HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 341, December 14, 1965No. 341
Proceedings of Poard of Commissioners City of Paducah December 11; , 1965
Dr. T.C.Kerley
John E Stephen:
appointed to
'tater 'Works Con
Approve appoin
meat Dr. T.C.
Kerley & John
Stephens on
Water Works Cc
Petit Civil
Ser—ice anploy
At a Rerular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chambe
of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P,M. on December 14, 1965, Nayor Wilson
presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioner:
Davis, Hornsby, K,ressenbern, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5).
Mayor ?Wilson offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for November 23, 24
and December 2, 1965 be waived and that the Minutes of said meetings prepared by the
City Clerk he approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor ''Wilson (5).
Mayor Wilson made the followin? appointments: It appearing. that the term of of
of Patrick T. Lally as a member of the City of Paducah Commissioners of Plater PWorks,
expired on January 6, 196h, and the term of Robert C. Morrow as a.member of said 'dater
Works Commission expired January 6, 1965, subject to the approval of the Board of
Commissioners I hereby appoint Dr. T. C. Kerley as a member of said Commissioners of
:later Works for a term expiring January 6, 1967, and John E. Stephens as a member of
said Commissioners of :later Works for a term expiring January 6, 1968, so that said
Poard as now constituted shall be pomposed of the followine members:
Charles A. Wahl whose term expires January 12, 1966
Joe C. Marshall whose term expires January 6, 1966
Dr. T. C, Kerley whose term expires January 6, 1967
John -E. Stephens whose term expires January 6, 1968
Lee Livinrston, indefinite term
Mayor Thomas W. Wilson, ex officio
Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kr•essenber.r, that
the Board of Commissioners approve the action of Thomas W. Wilson, Mayor, appointing.
Dr. T. C. Kerley and John E. Stephens as members of the Commissioners of :Water :storks.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and
flavor Milson (4). Commissioner Davis voted "Ho".
Commissioner Davis offered motion that the petition sinned by certain Civil Ser
Emplovees, reauestinr that the retirement are for employees be lowered to are 55, be
recei7ed and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioner's Davis, Hornsby
yr.ssenterv, Parrott and WTavor .'Wilson (1).
Commissioner Davis offered motion, secondod by Commissioner Hornsby, that the
rosirnation of E. L. Cra•;craft as a member of the Civil Service Commission, effective
;Ji�P!?•�'i lF t' P, lot,, re recei-ed, accepted and filed. Adopted on all of the Roll,
Yens, rr!rninnior.erz ;;a •T,, Fornshv, Kressenherr, Parrott and Pavor Wilson (5).
^crsrissfnr:cr Ga^is offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornst,y, that, the
:'ara7er and the Cit., Trarurer h -e, and thev are hereby, autb:,rized and directed to
Haducnh-1•'cCracken Developmant Council pursuant, t.o thoi
a r: f lar aid amount. le obar•-ad to accnunt nurrl,or 91X.5.
Da% S, ilornghv, Krerssent,er'P, 1'arrot:t.
... .:., .,^•e M,rid U`f lv Conmi 4sioner [1avl,*, that a Copy
,' .:,rd <" 'ru^tees of the AF.Foir:tive rmployaos,
°r(a) of the Appointive Civil
.:n call bf the Roll, 'teas,
- r. ', i':af1: 9c':d VB V., ;• 41ison (a,},
No.. _ A_� -- — __
Proceedings of t'oardd of Commissioners
.7 c! n
.. it servickI
Civ'i.l ..-. - .
= cap
ieor.a S%:el' •Nf
Cty. of Paducah__. ___ Dee ember 11:, 196
Commissioner Horns,-, offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davin, as folloas:I
Cn the recommendation of the City Manager, I move that the following personnel changes
e made:
1. Donald R. Snelling he employed as Recreation Supervisor in the Parks and Recreati
Derartment, retroactive to December 9, 196x, at a salary of 41.50 per hour in
Class E.
ntassell Johnson, truck driver in the Street Division of the Public Works Department,
':e advanced to equipment operator in said department, effective December 16, 1965, such
advancement being under Civil Service.
,. Paul Peck, maintenance man in the Parks and Recreation Department, be placed under
Civil Service, effective January 1, 19FF at 7:00 a.m., provided by such time he
.furnishes, at his expense, a satisfactory medical report as to his physical condition.
