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Minutes Book 23, Page 87, September 14, 1954
Sell crave Rushin;; Add Pauline Pearson to install a fire hydrant on Goodman at 27th Street and on Goodman at 29th Street and on Fairmont at 29th Street. I further move that the adoption of this resolution be considered as an agreement on the part of the City of Paducah to pay the fire hydrant rental, as provided in the franchise, on the fire hudrants referred to in the letter of the Paducah ''later :lorka, said rental to be,,^,in when said fire hydrants have been installed. Adopted on call of t'nc: Roll, Yeas, Corrrisaioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5) Cornissioner Hannin offered motion tliat the Board of Commissioners approvo the sale by the City of Iaducah to Pauline Pearson of Gravo No. 48, in Block No. 8 of the :tushin;; Addition to Oai< Grove Camatory, and that the City Clerk be authorized to execut', a c. ed of conveyance to ;;aid cemetery Crave. Adopted on call of the Roll, yeas, ':c_.:aissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobi, i'I.; ;s and -Iayor Cherry (5). No.------$7-...._ _ Proceedings of Board of Comm1u4Qners _____ City of Paducah Sept-emb x 11., ias� _ I At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.Id. on September 14., 1954, Mayor M CCherry presided and upon call of the Roll the follovring answered to their names: • Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). ji Mayor Cherry offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for August 10th, 20th, 23rd and 24th, 1954 be vraived and that the Minutes of said meetings as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). r St. Light Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the petition signed by Mrs. Roy Alexander A, Mansfield and others, requesting the installation of a street light at the dead end of I' Alexander Avenue about halfvray between Paxton and Virginia Streets, be received and i, filed, and that the City I•anager be authorized to make investigation to determine the need for a street light at this location, and, if upon investigation it is found that said light is needed, that he instruct the Kentucky Utilities Company to make such installation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, i Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Street Lighb Commissioner Hughes offered motion that the petition signed by Erben Reeder 1500 block South 5th and others, requesting the installation of a street light at or near the middle of the 1500 Block on South 5th Street, be received and filed, and that the City Manager be j authorized to make investigation to determine the need for a street light at this location, and if upon investigation it is found that said light is needed, that he I jinstruct the Kentucky Utilities Company to make such installation. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Fire Hudrants/ ` Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: It appears from a letter Goodman & xj' ✓ Goodman & 29•I dated September 13, 1954, filed by the Paducah Water Works that they recommend the Fairmont & 29th Sts installation of a fire hydrant at the intersection of Goodman at 27th Street and Goodman at 29th Street and Fairmont at 29th Street, to provide fire protection to prop- i erty in this vicinity. I I therefore move that the letter of the Paducah I'later Works be received and I i filed and that the Paducah slater Works, through its Board of Commissioners, be authorize Sell crave Rushin;; Add Pauline Pearson to install a fire hydrant on Goodman at 27th Street and on Goodman at 29th Street and on Fairmont at 29th Street. I further move that the adoption of this resolution be considered as an agreement on the part of the City of Paducah to pay the fire hydrant rental, as provided in the franchise, on the fire hudrants referred to in the letter of the Paducah ''later :lorka, said rental to be,,^,in when said fire hydrants have been installed. Adopted on call of t'nc: Roll, Yeas, Corrrisaioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5) Cornissioner Hannin offered motion tliat the Board of Commissioners approvo the sale by the City of Iaducah to Pauline Pearson