HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 547, August 12, 1958Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah lZapt
Pierce Lackey
reappointed on
Housing C6mm-
Approve appoint
ment Pierce
Lackey Housingi
dater connectioi
L.fi.Jones on
41st St /
Water :onnectio,
W. L. uo rcerdin<,
No 547
At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chvnbc
of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.I•i. on August 12, 1955, Mayor Jacobs
presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners
Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5).
Mayor Jacobs offered motion that the reading of the Minutes for July 22, 1958
be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting as prepared by the City Clerk be approved
as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley,
Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5).
i<ayor Jacobs made.the following appointment: It appearing that the term of
office of Pierce Lackey as a member of the City of Paducah I•:unicipal Housing Commission
expired July 22, 1958, subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners, I hereby
appoint the said Pierce Lackey for a further term of four (4) years,'so that said
Board as now constituted shall be composed of the following members:
Morris McBride, whose term expires July 22, 1959
Robert C. Cherry, whose term expires July 22, 1960
J. 1. Munal, Jr., whose term expires July 22, 1961
Pierce Lackey, :chose term expires July 22, 1962
George Jacobs, I,ayor and Ex -officio !•:ember
Commissioner Fendley offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the
action of George Jacobs, re -appointing Pierce Lackey to serve as a member of the City of
Paducah Municipal Housing Commission for a further term of four (4) years, beginning
July 22, 1958. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley,
Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5).
Commissioner -Fairhurst offered motion that the petition of Loren M. Jones for
permission to make one 3/4 inch connection to the li inch privately owned grater pipe
line owned by Loren M. Jones so as to furnish water to one residence only to be con-
structed upon Lots 10 and 11, and one 3/4 inch connection to the 2 inch privately owned
.rater pipe line owned by Loren M. Jones so as to furnish water to one residence only to
be constructed upon Lots 12 and 13, in Block nG" Avondale Heights Addition to the City
of Paducah, Kentucky, fronting on the east side of 410t Street or Valley Road in
i:cCracken County, Kentucky, and outside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah,
Kentucky, be received and filed and that the request petitioned for therein be granted
subject to the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll,
Zeas, Co:.amissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, hook and I:ayor Jacobs (5).
Cor._misi:ioner Fairhurst offered motion that the petition of F. Leiiot Borgerding
and hic, :rife, :'arFery B. Borgerding, for permission to make one 3/4 inch connection to
an eight inch. ,rater main owned by Paducah :•Fater Works so as to furnish water to one
residence con tructed upan Lot :'0. 1 of 4Findsor-59oods Subdivision, fronting 150 foot
on the east aide of Friedman Lane in McCracken Jounty, Kentucky, and outside the cor-
porate limits o the laity of paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed and that the
re;Les% in said position be grnntnd in ctccordgcL with the terra and conditions in said
petition. r'oard on call of the aol.l, Yoas, ;7a:neii0siono:^,: iairinrrat, Fendloy,
r 0150a, ... ;.. .: 1 .;acobn (5).
offered motion that th, petition of Ephraim Ands•ew : Jaee
aad his wife, :a, , ..r Po•,i ioa to make one 3/.1• inch connection to the
one inch r.c.::tel, pipe 11-10 lo,.a,ted on :.algia:; ,treat a;.d owned i>y the
:ern®!ayes., ;i er 2, for tt,a pus pose of furnishiing tauter to one residencel
No. 5.' -&--
Proceedings of Board of Commis ioners
`later conned
Stanley ✓
42nd Street
City of Paducah iu,^,uGt 12, 19$$
only to be constructed upon a lot fronting 97 feet on the North side of Uelson Street
in :!cjracken County, Kentucky, and outside the Corporate Limits of the City of Paducah,
Kentucky, be received and filed and that the request petitioned for therein be granted
subject to the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll,
Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5).
Commissioner Fairhurst offered motion that the petition of Stanley I•IcMurtrie
and his wife, Ruth McMurtrie for permission to make five 3/4 inch connections to the
2 inch privately owned water pipe line owned by Loren M. Jones so as to furnish water
to five residences to be constructed upon Lots No. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, in Block 6, of
Minerva Place Addition to the City of Paducah, Kentucky, fronting 360.76 feet on the
east side of Cardinal Lane (42nd Street) in McCracken County, Kentucky, and outside
the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, Kentuck-
y, be received and filed and that
the request in said petition be granted in accordance with the terms and conditions in
said petition. adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley
Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5).
Commissioner Fendley offered motion that the following bids on a station wagoh
for use in the fire department, be received and filed.
King -Woodall Motor Sales
:;est Kentucky Motor Company
Farrington Motors, Inc.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook
and Mayor Jacobs (5).
Commissioner Fendley offered motion that the following bids on dump trucks
be received and filed:
Twelfth Street Garage
King :Joodall Motor Sales
Jest Kentucky Motor Company
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook
and i'ayor Jacobs (5).
Commissioner Fendley offered motion that the resignation of Wayland Mitchell
as City Tax Assessor, effective August 20, 1958, be received, filed and accepted.
Adopted on call of the Roll, 'Leas, Convnissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook
and C:ayor Jacobs (5).
