HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 109, November 29, 1915' � L�" 7> °Ya v,� ZSR}' wr�, �X'? gq�w6•� Ss.P �y Y7e Cfl•b C.e ya4 y".•pf•Y^«m �..vy f�. r!n 9•w - f7 . r�.'� `'tai}7 'ti A �—I •' " :*c*.cF "-`A•+y,'^•'Yta-WlviYs{n d7:^rr /_:} F '.I 3 - �+^-:7- s `Y 1 .x . No.� ' Commissloner's Proceedings,'City of Paducah Hevemher 29 at a regular meeting of the Board of Oommiesionere of the Oity of Paduoah,., i� he14 in the Oounoil Chamber of the City Hull, Paducah, Kentucky, on November 29,.' 1916, upon call of the roll the following answered their names: Burne,: Hazelip. .i i! Marton. Wallace and Wuehiagtdn 6. On motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted an read, on call 1 1 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Burne, Hazelip,'Marton. Wallace .and , /J it Washington - 6. 'Y On motion by Mayor Hazelip, that it be the sense of the Board of Commission. Yers.that the part in the picture "The Birth of a Nation" be.out.out where the negro soldier proposes marriage to a white girl and pursues her, and that that part of the.pioture be not shown in Paducah, ewne carried upon call, of the ,roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip. Marton, Wallaoo and Washington- 6; On motion by Member Burne, the mutter of permitting Choe.•Rieke and sister, } y n Mabel, to open a private oomotory, or the purchase of their property by the 'city, 6 h .and the matter of the contemplated sale of. Jackson Hill property be referred to. . n Commissioner of Public Property and City 5olioitor for investigation and report j'. q 'back to this Hoard, carried upon Dull of the roll by the following. vote: Yens,. Burne, Hazelip, Marton,Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion by Ueaber Wallace. deed was granted Susie Pord to Lot 21 in Block 1 y i q one. new addition to Oak.Grove Qemotery, curried upon dull of the roll by the !' following vote: Yeus. burns. Hazelip, Uarton, Wallaoo and Washington.- 6. On motion by Member Darton, that Darket House bonds, numbers 23 and 60, and . City of Paduoah'Hoe 'Hospital Bond No. 12- the p purchase of which was authorized at the JUJ meeting of the Bourd of Commissioners Nov.22, 1916- owns were ordered destroyed 4 by the Clerk at this meeting, which was done,- curried upon call of the roll y' by the following vote: Yens. Burne, Huzelip Marton Wallace and Washington 6.. i 1 rq?, � '• <4 r' k On motion by Dembor.Waahington, that the payroll for the Street Dopartment for , 01 y the week ending November 27th, 1916, amounting to.3169.10, not covered by f G'. ordinance, and paid by ouch order, was received and filed upon callof the roll k _ � by the following vote: Yeuo, Burne, Iluzellp, Morton, Wallace and Wuuhington On motiou by Member Rulluoe " All OIIDlthlllCE O11R,!TI11G jVID PROVIDING NOR THE SALE OF A FRAlICHISB TO CONSTRUCT. ESTABLISIi, itlilNTaIN .UID OPERATE A TELEPHONE SYSTEM IH THE CITY UP PADUCidl, MI:UOKY" wao given its puscago, upon call of the. f roll by the following, vote: Youa, Burns, Iluzellp, Murton, Ylalluoo and Wuuhington,6 cis On motion by.the:.above;•:that,ith a -, cent ract.•between•.the�Puduoub:Home :Telephoge c� v' 4 Comppny+and, the:City,of.:Padnoah:.be..o=eouted•by,Lhe:•Mayor, carried upon call of the • roll by the following•vote: Yeas, Burne, liazolip, Darton, Wallaoe and 4lnuhington-61 : On motion the Board adjouzrred. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Burne, Hazelip, Marton. Wallace & Gashiagton i 1 rq?, � '• <4