HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 425, August 9, 1966C P-c.edingsof Board of Cornmissiorers Civic Beaut fication Ed ApproveCl-ir, 7E:autif1 r_at,c Board A1,10,-nt Rev W.6.Harvey !?oa,'r:r Com A} grove i e . . .v C.N.ar.p; HGll8i n7 r2T'. � �.nt A.+ � 1sky $1tctric Pla Board City of Paducah_-_ Aueust 9, 1966 At a Rer•ular Meetin, of the board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.i(?. on Aueust 9, 1966, Mayor Wilson presided and upon call of the Roll the followiro answered to their names: Commissioners Johnston, Fressenber,, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Nilson (5). "a_:or '.iilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberp, that the reading* of the '.'inutes for July 26, 19[6 he waived and that the Minutes of said meeting prepared h•y the City Clerk he approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Coriissioners Johnston, Fressenberp, Paxton, Purybar and Mayor Wilson (5). Mavor Wilson made the .followinr- appointments: Subject to the approval of the Boar of Commissioners, I hereby appoint the following as members of The Civic Beautification Board for terms expiring July 5, 1967: Airs. W. H. Beaman tars. Houston McNutt Mrs. Harvvl Boaz Mrs. T. G. Mundy Mrs. Lillian Bagley Mrs. Raymond Roof Mrs. Charles Billington Mrs. W. K. Ryan Mrs. Robert Cherry Mrs. Richard C. Smith Firs. Edward Cave airs. Warren Siphts I:rs. J. C. Dudley Mrs. Georpe Sirk Mrs. Katie Freeman Mrs. Jack Tick Mrs. 0. J. Houser Mrs. George Widener Mrs. Robert Hassman Mrs. Henry Whitlow Mrs. Leo Keifer Mrs. H,ward Woodall Mrs. Gene Katter:john Mrs. J. William Younp Commissioner Kressenbera offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston that I t e Board of Commissioners approve the action of N.ayor Thomas W. Wilson appointing em?_ers of the Civic Beautification Board, for terms expiring on July 5, 1967. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberp, Paxton, Puryear and P.a-ror Wilson (5). Mayor Wilson made the following appointment: It appearing that the term of office of Pierce E. Lackev as a member of the City of Paducah tiunicipal Housing Commission aygi.red or. J»ly 22, 1966, I hereby, sui'.iect to the approval of the Board of Commissioner: appoint Rev. ':•i. C. Harvey as a member of such Commission for a four (4) year term ex- pi.ric:- on J,'!y 22, 1970, so that such Commission as now constituted shall be composed cf tine follc"a'ir,- nem,-.-rs: 'whose term •--xpires July 22, 1Q(:.7 ;., Jr, w}ose tertr, expires July 22, 1()G8 i L, ;all whose t,•;rt.n cx.pir.a Julv 22, 19(.9 F.e :i . r= tern: expires Jnl 22, 1970 i ex 0r'1!'Qio m^ �195i C r:... a"?;i: rr rad !notion, ..�::.. (•;. :�.,; - �. omnissioner paxi.on, that the app:r �. tl r• :ate• ion: Gf .'.' (.r .! +:f!(i W. Wil!3on ajq c. inrinp Re��l. W. f %I r<1_ �cA:1^Af: .. :r, .. :t;7 U1;7ir.P Commia:iion for a four :da! Yeas, fommissi.on"1-s Johnston, '.... -. 'axton, t :: ;ear an'ai Aa.',.T / #.ayor Wilson i._.. the foll.cair. agg .. ..•axles as a cam} er of the Electric Rant Poard c." :. f : aa•lcai' , t �r 1.0 y : , 1. her ei A. K. Ta tlskv as a meeer of sucF Foard for ypir .a r.et:m t f .y. 3a id Lor Searles. endis- February (, lq=-. U M No. 426 Proceedingsol Board of Commissioners City ofPaducah Annnst 9,, 1966 Approve A.Y. j;jj Commissioner'Jobnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg;, that Ey leclsk Electric Plant; the Board of Commissioners approve the action of Mayor Thomas 111. Wilson appointing A.:. Board Tuholsky as a memier of the Electric Plant Board of the Cith of Paducah for the unexpire term of Leon T. Searles, which term expires February 6, 1967. Adopted on call of the j Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston,-Kressenherg