HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 169, June 19, 1916" � � I I•`: yµ wq KI �.:�, Yd 4'M�;� T ; ( y. ?'. ti '�•?, 4 � t � . '!. 1,• ! � A" G. hG Y _
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No.� 6 9
Cammissioner's Proceddings, City of Paducah' Jana 19th 19'1
At a regular meetink of the Board of Oosmiselonre hold in the Oonnofl.
is. Chamber of the City Hall, City of Paducah. $y., on June 19th, 1916, uppn oall of C `
the roll the following answered their names. Haselip, Van Meter,•Wallaoe and
r� l
't Washington -4.
On motion by Member Wallaoe,'the minutes of a regular meeting hold June
18, 1916 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas,
Haselip, Ven Meter, Wallace and Washington -4. "
On motion by Member Van Meter, that the sum of $1196.80 be allowed George
Hatterjohn as payment for Roadster for Chief of the Fire Department, together with .+r
G t horn, bumper, four extension ladders 0 $48.00, less 15%. soar carried upon call of
the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Haselip, Yen Meter, Wallace and Washington-4 !3'"
•' On motion by Member Washington, that the pay roll for the Street Department
j not covered by ordinance, for the week ending June 18. 1916, amounting to $118.366k.
be allowed, same carried upon call of the roll by the following votei Yeae,
I ,
' r Haselip, Van Motor. Wallace and Washington -4.
x�s On mntiou by Member Wallace, that the Report of the Auditor-Treasurer ant
Oom'r of Finance for accounts and allowances for the first half of June be received
4"4 and filed, and warrants ordered drawn an Treasury for some- carried upon call of
the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Haselip, Yah Motor, Wallace and Waahington-4 i
j� On motion by the above,,that on report of City Solicitor that the claim is +
Thy. illegal. I recommend that the request for refund of 023.80 on 1916 taxes on , n
personal property, made by .J. Lo D..
(r+• vy, be rolueed, same carried upon call of the.
a roll by the following votes Yene, Haxelip; Van Motor, Wallace and Washington -4."
on motion by the above, that L.-R. Barnes be released from tax on $240.00
D �onr note transferred to him by Washburn 6 Company, certificate attached ehowing note
3Ir i, was released March 8,:1916, oar carried upon oall of the roll by the following
vote: Yeae, Haselip. Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -4.
-; On motion.by Member Washington, referring to complaint of.L. L. Nelson
relative to•sewer,00nnootion to his property recently bought from Mr. Lockwood,
that he be given permission to connect to the lateral that nnw creases the corner
.;; of the property now owned by James Glauber, or if he prefers not to use this ooa
' notion that he be
,• permitted to put a Y in said pipe line niudor the sidewalk and
;;� ?..• then run w separate line to his house, all of said work to be done at his expense, i
same carried upon call of the roll by the fnllrwing vnto;, Yens, Haselip, Van Meter, I
3- i'. Wallace ani Washington -4."
On, motion by Member Haselip, that Lot Sl, Bleak Six (6) in Oak Grove
Cemetery, be transferred on the record from the nems of George T. Pidgeon to Mrs.
Sallie Rogers, lawful heir- same carried upon call of the roll by the,following
p , votes Yeas. Haselip, Vari Meter, Wallnoo and Washington -4.
On motion by the above, that the South half of Lot 96 block Six, In Oak I,
Grove Cemetery, be transferred to I. W. & 0. J. Holcomb, upon order of Mrs". Sallie
,/- Rogers, hereto attached,- same"oarried upon call of the roll by the following
votes Yeae, Haselip, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -4.
On motion the Board adjourned. upon sell of the roll by the following votes �.
Yeas, Haselip. You Motor. Wallace.and.Washingtod -4.