HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 112, December 13, 1915zi No.. Commissioner's Proceed 7 of Paducah D .... ba, lith 191 t 1 Ata regular meeting of the Board of Oommloolonere, hold in the Oounoil Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Dec. 15, 1915, upon call of the roll the following answered their names: Burns, HaiColip, I.Turton, Wallace and Washington 5. On motion the minutoo.of the previous meeting ware adopted.as road, upon oall'of the roil by the following vote: Youal Burns, Hazelip. Marton, Wallace and Washington 6. On motion by 1.1'embor Burns, the transfer of a saloon license of Tuck Love -Z was laid over for invootigation, upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeast Burns, Hazelip, Ilarton, Wullaoo and Washington 6. On motion by Member Marton, statement from the Liberty Bell Committee, in regard to the expense of same, was received and filed upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Marton. Wallace and Wuehington- 5. On motion by Member Washington "An 011DINANOF GlWiTIIIG TO UiE ILLIVOIS " - x A % SS m n OrlITRAL. RAILROAD COLIPaIri THE 111GIlT TO CONSTRUCT A SPU-% TRAC On . OI.OE • j ST11FI?T 13ETVIFJUI NINTH AND TENTH STREETS, 7,ROM THE TRaCX OF THE ILL1,1OIS CELITRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. ADJOINING THE WEST SIDE OF THE PRUPERTY OF TILE PADUCAH DRE""ERY' iERY' COMPANY, TO THE rmrum OF THE 1WEYVA11-BRUTON POUPANY. III TLE CITY OF PADUCAH. X12ITUCKY", was given itepaosage. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeast Burns, Huzelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion by Member Washington. payroll for the Street Department for the. -week ending Sat. December 11, 1916. not covered by ordinance and paid by cash (. order, amounting to 4130.85, was received and filed upon call of the roll by tb -following-vote: Yoast&-Burna, Hazelip, Marton, Vallsoo and Washington- 6* On motion by Member Marton, that all bide on Jackson Hill property be. rejioto d and theruledoolared-off. sane carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton. Wallace and Washington- 6. On motion by Member Wallace " All ORDIIUU10E RELATING TO idID REGULATING THE 11A21ia-;T -HOUSE -OF THE OITAY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, PRESCRIBING THE RULES FOR THE CONDUCT THEREOF AIJD THE PZII,.LTIES THE.U,1JN1T_R, ADD FIXIIIG -,HE PRICES TO BE CIIikRGFP rOR THY I1F11T OF BFIICIIES AIID STALLS THERF 11" Ties given 0 its U13 We passage. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Youe. Burns, Hazelip, Marton, - Wallace and Vuohiqp.ton 5. "Ali "AN On motion by Mayor Hazelip ORDIDAIICE aME-11DING. ALL ORDINANCE ENTITLFD ORDIIIAIICE GOVERIII11G THE SALE OF MILIC idl]) OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, AND RrGULATING THE SANITARY COIJDITIUI1 OF DAIRIES A14D MILK DEPOTS AIID THE CONDITION AiID USE OF UTENSILS, VEHICLES, ETC., USED III IIAIIDLIIIG, 1.ANUFACIZURI14G, OR SALE OF MILK OR .'DAIRY P710DUCTS III THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KE111TUCKY, A1:13) HEPFALI!IG CE11TAIII ORDIIIAIIOES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, APPROVED BY JiLI23 P. SMITH, MAYOR, SFITTEM 1, 1911" was given its puBeage, upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yese, Burns, Hazolip, Marton, Wallace and Washington- 6. On motion by Uayor flazelip. 