HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 1, January 4, 1915' ( .. ..-..4��q1•. r. �•'��'`a 1 r -.y., t ,•„Yfl r.wk -Yn-t `rt -. Y_ "1'h 1 l 1MM '� 'C' Sr '+•. _ 1. - , .. ..:•l:J......%w...«l•1..1.-Au.. •S 'l�"�r�:aw�. :...�..: 1.. �.3.yw.w..t�-.+..+..A•.r.......1=:�.:l.:W....al.. .... ...... `♦ i;Y•(.N,}, r - ... -.. - n w .•tin , • b.'-� ".. !*'••i. ..t„ - ' -. '� ' �''��ri'' _ ' - ` ; -fir 1, y;, w. r ♦. r . - �ommissioner-'s-Pr�eedings; . City, of Paduaeh. 4t a call mnetimg Of the. Board of Com: Iasioaere i' 2d' -in• the" City 'Hall in .the ; ! City of Fudnoah, Ky..iannory 4th 191D upon pull of-Lhe'roll tne.tollorcing anbwered to their names;Mayor Huzellp„ Burner Darton,,. Gallaoe {-n ,'P:aehingtoa;-' (6) ! - + ....On Motion oy momocr EBnrne,-the City Clerk as ordered to.pproduoe the Certificates _ 'of each Oommieeloner elected ut the last November Election(1913)andepread same upon tho•�. i': • minutes of this mooting;exeouted.by tho.County'COprt 0 erkcf: Craokon:0ount en tbc.D�' .. _ ue Y d, ;Donde ezoutod by said Cowni 01onere, provided that the eaiQ'Aande have been approved Dy�', �c .r.•' 'the County.Judge-of Locrookoa County; aad thdt eubb Cgmuileeionore.gho have filed said 0�- ! Nartifloatee'of Election and•eaid Commisaionere:ehall be administered the oath of ofrio ' by the L•ayor of the Gity of Paducah. All of the above bolog,oarried out'the Luyor !'administered•thd oathand F.II.Burn ei Don'P.Marton, George C4 P:allaoe sad L;a.P:neDington y /�►i� %I%Iq, „ of�r.,,d. lee their Bondeaon .the Onitod,9tntee Fidelity 4 GuarantyCompuny of Bultimore L'd' 111 :vbioh'•.aae accepted., after filing.the_power of attorney with;the'Olty Olerh upon call o Ail.�d.l `; yCA" -of tharroll by the, following vote; Yens Mayor, Burne, carton, ,Wollaae and' flunhinston, tr n motion by':^or.;ber Burne; A Resolution doeignatinr the:, Dopertments,'.4adh Oommieai l_.;onere- of the City of-'1'udjdah; 8y.,ehall have charge of ,theear 191b,. nae laced on its passage. upon bull oR the roll 'by the. folloring vota;/Yoge +surne� Itarton, 'P;allaoa. jush l' Angton and Mayor: `6 i. On motion'the"Annual message of the Payor; for.tbe Year, 1914:-waa:reoeivod and fill fed; On motion by member Burne.; All ORDIIIiI10E D T�*'1BIUI[IG TIM-FUNCTIOIIS OF THE DEPART01i � r to Of PUBLIC, A PAIRS,. PUBLIC FIIIi,110E, PUBLIC SA3ETYj.'PUBLIC- WO1183 AND PUBLIC FROPM,%TY 1 AUD PRESIRIBIVG THE DUTIES OF THE COMI:ISSI0UE118., rep: pluood on .its' pae.age and oorriod :E: -i; upon call of the roll by the, follo*::ing vote;• Yens Burne; Murton,; ralluGa'. J.hehi'ngton an :and the. Layor. (8) ; • OII motion oy membor Burns, An ordinance naming tae. offloere. and ompoyese of the ,'� 4' ; +. y.dLe ►ii+?�! City of Paducah. mho shall give bonds for the faithful porfprclamoes.ofithoir duties, `:'•4„ a -.— and fixing the amount of Donde'.nas carried; upon op; ;.of the roil. by';.Lno.follo::ing voto yeas Burne. Marton, and Nabbington. 