HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 16, February 6, 1915` H a - a r ' .+. -Y ('- Y., ." f �'l'_ trt .Yl Y 4 lye• ;��•S''
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No.�_ _
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah February 3 6 191 E:
. At a called meeting of -the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oouncil'Chanbe'
in the City Hall, in tho-City of-Paduoah. Ky.;'Fobruary. 3, 1916, upon call of the roll
y the following.answered their names: .Burne, }Barton, Wallace and Washington - 4.
r./ On motion by Member Wallaoe that the printing of improvement bonds be granted
(J (� to the lowest and boat bidder, acoordine to.speoifiaat'ions, was.awarded to Billings I ;
�....w Printine.Co., ® $10.60 per set,.sane carried upon call of the roll by the following
veto: Yeas, Burne, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 4:
On motion by Womber Barton,'that all bide received by the purchasing committee
be turned over to the City Clerk, carried upon call of the roll by the following
vote: Yeae. Burne,.Barton, 6'allaco.and Washington -45
On motion by Member Burns, that"in the me.tter of the liaense of Erneet.Yarbrol .
t 1
and the conviction in the police court of said Yarbro.for selling liquor, on. Sunday; the
lioonso of said Ernest Yarbro to cell spirituous, vinoue or malt liquors for the
first half of 1916 be suspended fora period of ten (10) days, beginning at noon on
today,.February 3, 11116, and ending at noon on February 13, 1016 - and; furthor, thatl
'he be warned that if ho violates any of the laws of the City of Paducah or State -of .I
Kentucky rolating to the sale of epir.ituoud, vinous or malt,liquors, or the maintenance,
upkeep or managomont of his saloon or building, there will be no further order of
r suspension of his lioonco, but that hie lioenno will be revoked - and that the Mayor ;
Pro tom bo instructed to sign:tho Order of Suspension and Notice thoroof to be. served
upon daid`Ernect Yarbro", oarriod upon call of tho roll by the folloring, veto: Yoae, 4
Buri}e, Murton, Ciallaco and Washington - 4. s
' � •� On motion by Mombor Wallace, that fourteen inch oarriage Undora•ood typowritorl
-be pur'ohanod, sumo curried upon call of'tho roll by the following vote:. Yens, Burne;
Murton, Piallaoo and Washin;rton - 4.
On motion by Momber'Wallace the Board adjournied, upon call of the roll by
'the.folloring vote: Yoae, Burne, Marton, Wallace and Vashington - 4.
MA' 0 Ito
ATT -A CALLED MEETII4 of the Board of Oommiesioncre, held in tho,Counoil Chambers,
in the City of Paducah, Ky., February Gth, 1916, upon call of the roll the'followirg
aneworod Choir mamas: Burns, llnzelip, Marion, Wallace and Washington = 6. I1
ate' " On motion by Membor Wullace, that the work done on offices b Contractor W. Fj
a 6
Owon bo accept od as per order of inspeotor, D. H. Jamison, and that D. H. Jamison be .
allowed tro, or p cont for o uporvising work, 'anountine to y10.3G; and contractor 'u. F.
Owen be allowed the amount of contract, p616.00, lees amounts rhich have boon paid
to him, oarriod'upon call of the roll by. the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Hazelip,
Marton, Wallace and.Washington -,6:
1� On notion byMember 7.allace, that the contract for building the addition to
the market house, ac per plans and srcoifioatione of G. Tandy Smith, be awarded to
+y W. M.`Karnoe'& Sone, for y1910.00, as per thoir bid, and the City Solicitor was in
'7 R straotod to drat: contract as per ordinance, carried upon call of the roll by the fol -1
q+` I
lowing vote: Yoae, Btrrns, Marton, ace and Washington - 4. 1layor Haaolip..not voting.•
Ou motion by Member Burns, the matter of suporvising the oonstruotion of the
,Market 11ouse Addition be roferrod to the Commiocionor of Public Proporty for roport
and rocommondat o
•, 1 n, curried upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yoae; Burney •
Merton, Haaolip, Wallace and Washington 6.
;;, /� .-„ .• On motion by the. ab•ovo,.a oommunioution from Goo. H. Goodman ry Oo..'for over
acsocemont was roferrod.to the Cotnmissionor of Finance, eit�
J Solicitor and Aeeoseor..
R for.invootigation, carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens; Burns;
f f .q,
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah February 6th, .Oont'1 s .
,t Hazellp, Marton, Galluos-and Washington 6. '•
On motion by Member Washington, the natter of }aaohneing a. vaooum'
cleaner for the Oity Hnll.was referred to the Oormieeionor'of Public Property for
investigation at cost and to report back,- carried upon call of the roll by the
following vote.-. Yens, Burns, Iiazelip, Marton,,Wallaoe and Washington - 6. "moo ❑ :�
On motion by Member Burns the Board adjourned upon call of the roll:
by the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Haselip, Marton, Wallaoo and Washington - 6.'•'
s.---------- 't
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1C a
;. fhbruara Stb 1915,
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioner@, hold in the .acnnoil ,
l ' chamber, in the City IIall,of the City of Paducah,.Ky., February Stb, 1916, upon call
f the soli the following answered their nsmeet Barna, Hesolip, Marton, Wallace and' {
Washington - 6.
'C.C2 motion, the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted at read, upon
call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burne, Hasolip, Marton, Wallace and ,!'i .'
Washington . 6. ti .
Oa motion by Member Burns. the *look formerly belonging to the Baptist
church was referred to the City Solicitor and Commissioner of Public Prop arty, as to r
the disposition of same on call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns,
,5t Haselip, Marton, Washington - d. Wallace not voting.
On motion by the above, that the present force of Sd' regular patrolmen,
together with the officers, be continued until further recommendation carried, upon r'
�If call of the roll ty the following votes Yeas, Burne, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and
Washington - 6.
On motion by the above, that the scavenger contract be referred to the Mayor
and Board of Health,. with power to not, carried upon oto 1 of. the roll by the followitg ;I
votes Yeast Burns, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 4. Moyor.Haselip not voting.,
I' On motion by the above, that all applications of persons who desire to Did
F on the scavenger contract be given the opportunity to do so by the Mayor and Board.of
,i�'Health carried upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeae,. Burns, Marton and
e Washington - 8. .Bays,.Haselip and lallaoe - E.
On motion by Mayor Hasolip, the payroll of the street department which are
UI ,.
{ it not covered by ordinance and were paid by cash order Feb. 6th, 1916, be received and "
filed, came carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burne, Haselip
,Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.
� On motloa by.womber Washington - Commissioner Wallace was empowered to
purohaee a vacuum cleaner for the.City Hall, at the beet,prioe he can , carried upon
call of the roll by the following votes Yeast Burns Hasellp, Marton Wallaoe and
Washington - 6.
On motion by member Burne, that the Mayor's report. as to the City Physician +
t J8� /` in regard to hie recommendation that obargos be dismissed in'the case of Mise
.�y�/� ��+crLut� ?'1
Hendrick carried upon can of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,_Marne, Haselip,,
Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.
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