HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 146, March 27, 1916_ _.. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah March 27th 191 Ata regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council, lax Chamber of the Oity Hall, City of Paducah,.Ay., on'Maroh 27th, 1916; upon oall.of'�. the roll the. following answered'their names: Laokey,,Haselip, Van Meter and Washington -4. '..' On motion by Member Van Meter, the minutes of the regular meeting held x" y: ...March '20th.1916 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by the.following -vote: You, Lackey, Haselip, Van Meter and Washington Mr. Wallace came in. the meeting at this gime. r� t On motion.by Member.Haselip,.the rules were suspended on sending out OO copies of .all street, alley and sidewalk improvement.Resolntioas, upon call ofr�J., the roll by the.following vote:. Yeas, Lackey, Hasellp,,Van Meter, Wallace and Washington- b. On motion by the above,."A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION!5 " :?',:OF BROADWAY AND JEFFERSON STREETS FROGS ELEVENTH STREET.TO SIXTEENTH STREET, IN TERI •. ��;;;,4 .. CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUOKY, AND ASSESSING THE COST THEREOF AGAIIiST THE ABUTTING i a •''� z • p .ted PROPERTY , AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST THERE08 MAY BE PAID UPON THE TEN .YEAR BOHD.. ! - . .c , -. PIAN, was given its nee ^ p age.upon call of the roll by:the following vote: Yeas; }' Pj. Lackey, Haselip, Van Meter, Walleoe and Washington -6. i 4 ,.. On motion by the above,."A RESOLUTION PROVIDIUG FOR THE CONSTRUOTION.Op! CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS, TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY DRAIN -PIPES,•. P • .^" I MANHOLES AND INTAKES, .ON BOTH SIDES OF SIXTH STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE. TO. THE NORTH PROPERTY LIVE OF TENNESSEE STREET -EXCEPT IN PRONT OF �? • . o i THE HoORAOKEN COUNTY COURT HOUSE PROPERTY, EXTENDING FROM WASHINGTON STREET TO t' };i J• '' .,r OLARK STREET". was given its passage upon_oall of the roll by the following voter j You, Lackey, Haselip, Van Meter,.Wallace and 'Washington -6. { � -,• '>' On motion by the above, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF % t,,•.' AN ALLEY EXTENDING FROM ELEVENTH TO TWELFTH STREETS BETWEEN BROADWAY AND JEFFERSON;,;: STREETS, IN THE OITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY", was given its passage upon call of x; fjc,Iv the. roll by the, following vote: You, Lackey, Haselip, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington 4. 1y ^r: ;'. On motion by the above, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR TNM RECONSTRUOTION OF . THE DRIVEWAY ON BROADWAY FROM FIRST STREET TO.FOURTH STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUOAH,.. KENTUCKY, OF IMPROVED PAVING MATERIAL" was given its passage upon call of the roll .� by the .following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Haselip, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -b. On motion by the above, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND, ?r_:'. ? .. RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDVALKA ON AND FROM THE EAST SIDE OF SECOND STREET TO AND 6j IZ^p(,u•J',,Ucp INCLUDING THE WEST SIDE OF NINTH STREET, THE NORTH SIDE 08 MONROE STREET TO. AND {{ t II{OLUDIIIG THE 90UTH BIDE 08 WASHIIiOTON STREET, ANDALL TERRITORY EYBRAOED THEREIN, , EXCEPT ON BOTH SIDES OF.MONROE STREET FROM EIGHTH STREET TO NINTH STREET, IN THE ' OITY 08 PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND ASSESSING THE COST THEREOF AGAINST THE ABUTTING i.., PROPERTY, AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST THEREOF MAY BE PAID UPON THE TEN YEAR BOND {\ ' .. � .. y .PLAN"..wes.given its passage upon .c.all of the roll.by the following votes Yeas, I Lackey. Haselip..Van Meter, Walleoe and Washington -b. 1 ' t On motion by the above, that It appearing to be a necessity, and desired by the property ownere..that the alley between Tennessee saQ Jones streets, from i . �1u� Y•'• the middle of'Terith street West, leading to the middle of the block; thenoe.8outh .. aw_ . to Jones street, be roved b,Y' imp y.. grading and graveling same- carried upon gall of ' ,{ Sw% the roll by the following votes You, Lackey, Haselip, Van Meter. Wallace and Y l Washington -b. ' :`. Vii' �'�SGi`d'::.w-= .' .v,:.a'.:;.Yli,,`,LC.i: J+�{' :.:r.N. �MJr;' J•s .c:{ Y �:S iY: w .4.