HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 156, April 24, 1916No moi_ April 18th. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 91-1 At a special meeting.of the 'Board of-Oommissionere hold in the Counal 0hambor of the Oity.Hell, City of Paducah, $y., on April 18th, 1916, upon call of.the roll the following answered .their name key, Hazelip, Van Lao Meter 4 and Wallace -4. On motion by Member Hazelip,.that the lion. Ernest Lackey. Mayor of the City by t t f. of Paducah, be authorized the Board of Commieeiondre.to sign the oon r between the City of Paducah and Coo. W. Katterjohn for the proposedautomobile. fire equipment,.eame oatried-upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey., Hazolip, Van Meter and.Wallaoe -4., On motion the.Board adjourned, upon Gall of the roll by following: vote: YeaeLackey, Hazolip,, Van Motor and Wallace -4: JffA P R I L 24th. 1916. At a regular -meeting of the Board of Commissioners., hold in the council chamber of.the City-11all.'City of Paducah, Ky., on April 14th, 1916, upon call of J the roll the following anewored their names: Laakey,.Nazelip, Van 1aeter, Wallace. and Washington -5. HY On motion by 1aembor Wallcoe, the minutes of the meeting hold April 17th, 1916, vero adoptod as read upon call of the roll by the following voto: Yoaa, Laokoy; Hazel ip..*. Van Motor, Wallace and Washington -6. ?::,j On notion by the above,.the minutoo-of the.speoial meeting,held.on April .16th, 1916, wore adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Lackey, Hazolip, Van kloter. Wallace and Washington -5. A n by Member liazolip, All ORD1VA1103 REPEALING ORDIHANC R V ULM On motion ER 16 ENTITLED. -AN ORDINANCE ALMIDIDG. SUBSECTION ONE OF SECTION. ONE OF Z ORDINANCE D T ENTITLED 'All ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ,P201NTL21;T OR 2-.�TI ETON Y 'IIE BOARD OF 0019.,IISSIONERS OF CERTAIN CITY OFFICERS, 41GFIITS AND E1aPLOY.1,',ES OF"TILE - ClTY.OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, ADD FIXING THEIR SALLZIES, POWEIS AND DUTIES' , ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF T C01XISSIO*,1ER3 JANUARY 4, 1016, AND RECORDED IN ORDIN;XCF BOOL.' OF 7,11E CITY OF PADUC, ON JANUARY 4, 1915", ADOPTED BY ME BOARD OF COLaIISSIONERS FEMUARY 23, 1916, AND RECORDED FEBRUARY 26, 1015, was r4 _iven its.pa0sagza upon call of the roll by. the following vote: Yone, Laol.my, Hazolip, Van Motor, Wallace and Washington 5. On notion by the above, AllORDINA110F PROVIDING FOR THE CODSTR1,JCTION OF CO11C.RETE SIDEWALKS AND GUTTERS. TOGETHER WITH GRANITE CURBING AND ALI; NECESSARY *11AIIHOLES, INTAKES. CATCH BASINS Aim 89wf&13, Oil BOTH SIDES OF THIR2ZMTH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFF&ROON STREET TO THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF MOLRON STREET_ W. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, EKNTUOKY, was introduced and laid over SOTen days, u pan 11 by the following vote: call of the ro* Yoao, Lackey, Hazollp, Van Motor.8.1 a le e and Washington J. J .. }. Y, W�+. 1ttyd•c(M''''f, �'ic}C-X'�,'yT�r„yN"l`. .. t56ii.. t_.b -xrd6 Fr`'4 t+�l`fi§';1+ris� � ',�a'`S la}, :a+vj.r r'��,.( l ;Fv.e .. - •, , Yr—•- .i 4-f.::l:.G..•L i ( I Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah_ .:Tr++ odc191_fLoontinued 'z On motion by Member Washington, that the pay roll for the Street Dept. .' for the seek ending AprilE3d, 1918, not covered by ordinance; amounting to One Hundred and Twenty five dollars and,tuenty cents (4125.flO)'be•alloned, same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote; .Yeae, Laoley,',Haze lip, �'• Van lister, Wullaoo and Washington -5. On motion by the above, that the Commissioner of Public Works be ;x T;•.' t l authorised to construct a oewer,as per attached chetah, thru the I y p pro ert of •' 0� C. T.' Allen; betveen Fourth and Fifth streets and Trimble and Clay streets, same .. .0 to be charged to the Sower Departnent- carried upon call of the roll by the C ;. !• following vote; Yeas, Laakey, Hazolip, Van lioter,.Wallaoe.and Washington -B, On motion by L:ember Wallace, that the Coiamieeioner'of Public Finance I 1be instructed to not publish ordinance passed providing for the Improvement ' of -the alley running from Eleventh etroot to Tvolfth street, between Broadway . and Joffeison streets, same. carried upon cull of the roll by.the following vote;' Yoaa, Lsalcoy, Huzeltp, Van lioter; Wullace ohd Washington +. On motion by Liember Van Meter, that an ordinance be brought in providing for the improvement of the Liorth aide of Olay street between 17th. end 19th streets with concrete sidewalks, gutters, eta., same carried upon call of the roll by `.*;5 tho following vote; Yeae, 'Lackey, Harelip, Van Motor, Wallueo and Washington. 6. f On motion by Member Haselip, that deed be granted transferring the North half of Lot 98; Block Six, in Oak Grove Cometery, to I. W. and 0. J.' Holcomb,i' A upon request of Mrs. Sallie Ro§ers, prosont owner, same oarrfed upon oall of the ' roll by the following vote: Use. Lackey, Hazelip, Yan.Lteter, Ylnllcoe and r Washington -5. On motion by the above, that deed be granted to Dottie Thompson to Lot 73 Block 3, in Oak Grove Cemetery, Treasurer's receipt for. Forty dollars hereto y' attached, same 'carried 'upon call of the roll by the following voto; Yoas,.Luokey, ;t.•, Haaelip, Van Lister, Wallace and Washington -5. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following ' I., u .vote= Yoae, Lno]aey, Hazelip, Van Voter, Wallace and Washington -6.. �� " Ulu: ».._.__ � - .'• AZAXUlt i i. A i 4+a �� .i-., n#4 .y.r.r°�,s. `:.' ,C y .., •t r -v .riiY.: rC .'<, •i .da. �'r,:. r ,. ti(�x :f+ r'C. .s i.� y ,..1'�" r. ' •i +-�.�.-•:..r Per•' ' ( S ' r _ .. -. .. - iv' 4