motion by the above, that a transfer of the 9outhe'aet Quartof Lot tar �• twenty-one block four in Oak Grove Cemetery from Alma Kreutzer to G. M. Dorris be. F,es"n ' - ,,,;,A made, the written request of said A3— Kreutzer being filed larowith- sane . : p ;; carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Olay, Corbett, Lackey, -Wallace and Washington -6. '. On motion by Member Washington, that Section thirty-three (33) of the : Building Ordinance be amended eo as to specify thedifferent roofs dng materiale. which : are acceptable with the .Board of Fire Underwriters, and that the M•Vor be instructed ' to appoint a Qommittee to pass on these materials- - acme oarried upon call of, the ' roll by the following vote: Yeae, Olay, Corbett. Lackey, Wallace end Washington -6 Y On motion by the above, " ORDILdUCE PROVIDI1fG F1DR THE COMPELLII:G OF 4dY WuTER COMPANY, CORPORATION OR IIIDIVIDUAL TO CHANGE OR RE-LOGATE ANY. WATER MAIN OR &'PIPE, 11-► "' ' was given its passage upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Clay Corbett,;Laokey, Vallsoo and Washington -6. 1 ' k.On,motion, by the above, AU ORDIIIAIIOE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMMIT OF +;% STREET, ;�' (j JONE3 FROM TWELFTH STREET TO THIRTEEIITH 3TRi1 T, IN THE CITY OF PADU06H, KEIITUCKY, BY GRADING AIID GRAVELLING 3612, ,UID PROVIDING THAT SAID IMPROYF1fr11T SHALL ''.'` • •� HE MADE UPON TIM TEII YEAR PAYME11T PLAN, was given its passage upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Olay. Corbett. Lnolm y, Wallace and Washington -6 On motion*by Mayor Lackey, that the Ferguson Hardwood Oompany be granted 4 - V. '?�exemptions from taxation for a period of five years, as per ordinance oovbring ear.*.. < • carried upon call of the roll >Zy the.bllowing vote; Yana, Oley, Oorbatt, Luckey. ' Wallaoo and Washington -6.40 • ... _ t _a,:. (, ,c r N � t ,,.�i ti 'pip _r� � r Commissioner's. Proceedings, City of Paducah Auauet 14th 191e continued r� l 1 On motion by Mayor Lackey, that Col. H. 0. Rhodes be reappointed park n'�.. :.f Oommieeioner for fire yeare from May 16th, 1916- carried upon call of the roll by. he following vote: Yeas, Olay, .0orbett, Lackey, Walleoe and Washington On motion by. the _above, that .the Hew England Equitable Insurance Company be relieved on_the.bonds of W..S. Beavers, Dr. B. L. Bradley, and L. S. Durrett- ... +.; same. carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Olay, Corbett, `, '. �1ii'•s ! �.' • ' :`'� Lackey, Wallace and Washington -6. _ On motion by Member Corbett, that the opinion of the Oity.Bolioitor �. With 'reference 'to the calling of ­a Primary for an election this Ball, be reQeited_ and filed- some carried upon cell 04 the roll Dy,.the following vote: Yens, clay,} Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -b.' On motion by the above, that'a Committee be appointed to contract forJV decorating city Duildingo: on. the .2nd of this month, In preparation for Elko re- , L • h . union- said Committee to have full power to act; Gene carried upon call of.the roll o�~�/f• 4^^ �" r by the following vote: Yeas, Olay, Corbett,.,Lno]®y, Wallace end Washington -b. . 0n motion by Member Wallace, that the Board of Commissioners adopt ;the reoommendation of the Vice Commission not heretofore adopted, embraoed'in the report Cof said Commission, in Section Noe. 4, 6, 7, S, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, E1, 2E. . J E4 26 and 28 and pace ordinances where necessary to enforce said reoommendationa-;.l.. / rtt s mama carried upon call of the -roll by the fblloaing vote: Yeas, Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -6.. On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the.roll by.the following.: vote: Yong, Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington ZD:: .-� .7 �. l lriaYo .. q AUGUST 17th, 1916. N At a special mooting of the Board of Commissioners. hold in the Council '{ . Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on August 17. 1916, upon call of the } roll the f911owing answered their names:.. Olay, Corbett, Luckey, Wallnoo and I . i- ;, y Washington -.6. s On motion by Member Olay, that the changes made in the Dept. of Public Safety by the Oonmiesloner of Public Safety, as shown by the list.herewith filed, be ratified- acme carried upon call -of the roll by the following -vote: Yeae, Clay.! Corbett; Lackey, Wallace and Washington -6. On motion by Member Wallace, that the Report of the Oom'r of Pinanoe and , Auditor, showing disbursements for the first half of August, 1916, be resolved and. r filed and warrants drawn on treasury for same-. carried upon cell of the roll by' the following vote: .Yeae, Clay, Corbett. Lackey, Wallace and Washington -6. (' On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the toll_owing. " N votwl' Yens; Olay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and Washington -b. L • h . J L • h .