�if 7' .(Siuwr � .l.i..y„•,;,,r. i.:�i:4.:q-Aa+.: r..Y•.\. h'.J:l.•«! - - 1 1 _ ..yy. ...! �'{i�-•„"1 gy�i'1J'. L. J'�r�yt'[.+�'• nM � �l : J -' *-.f�s.rns•{� ..a �✓,. rt`.�' •5e r, y •'rt 4 i' y rc��§ r g`' S � ��i ,.. -,,,-t�:- •- �`^—� lt, . it-..� �:t � r �tl'+ti a V Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah March 7th ' jgj-A oonti,ita a I kl . i ,6 On motion by Member Haselip, that the Commissioner of Public Property i authorised to adopt such rales and regulations ae he may doom expedient and no* 11! *asary for the conduct and management of Oak Grove Cemetery, and to prescribe such I F charges or fees that may be charged by the Sexton of Oak Grove Cemetery for the up keep and maintenance of lots in said oemotery- some carried upon call of the roll 4 by the following vote: Yeae. Lackey, Haselip, Ven Meter, Wallace and Washington- 6. ' C p On motion by Member Van Meter that transfer of coffee b ue li b hereby instructed to have a light *rooted at 20th and Adams streets- same carried Mme- o e oosme e. upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Lackey, Haselip, Van Motor. granted from Chrle. Burger to Williams & Zuoarello, at 200 Kentucky kvenue- same Wallace and Washington -6. 1 carried upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Lackey, Hasolip, Van S fl Motor. Wallace and Washington -6. k On motion by the above, that the rules be auapond*d on the sending out �. �j On motion by the above., that transfer of coffee house license be granted of copies of the Apportionment and Levy Ordinanoea for 1916- same carried upon r from W. 0. Standford to Ben Boswell & Co. at 189 S. Seoond St., same carried upon . "•,�- call of. the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey. Haselip; Van Motor, Wallace . 44 call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Lackey, Haselip,.Van Motor, Wallace .; t`"`a✓ h and Washington -6. �' 6 On motion by the above, that D. J. Levy be appointed Oity Jailer, to fill the vaoanoy by the. death ,• ,oaueed of Thoa. J. Evitte, same carried upon call of the b the following on motion by the above *AN ORDIHAHCE FIXING THE APPORTIONMENT OF THE roll ng votes Yeae, Lackey, Hasolip, Van Motor, Wallace 0nd Washing.,: PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY OP PAwom , KENTUCKY FOR THE YEAR 19160 was given its .ton. 6. On motion by Mayor Lackey, that the Oommiseioner of Safety be empowered "y to buy one signal for Fourth and Broadway; also to build additional signals according top attern of the one to be purchased, and place them at any oornere he - Motor, Wallace and Washington -6. t dooms necessary- ry- enure carried upon 0011 of the coli by the following vote: Yeas, 0n motion by the above •all ORDIHAHOH FIXING THE LEVY OR RATE OF TAXATION Lackey, Hasolip;,Van Motor. fallaoe and Washington -6. �• On motion by Member Washington. that the pay roll of the street department , ' for the week ending March 26th, 1916, amounting to 0128.40, not covered by ordinance, be allowed- some carried upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas,. ai ; }. Lackey, Haselip, Van lister. Wallace and Washington -6. 10 a 4A On motion by Mayor Lackey, that the Commissioner of Public Property be r � , hereby instructed to have a light *rooted at 20th and Adams streets- same carried Mme- upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Lackey, Haselip, Van Motor. Pl Wallace and Washington -6. k On motion by the above, that the rules be auapond*d on the sending out �. of copies of the Apportionment and Levy Ordinanoea for 1916- same carried upon "•,�- call of. the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey. Haselip; Van Motor, Wallace . and -Washington -6. on motion by the above *AN ORDIHAHCE FIXING THE APPORTIONMENT OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY OP PAwom , KENTUCKY FOR THE YEAR 19160 was given its "y passage upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Haselip, Van Motor, Wallace and Washington -6. 0n motion by the above •all ORDIHAHOH FIXING THE LEVY OR RATE OF TAXATION �• . , ' , on PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEHTUOKY FOR THE YEAR 1916, AND THE RATE OF 1'• THE POLL TAX, WITH VIE PURPOSES OF SAID LEVY THEREUNDER DEFILIED•- was given its Passage upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Lackey, Haselip. Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. On motion by the above, the report of the Board of Supervisors was re. . oeived, filed and concurred in, upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas.,.', , i; Lackey, Haselip, Van Motor, Wallace and Washington -6. - - - — it •' - 'w.96r.;�.:. eE';.- ,.1 _9 _ .isti :'::ri'1• - -... , .:y March 27th 19)6 oontinnedCommissioner's Proceedings; City of Paducah ` . ;. On motion b Member Haseli y' p, that petitions of oitissaa relative to ` lmprovemento be received and filed, same oarried upon call of the roll by Che V. : } following vote: Yeae, Lackey, Haselip,.Van,Meter, Wallace and Washington -5. iY h On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the. following ' V. vote: Yeas, Lackey, Haselip, Van Meter; Wallace and. Washington -b. 1. i pAz r :i� D r A P R I L 3d: 1916 r: )• '• At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oounoil ;•.t Chamber of the City Hall on April 3d, 1916, upon call of the roll the following answered their namos:. 'Lackey, Haselip, Van Meter.. Wallace and Washington -6, 1? � On motion by Member Wallace, the minutes of .the meeting held March 27th, is 1916, were adopted -as road upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Lackey, Hoaellp., Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. I i On motion by Member Haselip, that deed be granted Bud Dale to South half i r, of lot 34 block 47 in Oak Grove Cemetery, upon the request of Mies Sneie Bennett, q the present owner -said request boidg hereto attached- same oarried"upon call of '"- the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Laokey,.Haaeli , Van Meter, Wallace and P I j 4. =. Washington On motion b Member Washington, that the y ng pay roll for the.etreet depart- �.; ment for the week ending April End, 1916, not covered by ordinance, amounting to $130.20, be allowed, same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote:.Yeas, Loaksy, Haselip, Von Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. ;!. yM•(;;' On motion by the above, that it appearing to be a necessity and desired by i .. Pa o the property owners I move that both eidee of Olay street, from the Neat property t line of Fountain Ave. (or Seventeenth street) to the 'East curb line of Hineteenth. A • street be improved with concrete sidewalks and gutters and curbing, same to be paid for upon the ten year payment plan, and that' the City Solicitor be hereby instructed to. bring in an ordinanoo for said oonotruation,: game carried upon call ).• of the .roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Hnaelip, Von Neter.. Wal and$:. Washington -6. On motion by -the above, that it.appearing to be a neoeoeity, and deslred by the property owners, that the alley running between Monroe and itadieon streets {,'• �1 't `f �, in the block bounded by Sixth and Seventh stro!ite, Mondoe and Madison, be improved, . • by grading.and gravelling same., and that the C`•.ty Sol ioitor be hereby instructed•.' % to bring in an ordinance for .said construction, same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae; Laokey,.Haaelip, Van Neter, Wallace and'Bashingtcn -6:' .` X•; On motion by the above, that It appearing to.be a necessity, and desired ! (j ^. by the property owners, that the alley in the block between Jefferson and Monrne L., �•s t�.�✓ streets and Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets (Harahan BY.), running West from 16th r' -,�A ` h' street to about the middle, of said block.' thence Horth to Monroe street, be improved c, i a" by grading and gravelling same, and that the City 8olioitor be hereb instructed to; ` I 1: �g y, bring in an ordinance for said oonetraotion;'eame carried upon cell of the .roll by .'�4itL+K.tvu:tirr•F+i•%li>•ii�=F'ii:�'Vk• 'd Ji+�_.:1�:...,. .:.1'Cnv ..ti. tvr..iw...