and Mayor Wilson (3), Commissioner I Kressenherr, "Passed" and Commissioner Furyear voted "n0". „m. Walden, Jr: Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenbera, that - Fireman i/; on the recommendation of the City Manaper, the following personnel changes be made: Charles Cooper promoted to 1. William Walden, Jr., an Applicant -Candidate in the Fire Department, has Captain - Firel satisfactorily completed the 60 day training period as such Applicant -Candidate as provided by ordinance, he is hereby appointed a fireman in the Fire Department, at Fred Kolh a salary of $340.00 promoted to En; , per month, retroactive to July 16, 1966. 2. Charles Cooper, enpineer'in the Fire Department, be promoted to captain in said Parks & Rec. department, effective August 16, 1966. employ jj Donna Berton 3. Fred Kolb, fireman, be promoted to engineer in the Fire Department, effective carry Jenkins Aupust 16, 1966. Melinda Shield,swl 4. The following persons he employed in the Parks and Recreation Department, for the ^i nate following positions, effective date of employment and rate of pay: roc' J Sexton ,111 Ce:-:',ery Donna Berton, recreation leader $1.00 per hour in Class A, retroactive to July 26, 1966. 'r:ate / Barry Jenkins, basketroom attendant, $1.00 per hour in Class A, "' rs retroactive to Aupust 1, 1966. roud ;lican ✓ Melinda Shields, lifeguard, $,1.00 per hour in Class A, retroactive to Aurust 1, 1966 is i 5. Bobby Joe Sexton, temporary employee in the Cemetery Department, be terminated, effective July 28, 1966, F.. The following temporary employees in the Parks and Recreation Department be terminated: L`'i 1.e vor :rag•' .,,•. Perinii-, Mamie Mullipan Jimmv Stroud Bobby Millican. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberp, Paxton, Furyear,! i and Mayor Wilson (�), Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Yressenberr that Cc:. :!oral rte?%c :recuted contract i.etween the City and Delta Refining Company for sale to the City a3 t,1 -.e received and filed, and that the performance bond required by said ir. r. arrunt of w2,000 executed by said Company as principal and United and 1r:ararty Company as surety be received, aprroved and filed. :,n -n 1l of tie :ell, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenterr, Paxton, I•uryoar ,r.ar i'resscr: er- offered motion, seconded by Co^ranissioner Johnston, that. SiCe re,: ioi ^a _.�.l�r.Lr,rar:', for tie month of July 1or..a, be received and fil•�d, i AdoptedcaC. c.. 11 :" ' . :..:: , ?r.nq, ';c:mmi.nsioners Jok•r.ston, ::res^eni•erc•, Paxton, fury cr and Maycr'Wilsnn ('1. Coerr+isal,,n:r Paxton C r:r ii '.LGn, sacs tided ty Commi sionor ruryear• l.., x-r:era".icns Fref:ared and de:'.. _:-ed c : he Cit;; Trear;urer ' :l r.: ... vred 23`1? .hru 26.79 _asiva re received and filed a^:.W of sama tr -.1 i:- 3, 'S be exoner•at.a4 .ar *ills sh own and daslrr�ated by sa' Adr,l' t•3 :•ri call of rhe Less, COTMi581G4-Srs ,i ohrston, and ?.ia;J;.•r• 1iilsoi, (5). Proceedings of _?c.srd_of COT, missior..:r AU1119t_2 9. 196F. — City of Paducah— —_ -- . Commissioner Paxton offered motion, seco:lded by Commissioner Puryear as follows: move that the executed bond of Chief Paduke Post No. 31 of American Legion of Kentucky '.+ai :•e License f i (incorporated) as Principal and the Fidelity & Deposit Company of 1,%ryland as Surety, I indemnifying tYe City in the amount of $2000,00 against any damage to the streets of the City, an, other of its property and to any streets in said City as a result of unloading and reloading of equipment and paraphernalia of Olson Shows, Inc. and Amusement Corpora- tion. of America, from September 6, 1966 to and including September 17, 1966, be received, approved and filed. I further move that the said Chief Paduke Post may cause such equipment to be unloaded and transported from the Tipple -Track location to Keiler Field on South Peltline outside the corporate limits of the City without the payment of any license fee, but this permit shall not authorize any exhibition, parade or other activity in the City. