HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 135, February 7, 1916v . ".U� :,w. I�F ^:..aw-r:¢ vkLJii.•4.a.._.T.a „�.� ,•y, pT��ST�}'�^S1pQir{2!'"»�h�F.7J•.7.c,C;' ,G e::;..,I-aJ..fF1V. %Yr^.fst•r:.i. 'C� ./.O.-i�`•1i "(^"�� r�
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' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah .Rehruary 7th 191tL
At u regular meeting of the Hoard of Oommissionero, hold in -the Oounail
F Ohomber of the City Hull, City of Paducah, Hentuoky; on Fotruary 7th, 1916, upon.
1 cull of the roll the following ananorod.their name-. Laukey, Haeelip, Van )later,
Wallace and Washington -6.
r - On motion by Member Huselip, the minutes of the previous meetings were
adopted ae,read, upon cull of the roll by the following vote: Yeuo; Luckey, Harelip,
I� Von MoterI Wunuoo and Wushington -5.
On motion by llombor Wullaoo, the Report of the Auditor4reacurer of
7 �,t expenditures in various departments not allowed at time of allowance of claims of
uFebruary let, won received and filed and ordered allowed, upon cull of the roll by.'
the following, vote: Youe, Laokay, Hnsellp, Van Lletor, Woll000 and Washington -6..
fOn motion by the above, the monthly roport of the .udlt.ar-irouourer was
received and filed and orderod publiahad, upon cull of the roll 'by the followin •
vote: . Yoaa, Luokoy, Huzolip, Van Vator, Wallace and Wushing,ton -6. !
On motion by Member Wushington, thut the Streat Dopartmani payroll for
the week ending Februury 7th, 1916, not covered by -ordinance, umountinq to $04.40.
be allowed, outio ourriod upon cull of the roll by the following vutu: Yens, 1
Luokoy, Huzelip, Van 1.:etor, hulluoo and VuehLngton -5.
(i On motion by Member Huzelip, that the uommunioution of V. 0. Cruse, In
regard.to auto putrol,bo referred to the Commiooioner of Surety, sumo ourried upon
-r cull of the roll by the following vote:Yeus, Luokoy, Huzolip, Van Votor, Wulluue
_ •
and Washington -5.
s On motion by the above, thut the mattor of roleuee of prieonere from
City fail by City Judge be referred to the City Solicitor for opinion at ones- oleo,
.that the Clty 3011oltor roport as to whether or not cost of prieonere sent to ( t
� County Jail,wlthout authority, own be taken from ualu
y, ' rY o f the City Judge. nw�e '
��.... J
carried upon null of the roll by the following vote:Youe. LuOkay, liazolip, Van .. •
Voter, Wullaoe and rlushington -5.
.; On motion the Hoard udjournod, upon call of the Toll by the following
vote: Yeau, Luul:oy, Hanolip.' Van Motor, WullaOo and Wuohinprton -6..
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