of Gravo No. 48, in Block No. 8 of the :tushin;; Addition to Oai< Grove Camatory, and that the City Clerk be authorized to execut', a c. ed of conveyance to ;;aid cemetery Crave. Adopted on call of the Roll, yeas, ':c_.:aissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobi, i'I.; ;s and -Iayor Cherry (5). Proceedings of 3nard of C:OLMi ssi o—S City of Endorse:aen / Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, file bond oi. i•.orrow Plb. and approve endorsement which forms a part of Bond No. 2543927 issued to R. C. Morrow & Company R. L. Hulsey d/b/a Morrow and Company, which endorsement reduces the penalty of said bond from 910,000 to $1,000. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and 1•layor Cherry (5). Letter C.C./ Commissioner Hughes offered motion that the letter From C. C. Crain, Chairman Crain ✓ Traffic of Trustees Baptist Tabernacle Church, thanking the Board of Commissioners for their 12 & Jeff thanks cooperation in the traffic problem at 12th & Jefferson Streets, be received and filed. IAdopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and / i-ayor Cherry (5) . Refuse Commissioner Hughes offered the following motion: I move that the SETTLEi'•MT: Settlement July 1954 CITY REFUSE ACCOUNT _ JULY 31, 1954, prepared and submitted by the Paducah Water works, be received and filed. I further move that the check in the amount of $,`?10,$37.90 be turned over to the hCity Treasurer to be deposited in the General Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas r, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Bonds & Commissioner Hughes offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, file policies a.T.Wilkins n and approve Memorandum, of Insurance issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Company pro- Billy Blackford tecting the City of Paducah with respect to work done by 19. T. Wilkinson for a period of G&H. Plumbir,Cc one year from September 14, 1954; Bond of Billy Blackford in the amount of ;;1,000 dated August 23, 1954; and also bond of W. F. Gilbert d/b/a G & H Plumbing Company in the dd amount of ;)1,000 dated August 30, 1954• Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissions s j1 Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). I; Fire Hydran. Commissioner Hughes offered the following motion: It appears from a letter, 16th & Ky. i Ave, dated September 13, 1954, filed by the Paducah water works that they recommend the installation of a fire hydrant on Kentucky Avenue at lath Street, as requested by City Manager Fred H. ;:organ, to provide better fire protection to the adjacent property. p� I therefore move that the letter of the Paducah Plater Works be received and Ffiled and tyat the Paducah Prater Works, through its hoard of Commissioners, be authorize to in=' ll a fire hydrant on Kentucky Avenue at 16th Street. I further move that the adoption of this resolution be considered as an ! azVeezent on the part of the City of Paducah to pay the fire hydrant rental, as provide in the franchise on the fire hydrant referred to in the letter of the Paducah eater Worlc , said rental to bcCin when said fire hydrant has been installed. Adopted on call of the Holl, :ear, Co-mibniorers Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and I•iayor Cherry (5). Dividends V Co_u1ibrioner Jacobs offered motion that the check oT Jo'k•, ?'a^ o::'; r: Life J ohn Yancoc Insurance lnruran-e COr-parry dat,,d Aw,,ust 19, 1.951,, in the cum of tiJ1,216.03, payable to the City of Pa,tucaa,., b<; receiver: and treat the sage bo delivered tm the Treasurer to be applied ¢ to the Gareral -`urd pursuant, to an ordinance of rrcord in Ordinance Book 12, page 385, air 6ic-ci: Laing for earner; dividcnas on ,.roup inburance authoriLed by said ordinance. dc.0"i G. call of tha ;loll, _'ean, Ce-s".irsionerr, Hannin, 11LVhe:;, Jacobs, Rigs and ectiteen- /� c issicr, r Jacce " I station t "t tho letter from 14. L. Zanders requontinL ©Lion G16 }/ � Side Civ , F i ,io" c ccnr.Gc Liz r er;r r c sial- the city limitz to a city sewer on Sunset f t:al ",e LLC'2 Jo r., be rtic9lves a :Seed. A..G,,tes err c411 of the :toll, `leas, Co=iissioners Haunin,; hugte5, Jacobs, ..ias ata &;,;eor Cherry (5). I