HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 387, April 26, 1966Na 387 P__diogs of Board of Commissioners _-_ - _ City of Paducah April 26, 1966 Reappoint ReN H.J.Simpson Library Rd At a Called Meeting of the Board ofCommissioners held in the Commission of the Citv Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 3:30 P.M. CDT or. April 26, 1966, Mayor Wilson presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Johnston, Kressenbere, Paxton, Purvear and Mayor Wilson (5). Mayor Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that the executed copies of the Notice of Called Meeting to be held at 3:30 P.M. Central Daylight Time on April 26, 1966, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberr, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). Mayor Wilson made the following appointment: It appearing that the term of Rev. H. J. Simpson as a member of theBoard of Trustees of the Carnegie Public Library expired on June 1L, 1964., I now herebv reappoint the said Rev. H. J. Simpson as a member of said Board for a four year term from June 14, 1964 until June 14, 1968, so that said Board will be composed of the following members: August J. Lepeay whose term expires June 14, 1966 Mrs. John Blackburn whose term expires June 14, 1966 David Sawyer whose term expires June 14, 1967 Rev. James P. Irion whose term expires June 14, 1968 Rev. H. J. Simpson whose term expires June 14, 1968 Patty ,lean Russell, Resignation Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg as Frank B Martin, resignation. follows: On the recommendation of the City. Manager, I move that the following personnel Wm. P. Tolley, changes be made: Laborer ir. Refuse Dept. 1. The resignation of Pattv Jean Russell, as metermaid, be accepted, effective April 2, 1966. James R. Helton Laborer in 2. The resignation of Frank B. Martin, laborer in the Refuse Division, Refuse Dept be accepted, effective April 23, 1966. 3. William P. Tolley be emploved as laborer in the Refuse Division, effective May 2, 1966. L. James R. Helton be employed as laborer in the Refuse Division, effective i•?ay 2, 1966. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenbere, Paxton, Puryear and Payor Wilson (5). Settlement Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenbere, :ewer &. Rr-fuse March that the reports of the Paducah Water Works be received and filed, and that the following' 9r< e j (-Pecks 1.e turned o,,er to the Citv Treasurer to be deposited in the proper accounts: Refuse collections for March, 1966 $11,978.01 Sewer Service Ct.arges for March, 1966 13,713.83 Bad Refuse accounts collected during March 31.60 Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberr, Paxton, Purvear anal Mayor W!2acn (;). Liab. ir.s. �" Cos_^,.issiorer Y.ressenl,erg offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, Preslev F1? Heating Co, i:al� the Certificate of Insurance issued tv United Staten Fidelity and Guaranty Company to the City or Fa,dccah covering work done by Preslev Plumbi.np and Heatinp Company, for a il I period of one ,ear from April 19, 19E1, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenbere, Paxton, Purvear and Mayor r Nilson (7). ff1 Liability Insi Co�::issionerr'ressen'.er-+ offered motion, seconded by Commissioner .1ohrstor, thaC Jenninps Cons. Company jf Li:e 'Car'.__icate rf lnsura ^.e The Fidality and Ca3'.alty Company Of NeW York to '1{ Rollie Jenr.ine-s, doinr a5 �...'.'..:1'S Ccon5Lructior. Company, for a period of one irea� illP ,^rcm �e� r,-ary a recei:ea, _,-^c ,ed a,'%` Adopted on call of the Roll, I (i 1 eaS, �..:551o.':er5 ICCns-c , Yr•esS=.. :.^, =axion, :Lir ea" and Mayor Nilson I Fr.] Proceedings of_—__ Poard of Commissioners_______ City of Paducah_ April 2-6, 196 Liability Ins. Commissioner Kressenberg offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, that Paducah Marina (Perry Wallace) the Certificate of Insurance executed by Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York, in the name of Perry Wallace, doing business as Paducah Marina, for the period ending, May IS 21, 1967, he received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). Airport -Car Rental Commissioner Paxton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear as follows: Service- Motion of CountyI move that an attested copy of a motion adopted by the Fiscal Court of McCracken Count L Kentucky, on June j, 1965, approving and authorizing Rot Stewart, County Judge, to sign, for and on behalf of McCracken County Fiscal Court and McCracken County, the approval of the contract and agreement by and between Paducah Airport Corporation and