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Minutes Book 25, Page 201, January 26, 1965
No. 201 Proceedings of__Poard of gnMjaaiongrg City of PaducaJanuary 26, 1965 John holler appointed Human Rights Commission ?:rs. Vicki Br Temp License Clerk -Finance Dept Board of EducE tion Budget, A etc for 1965 At a Regular Meetine of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on January 26, 1965, Mayor Wilson presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioner Davis, Hornsby, Parrott, Kressenberr and Mayor Wilson (5). Mayor Wilson offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for December 22 and 29, 1964 and January 5, 1965 be waived and that the Minutes of said meetings prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberp, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Mayor Wilson md'de:the following appointment: I hereby appoint John Miller as a member of the Commission on Human Rights for a term of one year from this date. Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby that the of Airs. Vicki Brian as a temporary license clerk in the Finance Department, authorized on December 22, 196L by motion of the Board of Commissioners to be effective January 2, 1965 now be made retroactive to December 30, 1964. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby as follows: In connection with the Poard of Education Tax Rate for 1965, I move that the followim7 be received and filed: 1. Copv of Minutes of the Board of Education Meetine of January 23, 1965, relative to the Special School Tax Rate of 50;s. 2. Copy of Resolution of the Board of Education of January 23, 1965, relative to the Regular School Tax Rate and Poll Tar.. 3. Copy of the General Budret for 1965 of the Paducah Independent School District. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kra 11 Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). File lids on Commissioner Davis offered motion that the following bids for sale to the City o truck for Fark's etc I 19" 3 -con pick-up truck for use by the Parks and Recreation Department, be received an filed: Wilson Chevrolet -Cadillac Finr-Woodall Motors, Inc. Paducak Sales, Inc. ;i Adopted on, Tall of .he Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsbv, Kressenberr, Farrott 'f and Va-Mrfilocr. (°). File ^ontract I C. ris-3ierer Davis offered motion that the executed copy of the contract between Kir.r=acodall d Fire Dept � tie Cis• and Yin--Wnodall '%, ors, Inr., for sale to the Citv of one new 1905 Ford Falcon Carr -.,all I r :.az,ior pus, for use in tk-e i*irrs !;apartment of said City, he received and filed. u If Adol,tel or. rpll of ,Ie Poll, Yonn, Commissioners Davis, flornsk,v, Kressen':errr, Parrott and Ys -'or Wilscn (`.). L Liatilit. Ins I✓` ;onnissioner Davin cffererf ^o!.ior, that. the Cortificate of Insurance issued t,y laalla A Faea !i8 r1.CC81 .`. isre •_v (: CrFoPe T,iCn Gr creel .r'.rk LO i.e slle A. b'ea9C and tke ';i t.': Of i'adLJ C.9}.., YgrrUCk:, fcr a period of one e r ". January I, 11i r e racet•.•ed, apl.r, -:d and f led, Adopted Cr call of 'Ie - r,l ? . (gas, ('. f.0 ^19s1CAer9 Davis, llorn9w, farrott. arvi va :cr ail -tor. (r). No, 202 -- -- - Proc.e&n9s of _ Board of Commissioners- . _ --- il---- - - -- --- _-_ City of Paducah___ January 26, 1965 Kenneth J*Commissioner Davis offered the following motion, seconded by Commissioner Horns Holliday V ' Fireman It appearing from the report of Tommy Rothrock, Fire Chief, that Kenneth J. Holliday, a Applicant -Candidate in the FireDepartment of the City of Paducah, has satisfactorily completed the 60 day training period as such Applicant -Candidate as provided by ordinan I now therefore move that the said Kenneth J. Hollidav he, and he is hereby, appointed a fireman in the FiD t 1 f$ 0 00 h Temr mplove Parks~- Recr ratified i. i I fell crave ?tits .inn Add Buford i'.& i Director of Parks Ccrfirm e�plo•rrae n t Art Seelve re e Epar ment, at a sa ary o. 3 5, per mont , retroactive to January 16, 1965 at 6:1.0 A.M. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis Hornsby, Kressenber7, Parrott and Mavor Milson (5). Commissioner Davis offered the following motion, seconded by Commissioner Horns I move that the employment and rates of pay of the following_ part-time temporary em- ployees of the Parks & Recreation Department of the City be ratified: Orlan Darnall Square Dance Instructor $1.50 per hour June Burks Tap FL ballet Instructor 5.00 per day Nichael D. Jones Activity Instructor Rec. 1.25 per hour Ellen Al. Wright Juniorettes Instructor 5.00 per day Betty M. Esselstvn Tap & Ballet Instructor 5,00 per day Julia G. Harper Womens exercise instructor 3.00 per day Bonnie Gatlin Baton Instructor 5.00 per day Joyce Hodge Tap & Ballet Instructor 5.00 per day Frances Sanderson Tap & Ballet Ins. part time 5.00 per day Lona Carol Hayes Baton Instructor 3.00 per day Lana Robertson Juniorettes Instructor 5.00 per day John McVoy Gym Supervisor 20.00 per day Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, KressenberF, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Davis offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the se Ly the City of Paducah to Buford Ray of the northeast corner of Lot No. 385 in Block ho. F of the Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5), Commissioner Davis offered the following motion seconded by Commissioner Hornsb.l tLH�3 A£, on. December R, 19bL., the Board of Commissioners of the City of Faducah enacted an ordinance creating and establishinr a Parks and Recreation Department for the City, creati.n^ certain positions therein and fixing salaries thereof, and h'HEF.EA3, amonr the positions created therein was the position of Director of larks and Recreation, and WHERi;AS, Ar?, Ceel-io, wro was for-.erl': Recreation Director of the City was +zr.offiriall', nar..id as ancf. Dirvrtor of Forks and -Zecreation but no appointnent, thereof ra:'in^ ee:: rade of record, 1 nrw erefere re -re 'sr. tre emplo -ent of Art Seelye as Director of Parks andl erreatior, e, a.d ' e vire s ore''r•.• ronforrad and ranifind retroactive to Nover..ber lE{{r 19�i_ '.-re rc^penne'ion 6f .., ralJ Art eel:e and his free use and occupancy of the I residence at !;otle Park srall `e as net. forth fr. said ordinance. Adopted on call of � .. ..-r •(efts. `..7_^.i 99i9ne,^5 .ia'. •2, .'fG;"n gi•, Vrcggnn:ern, i'U r:'Ca }.L Und :a' -or '4ilson (�)� s. tcrer 5rR9'" � erel .....':.Cn 'r.ar i".88ar©r to diroct.ed CG tali: wen -seer ir.s <::. a s•-ee'. 1. aC. i. he interseclAor. of `.irvinia Street -'f ..'.G .'-:Oli,-i'CU3, ("C'M innionern ,na`lis, Hornaiv, Y: 0 Proceedings o%_ Fnnrri of_Gommi asi nnara___ Settlement Water :forks Sewer -Refuse Dec. loL No. 203 - City of Paducahslanuary 26, 1965 _ Commissioner Hornsby offered motion that the reports of the Paducah Water Works be received and filed, and that the followinr checks be turned over to the City Treasurer .to be deposited in the proper accounts: Refuse collections for December, 1964 ^9,778.25 Sewer Service Charres for December, 1961; 9,167.70 Bad Refuse accounts collected during December 10.40 Adopted on call of the Roll „Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). FoliceDept."I Commissioner Hornsby offered motion that the report of the FoliceDepartment for nearly report 1964 the year 1961, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsbv, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Sell rrave °^ Commissioner Hornsby offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the Rushing Add Hamock Funeral sale by the City of Paducah to Hamock Funeral Home of the southwest corner of Lot NO. 384 Home j iin Block No. 6 of the Rushinp Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of t Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Sell Lot in ; Commissioner Hornsby offered the following motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis Oak Grove to I Gladvs Aller. jI move that the Board of Commissioners approve the sale to Mrs. Gladys Allen and James A. Fc Janes A. Boyd & wife Boyd and wife, Beverly Ann Boyd, of the south one-half of Lot No. 26 in Block No. 3 of �I the Mausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery for the sum of $400.00. I further move that the City Clerk be authorized to execute deeds of conveyance to said cemetery lot. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, i Kressenherr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Altcn A. Horn;/ Commissioner Hornsby offered the following motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis Jr. Firerran It appearing from the report of Tommv Rothrock, Fire Chief, that Alton A. Horn, Jr., an �i Applicant -Candidate in the Fire Department of the Citv of Paducah, has satisfactorily completed the 60 day training period as such Applicant -Candidate as provided by ordinance Ij I nor: therefore move that the said Alton A. Horn, Jr. be, and he is hereby, appointed a jfireman in the Fire Department, at a salary of ?305.00 per month, retroactive to January itlr, 19fr at 6:1.1 A.M. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby yressen'ier Parrott and Ma*;or Wilson (5). Vernon Vaughr,� Comnissiorer Horns'.v offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis as follows: Temp Emploveeil La:orer ir.�Upor. reccmrerdation of "er.e F.uoff, Floodwavv Superintendent, I move that Vernon Vaughn be Floodwall .ccrcrar117r eriplo:'ed as a la`orer in the floodwall department of the city, at a salary of ''l.'0 per hour, retroa,-,A-e to January 12, 1965. Adopted or. call of the Poll, Yeas, .... ..,,;eioners I'a':ia, Free50nberr, Parrott and favor Wilson (5). ":I,e ride • f olice caro Connissioner Hor:a •r offered motion that the following- bids for the sale to the ,.:e (•') rex 1 c ;.-ipar medane, Por use by the fblica Department, be received . r..'. ^.61_ f. r• _ .. . 5^, .. ;?^,7:.r:°tr'9 !a':is7, I!nrn, ', F'rasseni Na _ 204. - _ Proceedings of_. R�rd o=Co:r,^�issior.ers _ _ _ City oFPaducah__January 26, 1965 :rle lids on V Cormmissioner Horrshv offered motion that the following bids on Data Processing Data Frocessi inr- 'E`q,_4-.ent; 3ouipment be received and filed: 'Water Servic Co^tract 1".a^or sire I Report of Bd .qualizatiorfl for 1965 /, ae!i jzra:e Rushine Add Pre* Watkins Burrourhs Corporation International Business Machines Corporation The National Bash Rerister Company Univac, Division of Sperry Rand Corporation Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr,, Parrott and Mayor :Nilson (5) . Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion that the Mavor be, and he is hereby, authorized to execute on behalf of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, a Water Service Contr between the Citv and the Woodlawn, Oakdale and Husbands Road :Vater District, which contract has been recommended by the Commissioners of Paducah Water Works. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberz, Parrott and Mayor Milson (5). Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion that the Report of the Board of Equal- ization for the year 1965 be received, filed and spread upon the Minutes. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott and Mayor ',•Wilson (5) . STATEMENT OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENT FOR 1965 City Taxes for the Citv of Paducah Kentucky Real Estate & Improvements:(Full Rate) 19 4 Final Assessment by Board 36,658.080 1964 Omitted Bills 4.1,970 19'1 Total Real Estate 36,700.050 19``> :,ross Increase by Assessor R Board4,220.550 19G, ;ross Decrease by Assessor & Board 2,424,670 19,' r i:et Increase 1,795,880 196.` Total Real Estate & Improvements 38,495,930 Personal Property: (Full Rate) 19?1 Final Assessment Zy Doard 10,497,090 19'L Omitted Bills t.f:,110 191L Total Personal Property 10,543,200 1i" "ross increase r,v Assessor ? Board 2,651,715 1 -roes Pecresse '-7 Assessor P Poard 2,2j1.0q —ease 416.680 i l' _, eon al. Propert;' 10,959,880 Improvenents i Personal i-roperty (Full Rate) 49,455,810 l: .Srrod ncts 3,338,`00 551,230 ace it(rl!" (Heal ":stare ri. Fersonal.) 105,230 (ileal Estate r, Personal) 17,920 eneral inP9) 25,260 ,.2.(0 13,028 T.oard of Equalization ;iix A!I'ritten , Chairman Aezerr„ ^.lerk Commissioner Pressen er • offered .^..otion ll a the nr,i of Cal mis 1ur:er s approve" the sale L.V the City of Psd•.ra'- tc Free 11&!kins or �Yc ,..,..., cor:r,r of L?st Fio. 3f�7 !!� in Block No. 6 of the i us>"irc Additicn to uak :ray: and ^.io : t.t:e i;ity Cleik i 'e authorized to sxeru.a a dee," or` ccn:a:arcs to sa:. ...me!er, -•ra.,a. Adoptedrr.: cal.l� of the Roll, Yeas, Comrissioners Lavis, Vorra -, Yressen'ter Parrott and "Payor Nilson �(:), Proceedings of Qy of p ducah January 26,_1965 Paul Iverlettl Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion seconded by Commissioner Parrott as employ Temp Floodwall V follows: Upon recommendation of Gene Ruoff, Floodwall Superintendent, I move that Paul Iverlet be temporarily employed as a laborer in the Floodwall Department of the City, at a salary of $1.50 per hour, retroactive to January 12, 1965. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Police Dept. Commissioner Y,ressenberq offered motion that the report of the Police Department Report Dec. 19(L I for the month of December, 1961,., he received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, eas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenbera, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). 