Com.-niorioner Fendley offered motion that the liability insurance policy issued
by tt.e United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company to the City of Paducah coverin,r I
,turf done ty W=e -',t D. Hannan and David Hannan d/b/a Ed. D. Hannan for a period of one
year fro- July 3?, 1953, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call o: the I
Poll, Yeas, _.... onors Fairaurrt, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5). 1
^..'_ io - =--vi on offered motion that the following bid on itemittance P:lchini
for use in the na.nce Department of the City of Paducah be racoived and filed:
The .:rtion.a_ ,azh :!egi.,ter 7or,pany
Adopted or. cr;ilof ..ee ::oll, Yeua, 'aonvnirsio:;erc, is rhurat, Forld.ley, Gholson, Hook
and Iiaycr (;).
offered :-iotiort that the ;orard of orn.rioloners approve rho
transfer _. _ _ _ uilsan, u.i....Sed, to Lillie iilackt'ord of .:ufiiciert :areu for one
(1) brave in tna southeast sorn(cr of I.ot :;o. 27 in ::e:tion :,l of Cak Grevc, Cemetery.
tie fur -,Ler Fayed tint ti^.e ..ty ::lnrk uo authori.zc::! to c-aNe the properIII
trans.fcr j
OA the �$:.,?te.^; :_e':.... . A o7 et o crll oC :[.r. .:o ly CC3 �, tee.^. i.^...iOnBrr
No 549
Proceedings of Rnard of Cnmmissioner- City of Paducah Aurttst ,
Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5).
Transfer Cemetet Commissioner Gholson offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the
lot to James T.
Contract filed
Carl Marquess
Sewer connecti
Tax Exoneration y
20102 thru 20141;
Resignation of
Richard v
police report
July 1958 f/
"eminate Um.
Henry James j/
Sell :^rave in
Auchin„ Additio
Charles ;:erritt
:fell lot in Gak
Grove Cenotery
to Golan t and
Scary L. hays
Increase Llcen
l'nsyector 'Tray
transfer of the north side of Lot No. 524, Block No. 36, (9 feet wide and 20 feet deep)
in Oak Grove Cemetery from 14. L. Beasley et al to James Thomas ''dooldridge and wife,
Abbie PJooldridge, which deed is dated July 25, 1939.
He further moved that the City Clerk be authorized to make the proper transfer
on the Cemetery Register. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5).
Commissioner Gholson offered motion that the Contract and Agreement between Carl
W. Marquess and wife and the City of Paducah, dated August 9, 1958, granting permission
for the said Carl W. Marquess to connect to a city sewer situated on Hillcrest Avenue,
be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurdt,
Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5).
Commissioner Gholson offered motion that exonerations prepared and delivered by
the City Treasurer, being jr20102 through 1720141, inclusive, be received and filed, and
that the amounts of same totaling •j1,367.82 be exonerated on the tax bills shown and
designated by said exonerations. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5).
Commissioner Hook offered motion that the resignation of Richard Dickerson as a
member of the Fire Department, be received, filed and accepted, effective July 30, 1958
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and
Idayor Jacobs (5).
Commissioner Hook offered motion that the report of the police department for
the month of July, 1958, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5).
Commissioner Hook offered motion that the employment of Jilliam Henry James,
laborer in the Refuse Divisidn of the Public 'forks Department, be terminated, retro-
actively effective as of March 12, 1958. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Commissioners Fairhurst, Fondley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5).
Commissioner Hook offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the
sale by the City of Paducah to Charles Merritt of the east one-half of Lot Ho. 45 in
31ock tlo. 7 of the Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk
be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on cal
of the i:oll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook. and Nayor Jacobs (5)
Commissioner ;Hook offered motion that this Board approve the sale by the City o
Paducah to Golan :l. and Mary L. Hays of the South one-half of Lot Go. 23 in Block No. 5
of the Eausolewa Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery (20 feet x 9_; Peet) located on Bolt
Avenue between ::rooks Avenuo and Stowart: Street.
He forth.-:: i that thu City Clerk be authorized to execute a dead of convoya
to said cemotery Adopted on call. of the doll, Yeas, Coram ::ioncrs rairiiurst,
dndley, :3holson, :::o:: : nd ::,.yor J;;cobo: (5).
"o=issioner look offered notion i,i:at the travel allowance a• thu License
Inspector be increased from ;c'0.00 put- ronth to .,75.00 per month, effective July 16,
1958. Adopted on call of the :ell, leas, zomni.:acioner•:3 Fairhurst:, Fendley, Gholson,
Nook and h+ayor Jacobs (5).
No. -
Proceedings of_]n"'•i a _=o^ ione_s City of Paducah
Au^u 12. 1955
Commissioner Hook offered motion that this Board receive, approve and file
In .e s
Gilbcr, liability insurance issued by The Emplouers, Liability Assurance Corporation, Limited
Heat_r.-, to City of Paducah covering work done by Gilbert's Plumbing & Beating, Inc. for a
period of one year from July 11, 1955. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor Jacobs (5).
:.ccept bid Commissioner Fairhurst offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN
-,tional a
. KADE°, be introduced and remain on file for public inspection for at least one (1)
�week in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted
on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fairhurst, Fendley, Gholson, Hook and Mayor
Jacobs (5).
On motion the meeting adjourned.
ADOPTED August 26 1955 APPROVED / r�•y'J �; �V// �':'_;
dayor ; 'h,/2_ ✓
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