HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 121, January 3, 1916-.q 7'»1;..1a'aTVSMRw�w�.ni.aril.•:mIP.K'CI`�,;•�Y'��T:�i'^!'h�.+jtY:i'AiC�S'T`ia,?iS?'. C, iV�;. rn�,'ti'�-,L't i',"' .:1 ,i.'� L''�.Yf•: •� ��:. "1 Pi'71'u',t1 EJ mak' r`i��Ivf,.a•�a.�.�r�,. �yi..'��'�`'}�e y1 i�v,i'�,G3'K�i .M .Y �.4 yfj it ;�1 .. .' '. ..1 r.-\if�'���Oyc`t\•"Attif'�. { Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah January 3d I, At a regular meeting of the Bonrd of Commissioners, held in. the Council Chamber of the City Hall. .01ty of Paducah, $y., on January 3d, 1916, at three o'clock P. M., upon cell.of the roll the following answered their names: Lnokey,.Haselip,. ` Van Meter' . Wallace.and Washington -6. .. , On motion by Member Haselip, the minutes of the previous meeting were . adopted an read, upon call of the,roll by the following vote: Yeas,. Lackey, Hazelip;. Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. ' I Upon motion by the above, the report of Jno, D. Smith was ordered read, y �.upon cell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas. Lackey, Haaelip, Yan,Ueter, . Wallace and Washington -6. Upon motion by Member Wallaoe,,the report of Jno. D. Smith was received and ordered filed, and recommendations concurred in, upon call of the roll by the i following vote: Yeas, Lackey. Hazelip. Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. Upon motion by Member Hazelip, that rules be suspended as to. sending out 3. O.+C. '• 'lit.�`.+y oopies,of ordinance repealing the Retention ordinance, some carried upon 'Gall of the ' • t( roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Hazelip, Van Meter, Wullaoe and Washington, 1 6. ";;, ' Upon motion by Member Hazelip "AU ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDIUAIICE NUMBER ,.' 4 ff ; (4+ �• '.I! 1 TWO (E) OF THE CITY OF PADUGAH, KENTUCKY ENTITLED "dt1 ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE - i t APPOINTMEUT OR RE .11TION, BY THE BOARD OF 001MISSIONERS, OF CERT4N CITY OFFICERS, •M 0 _• AGERTS AILD EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PriDUCAH, 10:'tITUCRY, AUD FIXING THEIR SALARIES. ' tl POWERS AND DUTIES, ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMMI 33 IONERS JANUARY 4, 1916, and RE-. "•, CORDeD JAUUARY 4, 1916", was given its passage upon call of the roll bythe following :. vote: Yeas, Lackey, Hazelip. Van Motor, Wallace and Washington -6. «° r Upon motion by Member Wallace, rules were suspended as to sending out 4 -- copies of the Function Ordinance, upon call of the roll by the following vote: e• Laskey, u Yeas, Hazelip, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. ) ' Upon motion by Member Wallace "AU ORDIVaCE PROVIDIUG FOR THE APPOINTMENT ��, OR RETENTION, BY THE BOARD OF COULISSIOVERS OF THE CITY OF PADUG LH. UP CERTAIN CITY S �• t OFFICERS, AGEUTS AILD E•U?LOYF:ES OF THE CITY OF PdDUC,iH, KENTUCKY, AI(D FIXIIIG.THEIR . SALARIES, POGERS AND DUTIES" -known a'G the FUNCTION ORDINANCE- was given.i'ts passage ' as read, upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Haselip, Van •� F+ Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. Upon motion by the above, the rules requiring copies of Resolution authorizing the Mayor to borrow $100,000.00, Wore suspended. upon call of the roll by _ u the following. vote: Yeas. Lackey, Hazelip, Yon Mete;, WnllnooLind Washington ^ Upon motion by the above "d RESOLUTION DIIIECTIRC Alli) AUTHORIZING THE • � � MAYOR OF THF.'CITY OF PADUCiiH TO RXECUTE NOTES OF THE CITY OF PADUC.1H, FOR THE SUM Of . ��••••'.' f-"�` ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ($100,000.00) DOLLARS, 411D PLEDGING .aITICIPATED RF.VFd1UE OF THE t d'd CITY OF P.:DUCa FOR THE FIRST HALF OF 1916 TO PAY SAME- was given its passage upon � call of the roll by the following voter Youe, Luckey. Usselip. Van Meter, Wallace . I'and Washington -6. , Aid i -1i Upon motion by the above, B.