HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 161, May 15, 1916�. ,.:.-a.....��,`..:w.�L-1. '.�" ;. a.ws".•:_... ��-r-.'` ,-1:.r; '�. _:tea......-�.:�t�:.�..,. t d '.li. ....le,:_�,_... t.. _�.� 1 :No 6: Commissioner's Proceedings,. City of Paducah' May lath g , t3' y At a special meeting of the Hoard of Commissioners, held in the Council Chamber of the City Hill. Paducah, $y., on the loth day of May, 1916, upon call of the toll the following answered .their names: Lackey, Haselip, Van Motor, Wallace I. . ADA Washington -6. F'. On motion by Member Haselip, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RECONSTRUOTION OF BROADWAY AND JEFFERSON STREETS FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF SIXTEENTH STREET TO TO EAST PROPERTY LINE OF SEVENTEENTH STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEUTUOBY, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID I12ROVEMBNT MAY BE MADE UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN, was given its passage upon call of the roll the following by ng voter Yosa, Lackey, Haselip,i ` Van Motor, Wallace and Washington -6. h fl On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following voter I Yeas, Lackey, Hasolip. Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. !AM0Z-DAlm i; .1 . v 16th. 1916. A. At'a regular meeting of the Board of Oommieaionere, held in the Oounoil.- •! - Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky.' on May 16th, 1916, upon call of the roll the , �following.answered ,s their names: Lackey. Ven Meter, Wallace and Washington .4• On motion b Member Wallace, that the minutes of the meeting held Ma Sth y B Y' r r (• i 1916 be emended resoinding the action of the Oommisasonese in granting transfer of ;,• "" 41 "W" in Grove from Richard B. Smith to T. E, Ford, same ';:w ➢ ,�+.� Lot Section Oak Cemetery �. ,7 carried upon call of the roll by the following vote': Yese, Lackey, Von Motor, Wallace I N . :and Washington -4. On motion by the above, the minutes of the meeting held May Sth. 1916 were f. . p r upon Y Yr adopted as amended on call of the roll D the following vote: Yeas, Lasko Van Meter, Wallace and Washington .4. #I On motion by the above, the m 916 inutes of the meeting held May loth, 1were ' '!yk' I adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Van Motor,' I 1- Y; i Wallace and Washington, --4. 6 ' On motion by Member Van Meter, the report of the City Jailer for the month s of April 1916 was received and filed, upon call of the roll by the following vote) Yeae,------r- Lackey, Van Motor, Wallace and Washington -4.. }' On motion by the above. AN ORDINANOE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BIDE. � WALI9, CURBS. GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS AND SEWERS, r •,i ON BOTH SIDES OF FOURTH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE.OF MONROE STREET TO TH6 SOUTH CURB LINE OF CLAY STREET, IN THE CITY. OF PADUCAH, HE11TUCXY; AND PROVIDING FURTHffi •%. ., .! THAT THE OOST THEREOF MAY BE PAID UPON THE TEN YEAr PAYMENT PLAN was introduced and .�•;.:-.. •laid over seven days upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Lackey. i li Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -4 A On motion by the above. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IUPROVEMT OF AN d.r ,'-`.•. ALLEY.EXTENDING FROM 1:ONROE STREET TO MADISON STREET, BETWEEN SIITH AND SEVENTH STREETS. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY GRADING AND GRAVELLING SAUE was introduoed and. laid over seven days upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Lackey,ti j ;t ,.Van Motor', Wallace and Washington -4. i ..-:Y'.`<'...w'"..;•.ua:us•�ayy::,;�,;i;..�.n.:� i• .s. •...e.s:. _..r �-.�,, rc.,P•,s +jc; �.,,.'s 'a:. y+,.•;,.."Y;i} '•" � K' s l'��t- _ .�ea� .•n.' •�„r "•'t�j�-•., A".mr "...• .fir .m�u ✓7's. va ,M., r'S •t+ .+r;.�i. : i3•`...i �'• `' ✓;.....>�.f:.ij.'�.,: ;fin �,:,y : z3' �.'. ,�`:' P.K No 10 L ' " Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah may lith 191-�-continued On motion. by Member Washington, that the payroll for the Street Departments . for the.week ending May 14th, 1916, not covered by ordinance, &mounting to $134.60, 'be allowed;: same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, i. .•; ' ' Van Meter,''Wallaoe. and Washington -4. fa On motion by Mayor Lackey. that the City Solicitor be, and he Is hereby `. A ( instructed to proceed with condemnation.prcceedings relative to opening of street ift Yechenioebnrg, same carried upon call of the roll DY the following dote:" Yeas, I 01'P""s"°'9 Luckey, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -4:. i On motion by, Member Wallace. that the Report of Commissioner of Finance V (semi-monthly poyroll),.amounting to $6193.£0, be receivedand filed, and .warrants ,A`• ordered drawn on Treasury for same- some carried upon cell of the roll by the Yeas, Leakay,. Van Meter, Wallnoa �. - �• r. I �-•- '� , 4 following vote; and .Washington -4. On motion by the above. AN ORDI9ANOS PIiINO THE PRIGS OR RATS TO BE PAID BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH.FOR THS PRINTING OF ALL ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, NOTICES OF .