13) !lays Mayor and •l;ullaoe.' (2) • .: Y^� 4`•Y On motion by member Lallans. V.Rbooiutioh that ail agents and amplcgoee heeded In r 1 ;��• F in the pnD110 service for the enenelag year bo.eoleoted from thc:employoee now in the' oorvioee of Cho city and th t said seleotioadbe made solely with reference to fitnoce � Cs and that all .such employees.no: and for the poet yeas serving the city be first can. sidered in oar orpointments-eto., sae pdocd on Ito firet punuaRe and nae 8111ed, upon ' cull Of the roll bv"tho follor.i ;'•=t' ,;• �� ng vote�jfeae Igor and'.1'olluoe.. IB) Says Barnet Murton un•- •• •and Ilaehington. tin ;t On notion, y member llashington,'that the•Bourd go into tno.elootion•of:Layor Frog" r Wallace inonomination,dund L•ombortheaohlnptonyplaced r11omoordBuhrne lnrnomin_tign:for the'!:`: "-J a1�+�,. enure Offioot`eai aeon a !toil of tho'voDE Mr l+alluoe reoelvod,tho folio-:ing'votea;Hufne .i ,i:,.}:•.'"+ Sl :.. .• t and Mayor. ) ember Burne.rcadlvod the follor.ing Marlon, «ulluae and Lashington. ,3) On motion by momber Murton, that all offices Or omployeoe of the Oity'of Ped. 1. crc�t(? 'f�" uoah nor holding, or o haetofore hold any position tq :1110h any other person hoo or I + 3 f .•atl ` Rhenol! Do elected nt thin moetinF, ehcll ooase at noon of Tu0ad" Junuary 0th 1916,. earn • i Mt' r1od, upon oull of the roll -by the roll by the.fo;Ruing •;r,te;-Yoae Burne' -Murton wajl ace, and °ushinaton. (4) Buys Mayor. 11 • l On motion by menber 11,rton, nU Or11I11;.::C? FFOYIDIUO POs♦ Th!.: .J>;blt(T!B' TT OR RYT!111TIO r , ! BY TRI? BO..RD OF COLII:I3 101I iS OF CERTAIL CITY OFFICERS AGEIITS iUD F2 ILOYE!,'. OF THR CITY : b, q t..,i+ts, lcc -:' OF P;.DUCt.H KEI!TUCXf AILD FIXING THEIR $ IES POi•ER3 ARD DUTIES bus luoed on Its )gas. L71' � pp aRe. and curried; nron Ocll ofd roll by the following veto:- Yeue Durrfa."Murton, Gal 11- lode and ,:ahintton. (4) Nuys or (1) . On mdtlOn by kuyOt 1luzolib, that Dr Van J.- Dav1a' be elected. •ia �p146o- of Dr G'.H.' ;.• Boldon as assistant City Yhyaiqinn, lost upon call;of the roll'by the vote; j. 1. Q cr►o , lrc.., for Davle;. Mayor -and '-•allaae.. ' (2) for Nelson. Surae. Marton and Waahington.. (3) Dr Belson was declared elected. jOn motion by motlbor •'uahin ton ., i?ESOLUTION N.:LBl (1 Cr':�.T;.III EIII'LO{�YE73 OF!1HV O,ITY OF r, DUC::R'Xy. BLOr-X-1111a BY THE BO:iD,OF COW ISbION .G OF:Hf: L`ITY. OF i„DL'C::H $Y'.' `" 1 S*'C1 That THE FOL C,:I:G UAL:' S BE ELrCi!a TO' TCI: FUSITi¢BD9TT OilCSITS' T9HI$ 1!i: ES ' Ura i�r.�ry- RESrECTIY!•:LYY. Zack Bryant' ce Str•:o't Inspootor,,.Jamea Lloyd sa nosistant 3truet Ino ecto- fti �j p A. Frcnte non Se':er Iner.00tor,.Jamoo Coll: ao City;,Stable Boos.., Clyde Boll'.ab Clerk for Commissioner of Paull* i!orks' Mloa.!'Orbia Kir81.nd oa Stoao . p Pruphor' Lo. tEa Com- inissioner pf Piibilo "grka, ;.H.Foroo as Superi.ntonunt of Li ht Plant, J.P.Friant us Aa1pt �¢ ! ° Ineor Of Lipht !Tent, J.U.Coouer us.Fireman of Liwht Plunt,Joe Cook ue LIRht Trimmer,'' I d r A.T.Goodmun as ;'.opuir man for 1,19ht ,Pleat, J..mee umrbrl_-Jr as Oity'So lioitOr; Bu.Dert Huzrlip rte, 8eoretury an Ste noerarher to the Mnyor.. Conu�le:,IonarOf dbliora rroperty. and City-Jotloitor, Frc.nk Dunn an City ':olrheri fico R. This resolution shall take effect and De in Toros from its naesn?q. carried. up' a�� ��(/,•/ -..Bea of thn loll. by the fo110:.1'ng veto;. linins,, !Burton, ��•ulluos .and truehln!rto , (4) i�lr 1c. ftl 3 y Aayor. (1) !'' "• r�r�r, •a. On motion by momber Burne; i. 11e30iUTI0II VA=10 T11V M.121BEIS OF ^aliL'''P0LI0E FORCE', was placed on Ito pa0oaPo and carried. unon call of the roll .b^ the.folloc:ing :vote;, •Yoas burns Burton ••c,llaoe and•Bnehin ton. Y . • B (A. lUaye Luygr. (1)' 4 On motion D the above.. a Rosolution nom! the Fire C�rQ X431..