HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 559, September 23, 1958No, 559 Proceedings of Doard of CommissionersCity of Peduceh Sepmber 23, 1955 At a Regular :ceting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on September 23, 1955, :Mayor Jacobs presided and upon call of the Roll the follovring answered to their names: Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and ;Mayor Jacobs (4), Commissioner Fairhurst being absent. :Mayor Jacobs offered motion that the reading of the ;Minutes for Septem bcr 9, 1955 be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk be approved as smitten. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (4). later connec•ion_ Commissioner Gholson offered motion that the petition of Dewey Hopkins and Dewey Hopkin Husbands Rd his wife, riyrtle Hopkins, for permission to make one 3/4 -inch connection to the privatel owned water pipe line of the Husbands Road Community Wlater Company for the purpose of furnishing water to one residence only upon a lot owned by petitioners fronting 71 feet on the west side of Husbands Road in McCracken county, Kentucky, outside the corporate limits of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed and that the request- petitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on cc of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and mayor Uacobs (4). Water Compan� Commissioner Fendley offered motionthat the reports of the Paducah dater corks settlement Refuse 2: V be received and filed and that the following checks be turned over to the City Treasures Se:•rer for August 1955 to be deposited in the proper accounts: Refuse collections August 31, 1955 ;9,525.45 Bad Refuse Accounts collected during August 1955 4.50 Sewer Service Charges August 31; 1955 9,751.50 Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and 3layor Jacobs Letter Mrs. Commissioner Fendley offered motion that the letter, dated September o, 19550 Zielke-" emetei y from Prs. Helen Rieke, expressing appreciation for the splendid way in which Oak Grove Cemetery is being kepe, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the ;loll, Teas, ommissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and ?•Iayor Jacobs (4). :_le contrac Commissioner Fendley offered motion that the contract between the City of ;;ational Cas! Co Paducah and The National Cash Register Company for the purchase of one National cash re,7,istor be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ycas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and I•Iayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner Fendley offered motion that the employment of Donald Trimble, Trimb ?•yn::^. iabert Lynch, litho ::ajors and James Ro,,ors as c-tra laborers in the cemetery department i4orn eters be terminated an of September 30, 1955, and that the employment of Arthur Harris in tho . , .... ..ctrl, ✓ 7rnploy ?.o:tiooci' Asscss,r srr,e department be terminated as of October 15, 1950. Adopted on call of the itoll, Yeas, Commissionera ;'e:.dley, Gholson, Hook and ?•ayor Jacobs (4). Fendley offered the follOwIIIV motion: Z move that J. .J. Lockwoo-d to ecployet: ;<.. ..... r, uffecti.vV Cctobnr lis, 1958, at a ctartlnp aal.ary of J00.00 per rsn at; .,. ,ion of six mcmh : t;,., n1 my shall be ;.310.0c) por r.:orith; at he e;pirati��-. .. . :..'..ha tizo ,alar, rirt'!1 ,rnJ per nonth; at the ezplzation or elChteen months tha salary shall be y.,;':.. ?,.. ,....th and at the e,-,piration of twenty - _,;<r ,months the salary shall be 040.00 pot, month, such inerear:e: to Ine rude upon ^e cc- sa:<:a.3on of the =:ity manal,er. (4). Na o0 Proreedings of_ pard of Commissioner: City of Paducah September 23 1955 I further move that the said J. A. Lockwood be allowed a monthly auto allowance in the amount of 450.00 in addition to his salary. Adopted on call of the I Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (4). N -'_d o_" -odd' Commissioner Gholson offered motion that the bid of Middle :lest Roadd Company lost -;oad CoG ''`_led for resurfacing of streets in the City of Paducah, be received and filed. Adopted on I' call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and I.layor Jacobs (4). Liability InF Commissioner Cholson offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, Ec bond -Harold' L. Jones file and approve liability insurance issued by Bk.rpland Casualty Company covering work done by Harold Jones d/b/a blest Kentucky Asphalt Company for a period of one year from a August 22, 1955; also bond of the said Harold Jones in the amount of ;3,000.00 dated August 22, 1955. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and :dayor Jacobs (4). Dr.Donoho Commissioner Gholson offered motion that the resignation of Dr. G. B. Donoho, �esignation Park "oard 1'. as a member of the Paducah Park Board (white), be received, filed and accepted. Adopte on call of the Roll, -Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Idayor Jacobs (4). mettle claii Commissioner Gholson offered motion that the claim of Louis Theobald, against Louis Theob^gid the City of Paducah in the sum of ,x19.90, for damages to his autommbile by a city refuse truck on Clark Street between 7th and 5th Streets on Septer;ber 4, 1955, be allowed; and that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to issue a check for said amount, after securing a full and complete release. Adopted on call of the i Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (4). '2Ci.00 per Commissioner Gholson offered the following motion: I move that the sum of month toi ''umane Sec. (' .1200.00 per month be allowed McCracken County Humane Society, Inc. .from Account ;r`4440 Dog Catcher J i'er'c•rr.. Leave .. ;;cn 1 days f of .:ept a 3*2-1, Grave WAthing Add k to Jeanette Haynes for the purpose of selecting and employing a person to perform the duties heretofore performed by the Dog Catcher employed by the City, such payment to begin for the month of Cctober, 1955. The duties of the person so selected and employed shall be under the direction and cupurvision of the Society and diligent effort shall be made to impound all un- licensed dots in the city. It shall be required that all dogs so impounded and not lestroyed shall be licensed and vaccinated at the time they are released to new owners. have free use and maintenance of the city truck heretofore used by "or business purposes only. ire :. .ty shall make monthly reports tc. the City :tanager in the form and r: , ,. , r•:•r,^rihe6 by him. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Con^tissioner:; Fendley, and Payor Jacobs (4). :o sission_r :ioote offered motion that. the letter dated September 10, 1956, of orbert, a member of the police dopartnnn t, requesting; a leave: of absence with- G•.t p:,y or other beret:"% -, - _,eriod of fiftoen (15) day.^. from said date, bo receive Lnd filet, un -i 1 .::roh request; bo and the sane is hereby fr•ante;d. :l&GPt.._., call. of -_., ..:;,r., .r....insioners: Pen�7ley, !;hol^on, hook and Mayor , acc a (,l. ,o=issio:er :took offered mot=or, that ti=e :roard <;f Commis:io::crs ;improve sale by the :ity of Paducah to :^•rs. Jeanette Haynes of the east ane -i al i' OL' :.ot in -,_._?: ::o. 7 of he iZuzhirZ A -I Lio.^. :o Cak Grove :emetery, .:end that the _,.y aut:,o:-ized to exec-ute a deer, of scnveyance to said cemetery Crave. Adopted on call. of the .toil, Yeas, CQW!ssioners =endley, ihOlfl�, loe.S and Iiayrr Jacobs (.'J. No 561 Proceedings of°a1'a of Commissioners Crty of Peduc■h September 23 195 _ Liability Ins. Cooper Plumbing Co. and Little+: on Pl'c. :ic; t. .o Request bids Backhoe and Loader Employ '.dilliams ::illia^..s L Lent. Audit 1958 Amend Section 32.5 Civil k Service Ord Create Board of Park Commission ers Appoint new Park 2oard ::e:zbers Approve Park Board reabers Accept bid Woodall Et Wagon tire. Commissioner Hook offered motion that the liability insurance issued by :National Union mire Insurance Company covering work done by Elvin L. Cooper d/b/a Cooper Plumbing Company for a period of one year from April 6, 1955; also Cortificatc of Insurance issued by The Fidelity and Casualty Company of :deer York to Dam Littleton d/b/a Littleton Plumbing and Heating Company « The City of Paducah, 7antucky for a period of one year from August 7, 1955, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and '.Iayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner Hook offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTIG:: REQUESTIiIG THE CITY KANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE CO:-IBIiIATIO;d BACKHOE AHD LOADER FOR USE Iii THE PUBLIC 'JORKS DEPART1,21IT, AiID PHESCRIBIi:G TILE COIIDITIONS UPON 7&IICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE i-dADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Idayor Jacobs (IF). Commissioner Fendley offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AIJ ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EI•TLOYMENT OF t•IILLIA:-1S, 1ILLIAI-IS AND LENTZ, CERTII'IED PUBLIC ACCOUIITS, TO IKAKE AN AUDIT OF THE ACCOUIdTS OF THE CITY Or