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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 138, February 21, 1916''�� - . �'•:,� a! `-' . .. t="F•b s f �F t.'rl ,.-.'L?;�' s' 7 i 7 n '�J'i.�4"'7. a .. .� — - - - - - - - - -- - - �; ' Commissioner's Proceedings, .City of Paducah ' February 16th 1916 At a called meeting of the Board of Oommiseloners, held in the Council Chamber of the City of Paduouh, Ky., at one -thirty P: H., February ;? 16th; .191 ti; upon cull of the roll the following eaewered their names:, Lackey, Haselip, Van Meter and Washington -4. 1 r Yf"•.f` On Member Haselip, that claims against the City of �t 5".' ' 1 Paducah, amounting to 43,038.40, be allowed and warrant drawn for their I ,'�. 1" respective accounts, came carried upon call of the the followings �.. �.. vote: Yone, Lackey, Hnaeiip, Van McLer.nad Washington -4.'..,,- On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Hazelip, Van Motor and Washington: -4. fit" Oty C104! ! + FI:DIWARY 21st- 1916.. At a regular meeting of the Board'of Oor,wieelonere, held'Sn the a `' ' Counbtl Chamber of the City Hall, City of Paducah..Kentucky, on February 2let, ur" y 1916, upon call' of the roll the following answered their names: Lao key,"�r 't Hazelip, Van jleter, Wulluoe and Washineton -5. 1r 'v On motion by Member Hazelip, the minutes of the re,palnr meeting hold ;, ' February 14th, 1916, also of the epooial:moeting.hold on February l6th,'1916, i were adopted as read upon call of the roll by the 'following vote Yens,' R'' Lackey, Huzelip, Van lietor, Wallace and Wushington -5. i• ,':• On motion*by Lombor.Wushington, tho weekly pay roll for the stroet ...+ f r�ii department ending i+ebrunry 20th,. amount.lnri to 9103:20; not covered by ordinance, was allowed ipon call of tno,roll by the followinr: veto: Yeas, Lackey,Hazelip, Van bletoi, .Wallace and Wuuhington -5. ' On motion by the above, that the Oit'y licalty & Investment. Co. be. allowed to construct oonoreto sidewalk .on Fourth dtreet between Broadway and ��`• Jefferson stroot, provided they oomply with the City's specifications and necessary requirements, s,una carried.upon call of the rollby the following ,Y voter Yeue, Luokey, Hazolip, Von Motor, Wallaoo and Washington -5 r;.•:� q �r On motion by the above, that Marks & Michaelson be allowed to con- 4 .struot. concrote sidewalks on L'udieon street between Seventh and alley -between xA I Sixth and Seventh etroot sums to be done under City's specifications and in compliance with all city rogulationn governing such work, sumo carried .upon ball,, of the roll by the following vote: Yose,'. Lsokny, liazolip,'.Yon bfoter, Walluoe ' and Washington -G. _ i. On motion by the above, that the Dalbey Electric allowed to j oonOtruot a li'hito Way on'i'hird street between Broadway and Kentucky ..venue, as i per plot and letter .filed, same carried upon call of the roll"by the, following h'? voter Yene,,' Lackey, Hazelip, Van Ueter, Wallace and Wuohington -5.49, 'On motion by blember,Hazolip, that the report of Harry Gish,Sexton Aof Oak Grove reference to public eruve, be received, and concurred in, anQ that •euid lot. be accepted and Jennie Bell be refunded p5.00.' •��� "r4` L•. .1. ,T, i{ ..1.. �,t.r.'.[ �'' •�.0 , 1 -. ' f 4. _ .'ar?�r_ ''S "�,c ''+ .'�sr. 4'!;• .. -� �, ) +� 1ryll.Tilj�' r'�nl''M'.l '.•.'. ;�i:i,{r•'-hY. . :! .T.1,'3..4•w 4 .... . ....✓s... .,.r •-..--,.4..+.�,.. g ...I �. H" F .. ,hj •ay: rtr. ,�Jh., ^"'. r•_�ay 1 �..x ,e7 n p-. rM:t � y ='"4 - ;.:r ,.z . ' .' .' .. } Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah when proper transfer is made,'aumo carried upon oull.'of tile roll by, the following I .' ivote: Youe, Lackey, Huzollp, Vun Ltotor, Wulluoo and Wuohington -5,.• On motion by the ubovo, thut refunded ltuy Sundore-.sane being aua�t w• i for double paytlait public burial peinilt, uo ahovm by to port of Goumiocionor of y Finance-, same carried upon call of the roll by the.following vote:. Yeue. Luokey, Il Hazelip, Van Lieter, Wallace and Washington -5. i On motion by_the.above. that u transfer be grunted to North half of'• - Lot .46, Block 2, in new,addition, Oak Grove gemotery, from. -Jennie Boll to B. H. Llalons, same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote.: Yeas, Lackey, �• I' Hnzelip, Van Lloter, Wallace and Washington -5. j� On motion by Member Van Meter, that the Oornmiosioner of Publi'o Safety 7, r be authorized to add throe more patrolmen to the pollee force; some carried upon' ;r call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Luckey, Hn::olip, Van ole tor; Uallnoe•. and Waahiripton =5. ` r• Ij On motion the Board adjourned. upon call of the roll by the' following" , . ,pots: Yeas, Lackey; llazellp, Van Lloter, Wallace and Waohiiurton -5.�. AmO /T D F.,OVF1U y r 11L Q1 ldrs, t �¢¢¢ F. SBRUARY 28th. 1916. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the.Counoil �+. Chamber of the City Hall, City of Paducah, Ky., on Februnry_28th; 1916, upon l call of the roll the following answered their names: Lackey,VanNater, Wallace , y, and Washington -4. On motion by.Mayor Lacksy. the minutes of the rooting held February 21. f I�_ 1916 were adopted as rind upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas ti li Lackey, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -4. <a' f! On motion by Member Washington, the weekly payroll for the Street Dept. ' • not covered by ordinanoe, Amounting to $123.00, for the weak ending February 29th.z. , 4 was allowed upon call of the roll by the folloving,vote: '.Yeas,. Lnoke'y, Van Meter;. Wallace and Washington -4. {� On motion by Member Wallace, that the Commissioner of Safety be in- , atruoted to notify citizens to remove obstructions. off sidewalks at night, ewe t L t - carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Lockey, Wallace and .. 4+ _ Washington -3. Hay: Van Meter, 1.,r' On motion .by the above, the recommendation of Commissioner of works, ?c k Dr�'q,.aEri Washington, in regard to lights on Island Creek Bridge and twenty-els lights in ,- 3 �;. alleys and.down town district, was referred to the Commissioner of Public Property, upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Van Meter. Walleoe i i _F. and Washington -4. ! I: On the above, that the communication of Oommiseioner of 1� Public Works regarding r g ng repair and painting o�'soof on the City Stables be re- ?� , tl ferred to the Commissioner of Public Property, owns carried upon call of the roll " by the Yeas, Lahkey. Van Meter, Wallace and Washington 74. ' } _ ;.. On motion by the above, :that the bill of Foreman Auto Co. for 1914 and ?! �r'u....a.«✓ �*ccic ire I! 1915. amounting to $70.92, be allowed and charged to the contingent fund, same �. w 7 +.. carried upon call of the,roll by the following vote: Yeao. Lackey, Van Meter, Wallace and Waehington -4.