'All ORDINANCE REPEAI,111G ORDINAILGE NU11BFjt 18 ENTITLED "All ORDIIIANCE AMENDII10 SECTION 16 OF All ORDIUi110E EIVITLED "All 01RD 11100: GOVrIHIIING THE SALE OF MILK AND OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, AUD REGULATING THE SAIJITA11Y CONDITION OF DAIRIES ALID CALK DEPOTS AND TILE CONDITIO11 A11D USE OF UTENSILS, VEIII,CIMS, ETO., USED III HANDLING, I1d1U?.CTUH1NG* OR SALE OF 111LX OR DAIRY PRODUCTS III "HE CITY OF P,-,DUOAH. KEITUCL-i. AND REP&LING CERTAIN O!WIH,UICI;3 OF THE CITY 'OF PADUCAH, APPIZOVED BY JABS Ps SMITH, MAYOR, SEPILM.IBER it 1911". PA -',',SED BY THE, BOARD OF COIXISSIOUMSITARCH It 1916, AND RECORDED CH, 2, 1916" vue.given Ito passage, upon MAR call of the roll by the -following t 1 i,Y f � i"'� 'it ..r �'SY�`6✓ - .,,, IF°- - C`F � +�:.. ,� ,FSS '�.1 ;. t �t �'. � .. .. r t z 4 a ._' ,.:...:. .... f t ' I ; Nam : . ' Commissioner's..Proce�edings, `City of Paducah 'n„a ,1rh ' - . j j1.5 ' ' innea ' 1 . I-c I l .. . I y:. ; iF vote: Yeas, Burtte, Hazelip, Liurton, Wnllaae and I7eahinP,ton - 5.,. ,. f ` '. . , - , , i 1571 1�- On motion by Mayor Hazelip, that the City Solicitor be', .and he is here.y. P�x .L F I 4 1 v_, . � instructed to bring in an ordinance providing that all swoot_milk sold"in the pity �. • of. Paducah shall be from tuberculin tested ooRs, and farther providing that no ( general 'test of cattle shall be made until Jnn. let, 1910; san1.e carried upon call. j F of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, darns, Hazelip, L'nrton,- Wallace end, ;+ ii.. Washington- 6. . . t . 1 I. . i.. - On motion,.the"Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following vote ., , jjYeas, Burne, Hazelip, Yarton, Wallace and Washington- 5." . . . . . . 1�-� �J F II _ .Irl r .: : - ��r . I �� ...1. _ _._.. �` Y , L' _ .. /�y��-h. , "i_,G. P. . I � I .: �:" " �f (i, . ' �Y�(11B1.�f, i , . t .. t ` ." . I' .. % �, f i 11 1 - M . f% DE CELiBEA 16- "1916 11 .�, c . t. . 'I, 'At a culled meeting of the Board of Commieeloneto, hold in"tho Counail ; r t . '., - of the Chamber of the City Ball, Paducah, Kentucky,-on yoo..16. 1015, upon call roll the following answered their names;", Liurton, Wallace.snd Washington-' 3. �:.' , I I. On motion.by L.ombor Marton, the.financinl nllonanoe for calories, etc,. '' ' I - ...•�c o.; . Gcps amounting to 33,070.75, ryas allowed "and ohook'a ordered dram for same,'. .onll' aJ2 , �"« y. of the roll by tha following vote: Yeau, Marton, Vlulluoo and Wuohington 3. _ � • I;, ( Hazelip came Sn } � . on motion by iiomber"Liarton, trunofor of saloon liconse ,of :uoL.Lone from-. r Ik .026 Waohington St. to 622 :;dams atroet, was grantod, upon"pall of.tho'roll by the �.. ✓�• a �� P folloY•thr'votop Youu, Huzelip, Liurton, Wallace and Wushin!,ton 4, . 1./J/ 1 `. . � �.-�� -,, On motion the Board ud�ourned, upon cull of.the.roll by;the. following 1 I. .' .voter .Peau, Buzolip, Marton, Wullaco and GuohluRton -.d. . ,i � ")._�s L'. 7x17"� . N�'�?�` �� 1;.. 1 v - city . Bloc / . al Ut �- P." I 11 . . . , . � 1. . �'­. 11�i ` .. _ - . > . Il..1. `, - ' _-� 1.f s- r,D , F - _r, rp.., _' ,U �;. .q.S e...AA».w.:u.. :i1;,-.)4- a ,,i-. ...rY.ry ._. ,y.. i. 4.... -1.r,. a 7, a.,. . . . , .t. j +. _ i . �- - ' _ `� '