HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 140, March 2, 1916a k .,�5 > r .v <rrd,r§4^' ^ R, "5.lat t'M`.,, r w• r3-+..,Jtrt 12,• n�+n ,►n. t 3.., }+':,',•. t. , . .1 t +►. ::ta; ,'t' -rt p'T ,3�,•'Y Y . �• .�^`..�•_ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah_ Fe bruars 20th 191-L continued ' , r On motion by Member Wallace,i_ •;C.�(��te�.`' that.WHBRBAS, the School Board has purchased ��`�" the ro ert of B. H. Kell on Broadw '%�`� -, 9Zr% P p Y y ey,'end WHEREAS, there are special etreeg ~w . 1 improvement charges against eaid property for the yeare 1918 to 1916, inolusive,, ' amounting to Seventy-seven dollars and fifty-eight ovate 077.681,- check be given ,z ' el: for the above amount and charged to the Oontingent Fund, awns carried upon call of (�1 ?}, •. • yt a , . the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Lackey, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington On motion by Member -Washington, that the matter of purchasing or allowing ; 1ti• lift! Y the Rieke heirs to operate o cemetery on the old Rieke Farm, in the.northern part t Y I �r^ i of the city, be deferred until March 18th, 1916, to De considered by the Board of. OttCommieeionera together with the Wolfare Committee, owns carried upon call of the A.Via, r. roll by the following vote; Yana, Lackey, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -4. ! a On motion by Member Van Meter., the saloon license of R. Callsei was tranefarred:% to J. B. Robinson at the Hotel Sinnott buffet. 201 Broadway. sane being location of Calieoi license, upon call of the roll by the following vote:. Yeas,. Lackey, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -4. , tFR� On motion the.Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votet ,( Yeas, Lackey; Van Meter. Wallace and Washington -4.. CCC 4 �D WAX r e M a r a h 2n4,1916. r, AL a special meeting of the Board.®! Commissioners held in_the City Hall. 3 ji. i -March 2. 1916 upon call of the roll the following answered their names Lackey.` f • pt Van Meter. Wallace and Washington -4. �a On motion by Member Wallace, all claims for the month of February were �,�• allowed, upon call of the roll by the following vote:' Yess..Laokey. Van Meter. r } • Wallaoe and Washington 74. On motion by Mayor Lackey, that .the Commissioner of Finance. Geo. 0. Wallace. ix_r Y 1.4 De Snetruoted to write MoKinney-Guodry Co. that under the opinion of the City. y -&fit U Solicitor said company is not entitled to exemption of taxes, same carried upon - call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae; Lackey, Van Meter, Wallaceand ter. t - • .Washington -4. r.' •_ �,,,,+' N on motion by Member Wallace, the report of the Oommissioner.of Finance, -.Auditor and Treasurer, for, the month of February. 1916. was received, filed and 3 rhes/>w / ordered published, upon call of the roll'Dy the following vote: Yeas. Lackey, Van h N`. Meter, Wallace and Washington -4. 7z J n On motion by Member Washington, the Watson heirs were granted a refund of � :�aZ.v ✓ JCe. t:f z F�k r Twelve. dollars and eleven cents (412.11) on over•eaeesameat of Lot Sir on the South side of Clements street, about 235 foot southwest of Meyers street, said .payments �being made as follows: In the year .1911 on x140.00 over -assessment � $1.76 per. e. hundred, $2.45; in 1912.on x140:00 aver -assessment ® 41.70 per hundred. $2.38.. ` in the year 1913 on x140.00 over-aseesament- ® $1.76 per bundred.$2.46; in the year 1914 on•x140.00 over O $1.76 per:hundred'$2.46; In the year 1916 on I }; i 4 $140.00 over-asessament a 41.70 per -hundred, $2.38 -.upon cell of 'the loll by the p.' followingAvotei Yeas, Lackey, Van Meter; Wallace and Washington '-4. ` { MY On motion by Member Washington.'that the City. Solicitor be Instructed to take' G r�.�et%� .Up the matter. with the parties now -owning the old Bex Manufacturing Co. property, is titi , j • _ 3�R.,,, —•—'tet; ��e�.wi ✓M ,i!^.:1;", T!:"9�:y'l 'yC?I'n'1',k'^7•"".�`+"`j..h. ��';".;�.rr'(' '.1� j��' nF Y'!�iT.��►C ' � •�_M � � i1Y1^�.y� `Y 5�7 �� ',i f� I - i l 1;... : S .^ti ( i•. � � F% i R. ,^�., ..�'S•• t `� . _ ..7 77 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah_ March Bad 1916 continued Mechanicsburg, to either &pen up alley dedicated by fie: Mfg. Company or, to give a I . deed for alley where the Rix Mfg. Company has opened alley, same carried upon,; sell of the roll by the following vote3 Use, Lackey'. Ven Meter, Wallace and Washington -4. On motion by Mayor Lackey, that the power of Attorney of, A. M. Foramen %7,Y,# p emt or a a Uncle auroty Company bs received and filed, some carried upon call of { the roll by the following vote:*- Yens, Lackey, Van Meter. Wallace and Washington -4. .. '. On'motion by Member Van Meter. the report of the Fire Chief for the month of February was received and filed upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Luokey,'Van Meter. Wallace and Washington -4. On motion the Hoard adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Lackey, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -4. oil 7 �� �"'j .. �r/. l� .• �li1Yt"�C. ,G?•r , M a r a h 6th. 1916. 1 1 AT a regular meeting of the Board of Commieelonere. held in the Oountil Chamber of the Oity Hall, City of Paducah, $y...on March 6th, 1916, upon call of p the roll,the following answered their names: Lookoy, Haselip,'Van Meter. Wallace and Washington -6. On motion by Membor Wallace, the minutes of the meeting held February fj 28th, 1916 were adopted as read upon oall of the roll by the following voter Yeas. Lackey. Haselip. Van Meter, Wallaoe and Washington -6. p On motion by the above, the minutes of the meeting held,Haroh End, 1916 1 Vwere adopted as read upon call of the roll by tho following vote: Yeoa.,•Laokey, ! Haselip, Van Hater, Wallace and Washinoton -6. ' On motion by the above, the communication from Goo. 0. Wallsoe,,with } 9W I' reference to a rofuad to the Oumberland Telephone k iolegroph Co. -In 1904', was i received and filed. upon cell of the roll by the following.voLe: Yeas, Luckey, ' Haselip. Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -b. 4r On motion by Mamber Washington, that the pay roll for the street depart., V}�L�,rti `� �' r /���•'i ment for the week ending Muroh 6th, 1916, not covered by ordinanoe, amounting to"••'� i •I $49.90, be allowed, same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote:, ,T•. Yeas. Lackey. Haselip, Van Meter, Wulluo.e and Washington _ '� �• On motion by Member Haselip, that the petition of citizens asking for ,, •. �. +«u, amendment to yeotion 13 of the Market Louse ordinanoe be reoelved,and filed- he 0-d • also recommending that no amendment to said ordinance be made at this time- eome', l.oarried upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Luckey, Haselip, �I Von Meter. Wallace and Washington -6.' 6 On motion by the above, that the offer of Roy %ads on lot at the oorner of I �1116_ Rays and Sowell streets, belonging to the city of Paducah, be referred to the + h Oommoseioner of Public Property for report of value of euid lot, and his reoom- i II mendatione, same carried uyon oall of the roll by the following voter Yana. Lackey, Haselip, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. On.motion.by the above, that deed be grunted Mrs. Josephine Rhodes to Sputh