HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 500, March 1, 1958Pncaedlogsof =o^.rd of ------ - City of Paducah_ __
7icetin of the Board of CaLmissioners held in t..e Commission
r of the City all, Paducah, Kentucky, at 800 A.11. on ::arch 1, 1958, Vayor
presided and upon call of the Roll the followinZ answered to their names:
_.: ,ndley, Gholson, Hoo': and ;:ayor Jacobs (Lr), Comnissioner Fairhurst
- Jacobs offered notion that the reading of the iiinutos for February
15 and February 19, 1956 be waived and that the 1.7inutes of said i'.eetin�s as prepared
by -.ho City Clerl: be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
_ssioners Fendley, Gholson, Hoole and 1 ayor Jacobs (1,),
Jor..missioner Hool: offered motion that the petition signed by J. W. Ankerson
o;:.crs and the report of the Director of Public :'forks concernirVr the amount of
:or': to be done and the cost of ;;raveling alley on south side of ;roam Street, be
p received and filed; he further moved that said iraorovement be placed on the wort:
proZran. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson, Hook
or Jacobs (1>).
r * ✓ Conmissioner 1:oo'.: offered motion that the petition signod by Walter Thornton
ot•':z.v, rocuectinC 'chat Jarrett Street be ditched on both sides of street and
rr.•_th bite roc': and oil tozether with a report from the Director of Public
tae :ror:; recnxired and the cost of same, be received and filed; He
co^od -,t this improvement be placed on the work pro[;ram of the Public 1ox'a
::doptod on call of the Poll, Teas, Commissioners Fendley, Gholson,
Jacobs (1r),
,ormissioner Fendley offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive,
_,prove Certificate of Insurance issued by:icw Amsterdam Jasualty Company to
et al, ao'_ ,: Business as J. Smith, Estate, covering property
'a :dray. ::d.opted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
.:oo': a:. ayor Jacobs
_Y the f ollowinl, be received, iilcd quid
:a.-,tcrdcun Jasualty Company covarin;;
a perl.o:l. o" ut , y_,,.. r:, January 1, 1958. Adopted on
o^= dley, .^:holson, I;oo:: and ::ayor Jacobi
hat the :;oar�d�o= Co::L: onor: approve
:.n•er of thcNa�c Lot "o. Is�
^o: 'erietcr , he C `,
Proceed;ngs of •City of Paducah
.'.cccT)t bic!
:al 'lorry
No i -)l
7. '2! 0
n c c 1: o ;',Ir C,. 2 C'- Ur 0C,. ac'_.
:1C :zovo !_.-i .:-ccoL;n,_'t-.,on o.' loocl b:i71% I
co ',-,o o-' the cit'�.zon_- of this coranli'Iit:' t'la",
'.)z,,tron,,Zc of th-n1c, fine cr_1C---1^-1. adopted 0.1 call 0
3 '=(icy, G':olson, :'ook and :Iayor Jacobs 00.
Comdaico:'o,ic-11_1c �Iicy o"f�-.rcCi motion that the 'olloi,1:'.,,-3 bids for the constr"-c-
.,-..,on of Southside �ln!:icntary School be uoc6ivcd and filod:
John Cacz:;dy Constructioa:Conrpany
Loslic :'cast
Harpnor .' Gray
?.al Perry
.'_0.0-otceon call of the lZoll, 1'eao' .. Com-m-loGionors 70ndloy' C;holcon' 1100' Jacobi
Commissioner Fendl8y offered motion that the letter o.^ Fobruary 2'., 1.111>'"
:'ro.-.i 7,thel 1•:. Stmr)e7, Secretary of the noo-d of :,ducation of City o_'
addressed to the 7 ' a
yor and board of Commissioners, containin_- a copy of a motion
reco.nniendiln,- the, tho City accept tlic b --',d of 11al Perry for the construction of the
Southside Elementary School be received and filed. Adopted on call of the 'oll'
Ycas, Co-Lmissionors rondley, Gholson, Hook, and ..ayor Jacobs
Commissioner Fendley offered motion t'iat an orGinancc
.'.CCP 1::C TMEr 31D OF 11.'4L MRMY P01 TIC CM-STRUCTIO.: OF T= SCIM'7.,To '.1-:: .'_'A
1PADT"CJ%H' KE7''UC;:_' 'to :1A BY TIM, 13SUATICE OF CITE 011'' T.' -W "Ll"12 y
7C',:1DS; ATJT:O^ 'MCUTIO" 0' .1 (OeMACT AiM P201JIDI:.-C. T!:t; A—)
G'OiTDITIO:IS 0-7 SAY:V1, be introduced and remain on file for at least one (1) unci: -'or
nablic inspection in the completed fort:: in which it nhall be put unon itz, ,wissazo,
Wonted on call o:* the Poll, _ear, ',ounirf.ionors Fondloy, Gholson, flool: and :.ayor Jacob;
C- the rlootin!, adjourned.