HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 133, January 31, 1916"�-• 7 "L.. ,t� mit �+inti+Yt"-A:h^^+(�S1"�.xl�Y; mr i'V1!!E 'aC 4k c t �. � i ,{'.. ;.yrY� � * C -.. , ..l yY � J:"w. ..�
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No %3 3
Colnll71l3Slollet'8 Proceedings, (illy of Paducah January slst19J 6
.:t a regular meeting of the Board o -f Commissioners, hold Yn: the.Gour,01,0homber j
j of the City.)iall, Paducah. Pentuaky,,on January 3lut, 1916, upon call of the roll':
I the following anewerod their numes: Lookeyi Yuri Motor,' Wallace and lushington -4.
On motion by Member Van Noter, the -minutes of the prepioue meeting were adopted
us, read, upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yeus.; Laokoy. Van Meter. .
wallaoe and Vushiripton -4.
c.. J -• OH motion by the above, that the commissioners uaoept the resignation of Will
''I Thomus, as fireman, and that Ti L. Roedor, first extra, be enrolled.uo a regular
the 'Yous.
areman, same carried upon call of the roll, by following vote: Luol:ey,'
1 Van Voter, Vullaoe and Washington -6. I
i; On motion by the above, that the oommissionors endorse.the appointment of Norm9
YoKlnnoy as a firoman, and that his name be enrolled as u.retulur fireman, earne
oarrie'd upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laoloy, Vun 18ator, r
h- l'lalluco and Washington -4.
R -s
1 On motion by Member Washington, that the puyroll for.the street department,
r` n amounting to 75.20, not covered by ordinance., for the wool: ending, January 30, 1�1G,
- -
4! be allowed, sumo carried upon oull of, the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey.
N.•.Van Meter. Wallace and Washington -4.
On motion .by lember Wallace, that Miss Laude :,ndereoh be, retained in the. offi'aa
of 'the Commissioner of Finance until further notice,'eume carried upon call of the
roll by the following veto: Yens, Lackey, Van Metoi;'Wullnoe'and Washington -4.
On motion by Mayor Lackey, that Dr. Frank. Boyd and Mr. E. W. Bulcer be re-
'f ,,..elected members of .the Board of lieulth, came carried upon cull of the roll by
U following vote: Yous, Lu6hoy, Veer Lletor, Wallace and ifashirrgton;-4.
aimee F. be
s f •• On motion by.the above, that Miss Lowo.,truunt offioer,' granted
r, _'pollee powers upon execution o.f the proper bond, sumo: curried upon call'of.the roll'I
1i by the following vote: Yous, Luckey, Van Motor, Wallace rind Wuahington -4.,
�.., On motion by the above,. that Mrs.. Margaret Ford be grunted police powore upon
execution of,tbe proper bond, aaiae carried upon call, of the roll' by the following.
i ... • .vote:. Yohe, Lackey, Van Lister, Wallace and Washington -4.
0n motion by the above, that aaoowrt o.oarrying tor.oity prisoners Bent, to
oounty.juil, amounting, to 42239.90„ be allowed', and, warrant drawn in fuvor of
a `,
IioCrnoken county for this amount,' and sham a to .contingent fund, same ourried upon
'. call ,of the roll by the followiry3 vote: Yous, Lao):ey,Vun Ltetor, Wallace and
Washington -4'.
On motion by Member Van -Motor, that Lot 42. in Block 42, Oak Grove Cemetery,
be transferred from Lire. Sl12abeth,Base to Mrs. liuth iYilliam.s. same ourried upon....
eall'of the roll by the following, veto: Yeas, Luckey, Van -Meter. Wuiluoo and
L". Washington -4•
� F.
&jj'. On motion by the above, that doed be granted John It. Mi.x to lot 20 in Block
47. Oak Crave Uomatery, Trotiourer's r000ipt for one lit drod 'dollare' uttaohed,
carne curried upon call of the roll by the following .veto.:. Yoas Laoke Van Later
r P J Y. .
.Wallace and Washington -4.