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and Payor Wilson (5). jam -as saui (, Commissioner Paxton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear as follows: Darnell Fr;i7q'te iiefusiiHSRZAS, James Paul Darnell, of Paducah, Kentucky, RFD A, has made application for permit permit as a private collector for collecting, transporting- and disposing of refuse as provided in Article 6, Section L-A of the Refuse and collection Disposal Ordinance, such ccllection•to be made from Lourdes Hospital, and Lambert's Restaurant. now, therefore move tlat such permit.t•e granted to him for a period of six mcrths frcm this date upon the payment in advance of the sum of $12.00 for said six month period at the rate of $2.00 per month. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberm, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). sioner Paxton offered motion, secohded by Commissioner Purvear that the F,9 is r. '11. H, Yancy £c Sons Asphalt Paving Company for resurfacing various City of Paducah, to received and filed. Adopted on call of the Poll, ,:.ers Joknstcn, Y,ressenber:,, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor ail son (5). Fur•:ear offered notion, seconded 1.y Commissioner Paxton, that T. Searles as a member of the Electric. Plant Poard, effective � i, _ recei�:ed, ac repted and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, r.vtn, Yre er.' or -, F-a/to::, Furvear and t".ayor ;Milson (5). rfPere,! rr'Ctirn, seconded Pv Commissioner Paxton, that the ^e gall, 1-• ,'r City of Paducah to Myrtle 7iisier of the Lhe P.ushint, Addition to Cak grove i • z<:d uI execur.e a deed of conve ance to said s, Commi nsi oilers Johnston, Yressenher. ,, 1 .r, and ('). cfferai -rt'c..., ,s�:.::..d rommtsnioner Faxtor, that the _r s ai:pr.re .`e sale t r e Cie . rf F adura} t<, FIod"e Funeral Fiore r:er of 'c` ':o. 3^" in Mon',! :;o. ! of .F,e Rusl1r- Addition Lo Oak 2 II •i A% Clerk 1.e autYa ized to .xg Ito a deed of tc� .14 or. call r f the Fr.l . , 'I<;a r,, Cr_rrzg1 n :I .!.�... .n,- :--car aGr: Yevor'hilerir: (r). } 4,�.A Proceedings of. oar.l n Con, S 'i. hers City of Paducah AUPrlst 9, 1%6 _ I i F �• I RR Co Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Rressenherr, that Sewer under tracks a resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AN AGREEMENT WITH PADUCAH AND ILLINOIS RAILROAD COMrANY, GRANTING PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN A 44 -INCH REINFORCED CONCRETE STORM: WATER PIPE UNDER TRACKS AND PROPERTY OF SAID RAILROAD COMPANY", be adopted. Adopted on-call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenbergr, Faxton, Furvear and Mayor Wilson Reeuest bids y Commissioner Kressenher, offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, Concrete t/I that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION REQUESTIM!G THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR FIDS FOR FURNISHING THE CITY WITH READY MIX AND/OR TRANSIT M:IX CONCRETE FOR A PERIOD OF SIX MONTHS", he adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners it Johnston, Fressen},era, Paxton, Furyear and Mayor Wilson (5). Amend Rules oflj Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that Board of Commissioners 11 an ordinance entitled: "Ali ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 12 OF AA; ORDINANCE ENTITLED