HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 119, January 3, 1916.•r r.t^y�SahN1t'�M ^a*r7+(+t ,��^'t• . _ _,' -i 'Y:. rt"r ,ty, . .:.'--.�:�:.-L•.'.L.�i...`�u� J . Y t '....1;Li..�+u.Lwt;•:a�.d - ,>- h \ .. .. _ ,o-Z,y.:1••erMkt.� iy x[•-h+r. . •r' } n+'-.:'.y; -iY' :0. ( ,. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ' Januarys At a spacial: meeting of the Board of Oommiesionere of the City of Paducah, Galled by Mayor, Ernest Laokiy, in the Council Ohomber of the City Hall, Paducah, 3 �''' .t •i '. {' Eentuoky, on January 3, 1916, upon call of the roll the following answered t bels names: Lackey, Haselip, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington 6, t cf , • Upon motion by Member Haselip, Mayor Lackey's address and reoommendatione were received, concurred in and ordered filed upon call of the roll by the follow- Ing !..,•:: � . k Ing vote: Yess, Lackey Haselip. Van Meter, Willeoe and Washington • 6. a. Upon motion by the above "A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING TUB DEPARTMENTS EACH 'q# r COMMISSIONER OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH SHALL HAVE CHARGE OF FOR THE YEAR 1916" ■as passed upon call of the roll b the following vote Yeas Lacks Haseli j�... . , . � el.�►�. •.i1 1911 p P y f � Y.. P r. j a 1 Van Meter, Wallace and Washington- b. On motion by the above, the rules were suspended on sending out copies . 04 of the Punotion Ordinance, upon call of the roll by the following vote Yone.Lacksy, q .Haselip, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington . 6. !, On motion by the above "AN ORDINANCE AMEUDIN0 ORDINANCE NUMBER. ONE (1)- ''.OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, MITUCKY F.JTITLED "AN ORDIUZCE DETERMINING THE FUNOTIONS ' r / OP THE DEPARTMENTS OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS, PUBLIC FINANCE, PUBLIC SAFETY, PUBLIC WORKS G� AND PUBLIC PROPERTY,.AND PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES OF THE COMMISSIONERS, PASSED BY ".. �, .. 1, THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH JANUARY 4, 1916, AND RECORDED JANUARY 4, 1916" WAs given its passage upon call of the roll by,the following votel l Yeas, Lackey, Haselip, Pan Motor, Wallace and Washington.- b. ' On motion by the above, that rules be suspended as to sending out copies �� 1} of the ordinanoe repealing the Merit Ordinance. same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Haselip, Pan Meter, Wallace end Washington -6. ♦ , t On motion by Member Van Meter, "All ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NUMBER , SEVENTEEN (17) OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KEUTUCKY ENTITLED -AU ORDIUANCE PRESCRIBING �• / ^ I POSITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT IN THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF PAPUCAH. AND.PRESORIBING THEIR DUTIES AND THE METHOD OF PROMOTIOU AND REDUCTION", PASSED BY 7 .c THE BOARD OF COM11ISSIONERS FEB. E3, 1916, A11D RECORDED FEB. E6. 1916, woe given its .paseage upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Lackey, Haselip, Van r Meter and Wallace - 4. Nay : Washington, 1. G //:.•,,._�,.� ' On motion by Member Wallace, that.the rules be suspended. in regard to 1 ��r-•�; q sending out copies of ordinunoe naming. offioere required to give bond . same carried . 1 -! a li upon Gall of the roll by the following veto: Yaua, Laokay; ]loselip, Van Meter �. . Wallace and Washington - 6.'. On motion by the above, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE NAMING THE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH WHO SHALL a, USO GIVE BOND FOR THE FAITHFUL PKRF0r41AHC$ OF THEIR DUTIES, AI1D FIXING THE AMOUNT OF SUCH. BONDS". ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS JAB. 4' 1916, AND RECORDED JAN. 4, 1916, was given its passage upon call of the roll by the following. votes Yeas. Lackey, Haselip. Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. p On motion by Member Van Meter, that John Slaughter be.appointed'•Ohlef of' ` ~ the PI re yepartment of the Oity of Paducah, to succeed Joe Collins, whose term as Q Chief of the Fire Department is hereby declared to have ceased, same carried upon i call of the roll by the following vote: Yeue, Lackey. Hasellp, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -6. '1 On motion by the above, that Henley Franklin be appointed Chief of Police °? to succeed Luther Graham, whose term as Assistant Chief of Police Is hereby % declared to have Goosed. same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: :C Yeas. Lackey. Haselip. Van Meter. Wallace and Washington -6. ,{r, v . Commissioner's ( M •^T.f� j , 7sl--M �Y �e )I 1 'N/•' .l. F.^�"'_l^ .+..1• .t f•.Ih ► Y p•� ' -- .�.� ate.-.• «._.� �•. -_.L-.�..._—� wty..:._.'--, �4� @.- �:--. • oceedings, City of Paducah dannar9 a 191: _ oontinnea ofIthis day, oa oall of the roll by the follo*ing rote: Teas., baokey, Haselip, Van Meter, Wallooe and Washington. -b. .. .. ��A.�J�:F'"S�.il ' • APp yip - . � Y r 44, S,