- W. Tully was appointed Auditor, end,Treasurer, r H. B. Hazelip Clerk to the Board Commissioners Clerk to the ' • and was appointed of and commissioner of..Finanoo, of the City of Paducah. Ky.. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey. Hazelip, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. iU.!f +• r�-F'j'Km:J .d.•: �' i ui 'i°�\."`'fl` r .' '." qr L � ` r`+t f' �(' 11�"'; � ;+t ^'f�'ltY'!•Ly YN•rwa & !h "!• . - � � .. }.' '+.. .,•if'r�A r r„ -%,Svc .. ,,,1't {".. 1:rMr.. T,y� .r �J-`�.�. �.�y, o -.,,. , . -77 v.. No. f 2 2 , Commissioner's Proceedings, City of PaducahJaaua: 3 191... 8 -f+-• continued _ P',% „� v ... On motion by Member Wallace, the report of the Carnegie Library Board Park Board, Superintendent of Riverside Hospital, 800ton of Oak Grove Comets .S, P w<G HG..• and Oity Weigher, were received and filed, upon call of the roll by.the following b 44- ,6 ..voter Yeas, Lackey, Harelip, Van 1leter. Wallace and Wfiehington Oa.motion by Member .Hnselip, that all retail coffee house licensee be I.. -� % passed as a whole -where no protest was entered- same carried upon call of the d roll by the following vote: Yeae, Lackey, Haaelip.. Van. Meter, Wallace and Waahinon -6. On motion by.the above, that all applications for retail•ooffee house I } and quart liquor license be granted as follows Ii A U E A D D R S S S U R E T Y Theobold rotors. 1046 Ky. Ave. Hatioaol.8arety Company Frank Pinkard •117 S. 3d 0. W. Cates. 126 S. S000nd ^ " : L. L. Nelson..407 S. Third Bon Allen 100 11. First Clement Franoioli'' 212 Ky. .ivo w w Oscar Donker 432 11. Twelfth Oluude Porter' lOG S. Third Robkopf Distilling Co. 103-106 S. Second " ^ A. T. Bohannon '111 S. third Palmer Hotel Co. 6th ,& Broadway i N. Schmidt &'Son 1100 S. Eleventh C. T. Graham 136 S. Ninth w w J. J. Lally 1601 S. Fourth Geo. Willow 127 S. Second Hotel Lapomarsino 201 Broadway New. England Equitable. Ing. Co.. . W. A. Nickell 100 Broadway `� , •: Hol Billingsley 833 Oaldaoll " S. D. Gott 119 i7. u'ourth r n �,•: John Word 132 Kentucky w w r Abe Marooffsky, 134 S. Second B. A. Turner.. 1000 Ii. Tenth " ^ c 0. A. Chandler 126 S.'S000nd H. L. Gauen 704 Adana' .:;.. J. J. KoAughan . . 1134 Jones " ^ Alfred Straus 114 Kentucky Ave. " • �' y Joe. T. Quarrels E. Side I: 0. Depot II: •. St. Elmo Smith 116 N. 4th Tk Lowe 622 Adams w w 1 Oo 0. D enker 901 Washington. " G Columbus Holmantoler 922 Finley ^ 'Ilk ' Sloan Bros: 233 N. Thirteenth E. H. Pell 737 11. Eighth,1'- Y y 0. Loohloo 402 If. Twelfth 1 W. E. Nam & Son 936 11. Tenth Will T. Miller 736 Harris ' LI. C. E. biller 1167 N. Twelfth " ^ C. E. hiller^ w• ��. 301 S. Seventh Eugene Thompson 829 Trimble Holland k Manning 107 S. 1'ouith N� S. 'A :'Womble 107 11. Fourth [+1 J. H. Clondonnon 113 S. Second Scott Furgurson .701 Trimble. 8 A. C. Mitchell 900 -Washington - R. 00 WashingtonR. E. L. Moshell 109 14. Foiirth ^ ^ Dan Galvin 833 S. 4hird. James Ward 1301 Harrison W. C. Stanford 129 S. Second Loo Hite ':111 S. Second Pete Bolger B 1617 S. Fourth , Bondurant & 11oGarrlgal 932 Huabande. " e' F. 'S.'Johnston 1034 S. Tenth H. L. Burton 134 S. Fourth Fidelity b Deposit Co. of Md ' John Dye 1729 S. Fourth J..'H. Potter & 00.. 116 S. Fourth r. Goo. Schulte 701 Jackson W. Lt. Mitchell 900 Boyd w w .r'.: Sam 0. Smith. 120 S. Second ^ J. B. Schulte 701 S. Seventh .' 'i Chris Burger 200 Xy Ave 0. L. Robertson & Go. 101 S. Second' L. B. Ragan' 116 S. Fourth w " o S. G. Rothrook 121 S. Second some carried, and bonds a000pted,upon'call of the roll -by the following vote: Yeas,.Laokey, 11"eldp. Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6., "�� On motion by Uombor.Van Motor. the transfer of saloon license of Hol ' Billingsley, at 833 Caldwell Street, was granted to R. Oalieai, at the same nnmberi. upon .call of the roll .by the follow ingvote i Yens. Lackey, Hnselip, Van Ueter, • r. '•" Wallaoe and Washington -6. �.7�/• �_ .,� On'motlon.Dq the above transfer of saloon license was grantod from I . Ji W. Ivitte, at 119 Broadway. to Jask Riddle. st .tbe same number, upon call of. i i • yI .r . r . ..:, i;y� :"•�.a.w.ii..d "c.:u.�:',1G;r' - lt:5f..:.::w ".,r .Wc:..C>A.. v.. w�rn<._ • .fit ....+..�. ..:w, .i.-.. ,„._�,.,�: ':,r..: J.. /:_:,1. �l • al�w•'�'h �'UtA^i.. �r.:x rye,. t "`,''7 �r 4,C5'r 'K'V P. �:M- rr ya , No.J.2'3. { Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah January Sd 191 ¢ oontinued j. the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Haselip. Van Meter, Wallace and i Washington -6. On motion by the above, transfer of saloon license was granted from Jeff.Tolee, at 116 Kentucky Ave., to 11. Allan. at the same number, upon oall.of s ,A the roll by the following vote ; Yeae; Lackey, Haselip, Van Motor, Wallace and 71. Washington G� On motion by the above, a transfer was granted of a saloon license at s1 110 S. Second St., from T. J. Elrod to J. H. Elrod, upon cull of the roll by the ' '; j >/ a 1....�C• following vote; Yeas, Lackey, Haselip, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. On motion by the above, a saloon license was granted'to R. Oalioai; . 201 Broadway - Mr. Calisal offerred as his bond the Uew England Equitable Ina. M1: fol A ; Co. • upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeua, Lackey, Haselip, Van. Later, Wullaae and Washington -6." ,=i •q ok On motion by the above, transfer was granted R. Oulieai of a saloon p /mow rFFFi license at 201 Broadway to 134 U. Fourth otreet, upon call of the roll by the following voter Yoae, Lackey. Huselip, Van Later. Wulluoe and Washington, -5. On motion by the above, a saloon license was granted J. U. Elrod at f• > lY fo lu.� AA110 9. Second Street -Lir. Elrod offered as hie bond the Now England Equitable Ins. Y �! Co.. carried upon call of the roll by the following vote;, Yoaa Laoke Raseli "• 4 y.. p. F 11 Van Later, Wallace and, Washington -6. Oh motion by the above, u saloon license was granted H. Allen, at 116, Kentucky Avo. -Mr. Allan offored as his bond the Lew England Equitable Ina. Oo- C carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Youe, Lackey, Haselip, a Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. On motion by the above, the following quart liquor license were granted and bonds accepted, as followo; s r fl flameAadr ess Surety t Oeo. H. Ooodmun & Co . ................. lOG.100 fl. Second St. Fidelity ✓k Deposit 0o of Maryland ry lana " Claude Riley ...Bridge St. near Tipple Philip if. Stephon.do Go . ................202-204. S. U,inth ti ..i Biederman Distilling Go . ...............111 U. Third B.J.Prieetor & Jake l A. S. Terrell . Biederman �� '• •••...................... 