Paducah Auto Rental, in connection with operating a Car Rental Service at Barkley Field, effective June 9, 1965, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, CommissionerE Johnston, Kressenbera, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5), File letter Mgr. Commissioner Paxton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear that the Pub. Ilks. Projects Reliance Diecast- letter of B. Cowles Mallory, City Manager, dated April 15, 1966, regarding certain Publi Ing Co, ;Yorks Proiects to be constructed in connection with the construction of the new Reliance DiecastinF Plant, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, KressenberF, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). File copy Minutes Commissioner Paxton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear as follows: meeting Bd. of Education re - I move that a certified copy of the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Jackson. School Addition Education of the Paducah Independent School District of McCracken County, Kentucky, held on the 21st day of April, 1966, authorizing and approving the execution of a deed to and contract, lease and option with the City of Paducah, approving•. certain Architects" Plans and Specifications for the construction of a new addition to the Jackson Elementary School building, and approvin" the plan of paying and financing the cost of such con- struction, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5), Liai:ility Ins. ✓ Commissioner Purvear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that the Reed Plumbinc Co Certificate of Insurance issued by The Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York to W. E. Reed, doing business as, Reed Plumbing Company, for a period of one year from May 61 1.9,1., be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Y.ressenherg, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). Hi,rhwav dept. Commissioner Y.ressenherg offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, that construct Diversion Channel a Resolution onti.tled: "A RESOLIITION AuTnORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO REQUEST TIIE DFPAPTP�sNT OF HIIRWAY2 OF THE rommormijU.Ttl OF KENTUCKY, TO CONSTRUCT OR CAUSE: TO DE rONSTRUCTED, A DIVE;RSIO'P rF1APU+r'1. oil THE SOUTH SIDE OF 1-24 HICHWAY, 110,1'14NINr, AT THE rkOS;TNC OF AID H1rKf4AY WITH THE FAST FORK OF HEIS BRANCH, AND RUHNTNr. INTO CLARKS HIVEit", t9 9rlopterr. Adopted on Call of tJto Roll., Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Krossonberfc, taxt.nn, Purvear and Mavor Wilson (t). Ai.rl:nrt A:•ree t!nl, . Corrission9r Paxton offered m,�tion,seconded by Commissioner F'uryoar, that a LaduCah Bubo ifent(.1 Resolution entitled: "A !,F,0lUTION AUTHORT7'ING niE MAYOR TO APPIIUVE, CN PEHALF OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, Py*,TU 9Y, AN ArRE!--.MSNT BY ANI' R"r:Tr7E:Et� PADUCAH AIRPORT CORPORATION AND C, L. PRYAN AND OTHERS, DOIN^, taU`. Ar1ii::", AS PADUCAH AUTi) PENTA1.", to adopt9d. Adopted on call cf e}e Poli, Yeas, ror_niaaioners Johnston, Kreasenber;, F'axtsn, Purvear and Mavo:•'dilson (5). Na__� Ro------ -- - Proceedings oL._ Board of Commissioners_- _--___-- - City of Paducah April 26, 1966 i! Repeal Airpor' Commissioner Purvear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that a Agreement with C.L.Bryan Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION REPEALING A RESOLUTION ENTITLED 'A RESOLUTION adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). Rule limiting Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that outside occupations an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A RULE LIMITING AND PRESCRIBING THE Police Dept EXTENT OF OUTSIDE OCCUPATIONS PERMITTED FOR MEMBERS OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston., Kressenberr, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (4), Commissioner Paxton voted "No". Accc}x ii Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberr, sidearr.; teat or, ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF PHILLIP GALL & SON FOR TEE SALE TO THE CITY OF « SIDEARMS (PISTOLS) FOR USE BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND tRESCP.IBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. i:dcpted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and Mb:or Filson (;). I Accel-t ;:id c`' Cor^:issiorer Fresserb.erg offered motion., seconded by Commissioner Johnston, that Vasseur on I tractor -marcs: an crdiraLce erti,,Ied: "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF VA,SF.UR TRACTOR AND IMPLE- i MEN' .' SALT'. TO THE CITY OF ONE Ni7d TRACTOR FOR USE: BY THE PARKS AND n!.J FRE°CRIBIYG THE TER! AND CONDITIONS UPCN WHICH SUCH PURCHAI ke arict.a.. Adcp:cd an call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnstop, anj XWor Wilson. Exempt Reliance Com-missicner mo tlon, seconded }:y Comunissioner Johnston, that Diecastinr .'a' I fr.m taxes an ,.:d:r.a.