3 File Urban I Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion that the executed copy of the Relocation Renewal Reloca- tion Referral) Referral Agreement, dated October 15, 1964, between the Urban Renewal &. Community Develo)- Avreement ment Agency of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, and the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Liability Ins Commissioner Kressenbera offered motion that the Certificate of Insurance issued b1.C.Rurrles, r by The Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York to M. C. Ruggles, Jr. covering trucking operations within the City of Paducah, for a period of one year from January 1, 1965, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners I Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Financial State- Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion that the Financial Statement of the Poli e hent Police &' Firemen's and Firemen's Retirement Fund as of December 31, 1964, be recevied and filed. Adopted Retirement Fund 19-':1, on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor ;Milson (5). Clerk's ( Commissioner Parrott offered motion that the copy of the letter of the City Cler Certification to Board of addressed to the Board of Commissioners dated January 21, 1965, together with the copy o Education. i I the letter written by her on the same date to Dr. Newman Walker, Superintendent of the Board of Education of the City of Paducah, and a copy of her certification as to the total value of all property in the City of Paducah subject to taxation in the year 1965, Fe received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsb•, (i 'rressem er„, Iarrott and h'.ayor Wilson (5). rota on Co-ii.ssioner Iarrott offered motion that this Commission receive and file copy o nc-A_on adopt.,! `•: t^e Paducal McCracken County Planninr Commission on January 6, 1965, in :•ir±ci” said ^r-iss±cc: recommends that the application of Herman A. and Josephine { r,(.`J•-aT,n for '.I of a portion of North Central Avenue (Rustic Avenue) betweer. and 'Woodla^d Drive, he denied. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, ±s, Pornsi YressenLerr, Parrott and P:avor :iilson (`). Iarr,,% (,ff,.red motion that the Poard of Cor.:missioners approve the sale :e Ci*'- of faav:cai .c `:1efd Furoral [(one of the Nortbwasr corner of Lot 385 In ;addition to ;:ak (!rove Cemetery:, and tra:. tha City Clerk to ,.. -.. - - ': :�;•. -. �- ,. •19ed to Said Cr":•,.:. .-ra'•e. Adopted on call o v;s, f(GfP..^h^, ... .... .. , t-arrGtt ar-.1 "aVUr'4ilnun (�Q. -• R .... caSasic .. F;' c.•'. .-o'ion c ^arr and ratan of pay of the j..: :�.. .,.. 9-r.•."i .;, rr� ,... i7`. .. , .. !:C f:i L'J r;e ratified: "2-;.M per month .r •: r r:^ r 2"`.t0 per month .. ... ..tsor i.`C per hour trassenv.er.,. IarrGtt 8n. Proceedings of City oFPaducah Tanuary_� 2 --29L,5_._ 'iie `ids ; Commissioner Parrott offered motion that the following bids for sale to the Ci :acicn .4arona larks S'. Rec. jj of one 1965 L -door station wa:or., for use by the Parks and Recreation Department, be I received and filed: File Contract Gulf Cil Cora za,. I itv Ins i-oren .-Sores i .tle claim ' rs. Ctha Fer furan • •- .slob,,_^❑ Wilson Chevrolet -Cadillac Farrinrtor. rotors, Inc. West Kentuckv Motor Co., Inc. King -Woodall Motors, Inc. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberg, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5), Commissioner Parrott offered motion that the executed copy of the Contract betwei the City of Paducah and Gulf Oil Corporation for sale to the City of its requirements of all renular and ethyl gasoline, for the period of time from January 1, 1965 to June 30, 1965, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenbern, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Parrott offered motion that the Certificate of Insurance issued by The Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York to Loren R. Jones and the City of Paducah, Kentucky, for a period of one year from January 1, 1965, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressen- terr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Parrott offered motion that the claim of Mrs. Otha Perryman, 733 South I.th Street, against the City for personal damages suffered by her, by reason of a alleged sidewalk defect, at the northeast corner of I.th and Washington Streets, on or about October 26, 196L, he compromised in the amount of *200.00 and that the Treasurer pay such amount to her after securing a full and complete release. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberr, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5) Commissioner Davis offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION , SITINC THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE (1) NEW CASE ASSEMBLY FOR USE IN REPAIRING AN ENDLOADER FOR USE IN THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, AND l F.ESCRiBIF.'G THE CONDITION'S UPCN WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenbern, Parrott and ai:::er Hornst-',> offered notion, seconded b:' Commissioner Davis, that a resc'•;'.;r.r ?: "A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCA APi:'::::: AFFIRMINr, AND ADOFTIrJ!", OFFICIALLY THE TEXT OF A LETTER WRITTEN i i.Y 23, 191.` i:Y JAM«S A. DAVIS, TOH.'.-;, HORNSBY AND WILLIAM L. KRESSENBERC, COMM.ISS 0 ID CITY, TC THE Cr idE POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSION RELATIVE TO� _ITICN A�,AIrJST CF:;+TAIN' _,.•., IN SAID CITY", be adopted. Adopted o = r.e Roll, Yeas, Cor^.niss;c. e -r; :iorr,s>, Yressenherr•, Parrott and 71avor nmissioner Dalin offeree }'o-lon i i ;?';, 1' a s' r r lta,i ",i". �RDLaAr.Cl; ACCEPTJNF THE PID CF yIN,;-'a10CDAIL p:,T_ORS, ;!: CITY �,F FIVE NS FOUR DOCR SEDAN AUTCYDBILES FOR USE ISI T;4^ F'GLICS !--'i .; ;">...' ci: i ,•r. FAPUCAH, FgNI ; ; . AND VRESCnew T?+E : PM A"}D CGN^ITIO!;° life,' ',Vt!': ; „ t!ALL Ri' r°aL 'v and regain Ori 4-11e ?'Cr al. .ea4' C -e (1) 'IeeB, 'or 1'. ..':} `. :cn in eorp:e^ed .*arae in :ri!cE it stat? Fe Is: afar i a r'_ I.a9�a:^q. ?. _ .:' .;n call n•' 'te ic.1, veas, Caamsissio-ers ia'S ia, Forns , tS'^�.*yf•.j:•r, r'atrott ar::I Xa,cr dilso^ (`). Proceedings of _ Poard of Commissioners Accept hid '1. i Chev. Cadillac Station Waron Farks, etc Pa,,, Edward Durell Store vl Terminate tenanc Market House i Accept hid a7ilsc ^.hev-Cadillac .ruck Farks, etc Eatahliah Civic Center 'Lone and Rezone property Na.___ 207 QyofPaducah January 26,_1Q63__ Commissioner Hornshv offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF WILSON CHEVROLET-CADILLAC, INC. FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF ONE (1) 196= CHEVROLET BISCAYNE STATION WAGON FOR USE BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be introduced and remain on file for at least one (1) week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenbera, Parrott and Mavor Wilson (r). Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF $L,871.26 FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO EDWARD DURELL STONE, ARCHITECT OF NEW YORK CITY, FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION 'WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURNITURE FOR THE NEW CITY HALL", he adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenberv, Parrott and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Parrott offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ANTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO TERMINATE CERTAIN TENANCIES IN AND ON THE MARKET HOUSE PROPERTY OF SAID CITY, AND TO EVICT ANY PARTIES WHO ARE OR MAY BE UNLAWFULLY IN POSSESSION OF ANY PORTION OF SUCH PROPERTY, AND TO CAUSE TO BE INSTITUTED ANY LEGAL ACTIONS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN THOSE RESPECTS" he adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Hornsby, Kressenherr•, Parrott and Mavor Wilson (5). Commissioner Parrott offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING, THE BID OF WILSON CHEVROLET-CADILLAC, INC. FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY -OF ONE (1) NEW lQ�,t CHEVROLET ONE-HALF TON PICK-UP TRUCK FOR USE BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UFOC WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be introduced and remain on file for at least one (1) week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon i a final passa,e. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, Commi.ssionersDavis, Hornsby, Kressenter,, Parrott and Mavor Wilson M. Favor Wilson offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FINAL REPORT OF TPF FADUCAH-McCRACKEN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION RESPECTING THE APLNUMENT OF 3F.CTION 1L OF THE PADUCAH ZONING ORDINANCE -19%•l, THE ADDITION OF A 146"1 F:CTICN '1'0 SAID ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A 'CIVIC CENTER ZONE', AND THE REZONING OF PROPER 'Y I:N THE NORTH SIDE OF WASHINGTON STREET BETWEEN 3RD STREET AND 9TH STREET, AND Of: THE SOUTH "-.IDL OF dAS11INGTCN STREET, BOTH SIDES OF CLARK STREET, AND THE NORTH STDE OF ADAMS STREE� i E BEEN ?kD ':TPEET AND PTH 3TREFT, AND AVENDING THE SAID ORDINANCE IN '!HOSE R:.SPECTS", Le adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionars Davis, Hornsby, Fras�lenhe ,•, Parrot* and Ka - r tiilson (r). r -o is `a meetinr ad+ourned. i .19.6r APPROVED oyer