HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 23, Page 370, January 15, 1957Proceedings of ^,n^`; ss; onerfi City of Paducah i•,mt r • l i q 7 ".le -tin- of t';e Aoord of Con+-i.ssi oners held in the Com,,i s! ; nn ^hA- of tun Cit;• i4a11, Pad,tra`•, Kantaick at. 7•31n:T.+. on .Tanner,• 15, 1A57 nr ,.•,robs nr sidod Ind vnnn callof t' -n Roll the foll.<nnnswr d to t.h.,ir n­s- r,sione.rs Clark, Lrll • , :cF3ni de, Trevnt'nnn dna bin: or -T--no's (1)). "n••or Jacobs offered motion that the re2d'in^ of the Minutes for .Tanner; r�51 hn wni••nd and thnt two T•iinntes of said maet;n^ as nrennred h.. tl e Crit^ Merl, he. ern-o,rnd ns vmi.tl-n. ^donned on call o -".the Roll, Yeas, Co-m-ssionnrs Clark, Lnll:-, ride, Tr -v,,+ -.'-,n and Jia: -or, Jacobs (5), ^n'J Co--issioner Clark offered the .following motion: I move that the neti.tion � si^ned b;• Jack Pott�-erinq, 213 North 38th Street, and others in that vi.cinit­, re^hast_ Aei+?nga T,?ne B in^ tun cjooneni.n-' and clennin^ out. of ditch on soiithside of elle;! between 38th Strer_+r. and ', .rosy T.nne, from the no t.',.wpst. corner of nropert; line back of 1L.0 T-U70sa Line and t.hn soiithwes+, corner nrnnert,�• line hack of 215 North 38th, so rhe`. flood waters ,•rill drain east to Friedman, he received and filed: I .further move ti,at. this imnrove^.nn he nlaced on the work nro-ra7, Adonted on call of the Roll, veas, Co--issinners II Clark, T.all_, iic2ride, Trn.•atha,n and L7,:-nr Ja.cohs (5), i`i nn •/�% dommissioner T,all:- offered the fol.l.ovrin- moti.nn: T move 1-1,,t the netition ri sh 4th Si-71-dh T ns. tienshel. dish, 414 T'cKi.nle-- Street, and others in that i.ci.nit:•, re- n"d g ns+i.n^ r!e-rndin- and of r11e•• ninnin^ nlrallel with 11th Street. from 9p ? r (ln1P • snnth, +n;•a^rd Broad Street, he received and filed: I further * o,,e that, tui s �i imnrorn^'en-. :,e n1 -aced on the•work nro^ram. Monted on ca1-1 of the Roll. Yens. ^ Commissioners Clark, T, 11 11cBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5). Com-issinner 1,c9ri-de offered the folJovrin^ motion: I move that the petit. Inn 0. F. Tin.ncock 1• Son, 1035 Monrne, and others in tti,at •.icinit,•, rpnn?sti-n- a11 ,-e di`.ched for dra;na-a fro- Loth to 110, on t.Tnnroe, hn rncni.ved and filed! ^' bar ^n••a . ha* this i.mnrovoz.nnt wn nl aced on :-he work nrol-rn^,. idnntod nn c'. 11 -hn i%r,�l, 7eag, Co^'"i.ssi.nners Clark, Lnll-, T•icRride., Trov.nt.'nnn nttd t:a'•or .Teen' -s (5) ^ Cnm-issi.nnar CInrk offered-.otion runt the res'hnat.ion of Rliznher' '9- -. C7ar'r_*.:-n;s, ;r t' -p. Finnnre Dnnart•^ent of the Cit-, or Pndnrnh, offnrti,re 23, 1rt57, ^a ^eneived, filed -d nrcantnd. ndont,,d or call. of rhe Roll., / r. nvnrc :.a n. ia.11 '',."ride. Trnv7«1-nn and Tdr-nr J cogs (5), - ✓' - d•t nnr,>• �`ln�k nffernd roti,on that, the Board of Co-^'issinnrrs rnen;••n, d:. .nr, r. ;r;.•ate or T,mtnanre i-ssued b•• New Amstarrn^ C. 'I r. n-.^ 1. 