HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 54, May 25, 1954No. Proceedings of. City of Paducah ;:av 25 19'54 of the oard of Commissioners held in the Corarission r ..c1i, ..-�.aueah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P•51. on I.ay 25, 1954, :•-ayor Cherry and upon call of the .toll the following answered to their names: Cotmtissioners X JacoUc,,-:i;3s and ..ayor Cherry (5). ..ayor Cherry offered motion that the reading of the i.:inutcs for Aiay 11 and %:ay 1 , d 1954 waived and that the I•.inutes of said meetinl; as prepared by the City Clerk be app -c as written.. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Hughes, Jacobs, ,-U,Cs and :•.ayor Cherry (5). ✓ Co-rissioner !Hughes offered motion that a petition signed by 18m. H. Dawson and pVY `ryEryE others, living in the vicinity of South 10th Street near the brick yard, protesting a,;ainst the dumping of garbage at the above location, be received and filed. Adopted o call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and i•iayor Cherry (5) nater .`. CoLmissioner Jacobs offered motion that the petition of Aulmon Lovett and wife, usbaz-,- Lorene Lovett, for perr.:ission to make one 314 inch connection to the privately owned rater pipe line of the Husbands Road Community ''dater Company for the purpose of furnishiitg e:ator to one residence only upon a lot oimed by petitioners fronting 60 feet on the east side of Eusbands Road in :•;cCracker County, Kentucky, be received and filed and that the request petitioned for therein be granted subject to the terms and conditions in said petition. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and ;.—,yor Cherry (5). Jd:r .. Ccr_.:issionor Hannin offered motion that the bid of John R. Puller in the su o_' ull• ^ on c-. y , 4 ;1.80.00 for the purchase of the old gravel pit property oimed by the City and local':'. on the old railroad right-of-way near the Epperson Road, be received and filed; and } further move that said bid be accepted and the corporation Counsel prepare the necessary ordinance and deed. adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hu;;hes, Jacobs, Rigs and b:ayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Fannin offered r_otion that the Board of Commissioners receive, _"ile C.. approve liability insurance policies issued by The Fidelity and Casualty Company of York, protecting the City with respect to work done by Id. B. Anderson £or a period ;car _ren.: ;ay >4, 1954, and James L. C'ooldridgo for a period of one year from on call of the :toll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Hughes, .�_ .. .c' ,.,c'r'y (5)• L' -. rin o=frre-d motion that the letter from J. t:. Standficld, I.ar'.:et b;a rLceivcd and filed. Adopted on call of tit:,; :coil, Yea--, :, Jacck.;;, ai;,c and 174ayor Cherry (5)1 o;;!or', ,:^<at the Board of Comrti.ssioncro recti, and ..:,-t .int of Taylor Real Eata..o Cc.::pany, :no. 1.500 ;,allon fu 1 oil tank beneath the a:doa1'.; on '.'a for : uil . t. proporty, "Wopted on call of the, .. y Jac,. _... - Myron L6aycr, Chais<atart Ona -way atx: :.raffic No. --- -. _. - -- -- ---.. Proceedings of City of Paducah -:t' 2:.,_'s; _ mad Refuse I Commissioner Rigs offered motion that the chock in the amount of •,'.2.40 from the Accounts ,/ collected Paducah !later '.'forks which represents bad refuse accounts collected during April 1954, ba turned over to the City Treasurer to be deposited to the ,general fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comsissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Ri.,gs and :ayor Cherry (5) request bids Com„iissioner Hannin offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A