HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 16, February 3, 1915/` '"i�A:��L• sr ,..f�+,. fr d - h. r } . +� ' .k+.: `fit. nx f..r.). �i +} . :_. r�Y A `� RF..' .' Y .i!—•j�,jl �. T � Sl .
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah February 3 G 191__L is
At a called meeting -of the Board of. Gommiesionere, held in the.Couneil Chamber
�. in the City Hall. in tho-City Paducah; Ky.i'Fobrunry.3, 1916, upon call of the roll
Sthe following.answorod their names: .Burns, Uarton, Wallace and Washington - 4. '
On motion by Member Wallace that the printing of improvement bonds be-grantodl
n % w to the lowest and best bidder, a000rding to.opeoifications, was awarded to Billings I' ( '
Printine,Co., ®.610.60por eet,.eame carried upon call - of the roll by the folloriig
voto: Yeas, Burne, Marton, 17allaoo and .Washington -'4: k'
On motion by Womber Marton, that all bide received by the purchasing. committee
�p be turned over to the City Clerk, carried upon call of the roll by the follorirg
vote:Yeas, Burne, alarton, Wallaco.and Washington -45'.
S On motion by Member Burns, that"in the matter of the'lic-enso of Ernest:Yarbrol f ,
and the conviction in the police oourt of said Yarbro .for selling liquor on. Sunday; the ;
licence of said Ernest Yarbro to cell spirituous, vinous or malt liquors for the r
first half of 1916.be suspended for a period of ten.(10) day's, beginning at noon on
todoy,.February 3, 1916, and ending at noon on February 10,,1916 - and; further, than
he be warned that if .he violates uny of tho.lars of the City of Paduoah, or Stuto'of
Kontuoky'rolnting to the sale of spirituoud, vinous or molt liquors, or the maintenance, '
� i
upkeep or manapomont of his saloon or building, there will be no further order of
suspension of his license, but that his license will be revoked - and that the Mayor
� r
11ro tom lie Instructed to sign tho Order of Suspension and Notice thereof to be. served `. .
upon euid'Ernest Yarbro"; oarriod upon call of tho roll by the following veto: Yone,
Mime, Marton, Wallace and Washington 4. � 4,
On motion by Member Wallace, that fourteen, inch carriage Undozv;ood typewriter r'
i.w. be purobusod, sumo curried upon call of'the roll by the following veto:. Yeas, Burns;
1.Surton, Wallace and Wachintr,ton - 4.
On motion by Member Wallace the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by f
the follocring veto: Yoas, Burne, Larton, 'Gullaoe and 'sashington - 4.
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AT CALLIM MEETING. of the Board of Oommiaeionors,.held in the Council Chambers,
in the City of Paducah, Ky., February Gth, 1916, upon call of the roll the following I I
�.' answorod their namos: Burne, llrizelip, Murton, Wallace and Washington 6. I !
On motion by Member Wullaoc, that the work done on offiooe by Contractor W: F1 fir'
Oron'be accepts as per order of inspector, D. H. Jamison, and that D. H. Jamison' -be I i
:�. allored tro.por cont for suporvising work,.amountine to y10.36; and contractor W. F.
CCC Owen be allowed the amount'of contract, $610.00, lees amounts rhioh have boon paid j
to him, ourriod'upon call of the roll by..tho following veto: Yoas,'Burns, Hazelip,
Marton, Wall asa and,Wachington -.6:
On motion by Member ';allaoo, thut the contract for building the addition to
the.marl;et house, as per plans and spocifioations of'G. Tandy Smith, be awurded to
+y Ti. I:L'Kanioe 4 Sone, for X1910.00, as per their bid, and the. City Solicitor we in
P 'sLniotod to drat; contract as per ordinunco, oarriod upon call of the roll by the fol-
lowing vote: .Yope,Hazoli Layer 4. on Burna, Marton, Tlallace and xushin-
Ct y p..not voting.
r On motion by Lomber Burns, the matter of supervising the construction of the
,,�7�Gc�e iw tl Market House Addition be referred to the Commisoionor of Public Property for report f.
and recommendation, carried upon call of the roll by the follcring vote: Voss ; Burns
Marton, Hu6olip, Wallace and Waehinrton 6.
On motion by the, ab,ovo,.a communication from Geo.' H. Goodman is C
..... o.'. for over-
�'�' "y . asoossment.was referred. to the Commissioner of Finance, Qity Solicitor and Assessor.,
for invootigation oarried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burn a, -