HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 296, August 4, 1965Procee& foL. Board of Commissioners r "9 - --- —�-- - -City of Paducah �uvust 19E _ File cor:trac Vinn-''';oodall Refuse tri;r_k Ro ert M. T•rompsor, Applicart- ;:an didate Fire Dept }arks ° Fee ••arious resirnation k errplo-,•mer. F1.1 e contrac -ai C oda 21 Car Por Piro Dept. Pile latter Mr. Brawl :newer fees At an. Adjourned P.erular Yeetin, of the Poard of Commissioners held on Aurust t, 19*r, in the Commission Chamber of the City Rall, Faducah, Kentuckv,at r:30 o'clock P.17. "'avor Plilson presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Dais, Horns!-•, Yressenberr and Mayor :Milson (h), Commissioner Farrotb 'ein- a^sant (1). Cor:7issioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that the executed copv of the Contract between the City of Paducah and Kinr-Woodall Motors, Inc., for sale to the Citv of one Model C-�10 Ford Truck and 16 Cubic Yard Garwood Packer Dodv 1-e received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Horr:sbv, Kressenber- and }•'.a•,or Wilson (L), Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornshv, as .follows: Cn the recommendation of the Citv Manarer, I move that the following personnel chances .:-a reds: 1. Dour -las Foster be emplo-ed as Basketroom attendant in the Parks & Recreationl Department, under Class L, at a salary of �I.L0.00 per month, retroactive to Jul• 2", 106, 2. Larry D. Baker he emplo-ed as Basketroom Attendant(part time) in the Parks F Recreation Department, under Class A, at a salartr of .x"1.00 per hour, retroactive to Jule 27, 19(°. 3. Kay hliza?eth Pradford �e employ=ed as Playground Supervisor, in the Farks °< Recreation Department, under Class C, at a salary of $1.25 per hour, retroactive to Jul- 29, long, L. Keith Duncan he emploved as Lifeguard, in the Farks & Recreation Department,I under Class L, at a salary of $110.00 per month, retroactive to Aurust 2, 19 5. °. Rot,ert rT. Thompson be emploved as Applicant -Candidate in the Fire Department at a salary of .270.00 per month, effective August 16, 1961, provided by such time he furnishes, at M.s expense, a satisfactory medical report as to his phvsical condition, including an electrocardiogram. This employment is made under the provisions of an ordinance providinm for such employment adopted April 2", 1962 by the Board of Commissioners, and is subject to all terms, conditions and provisions contained therein. L. The resignation of Donald Powland as a member of the Paducah Fire Department effective Aurust 1, 19El, he recei-ed, filed and accepted. T}.e resi"nation of Ronin Cherry as Pasketroom Attendant, in the Farks and Recreation Department, effective ,'ulv 2r, lorr, he accepted. >. e resignation of Jerre Finton as Flav rronnd Super^isor, in the }'arks ?r e^reation Capartment, effective ,1111v 2", lot' re accepted. +. 3'rat the emplo-•rsr% of Ea -id Andersen as Lifeguard, in the Parke R: Recreatiod Lepartment. ;-e %rrinw,ed, effec7i,'e Jule ?1, 19(G. AdOF"'i or. call of th.e Poll , ''car„ .:!-r,i ss'ioners Dais, Hornsby, Yressenber^ and 'aver Wilson (i ), c-! c i rOr. ion:, leconde.} by Commissioner Davis th:ar. the OYe^u>.ed COM ' of 'he rontrar' ' el :.Pe A,;` -1 (;?t" of }'aducal and Kinr ,'J odall Motors, Inc. for sale to tte City of (;re 1'1�, i.or.+ r,..^,.o^ ;-416r sedan, 'a received and filed. Adopted or. call of the 4012, Yeas, Sr, ri rstrr.r. Tay?s, Hornsl y, Yresser.Ferr• and "'.aver j403on (i). Commissioner Freeser:'err offered moti.o , seconded >. Comm9asiQner Davis that the letter from }Aon T. Gear lea, ^.Fairnar. of tte Zleetric Plant Poard (,f ti -o Cir.-, rr In,li,ra, dated Aurust 2, 14f.5, to the Mayor and Colorissi.or.ers, recarr}ir,• an ir.•eati;^anon of e-ertain eCatepnts purported1v PA -ie i,• A. P. PraZeltor., 1,1anarer' of }alr:^a:. }ON}•• `'V9'3. rvl*tive to the amount of�ornectior. "too to fe charned *or con.n;ert'cn to Ire na; Boxer' on PiuklOville Road, +e recei-ed and filed. "ct.