s i k Proceedings of Board of Commissioners C;ty of Padacah September 14 1954 ✓}/ Refuse Commissioner Riggs offered the following motion: I move that the SETTLEr-WIT: Settlement August 1954 i CITY REFUSE ACCOUNT - AUGUST 31, 1954, prepared and submitted by the Paducah "ater l'lork , be received and filed. I further move that the check in the amount of ;)10,353.10 be turned over to the City Treasurer to be deposited in the general fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, i Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Letters R.C. Commissioner Riggs offered motion that the letter from R. C. Jennings, dated Jennings & Elmer Y.Hollid August 26, 1954, relative to his contract to apply one and one-half inches of blacktop Streets in River Oaks surfacing to the streets of the River Oaks Subdivision; also the letter from Elmer Y. Hollis, the Engineer on said project, dated August 2$, 1954, regarding the sarnc matter, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Contract with Commissioner Riggs offered motion that the Contract dated August 16, 1954 I•lotorola j' I; between Motorola Communications & Electronics, Inc., of Detroit, Idi.chigan, and the City of Paducah, Kentucky, for one Motorola Model T53G-1, 60 crabt mobile unit, complete with y-6 accessory group for 6 volt operation, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Baptist �i Commissioner Riggs offered motion that a letter, dated August 25, 1954, from Revival Thanks for Rev. J. Frank Hixon, General Chairman, Baptist Revival Cavalcade, expressing the cooperation ! gratitude of the Baptists of the West Union Association for cooperation during the recent Baptist Revival Campaign, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Liability Commissioner Riggs offered motion that the Hoard of Commissioners receive, file policy Billy Blackford and approve Certificate of Insurance issued by the Connecticut Indemnity Company pro- tecting the City with respsct to work done by Billy Blackford. Adopted on call of tine Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Sell grave ini / Commissioner Riggs offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the Rushing• Add Iola Hall I sale by the City of Paducah to Nola Hall of Grave No. 49 in Block No. S of the Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, ii Commissioners Hannin Hughes, Jacobs ug , , Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Bad Refuse Commissioner Riggs offered motion that the check in the amount- of Y1�60 from accounts collected June & July the Paducah 'dater 'dorks which represents bad refuse accounts collected during June and July, 1954, be turned over to the City Treasurer to be deposited to the General Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners llannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and q ::ayor Cherry (5C investigate L easinc; fr,:ory 1ayor Cherry offered motion that the City i;:anaEcr be, and he is hereby of directed to irvesti,,,ate as to who has the legal authority for leaning the Armory building; to persons or orianizaLions for dances and other forms of amusement, and after I � ra'ri.ng such irvezti;,aticn that lie make a report to this board. Adopted on call of the ,ell, Yeas, Corrisuioners Hannin, Hughea, Jacobs, RliTs and I•:ayor Cherry (5). J No.— _ __—.9Q__ --- - — Proceedings of Board of Commissioners city of Pad"cah.1�_;;-�- I 14-1 1954 Deed from I<ayor Cherry offered motion that the Deed from Richard C. Smith, et al to the Richard Smith Open Bloom City of Paducah dated August 25, 1954, conveying a strip of ground for use in the Avenue opening of Bloom Avenue, which deed is recorded in Deed Book 352, page 427, be received I I and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Rirgs and Mayor Cherry (5). Letter Ky. j I•Lyor Cherry offered motion that the letter from G. H. Parker, Manager, Kentucky Inspection Bureau Inspection Bureau, dated September 1, 1954, regarding Paducah Fire Department Personnel, Fire Dept personnel be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Purchase 1 Pad. box &; Basket Co Beltline Highmay Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Mayor Cherry offered motion that the letter from