«. y ng gpartmont of -the City.of Fnd`� + A.r• uoah. Ky rue pl'coed on Std'ppaoeago. and oarrlod. upon oull'of the roll. by thio following."'T`+ vote;'- Yens Buana,.Marton.,wnllaoo and lt'"Ington. (4) Pays Layer., I _ On motion by member Burns'. O::DIII'aUC1; 11.1iIUC :Hi;.-O!'i IC H3 A-.Dt,1`11PLOYEN'S OF TIP: C CITY OF F,OUC,•H.U.NJ.UCK'Y vie SH.,Li 01YE BOND. FO::, T91i: fel!IiFUL•>1'1:iFORM;IICF.9 OF. TflI:IR DUT � ; ,%, -� j`y�" i�.�••G IES.hI!D FIXING T1i': ,J ODUT OF SUCH BOUDSi. rue pluoed on 'its pus: nRo ande oarried upon ;I''";i call' of the roll by the folloring vote;- Yana Layer. Burn e,.-arton, l�all'aoe aa� l:aeh... ington.' W 1, _•xlu i, /o On motion by the, above.'that the Commissioner of Public 3ufety be authorized to !S"�y ' purohuoe a suitable body for the ohaedle of the 4utomobilo heretofore peed'as the Ohief;lam �. muohine and that said our be oonvr,rted into a patrol and ambul::noeautoinobile some ourriod, uvon' null of the roll• byb the' follorintsvite;.Youe Magor, 'Burne, llnrton, L"nl. P _ leas anda'.ashlngton. (5) l '4 - On -motion by member Marton, that nil Retail Coffee House Lioenso be read, and 'If' } !her io not any objections. that ,same bo' rrnted and tho bonds aooentodf• aa'follo'.re;pi t• `',`F .L. utas 1F:6 South 2nd atrnoL, Boa Allen 100 South lot elroot Goorgo Schulte 7th Jp: ;-a'.i..,_( Jackson otroct, E.H:Poll %7 Borth 8th street, Olaude forte 10South "rd John 7. 17 •x;;ki•'; ;l :. �4- �•..+-. ,1729 South'4tb L.L.Uelson 407 Bouth 3rd. 1'i.M.Ui,tbholl.904 Boyd. W.M.Mitohell iObO U.ort',!,:,"....,�,:. North 10th J.H.l'etter & Cc 11G "•outh.Ath Frunk 1lakefd 117 South ::rd.. Sam 04 Smith 1 120 South ':IId F.9.johneon lu314 South loth J.B.Rothrook 1.'.1 South End, James Bolder,.:.',•,:':~'- "'1:'' �" `�`'• 704 Adana, J.B.Sohulte 701 South 9th, F.S.�6rton :1U.8y :.B R ua 115, South 4th r Ave.• t nig Z. Theo ,- ;';� Theo star }U45.8y ;:ve, 8innio L•urruy 115 North 4th; R.L.Pcuoher G Co E.nd L Br0 d;:uq.,,. ',". •4., RoDort .1•athen 134 South 4th, G.t.3heperd 200 8y. Afa, .Chun �:, %-.Abaco 13b "oath 9th r • ? ;: +• j' Oeaur Dbmmlok 17; b South :Lh,etroet;• all of -the ubove a_v, ' i'� 's _ (t:9 P i -�~ y, il,. „' , s- 7 ;a,� ^ `.., _. .. 'f t. ''•a. rt4•�t A. ' _"'-"'Z'�T. .. �- >: .. .....,,.., .., r. , �Z.,tx.F.�.^w.".ttiP�•�.r'es•^:Z"C;rt"�s.;" 7ST:gT7+�°'..,\ �_.;�. ./�};.i -A. Lig � ',ir. ...,r � :n.,•;'n .r: .�. •� 'Jf. i )..:`+�.,.� '"�r'•°,'�4i N'•'?" f . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ p G7� ¢ guns trim Fidelity. & Deposit Company of ULr land as thoir bondsman, I " 4 Clom F'rancoola 212 Xy Gva,-J?J.Lally lb01 South 4th roOboar Do nk°r 432 North 12th atro ii , A.T.A.T.Bohannon 111 South P°lmor4otol do 5th &'Bcdr;y. belvedere Hotel Co 2nd &Droud;ay the above guv0r, On their bond the National Surot COmran of Now York, 1 `bo Hcrcoffcky 134 South 2nd, Z'-E.Hum & Son 936 North. loth Jo'nn9'i:urd 1.32'i y eve; O.L.'Bry. ; Bruant 4:34 Dorton et ,. ",.C.8tanford 129 South Cad, George Donkcr 9U1 I:cehinR_ton St... Scott Flirgoroon 701 Tri nble at, J.T.Quarlos E63t Side of I.C.Depot,:Holland& "tinning l lo7 South 4th at, B;A,Turner 922 Finley street, Ernest Yarbro 116 Ky Ave. Dun Galvin . 934 South 5th et; 'ohkopf Distilling Com i' P part' 103 & 105 South nd at G.B.l;illor. 113 i. South 4th at, H.S;3i.loy 1039 By Ave, Loq_Uite 111 South _2nd at, Poto Bolger lb17.So v .4th strrot,.Alford Stroues-114H:L.LGaudao 432 South 7th at, Elliott and i,,.( Oumpboll 100 Broodway., R.E.L.Lioeholl 109 North 4th street Only l;erry & Mitchell vUu uehin ton at. S?B?Gott 119 North 4th at, J4:H.0 ondenon 113dray South Zth at, .Jae J. LoAughan 1134 Jones et, Frank Wagner 110 South 2nd, G.i;.Tnylor ' N. 3U1'South 7th, Hol Billingsley 833 Caldrell at, F.li::LutlooL lUth &Husbands- 1 119.Broadray, J.L.Potter 900 North 8th'9t, Tuck Lo::o 82b '.cohington at,. LmoeLurd ; 1100 South.11th at, GA.Chandler 12b South :Ind atrcot,'C-E-Villor 1167 North -12th at. i O. L;:ahloe 4U2 North.*2th et, S.A.:'.omble 107 North 4th 'et. 11.H.Gallhgher 892 Trimble :( Sloiurbrothers 2;3 north 12th. the above offered as their bindecon the "nuitublo Sur I' ,ety Compuny OR St Louie Bo, all Of the above ware grunted and the bonds accepted as !` listed � upon oallof the roll by the follo:ring vote;/YeLs.Burns, Larion. Lalluce; La �Zi ,iA. Lluehin ton and Bayor. (5) .' On motion by the above,•$rho follo;-1 ng rern granted Quart Liquor lioonee as fol- 9.lows; Phillip Stopbono & Company 202& "04 South 9th et. Goo_.H. Goodman & Cc lUb & 'l / 4 108 North 2nd, the above, pfferdd the Fidelity& Dpbeit Company of Maryland, A. Te' terrcll 417 Jofferdon et, bonds on JORH B. & E.C.Terrell.l:.Livingeton & Co'll9 &121 �7.. ;. . North 1st etrcot, bondsman Jamos & non 1'co111e, Biodorrian Diot CO, bondor.,oa 11 Ilorth 3rd Juke Biedermun & B. J. Priestor Bonde;::en,' H.1:'cil & Son 11:: North 2nd at, Bondamo 4 Jouse Neil and.Hurman Friedman, EnFlort-&'Bryant'119 South 2nd, et; bondsmen John E. b 6'orth and John E. -Younger., the above rare granted and the, bondsmon accepted as listo ri ? upon call of the roll by the following voto;0 Yoas Yayor...Burns, Murton;-'Gullaoe and 'I• Fan.htnirton. (6) On motion b: member Hn°hington,,that'tno tine for the Commieuionere meeting. Le.' L 10 clock Monday morning of each rook and tho'.plaoo DO the Old Council Ch amber in the, ' �r a-Ci y Hall, in the City of Paduouh, Ky.eamo carried upon call'of the roll by the loll oning voto;.-Yoas Burns, Llorton, tulluoo, 1'auhin_c,ton and 1luyor.(1bt " • On'motion by the Mayor, a dsod to a•lot in 0,_k Gvte Cemetery to lire Lola Foynar f- 9 nae roiorrod to the Cemni091oner of Publio .Froporty. i motion by momber Burne,' tho monthly roror't Of the Tracuor & •Auditor, rue reo eivod and filed. On motion by ;somber Burns the Comniesionor ofFSnanoo wse ivon ' • g poror to borrow ' ,y'21,000.OUupon_call of the, roll by the T011o:7ing'Vote;-YouaBurne, Garton, Laliuoo, 1.6u°hinlrton, and l+uyor.: (5) On motion by the above, the Five Cocariasloaors were givon powor.to act in maks Ing such ohr-nnes in the City Hull as they eeo fit for the oommondation•for.trio offio. 11 oe for the Comcissionnrs oto., .erne oarri'od, uron call of the roll by the folio.. -Ing. o�� t vOte;Yoas Burne, Lurton• Wallace, Loahinr_ton and Layer. (5) On merlon by member Leehington, u bill from the Juvenile Court woe rororred to + , the Oommiseionor of Fin,.noo and. City Solicitor. + i'. On motion by mcmbor Burn°, a petition from trio Pcduoah Ltarino R.R.Ce was reforr ad to the Corinissioner of Pinanoo and City Solicitor and Auuosaor.to report back. (;�•• On motlon'by the ObGve. ix ORDIJ..,NCB EST.:BLISL'Ii:Gn BO;!'.D OF SUPT%VI:OF.S FOR aTill" PURPOSE OF E<'UALIi;ING THI•: 'G iSE9 i:i'IIT OF T. \F:S O:i 1°Rei" a^Y IN T6F, CIiY OF P::DUC..H �''^fr""`' '�� Kl ITUOKY� wro nluood on its firot n, soaFe, upon bull of the roll by the follo.:ing vo ,(ds s.• �` vote;- Yo:.e rwy°r, Burn°. Lemon, i allude and WizhinFton. (5) :� 4L++• ,r.�i, On motion by th7 Guyer, the Commiaoio nor of Finance •..ue giventrio authority to orpoint the Members of tho.Bo+,rd of Supervisors, upon call or the roll by the follow ing vAto; Yous Uayor, Burns, Wallace and ;;uchlnpton. (4) Garton not voting. i On motion by member Lrllaoa,i.Il ORDI LT ANCE YROVIDIiIG M. ;Hc CRi::.7I011 AUS APPOINT LENT OF A- BO,"ID OF IlEinLTU OF TH.: CITY OF a:.DUCAH KY its ` �' . was given Pnsange� uFon cul' [p co fi of the roll .by the Yellowing vote; -Yore Hayor, Burne, Kurton, I;Llluoe and liashington,. "g x ;:o'••�rr'� -�' On motion by the abore, All ORDINAIICE PROVIDIi:G'FOR TUF. OONTIOL.i.0 L;idi'4GEldP1 0 j OF THE PUBLIO LIBRZY OF THE CITY OF PADUCt.H.I.',S PL;,CED ON ITS P:,59..GE? UPON C,:iL OF f THE i;OLL BY PHI: FOLL07-ING VOTS:!Yeas Bayo r, Burne, liarton, '„alluee and Y:uahiagton. On motion by mombor Burns II ORDIi'LilCli E3T.: i. BLISHIIIG & HOSPIT..L BO `s.D TO H1,V E COiIT:,OL AID CHiRGi,'OF RIY13•:TIDE HOS."'ITiI? Iii Ilii: CI:'Y OF Pt:DUC.ii?KPiITiCifY, me Rivo c•4 itA pnoOatte; upon cull of tno roll Dy trio following voto;Yeae liayoi. Burne, Barton, ! : II'nlluoe and ';:aohinPton. (5) , ;Ifr... On motion by the above, that the Bocrd goo into the E100tica of two members of the Bor.rd of Hoolth, samo Garriod; uron Gall of the roil oy trio Yollor.ing veto;. uOyor. Burns, Marton, l-'allaco, and L:uehington. (b) r On motion b3 the..Uayor.'•Dr B.L.Brudlcy w:a plLood in nominution fQr a Bembor o. I of the Boarfl of Health Uombor Burne nominating "DY.Barry`Linri, and upon a poll of i the vote, Dr Linn received the folloriaR votee•'- /.;For.Bradley Layor and Salluoe. (2) • Burns. Marton and Tiuehlagton. on motion by the above, L.F. Bradehuw we pli.sed in nomination to euaoOd his s• Bdoealf'na a momber.of tho•Bourd of Health, and arae declared electedado neon Gull Of t �. r ,the roll by the following vote;-Yeue Lloyor, burns. Barton, '7allaoe and cT>.ehington. ` AY(' I )I . i �+' "'a{w: `+:'kP.3)d' r "j r.�-•i+.::`T M9.. ._.». .. v:.,.,. �e..,_,..C:•.� r_:.14.r.::iw/'a..:�..• .'7.1 ^,l:A:.� _ -, _v ;.....: -.�'/ r. -:.� 2v: _ •.n. y+' �.'S.,,�% 2JSk.11au: uei ....�. o..., � e>... .'le+ ,