1957! Qortirir2tn n," Tn�,rrancn T.nren R. Joins and r,-e�ndnr-,h ...,.... - r. r .r. q, ,'.. •n it �, 1Q57 rod elan Rnnrl of r.n ^a;ri ;j „ .., ,gin., n :•s, n ,. ri .,i .T -r, ,tnr:. r, 101,7. a. dont.a:i .,, ...,11n'^ « t'rn•,.,, ,..,n .end . •, n, L,, ,. . i , -� .. '"a .. . nn i .. n•,i nr ,nr•+,i Sfii nnerc ,•,, No 171 Pioceedingsof nn^^ti:or jIo-i ss'-nnprs City of Peducah Joni -r- 15, 1ci57 pd rrn^ onmmiccinnpr T,nll nffered -tine `hat t' -p dp-d rintnri O,n nhpr 5, 1054, Prom v^r1nC•+'r Trp T•'^nllf^rY.nri_n (;0^nn m- to ttip Ut,:- of P',cl,wn'• Fnntnr,-•-,qhs q'^ heg he -n recorded in Deed Boo" 39o, n,a-e 110, L'cCrrtclrnn Cnl,nt; Cnnrt Clprlr,s n ripn, - - recp;(i ^nd f'i l nd, ". In^tnn .pd m-11 of t$ e Roll v -„s 11nM-; a., nnnrs nl ^r'., T.^Tl _- Ar;. do ^•r- ^t, •-, n'rl L• nr .Tr.Cn'�s (51 , , .., G;..n-:., .. •t 'ss;nn r ;-.lrA .d.- n -pr -d ,.ntinn t}.nt t,-- let.tpr of nsn.^r H, P-1-19-0., Citr- Trp s,lrpr, d .tpd i n_•?_r,- IL, 1957 ^ddressed to Lln -d C, R^.er^, rer.^•^^errli n- r' r r' e :i. •est ojj,.,nnq.nn ni its ,3.n'dIn^ [5md in 2nD nnn,nn pr Series "J„ United S*ntnn Bonds, Ire rec-i�-d ..rd filed. Adn-ted on n^,l.l of t' -e Roll, Yp^s, N,:-ss;n.,prs r3nr'r, T,,11..� P-73ridp, Trn. .th^n .rd t:T^:.nr .T^cnhs (51, pr` s Cam i.sg;n..-r ffpr nd"..nti.on +,,t, the e_ ae rs;.-n".r.+n:,, "n•• ^ri r.. � r•nRr; de e f) 106' rp Tl— I' np .neer' Wrist- ^ -7'— of + .e n^d..r."'.l Fire n-nnrt'm,-nt, n'pf'enr;.. T n.,^..�. 9 1n5• e r p -i.: -d, fi'pd ^r(T cprtpd, !.(!opted on ^,ll of the Roll, "nnn, fpm-,iss,r•nnrs iii Clark, Lail-, McBride, Trevathan and Mayor Jacobs (5)• Sell grave in Commissioner Trevathan offered motion that the Board of Commissioners anprovn Rus`:ing Add i iarguerite 'i the sale b•- Vin Ci.t.,, of Pid,icah to 7•lar!-u-ritn Prnrilev of r,he ,vast onn-half of. Tot T'o, Bradley 25 in Plock Uo. 7 of tlln R,lsbinm Addition to Cal: "!rove Cpmptprlr, and that the City Clpl i be authorised to eYecnte a deed of eonvp"ante to sai,i c-m-t-TMr -Avn, Adont• ed on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Clark. 'L,;A1•-, T cRri dn, T,' vathan and Ma: -o1• .Tnno Letter Retail Commi.ssion-r Trevathan offered -otinn that the letter dated Jnnitar,r 8, 1057 V"e-phnn St T14hts from Tom ;fil.son, Prpstdent of the Retnil ii-rchants Association, thankin^ the Bonrd for the installation of the npa li.,lit s on Broadwa;-, be recpi v -d and filers. Adontorl on call of tan Roll, Ypas, Commissioners 61ark, Lal.l-r. i4n.Bridp, Trpvathan and 7-In-or,Ta(, 1,S (5), R -port Pol.ir.- Cornissi.on-r Trnvath,n offprod motion that. the '-Dort of the nnlicn dnnart nrr. Lent i^n^onerl� nn -kin^ -tr. >/nn 4mnron-r narking and drunk under the wli-1 for thn n,;riod nndin- ,Tam,ar^ 1),, 101'?, he -c-ivnd and filed. Adontpd on ra11 of th- Roll. Y -.,r,, Com•^issinnn*w Cl -1 b;rRri in, Trnvnth 7. and, ida,•nr .TIcnhs (5). lov-,t .or-issinn-r'('revathnn offered motion that an ordinatice nnt.itled: "Aid ORDTNt T'( ,,1•;,i•• .'a�YiiC'5-%- .. ,:TTY i.l?AfAORR. M40 THE (:TT'i 'P�l ,l1it L,.'. '�'n T ;;iT ,,^!Tfi;" 9'I;F; SHR T,nS ACCt aTITj:. i P E -r' •', .p7', , 'NIND OF THE CTTY n;: T-- i fi + ,T .,., . F7 �. 0'r' FiH:D, 1'i1? ;'f: C:, .,11,1•.,nnn,00 T;1 .,;a, , q'[Z !I C';; !Ca Jr.,DTTIONS UPO" J ri „ ''T suinn+:.nr. `-dont.-d on rn11 of th- Roll, Yeas, Clark. Tr,l i ;'ri}r;dn, C•a - r, ,-tin- ndionrnpd ^1'PnOVFD Lam: