HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 467, November 15, 1966P-crecOngs of r. and or__Commujianj s City of Paducah___ ___'•e"e m1 e?r 1.�, l �E'h At a F-er-ular i•',aet.in^ of the roa-'d of Commissioners 1, -!Irl in the Commission i f a^'er or The Cit,,- Hall, laducai', 'rentnck--, at ^:30 F.:?, or Eo -ember 15, 196c, Mayor presided and upon call of tie Fell tl-e followir.r answered to their names: i Ccr:missiorerG Johnston, Pressen!er^, Paxton, Furvear and Mavor Wilson (5). :•a•:or Milson offered m.ot.ion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenherr, that tie readir.- o4 -t 'inutes for i:oveml•er ^, lo(( -1,e wai•-ed and that the Minutes of said mea -in, rrepared av the Cit•: Clerk he approved as written. Adopted on call of the 'Roll, yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressen)•err, Paxton, Furvear and r•:ayor Wilson (5). File Commissioner Johnston: offered motion that the Sewer Orant Arreement with the ant A7I's en n1 roti. UE of United States of America in the amount of ?'9^1,000.00, he received and filed. Adopted America on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, KressenlerL-, Paxton, Furvear and 'favor Wilson (5 ) Sell rra-e Commissioner Paxton offered motion that the Eoard of Commissioners approve th Rush1n Add Ci-arles sale lv the City of Paducah to Charles Farrish of the southwest corner of Lot No. 3'%1, Parrish ir. Flock 1:o. ( of the F.ushinr Addition to Oak (Irove Cemeterv, and that the City Clerk i e aut' orized to execute a deed of convevance to said cemetery crave. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kresser.Yerr, Paxton, Furvear and Mayor li i Wilson (5). F.asc;u-icn 0�j Commissioner Furvear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton as :<ater Works V sv-!lprcFertvl follows: I move teat the Foard of Commissioners of the Citv of Paducah, Kentucky, c adu_vai is -e! .`..st: r.:j re^ei•:.• ar.d file a Resolution adopted h%, t}•e Foard of Commissioners of Waterworks of the Cit'r cf Paducah, uentuckv, said -Resolution beinr'ent.itled: U':IO:; OF THE COM-USSIONERS OF WATERirfORKS RECO?MNDING AND REQUESTINr: ':CARD CF COPiMSSIMERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AUTHORIZE "..iJ OF r3ETAIN :ro'ATERWORFS PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF KENTUCKY -.Jis TPIF.TEENTH AND FIFTEENTH STREETS TO THE ELECTRIC PLANT FOARD U FADUC AH, YENT11CKY". -e Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Fressenl•er•--, Laxton, Furyear i d of Lor i' r i,, ­ear offered motion., seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that 0.: 41ar! .F;., ir: .,r .-.: IL .. ,".d' Sm.O"'' of i,ccl.oa .fol- the purcl�ase of p:"oi:ert•r owrned 'r.. sidi c Clark Street, le received and filed. Adopted o I teas, :";O^:..`''. -.Y ^.�:rn, Yresser,Yerr, Paxton, inrvear and b:ayor F"011 Cope FGrt G:.'.^.r hfi: rte: C+T :T,;r-.3ar Off^ _•i +:r1 v Comml,^,sioner laxton, `. Y,at. for =:ct0 er A '!( t.?'@ r@Nr51': G'. _ :O'!i^n L.y;':-• t.' `:r r.'CY,r,•v'I', 1.��4`, 1'e :'ecei•.ed a!ld ^i lad. Ad,,rt.ed cr, cal' _....r;sg'ionr:rs Joinston, Kressenl.er , fayt,�: :r'ear %nd Accept. tr•ilp'•C I 5-.... :T.er :Opi7:i lR i,ii i:r FY'a®Rea! ... , !:ar, s Fe•1i+,tic:. ar.t.'_ l _ .. .. -i "Al. OF i11NI., ADA:I IST—:,';... S-1 :�I'�il D."R �i'-�.4 rC, II i.:...,. !: Yr.Fr A ... �.:.. r... Vii. 1.AL .Ai �M1..,. ..., ':i:E r , fo t� 0 n. u' 't: ii.lrr^i ed ar' air. c,4. 1'. e. P;.: F�L1'6.*'�i A. !1 ! iP GA'.:i. :. ZC;• F P.L 1 ' - cre (1) creek for p:s� lic !raper*.Ion. i.