HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 243, April 27, 1965No. 21.3 Proceedings of Board or Commiraioners city of Paducah April 2^, 1.9G• - Joe D. 4vatt Yaintenance cparator in Floodwall Tra�-el allcwar. Assessor r^ileare Basis% Arrep`, 1 -id Faducsh l'aptis C:-urrt for C r-rtl rie fit p-� po r .- At a Recular Meetinr of the Foard of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamb of the City Hall, Paducal-, kentuckv, at '':30 P.M. on April 27, 19(-- 'e'ayor llilson presided and upon call of tte Roll the followinc ans:•iared to their names: Commissione Da --tis, F.crnsb^, Kressenherr, Parrott, and Mavor 'lilson (5), Favor 'Wilson offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for April 13 and April 20, 19/r, l -e wail!ed, and that the Minutes of said meeting prepared by the City Clerk be appro-ed as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davi:;; Hornstv, Kressenherg, iarrott and 'Mavor Wilson (5). Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornshv. that Joe L. 7t:•att, a maintenance helper in the Maintenance Department of the City, t:e emplc-.(I as a maintenance operator in the Floodwall Department of the Citv, effective Nay 1, l9cr. Such appointment not, beim- under civil service. Adopted on call of the Boll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornshv, Kressenberr, Farrott and Mavor Wilson (5). Commissioner Davis offered notion, seconded by Commissioner Hornshy, that the tra,?el allowance in the sum of *10.00 per month allowed to the Assessor by motion effective October 16, 195$1, be discontinued as of Nav l,'19(5, and that the business travel expense of the Assessor thereafter he placed on a mileage basis to be approved tv the Cit-: 7;anarer. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenber^, Parrott and Mavor L9ilson (5). Commissioner Davis offered the following motion which was seconded by Commissions Hornsl-v- .IH3RLAS on April 13, 19f1 an offer of Paducah Faptist Church to purchase the futhrie fit properta, from the Citv for the amount of 42,4.90.00 was rer_ei.-ed and filed, WHEREAS it is the present intention of the Board of Commissioners to accept such offer, reserving, hewever, a strip of ground off of the southwest corrar of said property from F0 to ^O feet in width, for the purpose of eliminating a sP,arp cur -:o i from ]."r.h S reel. to "P" Street. I nc-., .. °ore mo•e that such offer he tentati^elv accepted, suL"ect. to :.he reser-aticr e" aforesaid strip of rr0und, and suh9er,t to the siOdivislon a}:proval Count•: Planning Commission, and the Corpora'.` on Counsol and a,rtl'orized to tako all recessary step Ad i:te' ..n call -iissiorers Da^H is, ornsl -, Y.rena: r: :,.. 1;_ : a^or :5:1sor zrplo Life "c.•.. :.. C"fered motion, seconded Cu&rde. et^ in Recreation foi]a:rir.r tamed ; and t.hev are herety, :f .'&'. for rCllo:Jing positions, i ,?a' ... .i r iarela ierr. ra iaskrr.rGrn Attendant, efforli••a June 1, !:ell 'R:rker, Ticket seller, effucf.lve June 1, 19f', 1 .UU pe! - Life •:srd. e"fec?.ive .Tune 1, 196', , lh Cj.W per month a!+ ; smetror:,, Life r'tard, e£feo,i:re ,tur4e 1. 1965, M0..00 per month LiferuArd. effecri-O Jur# 1, 1365, 1x0.00 per mon': Proceedings of - -- ----- " i ^, ,rq City oFPaduca6 f.rri 1 9^ n: r T 2 1 a T Frederi i. .1, 111, Life ^ward, effective June 1., 1965, y140.00 per mo. Melinda Shields, Life Guard, effective June 1, 196, 4',11.0.00 per mond 'arl G. Wrinr, :Fadinr Fool Supervisor, Effective June 1, 191;1., 1100.00 per month Julie Andedser., Life Cuard, effecti,re June 1, 19£=, 1-11.0.00 per month jAdopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornshv, Kressenherr_, Farrott and :-avor ;lilsan {_), Com^issioner Horns ^ offered motion,. seconded l:v Commissioner Davis, that p. .ii]liam T. Atterlir,r, Jr., an equipment operator in the Street Division of the Public ores Department o' the Cit,, be employed as a maintenance operator in the Floodwall I D3par'rent, effe-,1-e May 1, 19f', such employment not heinr under civil service, tut I i ;ae said :'Filliam T. Atterhur­, Jr. shall retain his present civil ser -ice status as egt:iFrent operator in the Street Di-ision of the Public Works Department until such time III as i:9 rav acquire civil service status as a maintenance operator in the Floodwall Depart; ren'.. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberc, Farrott and isavor Wilson (5). Ij Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that E Da^is Jeffords, a truck driver in the Street Division of the Fuhlic Works Department he ad:-ancec to equipment operator in said division, effective May 1, 1965, and under all aFFlira'._e civil service provisions. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners 1 Kressenterr, Parrott and ,favor :•Filson (5), NJ Commissioner Xressenl•er� offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Farrott that `-e claim of ;Filbur t'Frirht, Route 1, Olmstead, Kentucky, against the Citv for damage o .s motor --ehicle h^ a fire truck of the Cit- on March 15, 1965, near 6th and Kentuck, A"en+,e, 'e cora romised in the amount of H F 200.00, and that the Cit-;- Treasurer pav said j Blair. a"Ser ser'rrin:- a full and complete release. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, I Ccr-:nissiorers Da -:is, Hornsi—, Kressen err, Farrott and Mayor :'Filson (5). I 'or -miss -loner K.resserrer.^ offered motion, seconded by Commissioner larrott, that: orr..•_� N Joi'.e. La-rre, a la` oyer ir. the Floorl;rall Department of the Cit.v, t?e Fromoted to mair..enancl cperator it said deFar'.:,ent, effe,cive ;:.a,. 1, lo:=. Such employment not hei.ntr under j Bial ser -.,ice. FL3op^_ed on c073 r.r >e toll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsfv, and "x-:br ii'_lsor. ^ager rr , ❑ :•r_ offered roticn, seconded iv Commissioner Farrott, that •F© ':oar, upFro`. -. .^.alf! . .. !'i . 'Wilma C!',7 of Paducah ..c Ls:v:s of ,.h.e !.C. '..spg;?t r„ -r n, a' •.�': i<G, i .Fif..•f .... ! rr -. - 4^�. inr Addition. to Dak !rove Cen4 ..• at.'i .6 a`. :e ^1^.rk 'e' a deed of corvevance to said ^.*Meme! :-& R. n!lrptgd 6': call .- .... . .. rlonars [avis, Horns±;;', iresstr'+r zarr.r arAYa.o^'931sr, r: { ). c-,mlasiarer Iarrot- offered m,:' 10r., 9ecor:dal i , ';omrissio!e, :.!essenter:-, rat. 7.te claim of William A. Hainsworl.,_ Contirentol Tnn, iad.IraF, Pentuekv,-a,-ains!. tf.s Cit. - for denare to 1.is a.;tor '.eP,Scle a Fcil” ..et.trle of tie City or ; _, real' 2;'.(; [ridge Street, 'e ocmproxiaed :n the aaaanr, of t3l".12, and thar: t1e Far said 'lain attar securir. & f^il ar.A co"Plate release. Adoptwl t. Teas, .'.orwi.ssi= _ ,arvi No. 2L r� Proceedings of_ 7oard of Commissioners CilyofPaducah April 2'°. 19Fx Au? re,- " crr, i arl: i olice Legere favor- l::i :•liri, G :a':•in7s Time ac- ids ila V rr.a :•;e•ids pr•S for . r_rks ?•. Rec. Com^issioner Parrott cffe'ed the following motion, seconded ty Con?missicner Kressenl-er.-: Upon recommerdation of Art Seel^e, Director of Parks S•. Recreation, I r:o,'e trat. AW-rc„ Thompsor, a laborer in the Park Maintenance Crew, be employed as I -ark Patrolman ir. :'o'. -le Park as of ,'av 1, h,c, at a salary of 4fi190.00 per month. Such appointment not lein- under ci-il ser -ice. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Da -is, Hornshv, Kressenberm, Parrott and %savor Wilson (5). Commissioner Parrott offered motion, seconded t;y Commissioner Kressanberr•, that the follorrinr letters favorinn da,rliRht savings time, be recei+,ed and filed: Sam livinrston - WPSD-TV t•:rs. E. K. Lamar, 2723 Monroe Ctrs. R. L. Cooper, 329 South 21st Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsb;:, Kressenberr, Parrctt: and 7,7a•or Wilson (5), . Commissioner Hornsbv offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that a resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR FURNISHING THE CITY OF PADUCAH WITH ITS REQUIREMENT OF NEW AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK TIRES FOR THE PZRIOD OF TIME FROM' JUNE 1, lofc TO DECEMBER 31, 196?', be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsly, Kressenher;^, Parrott and Mayor ::ilson (c). Commissioner Parrott offered motion., soconded t'v Commissioner Kressenberg, that a resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISl FOR BIDS FOP. TWO (2) N54 1961 TRACTORS FOR USE IN TH3 PARKS AND RECPEATIO;: DEPARiMEt!T OF THE CITY, A3:D PRESCRIBING THE TEMS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL F_i le adopted. Adopted on call or the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Da^is, Hornsby, i'r,essenherr, Parrott and 1,%,,or Wilson (n). 'r=A stoner Davis offered motion, seconded 1- commissioner Hornst-.r, that. an 'itled: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDI X SECTION 1 OF AN ORDI'dANC& ENTITLED: -. - :,}:D ADJUSTII:(l THE RATES OF PAY FGh C; RTAItd h0?:-GIYIL SERVI%S G:<ILG`LES !ADUCAI!', t}?ICl? WAS ADOPTED ON MARC!' 1', 195" AND AME:,n°D O:+ JULY 217 ;dapt.d. Ar?opt..ed on all of the Roll, Yeas, Crrmi „ior.era Davis, Harns!:t, reser Far-c'r, and 'a•or'!ikon (5). e a..,is c. "—ed motion seconded ? Cor^issi :J EI:DIt!G Ss,TIM' 2 OF C.. ?.—.... ni.ITARY DIVISION F ..... lii SAID ntVl.. a'• .. �. ., Kress9nt-er�,, and 19i.....- Ng. Proc*@&nysof rcard cf Conrissiorers City of P4dcoh— April 2', 10(5 Arend Cil:ilissioner 'ered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that an 0- Vice Crd. ,a C-14ranceCE AMENDING SECTIONS 7, 7-A, P -A, 8-B, 8-C, 8-D and 9 crlias.3s V CIVIL SERVICE ORDINANCE I, %q1ICH IVIAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD C' 7 F 2, 1Q !-, AND Al -1C NDED ON JANUARY 22, 19(3, JUNE 11, 1963, JULY 21, 10(1 11. be adopted. Adopted on call of theRoll, Yeas, CcMmissiorer!3 7a"is, Hornslry, Kressenberr, Parrott and Ylavor Vilson �Olic� _e Commissioner Frassen!7er, offered motion, seconded bv Commissioner Parrott, that Z Pt -d Crd. v, an ordnarce entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF All ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AN CRDIi;ANCE ESTABLISHING THE NITYBEP, RANKS AND M.ONTHLY SALARIES OF THE POLICE DEFARTIALENT A::D PEPEALINC ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERE1,11TH', WHICH 11AS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF 70,',7-!ISSICT!ERS ON AUGUST r, 19`2, AND ANEUDED ON JULY 21, 1960, be adopted. Adopted on -all of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsbv, Kressenber�, Parrott and Commissioner Farrott offered motion, seconded 1-v Commissioner Kressenberr, that an ordinance entitled: "Ai' ORDINA17CE. A1ZND!:,*1r, SECTION 2 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: *AN CK --.7-: '.:'D ESTABLISPI," A PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTP�CNT FOR THE CITY OF 1 II CREATI J,T r POSITIONS THEREIN AND FIXING SALARIES THEREOF?, -RICH -,qAs =CARD OF C01-2,11ISSIONERS ON DECErfBER P, be adopted. Adopted on cal leas, Commissioners Da-ris, Horns}--, Fxessenl:erp, Parrott and Mayor ',,Tilson Cc-=issioner Fressenl-er� orreT.ed motion, seconded by Commissioner Davisthat a r-cCracken Coun,•? Farm Fiireau dated April 23, 19-r opposinp daylight time tre Floard of Commissioners of the Cit- of Fadupah, 1--e received and filed. ^'3 or. call Of ".;Oil, Ycas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsl%.v, Kressenben-, Parrott 'Wilsor, (E). i -n motion *,-e m3ej:i_n, a,-4.