Prewitt Lackey, Chairman of the Paducah Planning and Zoning Commission, dated September $, 1954 to the Mayor and Commissioners, relative to certain statements made by Mr. Joe C. Marshall, Vice President of the Paducah Board of Realtors, in a letter to the Board of Commissioners dated August 10, 1954 regarding the proposed subdivision ordinance, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and FLayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, A QUIT -CLAIM DEED TO SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY, A CORPORATION, CONVEYING A PORTION OF A UTILITY EASF'iIFNT SOUTH OF QUARLES AVENUE IN PADUCAH, KENTUCKY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDIIIAIICE AMENDING SECTION 3 OF AN ORDINAIICE ENTITLED: TAN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUILDING CODE RECOI•11-DNLDED BY THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS, EXCEPT CERTAIN CLAUSES AND SECTIONS THEREOF WHICH ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY ELIMNATED, AND ALSO ADOPTING THE STANDARDS OF SAFETY APPROVED BY THE DIVISION OF INSURANCE FIRE PREVENTION AND RATES SECTION OF THE STATE OF KENTUCKY; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINITIENT OF A BUILDING INSPECTOR TO ADID:I:IST-771- AND ENFORCE THE PROVISIONS OF TILE BUILDING CODE AND TILE STANDARDS OF SAFETY; FIXIIIG THE FEES TO BE CHARGED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH FOR BUILDIIIG AND WRECKING a FEI>??TS; FIXING AND PRESCRIBING THE QUALIFICATIONS OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR, HIS a' COi,TENOATION, POWERS AND DUTIES; PROVIDING A SEPARABILITY CLAUSE AND REPEALING ALL a ORDINAIICES IN CONFLICT THERU.1ITH; AND FIXING THE PENALTY FOR VIOLATIO14 THEREOF, WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COb3•D:SSIONERS 0II SEPTEMBER 24, 1946, MID AL•SliIIDED r OII FEBRUARY 27, 1951", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners !9 Hannin, Hurhes, Jacobi, Rigrrs and I%ayor Cherry (5). a Co•missioner Riggs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Air' ORDINANCE III AU^:HORZZ?ti^. `iifE PU3CILAS'�; OF CERTAIN LAUD FROM THE PADUCAH BOX F; BASKET COAPAIIY, INC. AY PII.3POSE3 FOR THE U3:: AND DMIEFIT OF THE DEPART1,01T OF HIGHWAYS Ci.z, AILD F3?Z RI AIIG 1I HE TIiLU•IS AND CONDITION OF SUCH introduced ami remain on file for public inopectlon for at leant ono (1) wuc< ir; t" co=plctV.;for- In which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call, of tae troll, Zeus, Co icnioners R nnir., LfuZh33, Jacobs, It'i,-zs and i•ayor Cherry No. _ _91.__ Proceedings of Ronrd_ of—C.ommi nsionors . City of Paducah September 11, 1954 Fire Dept ✓ Mayor Cherry offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE 94ENDING Fm. Rank n: Salaries SECTION 1 OF Ali ORDINANCE MITITLED: IAll ORDIIIAIICE ESTABLISHING THE NUMBER, RANKS AIID 14ONTHLY SALARIES OF THE FIRE DEPARTI•IENT AND REPEALING ALL ORDINAIICES IN CONFLICT HERM-1ITHf, VIHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COIIIISSIONERS ON DEM-113E.R 11, 1951, AND A!-DETIDED Oil JUNE 9, 1953", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comm- issioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and I•Iayor Cherry (5). Sewage ✓ Commissioner Riggs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ail ORDINANCE Disposal p Bond Issue OF THE BOARD OF COAS•IISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, CALLING Ail ELECTION Question AS TO INCURRING AN I_NDEBTEDIdESS, THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS OF THE CITY, I11 THE AKOUNT OF 01,2$0,000.00, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FIIIANCING THE COST OF C014STRUCTIlIG A r SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT, T11CLUDING THE SITE, TREATMENT PLANT, PU14PING PLANT, IICTERCEPTIIIG SANITARY SEVIER, RIGHT OF YIAY, ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION PLANS", be introduced and remain on file for public inspection for at least one week in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adoptrd on call of the Roll, Yeas, r Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5), i On motion the meeting adjourned. it ADOPTED :i ce✓ 2- J 1954 APPR(XED 1•ayor —amity C3er- -- i C I