PADUCAH AND ALL CITY OFFICES FOR THE YEAR 1955 III CONSIDERATION OF THE PAY:dEIIT TO THEM OF THE SUM OF •,3,000.0011, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner Gholson offered motion that an ordinance entitled: 14lil ORDINANCE AIMIDING SECTION 32.5 OF TILS' *APPOIi•I^tIYE E:'•IPLOYEESt CIVIL SERVICE ORDINANCE+, MICH SECTION i/AS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COI•ir•B:SSIONERS OTT LARCH 29, 195511, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jaco Mayor Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AHI ORDINANCE CREATING A BOARD OF PARK CODDIISSI01MRS FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEIITUCKY AND PRL3CRIBING THE 7,TZ IERSHIP, TERi-:S OF OFFICE AND DUTIES OF SUCH BOARD", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (4). Mayor Jacobs made the following motion: 1,1119FUEAS, by an ordinance adopted by th Board of Commissioners on September 23, 1955, there was created and established a "Deal of Park Commissioners" to be composed of seven (7) members, one of same to be appointee for one year, two for two years, two for three years and two for four years, and `,H:a3:.S, no appointments have been made to such board. i I now therefore appoint Phil Gillihan for a terra of one year; :doodrow ilook and Charles Vendevolde for a term of two years; Charles I:cdlain and Polk Brooks for a term of three years, and Coy Stacey and Howard Volley for a term of four yearn, i ':oruriinnioner 7endley offered motion that the Doard of Commissioners approve thej i action of Georro C. Jacobs, ?:ayor, appointin£ Phil Gillihan to serve as a member of ti .onrd o ?ark Co:miss,onorn for a toren of ono year; idoodrow Hook and Charlos Vandevelda for a to -m of two years; ;har•lcs i:cClain .and Polk :rooks for a term of throe yea rd, an� ..oy :.tc_ey and ..:ea:•d :volley for a toz•m of four years. Adopted on call of' the Roll, ''eas, Co ,issionerr :'endloy, r:holson, 11007! and i'ayor Jacobs (4). Co^=issioner i'endley offered motion that an ordinance ACCEPTI::G -ZiZ SID OF KI :f,-UffdiDALL TIE I'USt ...,..., 04E NEd S-2— .. i FOR UU IIs° 1M FIPa✓ Ds.pkR7.10IT AND AU.:::. ;' IM:- CITY .Mffl ", :.e adopted. Adopted ca call o7 the :toll, _t:as, Rook and ' yor Jacobs (.b). s (4). Proce dmgs o/__._—_ _?"•=='s.'•_�_'�""_n� s=or.cr ___ City of Pad.coh September 23 1958 ..acept bid �/ Commissioner Fendley offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ail & pploy Uilliar: L. ?utter Assistant Treasurer C:") 7 TIE CITY 11ANAGER TO EXECUTE A CO,ITRACT :'-)ITM MIDDLE WEST ROADS "03 THE RsSUP^rACIIG OF VARIOUS STMETS IH THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, RAISING AND RESETTING OF MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS AILD tfiOilUt•MNTS, AND PRZ- 3C =. YERAS AIdD CONDI^_IOI;S OF SAID CONTRACT", be introduced and remain on file for public inspection for at least one (1) creek in the completed form in which it shal be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and i,.ayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner Hook offered motion that the request of Earl R. Hays and Carl C. Crafton, floodwall maintenance men, that they be placed under the Appointive Employeest Civil Service Ordinance be received and filed, and further move that said request be granted, effective October 1, 1958. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner Hook offered motion that the request of James Humphrey, Neva _:orris and Kenneth J. :fallace, operators in the Sewage Disposal Department, that they be placed tinder the Appointive Employees Civil Service Ordinance be received and filed, and further move that said request be granted, effective October 1, 1955. Adopted on.call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (4). Uayor Jacobs offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINANCE AUTHORIZIi:G THi; CLOSING OF A PORTIOi•I OF A-, ALLEY IN BLOCK LL, CHAIBLIN, HURRAY AND 320'::1:1I ADDITION, AHD AUTHORIZING THE CORPORATION COUNSEL TO INSTITUTE ACTION IN THE i-1cCUCY--NI CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE PURPOSE OF CLOSING SUCH PORTION OF SUCH ALLEY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and 7,ayor Jacobs (4). Commissioner Gholson offered motion that Jilliam L. Rutter be employed As Assistant Treasurer, effective September 24, 1955, at a salary of .31,0.00 per month_. :adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook and ::ayor Jacobs (14.). Cr. notion the meeting adjourned. AlIG?' ED G ctocer 11 1955 APPROVED � � J �, �% /''J`L� ✓-