17 Jefferson. J. B•iTarrell i E. 0. Terrell H. Wel& n 1 So ...................:.....113 fl. Second Herman Priodman h ` Jones Wail . upon cull of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Lackey, Haselip,. Van Later, Wallace and Washington p On motion by LemDer Wallace, the appointment of A. M. foreman. and Rielle ��� Lackey as Attorneye,ln Pact by the 11 ow England Equitable Ineuranoo Go., was ratified R i I' upon call of the roll by the following vote; Youe, Lackey, Haselip, Van toter, .a' Wallace and Washington .6. - On motion by Member Haselip, the appointment of Dick Collect no Attorney in Paot, in the mutter of the transfer of T. J. Elrod to J. H. Elrod, was ratified 11�I Y ./x/�/,.�...• ''!i upon cull of the roll by the following voto; Youe, Laukoy, harelip, Von Uetor, C �I Wallace and Washington -6. � -f Y i 1 7 77 1 • .":.b'p"'�'�T' . ...•., ,':..s "5^t f'�'(Y". �`•.sggn-+•Cd 7t: - ;!':. r•� r•eC-?¢ l`. aZ7,:�i. ia�a=7 _14 .• . , • .-.Y �. / it � ,�\ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Jam, ary as 194 -continues On moLlon.by Member Van Meter, the bonds of all applicants for retail coffee All[• +��� hohee and quart 11 uo w l',�'/" q liquor license were approved, upas call of the roll by the following �oLe f Yeast Lnokey, Harelip, Van Motor, Wallace and Washington -6. On motion by Member Von Meter, that Commissioner Haselip act as viae -Mayor A4.y yn - in the absence of Mayor'Laokey, same carried upon call of the roll by the following C votes. Yens,-Laokey, Van Meter; Wallace and Washington -4.. Hay, Haselip,.1. On motion by Member Luckey, that James Campbell, Jr. .be appointed. City J4 Solioitor.and that Ed Hubbard be �.Ld..� appointed assistant City 8olioitor, same carried ; upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, Haselip, Van Meter, �? Wallace and* Washington -6. On motion the Board adjourned-, upon call of the roll by the following votei ,..•. p Yeas, Laokey, Haselip, Van Meter, .Wallace and Washington -6.- .�✓ ndnYolL Ff:> �. Vary vttlllG�l . .. a n n o r y 4th 1916. ?!e At,a special meeting of the Board. of Commissioners, held in the Council Chamber of.the City Hall, Paducah, Yy.,.-On Janurry 4th, 1916, at eleven ��. o'olook A. Lt., upon call of the roll ,the following answered their names: LOokey, _'• Haselip, Van Motor, Wallace and Washington' -6. On motion by Member Haselip, the "office of W. H. Force no Superin tendent of the City Light Plant was declared vacant, and J..0. Keebler was air l (/ ja/,.f ` elected to fill said offloo,- upon the execution of proper bond. upon call of the �• I roll by the following vote: Yeas,: Luckey, HasellpV.'Vah Meter, Wallace and ' Washington -6. On motion by the above, that the City Solicitor be directed to `• P i bring in a resolution repealing the Reeolution creating a'Purohasing Committee, and ,that he -bringin a resolution designating ignating the commissioner of Safety as the r' f City Purchasing Agent, same carried upon,oall'of the roll by the following vote: �. r°. .Yeae, Lackey, Haselip,. Van Meter. Wallace and Washinrton -6. 1 On motion by -the above, the request of Sloan Bros. for a retail coffee house lioones was gronted, upon call of the roll by the following vote:.Yeae; t Lackey, Haselip, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -.6. On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll Dy'the 7 p• .. • following vote: Yeas,. Laokey, Hnsellp, Van Meter, Wallace and Waehington-6.,.'. ''d cleric -•.:dam-.....:.3...--. -. .. s .. .: .. .. - .� .. _ .. .. � . - - . - .. - .. r .. .. t ,' i'' U:drwa++r..��'"•S--C�:w.f:tti'N'.:i�•:i..•j ;w..�+La:;a.,L :5:.. _ •.w,. ...w.�::rw;. .c.e.�,�.ca.w.,,.- .->a�,re. ,t:.dr: �..