HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 15, February 1, 1915: A t `"ZY+T�C V fiyL^Yh V \iY... • ✓ i .. ri., 2 ! •C r� L '1� 1 � '.. �' Y '•� .. 't Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Fab-ary 1 191 a. . At a regular meeting of the Board of Oonmiesionore, hold.in the City llall.. 1 . W r h in the City of Paduoah, Ky..February 1, 1916, upon oall. of the roll the followirg j .- • i answered their names: Borne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallaoo and Waehin[� ton - 6." �i On motion the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as gond, upon sell of the roll by the following voto:'Yoao, Burne, Hazolip' Llarton; Wallaoe and Y On.motion by Member vallaoe, that it is the sense of the oomminoionore. . h that the present ordinanoe relative to muzzling and taking up of unlioenood doge ,t"w , lHazelip. be enforced, same oarried upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burris, Marton. uallaoe and Y,aahW.ton - 6.On motion by Member Marton, that the serum troutment, to ;hoe. Glenn's mn, ��✓ ) {amounting to V2.50, be allowod,,sar..e oarried upon oall of the roll'by the follow @inp_. voto: Yeas, Burne, Marton and Washington - 3. hays: Hazolip and Wallaoe -E.' On motion by Member Washington, the report of the street department for pay- ; roll, ending for the week January 31, 1916, paid by oash order,, be rooeivod and 2'za t, 'filed, oarried upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Bunio, llazolip, t , ' \ i -Marton, Wallaoe and Yiaehinpton - 6. � V On motion by Member Burne, a oommunioation from the Retail Marohants Aee'n,, ' ? regard to oertain stores keeping open on Sunday In violation of the law, same C Le oononrred In upon oall of the loll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Hazelip,.' a(, .•; � . Marton, Gallaoo and Vuehington - 5. :•. On motion by the above the monthly report of the Polloe Department was. k;.;; ;!reoeived and filed upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,. Burne, ;•,;, •:•' ' _, .. tit{ • .� .;Hazelip Marton, Yiallaoe and Gaahlnvton - 6.:} j bn motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll b;r ttho f'oolllowifvry�, vote Yeas, BurnHazelip„Darton. Gallaoo and Washington - 5. cr'�`iSi...`%v7•�Nd��/� u$ �+Qt; Washington - b,. f., • `1 ;I On motion by L'ember Burne, that the matter of apportionment for play grounds,, •,.,'•�;�y etc. be referred to Lhe oommittao of the vbole for deliberation and oonniderntion..,"'� :,y:. II in making up annual budget to be discussed -with the Park Board, same oarried upon "Pr >• j { j p oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wal.laoe; < { _ 3 I{ and Washington - 5. On motion by the above the matter of insurance on Riverside Hospital Lind City Hall elevators be referred to the Commiasloner of Public Property and City• A.II Solicitor, for r000mmendution, oarriod upon oall of.the roll by"the,followiiW .N vote: Yeas, Burne, llazolip, Marton, Gallaoo and C'ashSnaton ;. On motion by Member Marton, the flnanoial report of the City of Paduoah.for. - �•a...•a..a..- the month of January 1916, w0.o reoeivod and filed and ordered printed,. upon call of • ,. lPPP the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Burno, Ilazolip, Lorton, Galln'Qo and"G`u5hiagton-' i{ ) c: 6. ` On motion by Momber Burne, the matter of raising Muyor Hazelip'e"aulary Was. referred to the oity eolioitor for an opinion, upon oall of the roll by the follow.. , ing vote: Yoas, Burne, Hazelip, Darton,.tallaoe and Y;uehinRton - G. ;f '41 On motion by Member Marton, the,finanolal allowanoe for,ealariae, etc., was �.I allowed upon oall of the roll by the following veto: Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Yinllaoo and Washington - 5. • i On motion by Momber Burne, the matter of Poltoe Court ate nos rupher'e.ealary t u !► i was referred to the Mayor and City 9olioitor for r000mmendation, upon sail of -Aha s roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Hazolip, Marton, Wailaoe and Washington -5 S On motiori by Member Marton, the bill of Dr. Laskey, ex-oity phyaioI an, for t medloines, oto., amounting to 116.60, was allowed upon oall of the roll by' the ' } pppfollowing vote: Yeee, Burns, Hazelip, Llarton, Wullaoe and Washington On.motion by Member vallaoe, that it is the sense of the oomminoionore. . h that the present ordinanoe relative to muzzling and taking up of unlioenood doge ,t"w , lHazelip. be enforced, same oarried upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burris, Marton. uallaoe and Y,aahW.ton - 6.On motion by Member Marton, that the serum troutment, to ;hoe. Glenn's mn, ��✓ ) {amounting to V2.50, be allowod,,sar..e oarried upon oall of the roll'by the follow @inp_. voto: Yeas, Burne, Marton and Washington - 3. hays: Hazolip and Wallaoe -E.' On motion by Member Washington, the report of the street department for pay- ; roll, ending for the week January 31, 1916, paid by oash order,, be rooeivod and 2'za t, 'filed, oarried upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Bunio, llazolip, t , ' \ i -Marton, Wallaoe and Yiaehinpton - 6. � V On motion by Member Burne, a oommunioation from the Retail Marohants Aee'n,, ' ? regard to oertain stores keeping open on Sunday In violation of the law, same C Le oononrred In upon oall of the loll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Hazelip,.' a(, .•; � . Marton, Gallaoo and Vuehington - 5. :•. On motion by the above the monthly report of the Polloe Department was. k;.;; ;!reoeived and filed upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,. Burne, ;•,;, •:•' ' _, .. tit{ • .� .;Hazelip Marton, Yiallaoe and Gaahlnvton - 6.:} j bn motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll b;r ttho f'oolllowifvry�, vote Yeas, BurnHazelip„Darton. Gallaoo and Washington - 5. cr'�`iSi...`%v7•�Nd��/� u$ �+Qt;