L. gilliam Collins, maintenance man in the Parks and Recreation Department, be placed under
Civil Service, effective January 1, 1966, at 7:10 a.m., provided by such time he
furnishes, at his expense, a satisfactory medical report as to his physical condition.
Joe H. Bray, tire repairman in the Refuse Division of the Public Works Department,
ce placed under Civil Service, effective January 1, 1966 at 7:00 a.m., provided by such time
he furnished, at his expense, a satisfactory medical report as to his physical
Tommy Clark, laborer in the Refuse Division of the Public ['forks Department, be
placed under Civil Service, effective January 1., 1966 at 7:10 a.m., provided by
such time he furnishes, at his expense, a satisfactory medical report as to his
phvsical condition.
Norman D. Malone, laborer in the Parks and Recreation Department, be placed under
Civil Service, effective January 1, 1966 at 7:00 a.m., provided by such time
i':e furnishes, at his expense, a satisfactory medical report as to his physical
0. Wesley d. Ford, laborer in the Parks and Recreation Department, be placed under Civ
Service, effective January 1, 1966 at 7:10 a.m., provided by such time he furnishes
at his expense, a satisfactory medical report as to his physical condition.
9. Randolph E. Keith be employed as Housing Code Officer in the Inspector's Office,
effective December 1(,.196=, at a salary of $350.00 per month.
10. Leona Shelby, evaluation clerk in the Assessor's office, be advanced to the
position of Appraiser, effective December 16, 1965 at a salary of $375.00 per
month, said position being under Civil Service.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott
and ?rayor Wilson (11).
Liatility lr::�, Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the i
o. Pond lrestgn /
Carroll Conrt J ^.ertificare of Insurance issued by Continental Casualty Company to the City of Paducah,
Cc r,Far.y
tick:, co•,erin- work done ry Preston Carroll Construction Company, together with Forld
arr,,:n-, if :`25c)O.GO dared October 19, 1961,, be received, approved and filed.
r; Iaducah-
M-cCrackan :1e
Cc:uncii for
R. F. ta.rart,
•:.:,11 *.6 Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenborg, Parrott ;
ars.."a,-,jr ("J.
C sift!^9_T=^+:1' !'ornw,f Cfrered r.'O!.ion, seconded by Commissioner Davis as follows:
On -J.-re ", 19i6, tr.e ''card cif '',r;m.'n:.ssioners of the (city of Paducah adolted an
ordinar.ee alL,ruF.ri.at;ir:c a num of ^„-er not is exceed :"2,500.00 for the employment of D11.
14. P. _'tewart as a Consultand .o rbPe ti At';d•, or 465 ruttire scholastic and financial
9tatUs ::f Padafal. Jurlor ':!-i 1.11aW, and
dPiiftF..f,, it al.pears t^at said stcry x:11 fr.i. camplot,vi nun;::: the vaar 10-61, ar�j
Wi-LREi,S '', rascltttion a felted i ci@ or 2: , , ,< fe iari,: :•acken !;r.vu1;,F,tant�
Council has reques*.ed tk.ac said of [,'CL.v;. o tr'ar^farf'ad 'r:' LI:a i:ity to said
Council, to b,* used c,-,lv for t: a Pur Ftses as sat fr,rt}. jr. said ordinanro, and that, anv
part of said sin reaair.ine. aPt®r tie stu.9'e has been camplated anri Laid f.r will i.a
returned tr.• •:.a .C:tv. • Adcpted on cal' v roll. Yeas, Oemminslrmars a•;i Hnrr,s v,
c:-..... ,.e etransferred .v *-'he Clty treasurer
_ .. _. Council for t.'e r
�• _ ' F. irl.csas set orti: 1
Proceedings of Foard of Commissioners _
No. 31.3
City of Paducah December 11:, 1965
Holidav Christ- Commissioner Fressenherr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott as
mas &: New Year�4s
Eve �, follo9s: It appearing that Christmas Day of 1965 and New Year's Day of 1966 fall on
Saturdays, I move that all employees of the City with the exception of Policemen and
Firemen be granted a full holidav on Friday, December 24, 1965 and Friday, December 31,
1965, and that members of the Police and Fire Departments he granted similar days off
ata later date at times approved by the City Manaeer or the head of such department.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenbere, Partott
and Mayor Wilson (5).