•en on all of tte 1±",11, COMMi.asioners Davie. aoraahr, ltreaaenter, araA Ma•c.: .,':.::. (,;. 1 Proceedings of `card of Commissioners File Agreement :Ldw. T. Hannan , Associates Sewer extension 2PY7 C;fy of Paducah Aupust 3 , 19f,5 Commissioner Kressenber7 offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis that an executed cop- of the Ar•reement of June ?0, 19(5, by and between the City and Edward T. Hannan P- Associates, Inc. for-ar•ious enGineerinr work on sewer extensions be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Fressenber- and Navor 1.9ilson (1,). ti 00, 0000.00 Pon' Commissioner Davis offered notion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that, an Issue Industria Puildinr* Reveru ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING, FOR THE ACQUISITION P.Y THE CITY OF PADUCAH, Y.ENTUCYY, OF A BUILDING SUITABLE FOR USE AND OCCUPANCY FOR INDUSTRIAL PURPOSES, INCLUDIu, APPURTENANCES THERETO AND OF THE SITE UPON WHICH SUCH BUILDING IS LOCATED, Il." ORDER THAT SAID CITY MAY BE PROVIDED '1ITH FACILITIES FOR INDUCING INCREASED PRIVATE INDUSTRY IN THE COT71UNITY AS A MEANS OF AVOIDING AND COIISEQUE14CES OF UNEMPLOYMENT AND TO FRCi;CT:i THE GENERAL WELFARE OF SAID CITY, AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL BUILDING REVENUE BONDS IN CONiNECTION THEREWITH WHICH 1.4ILL BE PAYABLE SOLELY AND ONLY FROM REVENUES AND RENTAL INCOME FROM SAID INDUSTRIAL BUILDING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT OF LEASE AND RENT 'WHEREBY SAID BUILDING WILL PRODUCE REVENU.i iAND RENTAL INCOi SUFFICIENT TO FAY THE INTEREST ON AND PRI.^CIPAL OF SAID REVENUE BONDS AS THE SAKE BECO12, DUE", Fre adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners i Da -is, Hornsbv, Kressenberr and Mavor :Milson (4). Thereupon, the Mayor declared that th imotion had dul•r carried, that said ordinance had been dulv adopted and ordered that it Become effect.i--e ten days after the date of this meetinr in accordance with the provisiol of FRS f9.1o0 and that such ordinance should be as required bv'KRS 89.$45. 1 published Sewer connectio. ✓ Commissioner Porns`•• offered motion, seconded i•v Commissioner Davis, that an lea$ lii•lYIP_...11 r, ca'! s,3wer I ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT TO BE CHARGED FOR COI+NECTI1.G TO CITY SANITARY SE'rIERS CONSTRUCTED IN THE TERRITORY AIINEXED TO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF JTHE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEI!TUCY.Y, ON MAY ll, 19(5, SAID TERRITORY APUTTING ON' HINKLEVILLE ROAD WEST OF 32YD STRuST; 1ROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF CONNECTION' PERMITS; PROVIDING I cOR Thi. PAY:'•".EIIT OF THE CONNECTION CHARGE AND PROVIDING FENALTIE S FOR 'ISOLATION OF THE II i I OVISIONS HEREOF", ie adopted. Adopted on call of theholl, Yeas, Commissionors Davis, Florr.s,.•, b'ressan'er•• and FSavor Wilson (i). Id Commissioner Porns`•• offered motion, seconded by ComTiesionar Da -,is, that an _- 11 CP.DII:AICE ACCEPTING THE BID OF LE: 5 E. TILFOP.D d/h/a ED TILFORL FC:° THE INSTALLATICII OF Oi:E (1) CCAIILETE FACTORY BUILT ":fiCP.IZIIN'r. THE CITY i,Ail„"Er, TO SX:CUTZ A CONTRACT AIiD DcCLARI.':" .;:. .. ..:. '' a adopted. Adopted on call of ti,.e 801.1, Yeas, Cormci$aiorers. . c ; ;f.r�,nber-• and 1•1yor dilson :'. rota: nrr•i.,ed at the cee'ir- and :,r.c:r d t:ia dut1'.:S. ue-1128te �/ C,,mr1t>iar:er Yresson:zr sff' red motion, seconded •-^is91one r• i',,,:,.. -, Ibat ... fe$ ar, f• .. e .,. .. ... ,'.. ,,. I.. 1i.. a''! .. :i'. AC:: ..I ATA:. I . TH9 FZUAL"Y i a arlopsed. .Adopted on eall of c <, : t , ' ,,;: ; , ❑:,r Fra$$er-er-, Ione,. and Pa-rr '4il ..: ! ! I Procesdngs of__ Citi of Prd ..h ...ere 'ein- no further business to come before the meetinr, a motion was Wade, seconded and unaninousl•• carried that the meeting ad°ourn. ANPT3r PC. t_« 1. /C for G `--+—amity Clerk APPROVED 13avor