R,ESOLUTIO1I Asphalt tf cEQUESTIiIG THE CITY 1•iA11AGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE CITY'S )UIX_ 'T OF ASPHALT FOR THE YEAR 1954 (APPROXI1.:AT3LY 20 TO 30 CARLOADS) TO BE USED - TI; STREET CONSTRUCTIOII t10RKII, be aliopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, i Commissioners Hannin, Hushes, Jacobs, Ri,,^,gs qnd idayor Cherry (5). Request bids of Commissioner Hughes offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RiiSOLUTIOH Limestone �I I: REQUESTII.7G THE CITY i•aHAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE CITY'S REQUIREI•.EGT OF LD-:ESTONE FOR THE YEAR 1954 (APPROXIiiATELY 5000 TO $000 TONS) TO BE USED I7: STREET CONSTRUCTION WORK", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Riggs and Mayor Cherry (5). D. Clarence �1Commissioner Riggs offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUT10i; ikon a Lee ,✓ 'D?- old Rep/ AUTHORIZING D. CLARENCE IYILSOI? AND LEE POYIELL AS REPRESEi7TA^_IVliS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, city on IIi/,� School -Ins- KENTUCKY Ii' CERTAIN MATTERS PERTAIi7I1IG TO THE CONTRACT 3E7.JTS:1-, THE CITY AND ALGER17011 u^ance polices; BLAIn, INC. FOR THE COUSTRUCTI0i1 Or THE 1tE1.1 PADUCAIi HIGII SCHOOL BUILDING", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hughes, Jacobs, Rigs and 1-ayor Cherry (5). Request bids :ayor Cherry offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION resurface 67 blocks of Sts AUTHORIZING THE CITY IMAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR 13IDS FOR RESURFACING SIXTY-SEV3i: (67) BLOCKS, OR A LESSER 1NI•3.ER OF BLOCKS, OF VARIOUS STREETS III THE CITY Of' PADUCAH, KE1'UCKY, INCLUDING THE RAISING AED RESETTING OF I•IAI HOLES, CATCH B11SI14S AND Io0111Ui• i:TStt, BE adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Hannin, Hur.hes, Jacobs, Ri�;;;s and ::ayor Cherry (5). :oulc'vards II CoLuaissioner Hu; hes offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A17 O:tDI1:AI:CE 'lariou3 1_1 II n. `_i:DIKG SECTION 2 OF Ail ORDIiIAi10E ENTITLED: 'Ab1 ORDII7AT:C5 FI Si1G TEE 71I10,11T OF WAY F0 C T2A^FIC AT VARIOUS I1MMSECTIMS III THIS CITY OF PADUCAH A -11D TOR THE 'rIOLATI0:7 TNER 0 ', 1,8fICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF CO,-IJS:iIO::a iS C:. J :'.:UP,RY 15, 1952 Oi; JULY £, 195211, be adopted. Adopted on call oi' the Roll, Yeas, Co::..issionors Hannin, HuC.hos, Jacobs, 3igcz and 1:ayor Cherry (5). :ioneww t.orey Cc: ::'e::' ::,L -;los offered motion that an ordinance entitled: nAi7 ORDINANCL _... ...._ i:AYOR AND CITY '...:'.1S? 30 BOTLZU.-I LOT :;XCEL'UIM, Tii3 SU7: :0.CO) 10LL4L,'S :'G iiL ;; ... '1T OF THE CITY O' PADUCAI' .... (:.., 0- Q _., "'C . ._.. _ ? .. G . r'. _ :'0_: 1-Ij 0:; - , .. .- . ....-. .. , .. ..:!OI:Gil Call G...' .,.. , :0,1l, I ,:Jrr (7). ._ ✓ _ _ ... .. ... ..., 'hat an OS it.: lnCe Gilti tl;:.. Proceedings City f P�d.c.h i. Co.-,•imis sti on 2 o,'Zareul motion that an ordinance entitle(! - .- .1 0 FOUIZTFI ST12EET SOUTI OF L'—u z (Y. 0 A -'U–'L OIL 2,171i: TO SERTZ THE TAYLOR DUILIM"G, AND FURTII–'.. SAID FOR HOUSING OF SAID MAO', be 2— on call of the Roll, Yca3, Coliurissionorc Elannin, llu�hos, Jacobs, a. 0.1 offered zotion that the petition signed by Peters 1.1'otor Colapany zM:, ocher business people on Broadway between 7th Street and 17th Street and on J z, z o n Street between 1st Street and 17th Street requesting that the City elil:iinatc ono -way traffic on these streets, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Rol.*,, -,ea5, Cormizzionirs Tannin, HuZhes, Jacobs, "Ug,gs and 14ayor Cherry (5). On motion the Lien -ins adjourned. —4, Ly�— I-aor el, 1954 amity Clerl: