HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 26, Page 16, February 14, 1967IProceedings of Board of Commi5s.ioners _ _ City oFPad„cah_ fo,ruary ll,, 1907 -- _-- — Parks & Rec Mrs. Frances Sanderson reinstated Terminate Clara Baker Yarfuerito flays -Finance Department ■:'i.L.Rutter bids on ler type er le City nar-er's r t date of Iile -`ont:•act ,gest T cCrackoi i,ounr,y rater J District At a Regular Meetinp of the Poard of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamb of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at ^:30 P.R-.. on February 1L, 1967, Mavor Wilson presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Furvear and Mavor Wilson (5). Mayor Wilson offered motion that the reading of the Tdinutes for Fehruary 7, 196 be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor ?Milson (5). Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, as /follows: Upon recommendation of the Citv Fianaper, I move that the following personnel / changes be made: 1. ~yrs. Frances Sanderson be employed and reinstated as Activity Specialist in the Parks and Recreation Department, retroactive to February 1, 1967, at a salary of $5.00 per session. 2. The emplo7rment of T.'rs. Clara P.aker as Clerk -Ste noerapher in the Finance Department be terminated, effectively immediately. 3. The emplovment of Trs. Marguerite Haves as Clerk -typist in the Finance Department be terminated, effective immediately. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Furyear and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberp, that the Board of Commissioners prefer charges against William L. Rutter, City Treasurer of the City of Paducah, Kentuckv, and file said charges with the Civil Service Commissio. of the City of Paducah, Kentuckv, said charges being for inefficiency, insubordination, disrespectful conduct, and engapinp in disputes or quarrels or using indecent or profane names or lanpuape, all as more particularly set forth in the Statement of Charges attach ed hereto and read in full with said motion. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and Navor 1ilson (5). Commissioner Fressenberr offered motion, seconded 1-,T Commissioner Johnston, that the follovinp bids on a crawler type loader be received and filed: Whayne Supply Companv (2 separate bids) West Kentuckv Equipment Company Brandeis Machinery F- Supply Corporation Kentucky T%:acbinerv, Inc. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Furyear and Kavor 'lilson ( 5) . Commissioner fressenber- offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, yas follows: I move that the Foard of Commissioners receive and file a copy of the Pudpe prepared by B. Cowles liallory; City Tanager, for tie period from January 1, 1967 throurh Decemter 31, 1967, and I further mo.•e that copies of the Budzet, ,abich have peen printed, be made available for distribution, and that a public hearing on said Pudret Le held at the n_-ular meeting of the Board of Commissioners to be held on Fehruary 28, 19(7, at 7:30 o'clock P.I. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Freasenberr, Paxton, Furvear and ?'ayor ;lilson (5). Commissioner Paxton offered motion., seconded !-v Commissioner Puryear, that the executed Contract for :later Ser -ice dated February 7, 1067, between the City of Paducah and ::est LcCracken Countv water District, `e recei-ed and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenber,•, iaxton, Furvear and Kavor Milson (5). r I M. 17 Proceedings of Poard or Commissioners City oFPaduca6 Fanrua_-j._lt.. 109,7 File Sewer Cent x{a t Commissioner Parton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear that the with ICRR Board of Commissioners receive and file executed contract between the Illinois Central Railroad Company and the City of Paducah, which contract is dated the 4th day of January, 19(7, and covers the installation of a 66 -inch reinforced concrete sewer in Kentuckv Avenue under the spur track serving b:. Livingston Fc Company in Paducah, I Kentucky. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Fressenberg, Paxton, Purvear and Mayor Wilson (5). File letter Jate Commissioner Purvear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that the co. ''lest McCrack; n Co '9ater Dist. i Board of Commissioners receive and .file letter dated January 26, 1967 from Paducah Water 11orks, shish letter recites a resolution passed by the Commissioners of Water :'forks on January 23, 1967, approving a contract between the City of Paducah and the Fest McCracken County Water District and submitting same to the 1•7ayor and Commissioner: .I of the City of Paducah for their consideration. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, I Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and Diayor 71ilson (5). File Sewer Contras Commissioner Purvear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that the with ICRR I i Board of Commissioners receive and file executed contract between the Illinois Central Railroad Company and the City of Paducah, which contract is dated the 7th day Of September, 1969, and covers construction of storm sewer facilities on railroad property at various locations in Paducah, Kentuck:,, and the use of existing concrete box storm sewer which passes through shop yard property in Paducah. Adopted on call of the Sell lot in Oak Grove to Vable E. Rasco Designate Al place of Pay 2,500,000.0 Voted Sewer Establish Serer connection fees Contract P-1966 Roll, Yeas, Cormissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and h'ayor Wilson (5)• / Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton as follows: I move that the Board of Commissioners approve the sale by the City of Paducah to Mable E. Rasco of the south one-half of Lot 13 in Section 4 of the Mausoleu•n Addition to Oak Gro,.e Cemetery for the sum of 6;:200.00. I further move that the City Clerk be directed to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery property. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston. Kressenberr, Paxton, Purvear and Mayor Wilson (5)• e Commissioner Payton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that a V Resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF CO1.74ISSIONEP.S OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, DESInNATING AN ALTERNATE PLACE OF PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST �fITH RESPECT TO $2,500,000 'CITY OF PADUCAH VOTED SE-WER BONDS "$ be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, KressenberF, Paxton, Furyear and I•iayor :911son ( 5) . Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Cormnissioner Kressenberg, that a ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE Ai=OUNTS TO BE CHARGED FOR CONNECTIE TO CITY SA!'ITARY SEWERS CONSTRUCTED IN THE TERRITORIES INCLUDED IN: THE AREAS COVERED BY SEdERAI:E EYTEKSIOFS CONTRACT B-1966, SAID TERRITORIES BEING AN AREA DESIGNATED AS AREA :'!HIGH INCLUDES SANDERS SUBDIVISION, AND PROPERTIES ABUTTINr, ON SLANDVILLE ROAD FROM 43RD STREET TO 40TH STREET, Oi! CARDINAL LATE FROM BLANDVILLE ROAD TO 1•Js1!HOLE 68, ::1:D ON 40TH STREET FROr'. PLANDVILLE ROAD TO F'AA!HOLE 65, AND Ai: AREA DESIGNAiaD AS AREA 2 WHICH INCLUDE2 CERTAI;1 FROPERTY ABUTTING ON' TRIEBLE STREET; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE Or COFNECTIOP PERMITS: FROVIDI171 FOR THE PAY: '.T OF TI.E CONNECTION CHARGs ; AND FROVIDIidr. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIOT•; OF THE FRC'3 _(:'3 11 . F", be adopted. Adopted on call oC the Roll, Yeas, Cortmissiorers Johnston, 17ressenber: Paxton, Furyear and V.a,ror ',ilsor ( c) . No. I R Proceedings o/- Poard of Commissioners _ _ City of Paducah February 71 19F7 Establish sewer connf tions fees Contract C -196r Commissioner Paxton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE AI•".OUP?T TO BE CHARGED FOR CONNECTING TO CITY SANITARY SEWERS CONSTRUCTED IN THE TERRITORIES INCLUDED IN THE AREA COVERED BY SE41ERA0E EXTENSIONS CONTRACT C-1966, SAID TERRITORIES, INCLUDING PROPERTIES ABUTTING UPON THE SEWERS CONSTRUCTED UNDER SAID CONTRACT OP: PRIMROSE PLACE, IVY DRIVE, BELLEVUE AVENUE, PHILLIPS AVENUE, PRIVATE PROPERTY, MINNICH AVENYE, LILLIAN AVENUE, ADDITIONAL PRIVATE PROPERTY, UNDER THE P & I RAILROAD, ADDITIONAL PRIVATE PROPERTY TO HINKLEVILLE ROAD; PROVIDINn FOR THE ISSUANCE OF CONNECTION PERITITS; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE CONNECTION CHARLES; AND FROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll; Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberr, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor dilson (5). On motion the meetinr adjourned. ADOPTED _190 APPROVED bavor City Clerk