On motion, by the above, thut dood be grunted to W; If. Wilson to lot 10 in
p new addition
. -fW �' 1 (one)/in Oak Grove Cemetery, Trousuror'3 receipt for Thirty '(430.00) dollarsi
F �°' J L'
" �� attached, same oerried upon call of the roll by'the following "vote: Yous, Luchoy.,
'Van lister. Wallace and Washington -4. ..
• _. iSi •rr,«�"i'�'�fAi • n +.u-.. ,. � . r ,...5;;7�Si4RrT!'FE"•3.Y'Ca::?",•.'h!'tip°:'.4S.f*X'r+�.-'"':`.F'17a� �, ,.•1:,5^T.ir:'�i `•;T.m
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)1-1 Commissioner"s Proceedings, City of Paducah January 31at 19111 continued �.
On motion by Mayor Leokeq..that the account of Frank suguetus, amounting ,4`
y • uP
t 'to,.466.00 (ffft five.) be allowed same carried on call of the roll by the-• }
�� 5S'1. , :following vote:;:.Yeae..Laokey. Wallace and "Washington -3.. Ilgy: Yan,bieter0 l•`' ! { ,,.11`
+ " on motio1.n the.Board adjourned until ten o'clock A. 1t.,. February let. +-
t 1916. upon ''all of the roll :by the..following vote: Yeas, Laolmy. Van lister. '' ;
i Wallace'and Washington'' 4. •' Ix�
;fir } r4 '
0V-�1D r f
c /L... L._. _ t r
r C tr v r
3 1
a i c e t }
1, p](t ` J C
,+ � It .. February let. 1916. L ,k °r1. } i
. . . t
I 1,
� 4 .'"At an.adjourned meeting of the Board of Commiooionere,.held in the +.4
g i
t 5 Council dhamDor of the Oity Hall. Paducah, at ten o'clock 6..11.. February lat; ;` ,
. .. y
q �1916,•the following answered their names: Loo key, Van leter. Tlalluoe and "- �,, ',.
} i Washirton -4.
On motion by Member Wallace. the report of the tluditor-ireneurer, �F
% /� together with the.pay roll for January, 1916, amounting to "8,359.72, was .. , � t "._4:1
.), t
�y , . .
/- � `� ' received and ordered filed. and wurrants ordered drovn,on treasury for pa.rnment 4
r . t r
,;same. carried upon call of the roll by the following vote:' Yeas.,lackey,Van,I. ,' r
r1. _. s
' Neter. Wallace and Washington -4. , . . ,'
5t t1. On motion by the above, that the allowance of ;65.00 to Frank buguetus tf,
�,.J� 1 . t
'i�N ; made on January 31st, 1916, be reconsidered; same carried upon call of the roll :{ x
Q. �' •. by the following vote: Yoac. Lackey, Van Meter; Wallace and Was_hinrton -4.1. "' �
I On motion by the above. that the bill of Frank ewguatus. omounting to 1 t
t � � $56.00, be disallowed, name carried upon call -of the roll by the following voto
pppl °Yeas, lackey, Later, Wallace and Washington -4: fi`pI
ei On motion by the -above,. that the Commissionor of Finance be lnotnioted i �T p,'
t iw 0�6 to issue check on •ireasu " 1 {
,/. - µ ry for y125.00, pagaDle to aavne 9enton. for account i `, J{ Y}
7��./ /9j1 "� 'of i[aurioe 1daIntyre for IIovombo.r, 1915, salary. ander order of court, same carriedl1 r Y4
' ! .''._. I r' E ti
,` ,, .upon .all of the•roll by the following vote Yeas, Lackey. van 1[eter, Wallace and dj
' f` } Wgshington -4. 3 •, I t1. "-
�`m t
'T ,� t On motion the Board adjournod: 11.•upon pallI. of 'the roll by the following . t
* , ,IY r, vote Youo, Laokey..Van ltoter, Wall"e and Wuahington -4. i
-,, , r � r t . � 4 '� ' Y '; .
r t. + t F. -J r _, _ t, e
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