*.ee ent__lea RELIANCF DI ".ASTT_ti; COMPANY FROM THE i {i I AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO APPROVE, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AN AMENDMENT TO AN AGREEMENT MADE AND ENTERED INTO ON AUGUST l„ 1960, BY AND BETWEEN PADUCAH AIRPORT CORPORATION AND C. L. BRYAN AND OTHERS' WHICH WAS ADOPTED ON JUNE 30, 1965 BY THE BOAR OF COMMISSIONERS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners I Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). Annex propertlyy Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, tha Gray & Hollid,'av4 Buckner Lane II an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY ANNEXING CERTAIN PROPERTY OF JAMES E. GRAY, IMA GRAY AND THELMA HOLLIDAY LYING ADJACENT TO THE NORTHWEST CORPORATE LIMITS OF SAID CITY, AND DEFINING ACCURATELY Ii THE BOUNDARY OF SAID PROPERTY TO BE INCLUDED WITHIN SAID CORPORATE LIMITS", be adopted Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas; Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear �I and Mayor 'Wilson ( 5) . I. I Repeal Section Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, 16-B Police ;, Rules & Reg, Y that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED•'AN ORDINANCE outside occupations RELATING TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, { KENTUCKY, BY ADDING SECTION 16-B TO AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED 'AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE ;i RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, I; PRESCRIBING THE QUALIFICATIONS, POWERS AND DUTIES AND FIXING THE COMPENSATION OF MEMBERS OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, PROVIDING A SEPARABILITY CLAUSE, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, IN CONFLICT THEREWITH', WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ON JANUARY 7, i 190T, WHICH ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ON MARCH 22, 1966", be, adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). Rule limiting Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, that outside occupations an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A RULE LIMITING AND PRESCRIBING THE Police Dept EXTENT OF OUTSIDE OCCUPATIONS PERMITTED FOR MEMBERS OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston., Kressenberr, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (4), Commissioner Paxton voted "No". Accc}x ii Commissioner Johnston offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberr, sidearr.; teat or, ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF PHILLIP GALL & SON FOR TEE SALE TO THE CITY OF « SIDEARMS (PISTOLS) FOR USE BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND tRESCP.IBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. i:dcpted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and Mb:or Filson (;). I Accel-t ;:id c`' Cor^:issiorer Fresserb.erg offered motion., seconded by Commissioner Johnston, that Vasseur on I tractor -marcs: an crdiraLce erti,,Ied: "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF VA,SF.UR TRACTOR AND IMPLE- i MEN' .' SALT'. TO THE CITY OF ONE Ni7d TRACTOR FOR USE: BY THE PARKS AND n!.J FRE°CRIBIYG THE TER! AND CONDITIONS UPCN WHICH SUCH PURCHAI ke arict.a.. Adcp:cd an call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnstop, anj XWor Wilson. Exempt Reliance Com-missicner mo tlon, seconded }:y Comunissioner Johnston, that Diecastinr .'a' I fr.m taxes an ,.:d:r.a.*.ee ent__lea RELIANCF DI ".ASTT_ti; COMPANY FROM THE i {i I Proceedings of Board of Commissioners No. 390 City of Paducah_April 26,_ 1966 _ A PAYMENT OF CERTAIN CITY TAXES FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS", be adopted. Adopted on cal of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, KressenberP, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilso (5). Exempt F.B.Foods `� Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnston, that Corp. from taxes an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE EXEP•IPTING B. B. FOODS CORPORATION OF KENTUCKY FROM THE PAYMENT OF CERTAIN CITY TAXES FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberg, Paxton, Puryear and Mavor Wilson (5). Accept bid :Nilson Commissioner Paxton offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear that an