-. _Pe "r'rileted :' it sial' 1 ra';SLAO. kdi7F.".ed sn tall cif tte Coll, }Yfi .._"F ... , j� .3XC... • .. -'ng- �--! �+y ty+run- tr). Proceedings of City of Paducah Corni-sioner Fressenlerr offered motion, secor.ded h­ Commissioner Johnston, Qnt.' a Feso]�,tiot. entitled "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY PIANArER TO ADVERTISE FGR zTVS FOR FURVISHTNO THE CITY OF PADUCAH WITH ITS REQUIREtTTNTS OF REGULAR AND ETHYL VOTCR 011., DIESEL FUEL, CHASSIS LUPRICANT, TEAR LUBE OIL, HYDRAULIC OIL, I:EROSEi,iE AND A::TT-.FREEZE TO PE USED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH FROM. JANUARY 1, 196, TO ?6, 10,", !-a adopted. Adopted on call or the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnstor, Fressenier-, Faxton, Furvear and ?.'avor Wilson Reolies, lids Commissioner laxton offered motion seconded 1-v Commissioner Furyear, that. a _--affic i,-C�on*.,,O�. Sra2 Calle esolutior. entitled "A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CITY MAI.ArER TO ADVERTISE FOR FIDS OR TRAFFIC CONTROL Sir*.AL CABLE", le adopted. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Fressenherp-, Paxton, Furvear and Plavor Wilson (5). Execate deed Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberr, later Company t iadv)cab lower ��that ail ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO --r-;em EXECUTE A DEED FROM THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR AND Oio BEHALF OF THE PADUCAH WATER .TORKS, TO THE ELECTRIC ILANT BOARD OF PADUCAH, FEI'TUCKY, d/1-/a PADUCAH POWER SYSTS1.7', t.e adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Fresserler,, Faxtor, Furvear and 1.'-a,,or Wilson alle­s i Commissioner Johnston offered mol ion, seconded her Commissioner Kressenbari-, that CCM an Ord- inance entitled "Ali ORDINANCE CLOSINr? CERTAIN ALLEYS IN COiNNECTION, 'WITH '.1UNICIFAL HCUSI,7" PROJECT FY adopted. Adopted on call or the Roll, Yeas, Commissioner .-olnston, Kressenler--, Fayton, Fur-vear and ?,ayor 'Wlilson (5). 16 cf Commiss4 oiler Yressenber, offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, that cr.t act an ordinarce entitled "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF CROLLEY CONSTRUCTIOL, =U ANY, IN THE AMOV"A,T OF $3,­3.(A, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF S&dERArE EXTENSICX:S FOR THE CIT f OF JADUCAP, FELTUCFY, CONTRACT D-1966, AUTHORIZING THE CITY NkNACER TO EXECUTE, Olq OF SAID CITY, A CONTRACT FOR SUCH CONSTRUCTION, AijD FRESCRIBINC, THE TERMS Ai,D CF SUCH CCNTRACT", 1e adopted. Adopted on call, of the Roll, Yeas, ComMissic, err, laxton, lurvear and 'Iavor i,Iilsor _Q2 er Y2asren!-er,, Of fared motion, svci.� Johnstoi., t.hat r. 1—! "A7. ORDIUCZ Ai:&.DI.Nr. SZCTICi. _7..71TLZD: 1.1-1 C'CPE RECO?1.7DDED By ,:.1j '-ZCTIONiS THEREOF E CTANDARDS OF SAFE'_i: Proceediogs of_ Fs aLd Of City ofPaducah 1 o-2r.l. gr Q66 ' Comnissioner raxton offered motion, seconded tv Commissioner furyear, that an 7 ance en' i tled "A!,' ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE PID OF DON H. E11101,TCH FOR THE PURCHASE —r-Ci."i,RlY ON TFE FORTH SIDE OF CLARK STREET TI: THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, ,Y.E MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DEED OF CONVEYANCE THERETO", be adcp- on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners .'ohnston, Yressenberg, laxton, a::d "•'avor ',,.'ilson Commissioner Furvear offered motion, seconded b- Commissioner Faxton, that an 7 . ance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTINr, THE PID OF PURCHASE CHRYSLER-FLY'r,'OUTI!, INC. T!-.— SALE TO THE CITY OF SE7!E.'.' (^) NIE.%, JQ(^ FOUR-DCCR SEDAN AUTO114OBILES FOR USE T1, --CLICZ DEFAFT7.13N.T OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND PRESCRIPIN(l, THE TERMS AND CCIaDITIONS �,-;:TCF SUCF PURCHASE SHALL. BE "ADE", 1-e adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Cont,issioners Johnston, Fressenlerp,, Paxton, Furvear and Mayor n motion tYe mee-.in,- adjourned. II DI 19E. APPROVED IdaYor C D