HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 464, November 8, 1966No. 1.64 Proceedings of Poard of Commissioners City of Paducah November 8, 1966 it-- ---__-_ --- ---�-_---� —_-- 1. r..'.,'employed as volleyball supervisor in the i'arks and n retroactive to `iovonioer 1., 19:6, at a salary ..lass 4 ?. emplo"md as haskethall su,,-isor i:: the Fart:r :,Yid... - .,, CrfuOl;i:'e November lc 10", at, a talar^ ',i 'I . .... 1 , •�ea3, ,r,rmi..ngtoners _Tohnst:' Advertise fur _ . ins:, rjeconded fly i'omr•i 4 DeveloFeer.t ✓` Cbordirstorr a:'.rorize*: ! er'.ise for the posit[i,2: of i'•.a. ; dur.Gs will ir.ause: ccr'd:ra`.nr of all federal aid irosMct.a. rcl: red nonce:%trated tc,uainv rode _ . r gent. ?nniectior, .:ear dolendin,- rn ti:,: :.ed call of thG Wj 1.90, . . I At a Re nrlar ieetinr of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on November P, 1966, Mayor Wilson presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Johnston, Kresserberr, Paxton, Purvear and Mayor Wilson (5). Mavor ;'Iilson offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for October 18,and November 2, l0(6 he waived and that the Minutes of said meetings prepared by the City I Clerk t,e approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners lJohnston K.ressenherr, Paxton,!Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). Fetition Downton Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that traffic plan month. period the Board of City Commissioners receive and file the petition bearing the signatures j of forty-two of the downtown Paducah Retailers and businessmen, which petition urges and recommends that the Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Paducah retain the present downtown traffic plan for a period of at least six months in order to give it a fair trial. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, KressenberR, Paxton, PurYear and Mayor Wilson (5). Petition Firemen Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that salary increase �t/ a petition requesting the Board of Commissioners to bring the salaries of the members of the Paducah Fire Department up to the le,•els, comparative rank and trades, of the Police Department and to appropriate the necessary funds to do so be received and Filed. Adopted on call'of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Fressenberr, Faxton, Furyear and h:ayor Wilson (5). Fetitior. Do:•rr.tc-, rr. Commissioner Furyear offered motion,seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that the Board traffic plan. rescird of Commissioners receive and'file the Thermo Fax copy of an undated petition, bearing ordinance seventeen (17) signatures, requesting that the Board of Commissioners rescind the ;rdinance chanrinr, the flow of traffic in downtown Paducah which went into effect rto'cer' 2, 19(`f. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenbe� ?actor., Puryaar and i`ayor ::ikon (5) . ' Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner 'r:ressenberr as foilol karfy `,. .. rer.c ^et9:.fon of the City Manarer, l move that tre following personnel changes 1. r..'.,'employed as volleyball supervisor in the i'arks and n retroactive to `iovonioer 1., 19:6, at a salary ..lass 4 ?. emplo"md as haskethall su,,-isor i:: the Fart:r :,Yid... - .,, CrfuOl;i:'e November lc 10", at, a talar^ ',i 'I . .... 1 , •�ea3, ,r,rmi..ngtoners _Tohnst:' Advertise fur _ . ins:, rjeconded fly i'omr•i 4 DeveloFeer.t ✓` Cbordirstorr a:'.rorize*: ! er'.ise for the posit[i,2: of i'•.a. ; dur.Gs will ir.ause: ccr'd:ra`.nr of all federal aid irosMct.a. rcl: red nonce:%trated tc,uainv rode _ . r gent. ?nniectior, .:ear dolendin,- rn ti:,: :.ed call of thG Wj 1.90, . . I Na P-coe ngsof Foard of Cornrissioners mer lq:: - - ' - City of Paducah-- ! I :ile letter v Commissioner Kressenber•- offered motion, seconded by Commission Johnston, ccrcerrin- Faducah 'Tari' ,a t: at the letter from Pelham i•;cliurr,: , Attorney for Paul G. Demyan and Leslie Is. Faith, Jr. dated :'oven er 1, 19(u, relative to the cancellation by any succeeding City Commission Of the Agreement between the Citv of Paducah and Paul G. Demyan and Leslie M. Faith, Jr. covering the Paducah Marina property, he received and filed. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenherr, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). File letter / Commissioner Kressenberr^ offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, corcerr.in- V F'aduca:, ,r' as tkat the Board of Commissioners receive and file the letter dated November 4, 1966, fro Paul Demyan and Leslie M. Faith, Jr., addressed to the Mayor and Board of City Commissioners in which they agree that they will not extend the Paducah Marina upstream I� from its present location. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, III:ressenberg, Paxton, Purvear and Mayor Wilson (5), ' Commissioner Kressenhera offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston - that the Arreement between the City of Paducah and the American Federation of State, «:d County and Municipal Employees AFL - CIO Local 15$6, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberp,, Paxton, Purvear i and bayor 'Iilson (5). _ Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton as fellows: I move that the hid submitted by Wilson Chevrolet -Cadillac, Inc. pursuant t.o a Resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners on September 27, 1966, requesting Ibids I, for the purchase of one (1) new 1967 panel truck for use in the Police Department, be i received and filed, i I further cc•'e trat said hid .dated October 24, 1966 submitted by Wilson .evrol.et-Cadillac, Inc, 1�e, and the same is hereht•, re,ierted. Adopted on call of th Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenber,,, Panton, Furvear and Mayor Wilson (5), Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton that t: -.e `ids sr:J ni 'ted i. r Allan Rhodes, Inc., Wilson Chevrolet. -Cadillac, Inc. and Purchase i.r.c, purs'_mant to the resolution of the Board of Commissioners of 27, 19"., requestin•- Yids for the pure} ase of seven (7) new 1967 four -door so�§� :los "or •..se ir, r.Je 101 -ice Department., be received and filed. Adopted on call 1 = `•`-' � '' s `� "`•'^ * � Paxton, Purvear and Mayor I a:,, 'c..s-_s,.xc.._. . ri'ns..0n 'r•ress_ri-erg r+' I Co:raa ssiorer Furvear Offerer; moticr., seconded by Commissioner Faxton, that v' e :err:ifieate of Ins^rrar.•e issued "' The Fleelit^ and Casualty Company of i:ew York '0 I.eslle i Qnroe Fai th, ,Jr, and la -.1 I:emvar. d/2 /a Iaducah R.'arina, and the City of -,r a period cf cne -tear fr•,,m 1'.a= 21, 1.9r roceived, aprro':ed ar.d .`-.... rr, gall Of the Moll, Yeas, COrrm1sn1OhQ •;r .1f4!1!FLor1, Frusnal;h.ui'-•, ;ryear and a?or d1li ncr, Co::KiSsicrer Jo'r:atc,n affe:ed P.fq":G:'.,^:1^.o.•r!:•rj 'ty Commissior.ar^ Fr'esserrlrt -, ' at a Resolution er.t:itled "A :;L..;G"-TJ'.Iv:- i:i1;:r'7. .... I �t , ;oND IurEltlt .�Ar rr OF riE r C ^ TY ! r A' ?'.CFEi; FZEPEr,.:I'i' :F;6 :'CPT,? .. , 7 ":,'.:IkG UNIT :L fF ^rE ,'�'r.,Cd", _ ", adopted. ,,,r YreEr.: Paxton, F:1... ;,,. No. t,0 . Proceedings of I'oard of Commissioners City ofPedacah liovember $ 1966 _ i annex Irclert.- Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner 'rressenherr, that Ztuart elsor. Iark area V an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE EXTE.DING THE BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, Procedures for -r ievances 1 or. -civil sery er:ployees Conpre?ensire Flan. rlannirr Unit i i ::ccep` 'id i �.:rr.ase C! -r.. sler- police cars a KENTUCKY BY ANNEXING CURTAIN PROPERTY LYING ADJACENT TO THE NORTH CORPORATE LIMITS OF SAID CITY,,AND DEFINING ACCURATELY THE ROUE-DARY OF SAID PROPERTY TO BE INCLUDED 'tiTTP.I;: SAID CORPORATE LIMITS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressanher�, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor 'Wilson (5). Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenbern, that an ordinance entitled "Aid ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES TO BE USED FOR CRIEVANCES BY FCl':-CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY", be adopted. Adopt on call.of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenherg, Paxton, Puryear and Layor ililson (F). Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberr, that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCL APPROVING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY PLANNING UNIT, AS PROPOSED BY THE PADUCAH PLANNING CON14ISSION, AND ADOPTING SUCH PLAN", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberv, Paxton, Furyrear and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Paxton offered motion., seconded by Commissioner Furyear that an ordinance entitled "Acl ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF PURCHASE CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH, INC. FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF SEVEN (7) NEW 1967 FOUR. -DOOR SEDAN AUTOM?OBTLES FOR USE if: THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND PRESCRIBING THE Ti:Ri:.S', AND CO'e:DITIOh3 UPON WHICH SUCH I'UCHASE SHALL BE ''-:ADE", be introduced and remain on file for at least one (1) week for puhlic inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its .final passane. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Yressenlerp, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Paxton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Tur^oar, that an rd,s.anre entitled "AN ORDINANCE AM ND1l9C SECTION I OF Ai: CRD'ii A7:, iE c:a'I:L3D IAN .......'.i:C3 THE l:AYOR TO ENTER Titi'fO All AGREEME'1i' Ci. .- ...;? _. CI'T'Y OF I'AUL ''. DE? .'AN AND LESLIE h. FAITH, 1:.. r01 ::., l'.r.RATIOit OF' Al L _ A-CTLITIES Oki THE RIVER FRONT, AND SETTIi6G FORTH THE TERMS AND :U,;, ii:`�, '`WtIT_CH .WAS ADOPTED BY 111 I:CAitD OF CC::IS:iIOI:ERS C:: 2, "', 'e adopted. Adopted on call of the oll, Yas, Commissioners ?-1 :: and Maxton (3), Nays, Commissioner iur;,ear and Vavor lWilsot: (2). o:`. adjourned. ..:I :.... �✓�f l � _/� _ ...___—.�_ 1.9E AIrRO:-ED ' yf-