Chev. on 3 compact cars ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF WILSON CHEVROLET-CADILLAC, INC. FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF THREE (3) NEW 1966 CHEVY II; AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenbere, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). $200,000 School Commissioner Paxton caused to be read aloud in its entirety the ordinance referred Bond Issue to in the hereinafter set out motion and then moved as follows: I move that an ordinance entitled: "ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200,000) OF CITY OF PADUCAH SCHOOL BUILDING REVENUE BONDS, DATED MAY 1, 1966, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS 162.120 THROUGH 162.290 OF THE KENTUCKY REVISED STATUTES, TO PROVIDE FUNDS TO FINANCE THE COST, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED, OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW ADDITION TO THE JACKSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUILDING; PROVIDING AND DETERMINING THE DUTY OF SAID CITY IN CONNECTIO) WITH THE OPERATION OF SAID SCHOOL BUILDING PROPERTY AND THE CREATION OF FUNDS SUFFICIENT] TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AS AND WHEN THEY MATURE AND THE CREATION OF AN ADEQUATE MAINTENANCE AND INSURANCE FUND; AND AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF A DEED FROM THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE PADUCAH INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT TO THE CITY, AND THE EXECUTION OF A LEASE OF SUCH FOREGOING PROPERTY TO SAID BOARD OF EDUCATION IN THE FORM OF A CONTRACT, LEASE AND OPTION", be introduced and remain on file for at .least one (1) week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passace. Such motion was seconded by Commissioner Puryear, at which time Mavor Wilson called for discussion, and there being none directed the City Clerk to call the roll. The motion was adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenberr, Parton, Furvear and Mayor Milson (5). Thereupon the Mayor declared the motion was carried. Accept bid Commissioner Furvear offered motion, seconded by 6ommissioner Paxton, that an Quality Fence Co Packstops-Far'r.s crdinance entitled: "API ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF QUALITY FENCE COMPANY FOR THE CCPSTRUCTION OF BACYSTOPS AT BLACKBURN PARK AND BROOKS PARK, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY YANAr,ER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT", }:e adol,ted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cccmission3rs Johnston, Frennen=err•, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). Accept bid Y.inr- Com=isnioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that an . Truck l Fefuse :"ruck ordiner.vme a:.tit:ied: "AN O2DIP7APPCE ACr,EFTING THE HID OF KING-WOODALI, MOTORS, INC. FGR THE SALE TO THE CITY �,F ONE, (1) CAh'WOOD PACFFR AND FORD CHASSIS FOR USE BY THE REFUSE DEPARTMY NT, AND PRE::ChlRlNG TNF. TERM": AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SUCH }URCHASE SHALL FE kA"S", •e adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners � Johnston, P.resser:"err, Faxton, }urvear and Mayor Wilson (5). � N^._—_ ..--_391 Proceedings of _ Board of Commissioners _ _ , city of Paducah__ _ April 26, 1966 i i 2,500,000 Sewer Bond{I Commissioner Purvear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Paxton, that an Issue I I ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AUTHORIZING THE i ISSUANCE OF $2,500,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF YCITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, VOTED SEWER BOND I FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS TO DEFRAY ALL OR A PART OF THE COSTS OF CONSTRUCTING SANITARY SEWERS AND SEWERS FOR THE RELIEF OF EXISTING SEWERS, ALL WITH NECESSARY APPURTENANCES; ORDERING AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVYING OF AN ANNUAL TAX SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE INTEREST ON AND PRINCIPAL OF SAID BONDS; PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF SAID BONDS AND INTEREST COUPONS AND THE MATURITIES THEREOF; AND PROVIDING THAT SAID BONDS SHALL BE SOLI( AT AN ADVERTISED, PUBLIC, COMPETITIVE SALE, BUT ONLY IF AND WHEN APPROVED BY JUDGMENT 0 I MCCRACKEN CIRCUIT COURT, AS PROVIDED BY LAW", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, II Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Kressenbere, Paxton, Puryear and Mayor Wilson (5). �J Thereupon the Mayor declared the motion had carried. On motion the meeting adjourned. { II i ADOPTED / 1966 APPROVED / ayor I' City Clerk