HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 144, March 20, 1916'•'•1...S�MV.h _..:.:1 ,.... •Y'1 wt .w ':r't' `r-.r'��..:•'Ly�_;....� ..� k-' J-- :4'.. - +1. ' .4 .f.. J.M. K_, � �
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah March 20th
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the council-,^J
chamber of.the City Hall on March 20th, 1916, upon call of the roll the following
r �=
anewered their names.: LCokey, Haaelip, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6.
On motion by Member Hnaolip, the .minutes of the meeting held March 13th;_
1936 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey,
Haaolip, Van Ltotor, Wallace and Washington -6. I ,
On motion.by the above, the minutes of the meeting held March 16th, 1916 hz`
were adopted as road upon call of the roll by the following vote: .-Youe. Lackey.
1 Haaolip, Van Later. Wallace mid Washington -6, r;
' On motion by Liembor Washington, that the pay roll of the Street Dopartmsnt p
�J� not oovored by. ordinance, for the tieok egong March 19th,: 1916, amounting to.''3120.16,
'I( be allor+ed, ocmq carried upon call of the roll by the following' vote: Yeas. LaoYey,
". Haaolip, Van Later, Wallaoo and Washington -6.
On motion b Momber Haaoli that it appearing to be a necessity and
�p Y P. Pp aE y ),,.
'yr(B1�adlu�i doeirod by the property owners and public generally, that Broadway and Jefferson'°;�
streets from Eleventh street to Sixteen street be reconstructed of concrete, bitulithia
:. EE or bliok, whichever may appear, to the Commissioners, to be the meet suitable and'',,)
W economical material,. said improvement to be made as an original improvocient, and ot'.�'�.
6 _.
✓ the cost of the property owners abutting thereon, same to be made upon the ton year'tt;'`j
�. payment plan, and that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare 'an ordinanoe
authorising the reoonetruotion of said streets immediately- same carried upon call of ,
the roll b the following vote
y g e:. Yana, Lackey, Haaelip, Van Lister, Wallace and. � '.,,�a':•:'
Washington -6.
1 � til
y f On motion by above, that it appearing to be a neooaoity in
by -
� � • , •.by the public at large; ,that all brink aideral3:a (with the exception of vitrified brick
S1.. eidoralks.• in front of the wholesale houses) on the Went aide of First street to and
including the.Weet aide of Linth atroot, the Horth side of Lronroo'stroot to and.
.c: except Monroe street from Eighth.to Hinth Street)"',.:, .
,x including. the South side of eashington street and all territory `
.• ,; •'; , rY embraced thoroin�be
roplaood.with.concrete oidevralke and curbing. where concrete or atono sidewalks and {
g ourbing are not now in oaid territory and in good condition, and that the City Solicitor
j'be instructed to prepare on ordinonoo.authoriainC said cork immediately, and that all'ss"t
of acid work be done on the ton year payment plan- same carried upon oall,of,the roll off_
C by the following. vote: Yeas; iaol:e y, Haaolip, Van Motor, Wallace and dashington -6.
�. t`
d On motion by the above, that it appearing to be a neoenoit
pP g y .and deoirod
b the property owners and the public generally; that .both.sides of Sizth.stroet.from
�}u.•-u•�'. iCorttuohj avenue to Tennessee street (with the osdoption of the Court Henan square) be
improved b
,.• 1 y placing concrete eidowal}:s and gutters thoroon,,oamo to be paid for on the.
"r ton year payment'plan, and that on ordinanoe:be prepared by the Cityolioitor 'at onoelr"'
t. +^
g authoriaii.sai8 work to proceed= same carried upon call of the roll b t e follovine
t (
!' ...
vote: Yens, 'Lackey; Haaelip, Van•Metor, Wallace and Nae}iington.-6.'
On motion by the above, that it.appearing to be a neocseity and desired.
by"the property owners mid public generally,' that the alley between Broadway and
Jefferson, streets from Eleventh street to'Nolfth street be improved b
en ei� P Y grading and 7t
i,4 r V 4 ravels (>'•',"
g ng came, and that the City 9olioitoz be hereby instructed to proporo'aa
' ordination authorising same- sane carried upon call of the roll by the following voter
J )
Yoao, Lackey, Hnaolip,, Ynn Later, Wallace and. daehing'toa -6:
r +I
,: "..: 1, �• '' , " ` .iry.Y"..:a_r- .1 �-.'�:S.F..E -4. _ p ; .
• 1- "-'I•• .t lac. ,
Commissioner's Proceedings, City -of
l� On motion by i:embHfrom First to Fourth streets be
�c2nutGrsreL(I+✓:: er azelip that Broadwa9
reoonatruated as an original oonetruotion,.at the cost of the nDutting property owners,;
�• ti same to be done on the ten year payment plan, and that the City 3olioitor be inetruated1
to draw an ordinanoe authorizing said work immediately- same to be oonetruoted'of suohi.
material as may be later determined by the Board of Commissioners, via: vitrified
briok, oonorete, bitulithio material or oreosote bloake- some oarried upon oall of
t .
roll by the following'voto: Yens, Laolrey, Hazelip, Van lfeter, lYallnoe and
Washinrton -6.
On motion by the above, that WIMREA9, a vaoanoy now oxiets and has einoe Maroh
® ttJ�
1'7th, 1916, in the offioe of soavagger and dead animal undertaker,'I move that Lee Bell
u be appointed to said offioe no of -date 1laroh 18th, 1916- same oarried.upon-oall of
the roll b the. follows y, p.
y ng vola: Yeas Laolre Hnzoli Van rotor, Wallnoe and
Washington -6.
On motion by the above, that memoranda be made on doed-of Julia H. 0.
" Q„� ./ 7i�.�•
I granted her Hovenber 4th, 1887, to South half of Lot 340. in Blook 22, shoring that
she has married and that her name is now Julia 11. Bennett- acme oarried upon pall of
the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Luokey, llazelip, Van rotor, Walloon and
i Waohington -6•
On motion by 1lember Washington, that the Oommieeioner of Publio Wor'Ye be
;; authorised to omploy the neaeaeary engineering foroe and holp_ to' do the engineering
L..w L.L�• Lan.
�� ..
work neoeoeary to exeoute the work oalled for in the resolutione,juet panned providing
.;.., ..
f'for enid,improvomonts- some oarried upon null of the roll by.the following vote:
1 Yens, Laolrey, Hazelip, Wallaoe and Washington -4. Hay, Van 11eter- 1.
On motion by Membor Hnaolip, that the home oleotrioal oonoerne be ooneidered
in the purohase of material for eleotrio light plant and any other oleotrioal.-suppliee
wooded by the pity- same oarried upon sail of the roll by the follonln8• vote: ,Yeae,
Vgp; Laolrey, Hazelip, Van Motor, Wallace and daehington -6.
On -motion by Mayor Laokey, that the City Jolioitor be inetruoted to'oonour with
Frank. Augustus as to Battlement of olaim 'ol said Augustus against the City, and
4-K4/report at the next re lar meets ,
ng- sameourried upon oall of tho roll by the following
(� vote: Yoas, Luokey, Hazelip, Vun Motor, Wallaoe and We ehingLon -6. 1tt.'"•;;;'
On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by the following votet
Yeae, Laskey, Hazolip, Van Hoter, Wullaoe.and Tiaehington -6.
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