HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 25, Page 120, March 24, 1964Proceedings of "_'r'=._=Sior, ers City of Paducah i a,cb 9! At. a Reeular Meetine of the P.oard of Commissioners held in the Commission Chani-er of the Citv Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on March 24, 1961_ Mavor Wilson.. presided and upon call of the Roll the followine answered to their names: Corm'_ssiorers Davis, Ferdle:•, Hornsbv, Kressenberg and Mavor :Nilson (5). Mayor ':Nilson offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for February 2 , :'.arch 9 and 'larch 14, 1961, be waived and that the Minutes of said meetings prepared by 11 'he City Clerk 1-e approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioner ?'avis, Fendley, Hornsby, Kressenherg and Mayor :Nilson (S). !:avor Wilson made the followine appointment: Subject to the approval of t e !'card of Commissioners, I hereb, reappoint Dr. Norman Parrott to serve as a member of th Paducah -McCracken County Planninr Commission for a further term of four (4) years, said term to expire on March 19, lg6a. i Commissioner Hornsbv offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberg teat the Poard of Commissioners approve the action of Thomas W. Wilson, Mayor, re- appointinr Dr. Norman Parrott to serve as a member of the Paducah -McCracken County Planning Commission for a term expiring on March 19, 1968. Adopted on call of the Roll Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendlev, Hornsty, Kressenberr and Mayor :Nilson (5). NOTE_ Said Commission is composed of the followine members: CITY IGKBEP.S Earl Smith :chose term expires on I -arch 19, 196L Jim Lyne whose term expires on March 19, 1966 Dr. Norman Parrott ;chose term expires on March 19 1968 R. L. Brockman, ex officio member (City Manalrer) T. A. Bradlev, ex officio member (City Engineer) COUNTY 11 -EMBERS amose term expires August 1, 1966 Po -,,les whose term expires August 1, 1966 :onrad whose term expires September 6, 1967 atel, ex officic member (County Enrcineer) 3 nstin, ex officio member (County Commissioner) ell �: ,o^.nissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Fendley that lar.c::a / Ye rissioners approve the sale `y the Citv of Paducah to Blanche Berryman r:-z�rrwrar corner of i,ot No. 302 in ?lock No. 6 of the Flushing Addition to Oak Cit: Clerk he authorized to execute a doed of conveyance 'ru',ri. Adcltsd on call. of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, F.resseni er• and °-a^cr ':iilson (5). .-^issicner Fer:dle•r offered motion, seconded h^ Commissioner Davis twa; 1 persons fie, and t.fe" .are 4p^Cl,•.', amployed in the Plood:ral] Depart 0 'o rhe fo:icwin r.sitions, effective date of employ -^r. No 121 ProceedingsoF Uarc 2L.1961. Board of Commissioners - City of Paducah !:arch 24, 19(4 Letter AnnexatilJ+ Cormi 4A F Al ff d otion a onded h Comm' i n D i th t the lette property of 'he TUnited Chur of Christ Ro: er:, E Goodma advanced to l ':ruck Driver in Refuse Dept. raducah '.'later :forks Settlemen for Sewer & 4 Refuse Feb 196] Lease ICRR part of Barkley Park', Repeal Compul retirerrer.t ordinance for police R:. fire 5 at a e 5 i-rnpose ar.nera- ticn T?-.* Unit i .; ," "ri ss_or._r an e. o ere m, s c y iss o er av s a of the Trustees of the Unity Church, The United Church of Christ, requestinr* annexation of certain of its property adiacent to the city limits, he received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Hornsby, Kressenberr and Mayor :'Wilson ( ° ) Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded b,, Commissioner Kressenberr, that Robert E. Goodman, a laborer in the Refuse Division of the Public Works Department, be advanced to Truck Driver, effective April 1, 1964. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Hornsby, Kressenberr and Mayor Wilson (5). Commissioner Kressenberr offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby that the reports of the Paducah Water Works be received and filed, and that the following checks he turned over to the Cit,, Treasurer to be deposited in the proper accounts: Refuse collections for Fehruarv, 1964 ;10,239.35 Sewer Service charges for February, 1966. 9,729.50 Bad Refuse accounts collected during February 25.40 Adopted or. call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Hornsby, Kressenberr and Mayor dilson (5). x Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenber7 that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO EXECUTE AN EXTENSION OF A LEASE BET'dEEN THE CITY AND THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY FOR A PORTION OF GROUND OCCUPIED AND USED BY THE CITY AS A PART OF BARKLEY PARK", be adopted. IAdopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Davis, Fendley, Hornsby, Kressenberr, and Mayor Wilson (5). / Commissioner Davis offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Kressenberr that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED 'AN ORDINANCE es l'ishin^ rules of the city of IADUCA11, KENTUCKY, PROVIDING FOR COMPULSORY RETIREMENT G: ' -PERS OF THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENT OF SAID CITY NOW, AND TO BECOME EUTITLED 'fv t:T AND FEPTIRZMENT ANNUITY BENEFITS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAI'TER 16 OF THE 1=" 0- THE GENTFAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMI4011WEALTH OF KENTUCKY, 1,01ICH CHAPTER OF SAID CONTAINED AND INCORFORATED IN CHAPTER 95 OF KEr1TlICKY REVISED STATUTES; AND L::r l.Ll::^ :.l.L 0°DTNAS CZS AI'D PARTS OF ORDINANCES Ii? CONFLICT i!ERES9ITH' , :!RICH AAS ADOPTED i�Y TRE. P0,%1 --D C' =7:I5SIONERS ON MARCH 13, 1962", be adopted. Adopted on callo] the ;:oll, yeas, Ccrnlssicn. rs ^avis, Hornsby, Kressenberr• anti Mayor 'W'ilson (4).] / C,sr%niss! crer Yronn,.n'-:r- offered motion, seconded by Comniss' or.er Hornnhp, that an tr<iisar^i en,ltled: !.i'C:1 PROPOSING ANIIEXATI0;7 OF 7:201....-,. -F 'ill;: :-,T, LYltlr� ADJACENT TO '..... O.I. ].! iI1It.' ACCURATELY TI?I? Ci' THc: 1'.:.fif.ITU':iY THE DE: ;IRA73ILITY A' ....::i:SS1TY lF ., ,';!i ANNEXATTQP:' i e sdsi: ::. Ae!opte c.r oral`. c e Poll. Yeas, Commissic:.,:rn Davis, Fer,il,:y, liornsi.y. Y: sser e: and Yavor Proceedings of Board of Corrmissicr.;-:: _ City of Paducah On notion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED{f�?� b _^19CL T� '� CitSClerk APPROVED