meetin,s ever,, jj Tuesdav 'AN OP.DI;:ANCE PRESCRIBING RULES FOR THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, i KENTUCKY, FIXING THE TIME FOR HOLDING REGULAR MEET IGS OF SAID BOARD, ARID REFEALIIG ALL RULES AND OP.DINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH', WHICH WAS ADOPTED ON DECEMBER 4, 1951, �i AND A!".ENDED ON JANUARY 11, 1966", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, 'I Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Purvear and Yayor Wilson (5). Froprse Annexa4 / Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberj-,that tion (HaFle,roo Terrace Area) l an ordinance entitled: "AI! ORDINANCE PROPOSING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING ADJ6.'-'.';T TO THE NORTHWEST CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, DEFILING ACCLL:1-z-7 THE BOUNDARY OF THE TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED, AND DECLARIISC THE Ii DESIRAeuNI'TY AI?D NECESSITY OF SUCH AM!NEXATIOM", be adopted. .Adopted on call of the I:. Roll Yeas Commissioners Johnston Kressenterr= Paxton Fur ear and Mayor Nilson 5 Add Section. I'-! Commissioner Kressenbern offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, that+ an ord'_r roo entitled: "?,:: ORDINANCE RELATING TO LICENSE 'FAXES BY ADDING SECTION 16-A i ^._: ._. _..:.. '.:: ORDINANCE FIXING AND REGULATING THE LICENSE TAXES, AI:D AND ISSUING SAME ON 'TI:E VARIOUS LINES OF BUSINESS, TRADES, j a VOCATIONS AND CALLI::GS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AriD �. .. .. ::-I AYIENT THEREOF, AND FOR VIOLATION 'THEREOF, AND MAKING IT ; LINES OF BUSINESS, TRADES, OCCUPATIONS, PROFESSIONS, FIRST PAYING THE LICEC:SE TAX ld;D PROCURING LICENSES AS i ... ;. _.._.. ..�-....... ..... _........ .... .:.::!i;AM!CES II` CONFLICT 'I'HER.4WZ;H, AND !'ROVIDIAC A y s -- - - ...,. ' . .... . ... ...... i. Gr.«D VY THE !�JARD OF COAh:ISSIONERS CI: DEC:.',r1'cR 23, c -n 7' r f tie: r,i 1 , Ycas, Commissioners Jobnst.on, .. .._... .. G'7 r. •. }::, Furr_ar air! r. - C,..Z9� .✓ ". ,. .. ..^B Rseny �.. :9 .: f':n-."'ifle: pl:el' JUl:nstiJn, t:';aG111 At: OF THE sur•: CITY OF PADUCAF: TO BURNS & I' ... .:. ... :. .: ....:. ECRI:,S AND SA'•:ELIc.. AI:Dl .;i... .,BIDER PROORAMi", be irtrodu ed .. .... _. - r " �.. .:uL'. -.... (i) '-leek fr,r I.1Ai-...lc ir.3Pect10r, '.a. .. ., rcmp!eted foI'm °;nal Y:03sa^o•. Adapted ol: nal- o" '�a Roll, Yeas, .. .' .,: "'...� ..._ -axt;�, r%. ... 2: CI :-.9^CI' :ii ).SQ6 (°). No. '2n Proceedings of _ �oard� CcnmisSloer5 Aurust 9, 1966 .r . _ _— - ctY of Pdd��aA _ -•-•-- :r.ce Sti nexation� Cluiv �i Commissioner Paxton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that ar ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH H. YANCY &, SONS ASPHALT PAVING C014PANY FOR THE RESURFACING OF VARIOUS STREETS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, INCLUDING THE RAISING AND RESETTING OF MANHOLES, CATCH BASIidS AND MONUMENTS, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SAID CO::TF.ACT", be introduced and remain on file for at least one (1) week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passaue. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston; Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Milson (5). Commissioner Paxton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY BY ANNEXING CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING ADJACENT OT THE WEST CORPORATE LIMITS OF SAID CITY, AND DEFIKIi:G ACCURATELY THE BOUNDARY OF SAID PROPERTY TO BE INCLUDED tiITHIN SAID CORPORATE LIMITS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberp, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). On motion the meetin.r- adjourned. ADOPTED 1966 APPROVED Mayor City Clerk