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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 14, January 28, 1915No.:
A w
Commissioner's Proceedih9s, City of Paducah January lath 1916.
At, a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Council Chamber
jin the City Hall. In the city of Paducah. 'Keintuoky January 28th, 1916,. upon call of the
roll- tho following answered thoir namoal Burns, Hassolip, Wallace, Marton and Wash.
yington 5.
On motion by Mayor Hazelip the Woman's Hospital League was given permission
to conduct a Carnival and'granted free license, upon oall'of the roll by the following
Lvote Yeae Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Walloo'o and Washington
Or motion by Member Marton, James Chambers.- colored was granted.a. a on tract
to -ooilduot the City's farm for thie-year, at a rent of '200.00., upon call of the roll*
'by the fo llowing vote.i Yoao Burns j Hazelip, Marton Wallace "and Washington = 5
on motion by the above, that the matter of purohaoin
g auto t.ruoka for the
fire department., and the matter of-reduotion of insurance rates for the City. was
. e
roforid to the Commissioner of Publio.Safety to confer with. the insur ano compasses,
Ito report.baok as early as possible, carried -upon callof the roll by the following,
.Evote: Yeas; Burns, Hazelip, Marton, V74illao6 and *;.'ashington
On motion. by Member Burns, that Rob6rtal Rules of Order be adopted as a
iparl.iamentary guide to govern the doliboration "of .the commissioners chile in session
�'.nd prov i&.d that in all cases where two -third vote Is required, that n.3/6 vote -be I%*lieii'thor*'eof, carried upon call of the roll by the following vote:.Yea
?Burne, I' -ton 4. not voting..
u: Marton, and Vuehing Mayor Hazelip
..,On motion by Member Washington, that all matters for investigation be referred
to the he ad.of the department for full roport;to the Board of Commissionere, and* I f th a
oommieelonoro doom further invoetigation necessary then the. 06
Ispeoial oommitt.00 of, the whole, same carried upon call of the,r.oll by. thefollowing
vote. Yoao,.. Bu.rne, Hazelip, Marton Wallace and Washington 5..
On 'motion by Member Burns, that tho.preiious action taken in regard .to the
.,<n_,;t✓.`d.,.iHondriok cane and City physician�ar d to referring some to the Com—ittoo of the
whole. action was rescinded and the matter referred to MVy9r Hazelip, as head of. hie
a roll by the. following. vote: s; Burns, Hazel p, Marton,
department, upon call 'of the '.Yea
;,Wallace and Washington 6.
e On motion by Member Wallace, : that the accident at 9th and Broadway and. Ilth
and Tennessee streets, be referred to the Oommiesioner of Public Bafoty, as theh Gad
this department, instead of the Committee of.*the )Whole, carried upon call a f' the roll
"by the Yeas, Burris., Hazelip, Marton, T . fallace and I V.ashington 5. .
On motion by Member Wauhinpton, the Ferry Franchise was referred to the Coma. I
67. Imiopioner of Public Affairs for report and recommendation, in reeurd to said franch I go.,
barried upon oall of the roll by.ihe. following vote: Y"e,. Burns, Hazelip, Larton,
FWallaoe and 'Washington -�16.
On motion the..Board adjourned, upon call of the roll, by the following votes
IiYdaa, Burns, Hazolip,-Marton, Wallace and Washington —6.