Publisb notice Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion that Sarah Thurman, City Clerk of the City
National Elec.
Code of 1965 of Paducah, Kentucky, be, and she is hereby, authorized and directed to publish a notice
introduced in the Sun -Democrat stating that at the next reeular meeting of the Roard of-Commissione
! of said City to be held on December 28, 1965, an ordinance will he introduced .for passag
! adoptinp by reference the 1965 National Electrical Code as prepared by National Fire
Protective Association, and that said notice shell be published not less than five days
before said meetine. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby,
Kressenberr•, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5).
File Contract !I Commissioner Kressenberg offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Parrott, that
Burns &
"cDonnell i the Amended Contract between the City of Paducah and Burns & McDonnell Engineering
�I Company, dated December 6, 1965, he received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll,
Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5).
City pay part! Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg, as
Plus Cross &
Flue Shield jI follows: On the recommendation of the City Manager, contained in a letter to this Roar,
dated October 11, 1965, I move that the City pay an amount equal to 5O, of the cost of
employees Blue Cross and Blue Shield premiums, subject to a maximum payment by the City
of ✓.00 per month per employee, and anthorizinc the City Manager to take all steps
necessary to effect such payment. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
!J Davis, Hornsiy, Y.ressenherg, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5).
iu:iish noticl
intrrd,jcr ien
1% 'as pipinr
5e11 Cemetery!
Lot to Sper�e'
let= Add.
Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberr, that
Eara7 Trurrran, City Clerk of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be, and she is hereby,
aul;:orized and directed to publish a notice in the Sun -Democrat statine that at the
regular rreetinr of the Foard of Commissioners of said City, to he held on December 28,
11,7" , ar, crdinarco will ie introduced for passage, adoptinr I reference the 1961,
Standard :^or lnrtallation of ^as Appliances and Cas Fipinr as approved by American
Standards Associaticr., and that said notice shall 1,e pui•lished not less than five day;
before said reet!na. Adoptad or, call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby,
Kressenberr, Parrott and 'Vavr,r Nilnon (5).
Comisaione,r Parrott offered r,M.1on, seconded by Com^,issi,-ner 'f.rensonherg., +..i,:,t.
V ,.-e uoard of Commissioners appro,,-e .he male by r.he Ci^y of Paducah to reorvo Tur_.'r,ur
of t:e is'.:r'_. .ne-Palf of lot 12 in Flock No. : of thu Mausoleum Addition: tr, Oak
move Camtery for tie a::^r r,...' and that r. }e City Clark 'e aut},ol.!.Eed to ex,JCUle
a deed of aonve:anca to aa!d eerater, property. Adopted on call t. -,u ito11, Yeas,
Comiesiorersavis, ?`erns'"0, Kressenlere, Parrott and Mayr.r 141*11 e,r; (".),
Procee&ngsof.Board of Commissi_uners City of Paducah_._. December 14, 1965
^vest Fuh .�
P•Jserve Fund
Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberp,
that the City ttanavor and City Treasurer he, and they are hereby, authorized to invest
$100,C00.00 of the Public Works Cumulative Reserve Fund in a six month Certificate of
Deposit at 4,-' interest at Citizens Bank & Trust Company of Paducah, and that such
Certificate of Deposit shall be secured by a valid pl.edve to the City of Paducah of
,direct obligations of or obligations the principal of and interest on which are
vuaranteed by the United States of America, having at all times a market value
(exclusive of accrued interest) at least equal to $100,000.00. He further moved that s ie
City Manager and City Treasurer be, and they are herehy, authorized to invest any part
or all of the remaining amount of said fund, in securities of the United States of
America. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby,
Kressenberv, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5).
Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that an
THEE: OF THE SUM OF $3,000.00", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberp, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). II
Commissioner Hornsbv offered motion; seconded by Commissioner Davis, that an
?e adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornshy, Kressenberg,
Parrott and Mayor Milson (5).
b'avor :7ilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that this
regular mesting be adjourned until Monday, December 20, 1965, at 7:30 P.M. Adopted
On call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenherp, Parrott and
Yevor :i'-lson (5). 1
A � Mf YOR _