- BALE OF TAE BILLS .AND OTHER NOTICES AND ADVERTISING MATTER, AND DESIGNATING THS TYPE TO BE USED THEREFOR, was given its passage upon call of the roll: by the following �. votes Yeas, Lackey, Van Meter and Wallace -3.. Nay, Washington. l: On motion by the above,.AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THS, IMPROVEMENT OF AN I CLOY �` 'ALLEY BEGINNING. ON THS WEST SIDE OF TENTH STREET.' BETWEEN TENTH AND ELEVENTH STREETS I AND TENNESSEE AND JONES STREETS„ AND RUNNING WESTWARMY TWO HUNDRED (800) FEET.' I THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES AND RUNNING IN A SOUTHERLYDIRECTION' TO JONES STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, BY GRADING AND GRAVELLING SAME, was given its passage upon call of the roll bythe following vote:. Yeas, Lackey, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -4. •, • rF;�: " On motion by the above. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS; CURBS, GUTTERS,. AND ALL NECESSARY WHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS AND 'r• •//%��^�� SEWERS, ON THE NORTH SIDE OF CLAY STREET FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LIKE OF FOUNTAIN AVENUE, OR SEVENTEENTH STREET,'TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF NINETEEtiTH STREET, IN 'THS CITY ' •, OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING FURTHER THAT THE COST THEREOF MAY BE PAID UPON I Yi ,•` j .THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN, Was introduced and laid over for seven days upon call of.'�. the roll by the -following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Van Meter, Wallace end Washington -4.; On motion by the above. AN ORDINANCE 6RANT1NG THE PADUCAH AND ILLINOIS ' Prq RAILROAD COMPANY THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A RAILROAD OVER ; CERTAIN STREETS, ALLEYS. ETO. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY. was introduced in � .lieu of the ordinance introduced at the meeting hold May 8th, 1916, and,laid over for " X14.T "J seven days, upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Lackey, Van Motor, ' l y =+ Wallace and Washington -{►.q On motion by Mayor Lackey, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT .OF POWELL.STREET (SHOWN ON SUB -DIVISION RECORDED IN MoCRACKEN COUNTY COURT CLERK'S OFFICE AS MAGOIE STREET); FROM THE TIPPLE TRACK OF THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD TO MILL ! STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY GRADI10 AND GRAVELLING SAME, was + given its passage upon call of the roll by. the following votes Yoga. Lackey, Van Meter, y Wallace and Wasbington.-4. ) ' On motion by the above, ♦RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THB I1FROVE{iffirT OF . �. -.•'. J YOWELL STREET FROM CLEMENT STREET TO THE TIPPLE TRACH, TL THE CITY OF P♦DCCAH,'BY., I' ` � r BY GRADING AND GRAVELLING SA1E, was given its passage upon oe11 of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Lackey, Ven Meter, Wallace and Washington -4. O. �'ti .((�..li e:! ..n �•.�n: a + W _ !_1..:. _.P�'b 'bar - ..� ,_ 3 , _ _. r t, i . i .`I ._ n tC'$,at'y •�?tYF e�'R1�•'._�w4Y't'g "rYii"�37'iT,,,7� ru- .�w �••t�i�rig'r4 ,(a ic^5: +) Lt'M/'.t:�,*«+��r�.h1*n`.'- {'�"* .. � .. ' ' r .-..+.a _,.r. '� i•"' -i�_ ...s ...-.uy;-._ ,..:�:.•_ .ar. �' __.�.rtiaa. r.._..;._sY.t"', if ., .i.`�.. 1 No L 3 1 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah lath ' 1916 oontiaued • . .� w-�rs,'UM�"'-I � , '`. �_ ' .tet � ` + f .r. -�-. �^ �.._...._ �.- � e. -.. s. •.`.. On motion by Mayor Lackey, A RESOLUTION PROVIDItiO FOR THE I64'ROVE1tENT 0! t low WOODWARD AVENUE, FROM YRIBSR AVENUE TO MBYSBB STREET. ,IN THE CITY OF PADUOAH, { REBTUGHY, BY GRADING AND GRAVELLING SAME, wao given its passage upon cell of the 1. roll by the following voter Yens, Lackey, Ven Mater, Wallace and Waahington .d.' s On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the.folloWing voter !' y Yeas, Lackey, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -e• ~ '., . May. 16th, 1916. I At A special meeting 'of the Hoard of Commiesloners, held in the Oounoll ".+ Chamber of the City -,Hall, Paducah. Ky. on Ua;V 16th, 1916, upon *all of the roll the', , following answered -their names:., Lackey, Hatelip, Van !later, Wallace and Washington -5 {➢1 �(�,� 11 Oh motion by Member Hatelip, that the Noes Democrat be designated and + Itbl. 1"'III appointed the Official Printer. for the ,City of Paducah, Kentuol�- Said appointment - Is. expreealy mode for no tam of years,, but at the pleasure of the Hoard of Oommieslonare of the City of Paducah, and said Printer may be removed with or. ' ' ! fj aithout cause by said Board of Commissioners at any time they. deem it a'Xp edlent �, some carried u on,:*all of the relIA- the following P by ng voter Yeas, Lackey, Ratelip, 'r J Van Motor. Wallace and Washington -6. 111 J. On motion the Board aQjourned, npon.oell of the roll by the following worst;' a Yeas, Lackey, Hazelip, Van !later, Wallace and Washington -8. t 1 r ' . .' .._✓�, :! Y .:-. r '_ .n 1,..5 .. f. :...:' . l nt�i. ,' 4_x..7 ,•,; X .Y t >M: -F It .t`�1 r F #,� N� yti15J '( .� w-�rs,'UM�"'-I � , '`. �_ ' .tet � ` + f .r. -�-. �^ �.._...._ �.- � e. -.. s. •.`..